ZINO ā ZINO particle physics is the other end of the intellectual continuum. A Margaret MEAD application string from string theory physics connects the 2 ends of the continuum. Thus a million years of the anthropology nuclear family of skull particle proton, neutron, and electron evolution -> their atomic expression via biological brain format with the development of social awareness and self-awareness. Thus before:
ZINJAN ----------> string continuum -----------> ZINO (millions of years)
The High Energy Physics Margaret MEAD component atomic anthropology mission identifier is extra Z -> Project Plan Z.
Thus SUPER HIGH Z -> 2-legged walking Margaret Mead life and the INTERNET computer messages in double-speak format:
- (SUPER) rare decays of an extra āZā BOSON via Higgs boson e MISSION Bogolyubov Lab of Theoretical Physics at Du DNA -> Du = Double word atomic DNA -> the parallel / double Margaret Mead.