British Astronomy and the cannibal galaxy attack on PRIME MINISTER Margaret Thatcher - the Astronomy War on Battlefield EARTH
Great Britian is the SOLAR SYSTEM government....Local Region(Planet Earth) agent.
Thus British science, math, astronomy, and astrophysics are to properly and fairly represent SOLAR SYSTEM government policy on EARTH LAB. However, the British have adapted an arrogant, elite attitude and so do not communicate properly to others that are aware of the structure of Sartre existential dimensions. George Orwell warned the British about their biased propaganda news reports; that are incomplete explanations of REAL situations.
Some of these dimensions were outlined around year 1950 by the French philosopher...who wrote indirect language style....about
Base 16 Hex'F' =15 data re =record....known as
the Computer Earth base 16 HEX'F' --> French
--> F + re + nc + h = 15 (data) record numerical control hex .
Thus we have the Base 16 Hexadecimal picture of Europe CODE:
--> The Schrodinger physics CAT has 9 lives (with base 10 = Ten= Tensor space/time life).
--> base 16 countries are:
HEX'A' = 10 = Austria
Hex'A' = 10 = Anglo-Saxon country Great Britian
HEX'B' = 11 = Britsh ISLANDS eu.ROPE string theory
HEX'B' = 11 = Belgium of main eu.ROPE string theory
Hex'C' = 12 = Czechoslovikia
Hex'C' = 12 = Copenhagen Niels Bohr Institute
Hex'C' = 12 = Cope..atomic brain COMA
HEX'D' = 13 = Denmark
Hex'E' = 14 = England
Hex'F' = 15 = France
HEX'G' = Base 16 --> G = Universal gravitational constant HOST processor for subset comatose humans that walk on the surface of EARTH LAB.
Thus G = Gravity is one of many component expressions of GOD ...and
physics books like 'The GOD Particle', 'Facts and Mysteries of Elementary Particle Physics', and other books
explain that the GOD North America equation is:
G + O + D NA ==> (base 16 =) G + Oxygen atomic computer + DNA --> Design Destiny Decision socvial experiments in North America ....thus position 3 of the Word GOD and his physical and symbolic expressions ...all denied by OX=Oxygen breathing entites that study at Ox = Oxygen LUNG university --> Oxford, England with bio-computer LU = Logical Unit --> LUNG.
Europe has already lost the COMPUTER EARTH system 370 SCIENCE WARS..they have denied the existence of substantial area of the REALITY of EARTH LAB. British have failed to communicate violation of the Galileo Base 16 military treaties of year 1616 ...and binding upon all intellectuals. The 400 year astronomy war started around year 1610...and in year 1616 ...was titled: Galileo the DEFENDER (of EARTH from the attacks).
Margaret Thatcher was Prime Minister of Great Britain from 1979 thru 1990.
In 1982 the Base 16 HEX'FA" = 250 Islands Computer Earth WAR
In 1985 Davis H.Clark wrote the book " The Quest for SS433". On page 194 and 195 he mentions his concern about the astronomy WAR for control of EARTH.....
as the object known as the cannibal galaxy was recognized ( eat brain memeory to cause Alzheimer's )
Warning Sentence to British citizens in the Base 16 WAR ZONE (see Galileo the DEFENDER of Earth) is on page 194 below Figure 9.6.
--> "Galactic cannibalism is the favored origin of the material consumed by the central powerhouse of the active galaxies....."
Thus as the cannibal galaxy from 1985 permeates the SOLAR SYSTEM and its planets....
eventually it reached and enveloped PLANET EARTH.....
we see the increase in Alzheimer's and other disease like...breast the force fields/nasty attributes/catastrophe characteristics attack people
...people that need a symbol defense... in their central nervous system 370 abstract brain symbolic computer.
The Royal Astronomical Society and their university friends will not discuss the project:
Galileo the DEFENDER (of Earth) from the cannibal galaxy attack.
--> "Galactic cannibalism is the favored origin of the material consumed by the central powerhouse of the active galaxies....."
Thus we see the WORD COMMANDS in action..using the algebra subset math/English symbols attack on a PRIME example of the war...Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. WHO is next? Your mother...your grandmother? British citizens don't care abvout such trival matters of daily life and problems.
Thus we partition the sentence for analysis:
-->--> "Galactic cannibalism is the favored origin
SUBSET: Gal (female) eating brain menory is the favored
--> of the material consumed by the CENTRAL
SUBSET......mate (parallel) consume CENTRAL Nervous system memory
--> powerhouse of the active galaxies....."
