The Astrophysics (EARTH LAB) Salt Bridge of the Atlantic Ocean with the Cambridge universities
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This blog post is RD-blog-234 by Herb Zinser.
Astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Earth Lab) provides opportunities to study the astrophysics chemistry structure known as a SALT BRIDGE. This is APRIL 29,2011...over the next few days I shall outline the empirical observations that support the astro-chemistry theory of intelligent, cybernetic life formats on EARTH...and their sophisticated experiments that involve various component entities such as: geography, institutions, etc.
Briefly, the traditional college beginning chemistry textbook and chemistry LAB course describe the SALT BRIDGE. According to Einstein's theory of relative sizes....a SALT BRIDGE of a different size may a parallel processing dimmension ..on EARTH. Thus we consider the larger SALT BRIDGE.
The SALT TREATY of the SALT BRIDGE has a communications BRIDGE problem with identified BRIDGE universities ...with proper noun identifier: CAM = Computer Aided MAN --> Cam.BRIDGE humans that are part of the Manhattan Project..physics projects.....Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology project in devloping a human atomic brain with atomic self-awareness.
Astronomy and astrophysics theories and data are useful for explaining objects in the universe that are millions of miles aways from EARTH. Thus we have the logic:
--> Axiom: Astrophyics describes the universe (along with astronomy)
--> Deduction: The EARTH is a subset of the universe ...verified by algebra set theory and
empirical observation
--> Next step: Therefore Earth existential structures can be described by astrophysics theory.
--> Next step: From the galactic point of view of a distant VIRTUAL researcher; EARTH is just another lab to be studied.
--> Next step: Therefore the astrophysics EVENT HORIZON can be used to explain EARTH events...along with other tools used at a typical large university.....research tools such as: Chemistry, English language and symbolism with symbolic representations, etc.
--> Next step:
Since the Earth is a subset of the astrophysics universe;
then earth LIFE is a subset of astrophyics universe LIFE.
--> Since a SUBSET of the astrophysics universe --> EARTH LAB
....Then a SUBSET of astrophysics universe LIFE --> EARTH LIFE
--> Given the previous statement about LIFE we seek EARTH LIFE approximations that may provide us with empirical data about our astrophysics origins. Since EARTH is a LAB (see Lewis Carroll from year 1865 comment on human guinea-pigs) then astrophysics universe LIFE that may exist on EARTH would be experimental specimens labeled: HUMAN
Subsets of astrophysics universe life on EARTH ...suggested LAB specimens ....
Gibbons, Hawking, and Thorne may be such aproximations .....which is good, because their writings help limited, finite structures like myself to understand Sartre existential philoposphy.
The subset theory is affirmed the COMPUTER EARTH system 370 Gravity HOST processor with IBM OS/JCL.
Let G = universal gravitational constant and the
earth HOST system 370 --> giving equation G + HOST = GHOST
--> the secret GHOST project of astrophysics and other scientists. The Carl JUNG astrophysics collective unconsciousness project is a deep secret that scientists ought be curious about.
Thus for those outside the inner circle ..... the galactic undercover project is revealed:
G + H + OS + T -->
Gibbons + the Hawk + IBM OS/JCl + Thorne
The IBM OS/JCL main fraom HOST computer compont of the GHOST stystem.
Secrets are not published in SCIENCE Magazines.
We continue we additional CLUES about Nature's SALT BRIDGE project.....that have been censored in the SCIENCE WARS.
Images for atlantic ocean ... symbol map
Images for salt water bridge = Atlantic ocean ... symbol map
Left beaker = North America continent
Right beaker = Europe and England land mass
Source: Oxtoby, Freeman, (Salt) Block. Chemistry: Science of Change 3rd ...
Lets review the some of the textbook concepts of a SALT BRIDGE...(see Oxtoby, Freemann, Block)..
