PROJECT PLAN Z - The INVERSE Universe Physicists have written about this using various descriptions such as:
- Parallel processing universes (events on planet EARTH)
- Mirrors and tricks
- Alternate universes or alternative method/ route/ philosophy
Conceptually the INVERSE Universe is similar. Thus the INVERSE Universe runs like a parallel to the traditional Universe as perceived by most. An example of the TIME mirror or inverse would be the 24 hour clock -> 24 mirror 42 -> and this is the existence of TIMES SQUARE 42nd Street Manhattan astrophysics surface area of real time -> T 2 = Base 4 EXP 2 = Base 16 hexadecimal TIME.
- Galileo the DEFENDER of Planet Earth
Year 1616 is a milestone in astronomy. The evolution of space/ time life components resulted in Base 16 hexadecimal SPACE and Base 16 hexadecimal TIME. Year 16 16 -> BASE 16 space and BASE 16 time.
The astronomy/ astrophysics galactic computer systems project started around year 1610. The war that begun continues in year 2009. The 400 year GALILEO ASTRONOMY WAR is a well-kept secret.
The project convergence completion date was computed using YEAR 16 16 -> 16 x 16 = Year 256 which is to link with the Hawking/Gibbons astrophysics parallel processing EVENT HORIZON Year 256 = the exponent TIME WORLD year 2008 = Base 2 EXP 008 = Year 256.
- Symbolic ORIGIN of the UNIVERSE
Before solids, gravity, and electromagnetic waves existed, before the BIG BANG -> we assume an axiom (Schopenhauer) -> that a symbolic universe of thought , will, and idea existed and wished to express itself in a new media -> thus the BIG BANG and new dimensions of visible, tangible expressions -> such as solid-state physics, interaction of gravity with mass, electromagnetic life in biological EMbassy format.
The mathematical creation of physical existence has a few components; one is the Galileo Hexadecimal Base 16 construct. Organizations affected by the COMPUTER EARTH Galileo WAR include the Federal Aviation Administration -> accident HEX ‘FAA' = F x 16E exp 2 + A x 16 Exp 1 + A x 16 Exp 0 (base 16).
-> The symbolic English vowel system: A E I O U gives access to the galactic computer -> Input/Output Universe.
- The galactic system 370 social engineering project plan identifiers ->
- Vowel A -> America geographic location
- Vowel E -> E pluri BUS unum (the GREAT SEAL)
- Data BUS to the universe system 370
- Vowel I -> Input data
- Vowel O -> Output data
- Vowel U -> other sides of the multi-faceted Universe