SUBSET: Powerhouse gal = active Prime Minister
...Power House = Political power..the Congress/House/Parliament
Thus the CANNIBAL galaxy also affect North America English language brain symbolic computers;
hence, the increase in the Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology (atomic brain)
HEAD HUNTERS...brain computer subroutines that eat memory.
Brookhaven Labs is a pioneer in Alzheimer's atomic brain secrets with the experimental human sacrifice of Raymond Davis, JR the NObel prize winner. Lewis Carroll in year 1865..wrote about the human guinea-pigs....and consquently...generations later we have the Raymond Davis, JR test data ..supporting the EARTH LAB theories of social science experiments described in: Thru the Looking Glass and Alice in Wonderland.
If Brookhaven or other scientists communicated curosity about this problem , then I would give them a more positive score about their concern ...of the Margaret Mead atomic brain messages .... ...and the SCIENCE WARS. I suspect they have been (like myself for many years) hypnotized by the television/newspaper incomplete explanations of world events...a situation mentioned by many authors: George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, Rudolf Carnap, etc.
Thus the Royal Astronomical Society may someday wish to "HELP" with understanding the details of the cannibal galaxy affects upon EARTH life and the cannibal galaxy effects on the Margaret Thatcher human brain computer. It is a complex situation......I have presented a simple outline of the problem.
Perhaps I don't understand the STANDARD MODEL bio-physics Hierarchy Problem of snobs. Are the royal brain cells of ROYAL Astronomers so elite...that they can't be bothered with the Prime Ministers brain cell war. British Astronomy in year 2011 has the same elitist attitude that the Church had towards Galileo in yaer 1632.
The Beattles music group sent a SIGNAL called "HELP" from the Liverpool....representing the Carl Jung collective unconsciouness of scientists at the University of Liverpool. The world has ignored that subtle signal...consequently we have ....since 1990 ... the SCIENCE WARS and casualties.
Galileo the DEFENDER (of Planet Earth from the alien astronomy - thought brain invaders)
Year 1616 is a milestone in astronomy. The evolution of space/time life components resulted in Base 16 hexadecimal SPACE and Base 16 hexadecimal TIME.
Year 1616 --> BASE 16 space and BASE 16 time.
Around year 1600 and William Shakespeare wrote
....." The WORLD is a stage and we are the players" ... or restated
....." The WORLD is a galactic theater and we (astronomy professors and others) are the players".
The EARTH LAB Base 16 computational project started in year 1600; the astronomy/ astrophysics galactic computer systems project started in year 1610. In year 1616 the galactic computer system project was titled: GALILEO the DEFENDER in honor of his position as an intellectual military general in the MILKY WAY galactic WAR. The astronomy war that began around year 1610 continues to this day in year 2010. The 400 year GALILEO ASTRONOMY WAR is a well-kept secret. Now astronomy intellectual warriors are needed. Amateur astronomy individuals, astrophysics students, and science professors are needed to provide the new leadership and vigor to complete this project.
The GALILEO the DEFENDER (of Earth) project has a project convergence completion date computed using YEAR 1616 --> 16 x 16 = YEAR 256.
Hexadecimal year 256 is the link to the Hawking/ Gibbons astrophysics parallel processing EVENT HORIZON year 256 --> the exponent TIME WORLD year 2008 --> Base 2 exponent 008 = Year 256 at Cambridge --> which is a CAD/ CAM bridge to the galactic computer system 370.
CAD = Computer Aided Design
CAM = Computer Aided Man with humanoid symbolic brain specimens at Cambridge, England and Cambridge, Massachusetts and the Hubble(ton) astronomy project near Cambridge, Wisconsin.
The CAM.bridge Y 2 K ERROR is known as the K ERROR (K ERR in Hawking/Gibbons astrophysics terminology suggests the KERR metric looking for a Y 2K solution). Specifically, the CAM.bridge communications BRIDGE needs to handle a 2K data stream to the GALILEO computer system 370 Base 16 HEX SPACE and Base 16 HEX TIME --> the EVEN math integer EVENT HORIZON data processing region. Theorists interested in seeking the astrophysics local region (PLANET EARTH) KERR solution to the EARTH problem will find the empirical data and the preliminary GALILEO model useful.