These concepts will be used by super-symmetry geo-physics later.
some concepts and ideas --> see a book for details
Images for atlantic ocean ... symbol map
A --> the separation of a redox reaction into 2 half-reactions
B --> this reaction can be carried out in a different way ..without ever putting the two reactants in direct physical constact
C --> 2 different solutions are prepared and placed in separate LAB Beakers
D --> 2 different metallic strips exist (elctrodes) and are placed in their proper solutions
E --> The two solutions in their separate containers are connected by a SALT BRIDGE, which is an inverted U-shaped tube containg a solution of SALT. The ends of the BRIDGE are stuffed with porous plugs that prevent the mixing of the two solutions but allow ions to pass between them.
F --> Finally the two metallic elctrodes are connected by wires to an anmeter to measure the direction and magnitude of the electric current generated
Chemistry book authors comments:
Also, see a chemistry textbook for SALT BRIDGE examples and flowcharts.
G --> What is different is that half-reactions occur at sites remote from each other.
H --> The separation of the reaction component into two compartments (two half-cells) prevents the direct transfer of electrons from copper atoms to silver nitrate.
Now we have a list of components....nouns, adjectives, relationships, and architecture that we can use to understand the astrophysics EARTH LAB construction of the astrophysics SALT BRIDGE.
Repeating the above LIST ....with the astrophysics EARTH LAB components ....
as in the TOE = Theory of Everything physics with GUT = Grand Unified Theory.
Images for atlantic ocean map
A --> the separation of the social reaction into 2 half-reactions ....would be accomplished by the geography surface land (Landau geo-physics) separation between European intellectuals and North America thinkers
B --> without putting the 2 reactants in direct physical contact.....this condition is met by the
2 separate geography locations/ university campus containers with astrophysics addresses on EARTH as:
Cambridge, England, Eu.ROPE with the ROPE of String theory
Cambridge, Massachusettes, USA --> Universe SA= Sample Space of the universe statistical dimension...with an additional secret about
Fermi-Dirac statistical bio-physics lab specimen: odd = One...a
Fermi-Direc(tor) in the Batman BAT Cave in Batavia, Illinois
But remember...this is TOP-SECRET so do not mention anything to Pier at FermiLAB.
C --> 2 different solutions/answers (abstract models..mathematical-physics explanations of society,etc)
are prepared and placed into their separate containers/ IVORY TOWERS /geography this case:
1st prepared solution was Cambridge, England with the University of Cambridge
2nd prepared solution is Cambridge, Mass, USA with 3 institutions:
Harvard university
Massachusettes Institute of Technology
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
D --> 2 different metabolism strips (like a standing human professor is symbolically equivalent to a metabolism strip)....thus the 2 different metabolism strips exist in 2 different social cultures and mental environments:
The British English Language usage , British culture and history, education styles
The North American English slang words, Hollywood influence on the brain, etc
E--> The 2 solutions (intellectual groups with the answer solution) in their separate containers ( England and the USA) are connected by a SALT BRIDGE (thus the Salt water of the ATLANTIC OCEAN).
Salt is sodium chloride, chemistry symbol NaCl. We use symbol Na = atomic political science element for the Na = Nation of SALT and Margaret Mead atomic anthropology treaties.
The Salt Bridge is an INVERTED U-shaped tube containing as solution to the Margaret Mead nuclear arms, elbows, mouth control SALT TREATY with the dinner table SALT Shaker and the 11 protons of the periodic atomic table governmental agent: Atomic representative which is element sodium/Salt/ symbol Na with 11 protons for the human SKU11 communication LINK....which apparently has serious problems with social science nonsense BS and biased thoughts.
Thus the biased thoughts may be explained by the SALT BRIDGE and its relationship to the symbolic brain ....
an INVERTED U-shaped....applied to student symbolic brain evolution..
an INVERTED U-shaped --> University shape...shaping the human symbolic brain...a subject of TV show: Deep Space Nine with the Shape Shifter (Odo).
F --> Finally the two metabolisn strips (Harvard humans with the sum.MIT treaty/SALT TREATY) are connected by wires (Telephone wires or modern electronic computer communications wires)
Thus we see Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE and its application of symbols/letters to the geography surface of EARTH.
NO --> North America and North Europe
Na --> sodium odf sodium chloride with the salt water of the Atlantic Ocean
Thus the readser can complete the picture given with the outline clues.
Now the COMMENT ...
G --> What is different is that the half-reactions occur at sites remote from each other.
The half-reaction is best explained by the FermiLAB ...Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology ....atomic brain problem in Batavia, Illinois.
One of several missions of the FermiLAB physics research was to build a model of the human atomic brain; but because of limited research funds and the BRAVE NEW WORLD propaganda war in Washington,DC and elsewhere ...the atomic brain model was omitted. Thus we have the gestalt PROJECT completion codes are missing.
The half-reaction from the view of symbolic physics:
F e r m i _ _ LAB is a signal of half of ?????
......m i _ _ LAB...fill in the blanks quiz
......m i n d LAB....thus a component of M-theory is MIND-theory
FermiLAB atomic brain research is with the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer on various humanoid experimental astrophysics EARTH LAB specimens.
CHI --> BAL computer instruction for human brains living in the Chicago area and studying at the University of Chicago, IIT, Loyola, DePaul, Northwestern, University of Illinois Chicago Circle Campus,etc. The large group of students are LAB specimens for the atomic computer brain CHI instruction for CHI =CHICAGO.
CHI = Compare Half-word instruction implies that CHICAGO humans have the half-brain strcuture...with no intellectual desire or curiosity to evolve beyond that. Thus again we see the appearance another format...of 2 half-reactions (some type of structure inherent in NATURE ..that requires some effort/ some personal ability /some test point move beyond)
H --> The separation of the reaction ....prevents the direct transfer of electrons from copper atoms to silver nitrate. Silver Nitrate is a SIGNAL component of the SALT BRIDGE project...with the periodic atomic table government and its huamnoid agent reprsentatives.
Element 47 AG = Silver atomic weight 107.86 (rounded to 108) and this is
1968 atomic vice-president Spiro Ag Agnew = Ag news)
with the ni = nitrate symbolic representative Ni = Nixon.
Thus the 1968 Maragret Mead nuclear family --> atomic political analysis suggests that the EARTH LAB in the parallel processing DIMENSIONS we have:
.....silver nitrate
.....Agnew + Nixon ......with the later special silver atom ELECTRON... economic signal.... an atomic government SIGNAL to the high-level astrophysics IVORY TOWERS intellectuals....the high price of SILVER metal reaching $50 in January 1980....and the inaugaration into the high-office of the atomic government (the atomic subliminal mind in humans).....
Thus 1980 ELECTRON political systems with humanoid agents.
......... ELECT
...............RON Reagan as president of the electron world...ask FermiLAB about these minor trivia.
Agency (philosophy) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Phenomenology of Agency - University of Oxford
Nature's silver nitrate government representatives in Washington, DC.
Salt Treaty violations of the Astrophysics (Earth Lab) SALT BRIDGE is a cause of American SCIENCE WAR social economic casualties
Herb Zinser's analysis of the secrets of the astronomy and astrophysics galactic WAR ZONE - Battlefield EARTH. An accurate analysis of the various dimensions of existence and their symbolic (and physical) battlefields
Also see BLOG: The Astrophysics (Earth Lab) Salt Bridge of the Pacific Ocean with CALTECH
Also see BLOG: The Astrophysics (Earth Lab) Salt Bridge of the Atlantic Ocean with CamBRIDGE universities
Astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Earth Lab) provides opportunities to study the astrophysics chemistry structure known as a SALT BRIDGE.
Briefly, the traditional college beginning chemistry textbook and chemistry LAB course describe
According to Einstein's theory of relative sizes....a SALT BRIDGE of a different size may a super-symmetry / parallel processing dimension ..on EARTH.
Thus we consider the larger SALT BRIDGE. The larger SALT BRIDGE is also part of the SALT TREATIES signed by American Presidents.....thus astrophysics SALT BRIDGE political ramifications..
Astronomy and astrophysics theories and data are useful for explaining objects in the universe that are millions of miles aways from EARTH. Thus we have the logic:
--> Axiom: Astrophyics describes the universe (along with astronomy)
--> Deduction: The EARTH is a subset of the universe ...verified by algebra set theory and empirical observation.