In addition, math and physics professors can help the ODD integer humanoid agent: Fermilb director Pier ....who seems to be trapped in the the ODD integer math space contolled by the math GODDESS ....whose dominion is the
.ODD numbers one, three, five, seven, 9, SKU11..... not responded to Einstein's Special Theory of atomic bio-physics relatives .....Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology life at Batavia, Illinois, USA. Math social/work life is not written about; but now you know another dimension of human existence.
The universities have ignored the Y2K standard protocols since YEAR 2000; consequently KERR errors and other errors have occured. Astronomy and astrophysics graduate students and professors have an opportunity to help me explain to the world this galactic phenomena; how it affects EARTH and our personnal future.
As one philosophically reflects upon the 400 year astronomy war, one must think of the project title: GALILEO the DEFENDER.
Then one must ask the questions:
1) Defender of what --> what situation or circumstance?
2) Defender implies that there was an invasion of some type.
3) Since Galileo was engaged in SOLAR SYSTEM research, then perhaps he detected the type/format of the invaders . . . and he was then told to be quiet and kept under house arrest.
4) If an invasion took place, what format were the invaders.
The invadors would not be a directly visible physical biological entity.
Hence,alternative format/types such as: EM = Electromagnetc life forms that would enter via the eye and take over the optical nerve, brain optical computer system --> and thus eventually control thoughts (hence possible incomplete or alien thoughts). Thus a physically normal looking 2-legged person would have these EM life forms implanted in their social behavior brain optical circuits.
A second method could be gravitational life forms that interact with the atomic mass in the biological brain. The gravitational life would eventually take over the brain's social perceptions. The amount of data from 50 years of television shows provide many clues to this modifying process of brain perceptions. The authors of books like 1984,BRAVE NEW WORLD, and FUTURE SHOCK have raised their suspicions.
Hence, GALILEO the DEFENDER of EARTH becomes a very possible situation; a link between social science and astrophysics that university professors ought clarify in year 2010.
Thus the hidden messages -->
Doublespeak - The term doublespeak was coined in the 1950s. Inspired by George Orwell's 1949 dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, after the fashion of "doublethink. ...
The hidden message of Doublespeak:
1st message is at face value --> UK Non-resident Alien, tax treaties and 8833 forms used by the British economic system
tax treaties --> algebra subset symbols --> ax eat --> axon eaters --> the Margaret Thatcher brain axon eaters that ate her memory. The government SECRET treaty of eat with bio-computer cannibal subroutines .... AL --> Alzheimer's and aliens eat brain ideas. .... also known as Margarte Mead atomic bio-physics HEAD HUNTERS inside the brain.
2nd message per Doublespeak --> many British citizen brain computers have BRAIN alien format 8833
from the Carl Jung collective unconsciousness of the British people. This then affects leadership.... like Margaret Thatcher's problem with Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology .....the atomic brain memory HEAD HUNTERS inside the skull. Consequently, a factor in the Alzheimer's problem.
Raymond Davis, JR the NOBEL scientist fought a heroic battle with cortex cannibals....and his Brookhaven nuclear brain radio neurotransmitters transmitted some empircal data on how Alzheimer's HEAD Hunters work within the atomic brain computer terminal...the brain computer screen and its menu of for thought for cannibal subroutines.
Brookhaven has yet to acknowledge the existence of Margaret Mead atomic nuclear anthropology and the atomic brain. Atoms are the origin of thought in the brain ....but that is an unorthodox theory.
CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER
Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134,USA
Keywords can be used on INTERNET Google/etc:
-Herb Zinser's biochemistry
-Herb Zinser's physics
-Science wars math
Galileo base 16 battle reports - the modern astronomy WAR
BASE 16 Galileo the DEFENDER (of Planet Earth)
Year 1616 is a milestone in astronomy. The evolution of space/time life components resulted in Base 16 hexadecimal SPACE and Base 16 hexadecimal TIME.
Year 1616 --> BASE 16 space and BASE 16 time.
The BASE 16 project started in year 1600; the astronomy/ astrophysics galactic computer systems project started in year 1610. In year 1616 the galactic computer system project was titled: GALILEO the DEFENDER (of Earth) in honor of his position as an intellectual military general in the MILKY WAY galactic WAR. The BASE 16 ...400 year astronomy war that began around year 1610 continues to this day in year 2011.