--> Therefore EVENTS and structures on EARTH are really subsets of astrophysics EVENT HORIZONS and astrophysics structures and VISA VERSA
Lets review the some of the chemistry textbook concepts of a SALT BRIDGE...(see BURNS). Briefly, glance at these concepts; clues to be used later for the astrophysics EARTH LAB puzzle.
A --> a voltaic cell is constructed from two half-cells
B --> Oxidation takes place in one-half cell; reduction takes place in the other half-cell
C--> One-half cell has a zinc metal strip placed into a solution of zinc sulfate
D--> The other half-cell has a copper metal strip placed in a solution of Copper (ii) sulfate
E--> the pair of half-cells must be connected in two ways:
......Connection --> The metal strips are connected by wire to a voltmeter to measure electrical flow
......Connection --> the 2 solutions are connected in such a way to retard the mixing other metal ions in solution while permititng passage of anions. The connection may be a SALT BRIDGE or a COMPUTER EARTH porous partition..... partitioned data set = system 370 PDS.
Fate and destiny for SALT TREATY humans that use salt on food
Now we have a list of components.... a SYMBOL MACHINE ...... nouns, adjectives, relationships, and architecture that we used to understand the astrophysics EARTH LAB construction of the astrophysics SALT BRIDGE (see previous BLOGS).
Now we look at the continuum that exists on EARTH and encompasses our daily economic lives.
We are subsets of the continuum...
which ranges from the atomic particles physics world (small sizes)..
.....thru human sizes large sizes(EARTH LAB and its astronomy / astrophysics attributes).
Reviewing the SALT BRIDGE list..... we look at the Pacific Ocean SALT BRIDGE and ask...what COMPUTER EARTH communications bridge ..messages may be discovered......that explain the social economic mechanics of the EARTH government. As a particular example of the continuum, we look at the SALT continuum and the SALT TREATY relationship with the modern Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology families.
SALT is sodium chloride..chemistry symbol NaCl. We use symbol Na --> represent the atomic political science Na = Nation of SALT expressions and messages.
The SALT continuum covers many things...thus a few are:
--> The periodic atomic table government and the element sodium / of the salt sodium chloride / symbol Na = Nation and a signer of the SALT Treaty. The 11 protons of the SALT atom LINK to the atomic human with the astrophysics warehouse of ideas ....
astrophysics warehouse
inventory SKU = Stock Keeping Unit 11 --> SKU11.
Thus from the astrophysics VIRTUAL professor... millions of miles away....removed from intellectual bias...would see EARTH a opportunity ....a data bus(Business) and as warehouse containing mathematical-physical inventory, abstract algebra inventory, models of hydrocarbon polymers, computer flowcharts, etc ....thus the focus upon the SKU11 and symbolic products ....versus the traditional concept of products as grocery store food, cotton clothes,etc.
Thus the SALT continuum goes from the atomic chemistry LAB SALT on the DINNER the astrophysics (earth Lab) SALT BRIDGES........all various levels /perceptions/ and legal requirements of the SALT TREATY. Thus the word GESTALT has the subset word: SALT
Lets review the some of the chemistry textbook concepts of a SALT BRIDGE...and see how the violations of the Margaret Mead nuclear arms, elbows, mouth control SALT TREATY can disrupt the SALT continuum and disrupt the balance laws of NATURE....causing the SALT continuum to respond with negative economic policies to the Anerican business. The SALT continuum has an intellect LINK to number eleven of the human SKU11....such SKU11 is used by some humans to make corporation business policy....such as move an American factory to Asia.
The super-symmetry Landau geo-physics parallel mirror .....
National Geographic Events - Pacific Ocean Map
National Geographic sodium economic policy Events
A --> a voltaic cell is constructed from two half-cells......
.....let North America be a half-cell of the living EARTH cell
.....let Asia be a half-cell of the living EARTH cell....with COMPUTER EARTH system 370 BAL CHI instruction of CHI = CHINA ..Compare Half-word instruction ....thus Asia certainly qualifies as a the distant astrophyics researcher of EARTH LAB and its Lewis Carroll economic guinea-pig humans.