--> Virginia TECH university .....astronomy SHOOTING STAR .....
the computer earth HEX/curse demo of APRIL 16...a demonstration for the English language editors and writers of astronomy and astrophysics science articles, textbooks, magazines, newspapers.. ...and also English speaking television science shows. Their articles are incomplete.....only explain 1/2 of the EARTH LAB universe stated by Galileo in year 1632 with the book:
2 Chief World Systems--> an astronomy message repeated with
2 Chief World Trade Center TOWERS ....the base 2 binary Earth LAB system 370 tragic event of Sept 11, 2001.
Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems - Wikipedia, the ...
twin towers dialogue
Base 16 battle Area: 16 acres (6 ha)
--> the EARTH LAB...Earth Atlas battle in Milwaukee at S. 16th Street at Atlas (data bus) BUS Sales party and the shooting death of Jake Gerard.....known in astrophysics gravity life humanoid format as
Jake G --> Gravity
Jake G = universal graviational constant city laws of Nature
..... .G ... un .....the shooting gun is a tool used in the gravity WAR on EARTH. The University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee refuses to discuss the gravity societal problem....
a GRAVE situation...that requires recognition by serious, responsible thinkers.
Perhaps other .....more advanced universities ....have professors that are curious about the existence of the gravity GRAVE relationship?
--> The University of Cambridge, England has math, astronomy, and astrophysics intellectual COWBOYS at the WEST ROAD with the DAMTP theorists and researcher detection instruments.
Nature's EARTH LAB parallel processing region is the TEXAS cowboys and WESTERN region...with the Western style shoot-out at Fort Hood. Thus the galactic military version of DARPA...and its advanced astrophysics projects WAR --> the military message processing battle at Fort (Earth Lab) Hood.
Thus the astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Earth Lab) parallel processing battle as hypnotized intellectuals live in the COMA cluster (the hidden coma....symbolic brain ...STATE of MIND).
.....Texas is known as the LONE STAR STATE in geography
.....Texas is known as the LONE shooting STAR astronomy subliminal mind circles.
The single/lone FORT (Earth Lab Hood) HOOD galactic biochemistry humanoid messenger ...MAJOR EARTH message for the WEST ROAD intellectual cowboys. Can they be bothered with EARTH reality event communication SIGNALS? Bertrand Russell, Aldous Huxley, George Orwell and others have sent symbolic warning SIGNALS....but university officials ignore these intellectual WAR signals.
Thus Fort Hood data processing EARTH LAB region:
....ARMY BASE 2 binary systems data processing
....ARMY BASE 16 oxygen/LUNG atomic hexadecimal computer
Below, oxygen atomic shells expressed their thoughts with bullet shells at FORT LAB HOOD via the oxygen message delivery system known as humanoid with LUNGS.
Oxygen Base 16 hex existence is denied by OXFORD University in England...... they have yet to acknowledge the atomic English language of the 26 proton English alphabet of ferrous oxide IRON atom and its bio-physics applications. Many British thinkers believe in the fabrication of reality to suit their creative writing fantasy needs.....atomic mass...mass communications to the British public via television, newspapers, magazines, etc.
Mother Nature and the periodic atomic table ...and its atomic English alphabet have surpassed the limited manipulative thinking of the traditional social and political sciences.
The atomic proton mass --> pro --> proton prose symbolic communication is now the new STANDARD for Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology STANDARD MODEL physics and the atomic social science applications.
Anyone care to help understand the situation?
Have you upgraded your brain protons to the new atomic Central Nervous System 370 symbolic data processor version? Well, NATURE decides who gets the new BRAIN VERSIONs of its latest design? Are you qualified? Have you passed Nature's simple philosophy test? Do you truly respect the PROJECT PLAN of the Solar System ..title of symbolic equation: (Plan + et) + (E ar=area theory) --> Planet Earth.
Thus the atomic brain expression of advanced physics ...the quantity 1/137 ...
involving the atomic brain coupling constant
with the atomic body temperature of 37 degress C
and the atomic bio-physics IBM LUNG/brain Oxygen SYSTEM 370 with OS/JCL and
hexadecimal oxygen atomic weight 16 data processor.
Mother Nature's atomic intellectual evolution doesn't screw around .....and the SERIOUS symbolic world will leave most EAR/mouth human nonsense TALK behind.
Intellectuals with curosity are needed .....for the modern SCIENCE WARS....really a hidden war with symbolism, etc --> with symbolic battles transformed into physical battles.
Symbolism - Merriam-Webster Online
CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER
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