B --> Oxidation takes place in one-half cell; reduction takes place in the other half-cell
....thus we see the Pacific Ocean SALT BRIDGE in process REDUCTION of the North American economy takes place with California/Pacific Ocean interface zone.....
....while oxidation takes place in ASIA (oxidation...symbolic of the economic increases of ASIA at the expense of ...American reduction) ....Thus we have a social chemistry process...a social economic process.....that parallels traditional chemistry. Thus traditional chemistry processes may sometimes explain social chemistry...economics, political science, social sciences.
C--> One-half cell has a zinc metal strip placed into a solution of zinc sulfate
D--> The other half-cell has a copper metal strip placed in a solution of Copper (ii) sulfate
E--> the pair of half-cells must be connected in two ways:
......connection --> The metal strips are connected by wire to a voltmeter to measure electrical flow
......Connection --> the 2 solutions (economic answers/ business solutions) are connected in such a way to retard (to retard clear thinking individuals from seeing a bigger picture of world
systems and processes) the mixing other metal ions in solution while permititng passage of anions.
Thus we have parallels sometimes occurs in some situations. This is one of them.....very obscure ....but preliminary models and data suggest this outline of world economic movements,etc ....a more complete explanation of how brain decisions are made and the context of EARTH LAB.
Galileo the DEFENDER (of Planet Earth )
Herb Zinser's analysis of the secrets of the astronomy and astrophysics galactic WAR ZONE - Battlefield EARTH. An accurate analysis of the various dimensions of existence and their symbolic (and physical) battlefields
Year 1616 is a milestone in astronomy. The evolution of space/time life components resulted in Base 16 hexadecimal SPACE and Base 16 hexadecimal TIME.
Year 1616 --> BASE 16 space and BASE 16 time.
The astronomy/ astrophysics galactic computer systems project started in year 1610. In year 1616 the galactic computer system project was titled: GALILEO the DEFENDER in honor of his position as an intellectual military general in the MILKY WAY galactic WAR. The astronomy war that began around year 1610 continues to this day in year 2010. The 400 year GALILEO ASTRONOMY WAR is a well-kept secret. Now astronomy intellectual warriors are needed. Amateur astronomy individuals, astrophysics students, and science professors are needed to provide the new leadership and vigor to complete this project.
Galileo Galilei | |
![]() Portrait of Galileo Galilei by Giusto Sustermans |
Born | 15 February 1564[1] Pisa,[1] Duchy of Florence, Italy |
Died | 8 January 1642 (aged 77)[1] Arcetri,[1] Grand Duchy of Tuscany, Italy |
Residence | Grand Duchy of Tuscany, Italy |
Nationality | Italian (Tuscan) |
Fields | Astronomy, physics and mathematics |
Institutions | University of Pisa University of Padua |
Alma mater | University of Pisa |
The GALILEO the DEFENDER (of Earth) project has a project convergence completion date computed
using YEAR 1616 --> 16 x 16 = YEAR 256.
Hexadecimal year 256 is the link to the Hawking/ Gibbons astrophysics parallel processing EVENT HORIZON year 256 --> the exponent TIME WORLD year 2008 --> Base 2 exponent 008 = Year 256 at Cambridge --> which is a CAD/ CAM bridge to the galactic computer system 370.
CAD = Computer Aided Design at Cambridge, England and Cambridge, Massachusetts. The CAMbridge Y 2 K ERROR is known as the Y 2 K ERROR
(K ERR in Hawking/Gibbons astrophysics terminology suggests the KERR metric looking for a Y 2K solution).
Specifically the CAMbridge communications bridge needs to handle a 2K data stream to the GALILEO computer system 370 Base 16 HEX SPACE and Base 16 HEX TIME --> the EVENT HORIZON data processing region. Theorists interested in seeking the astrophysics local region (PLANET EARTH) KERR solution to the EARTH problem will find the empirical data and the preliminary GALILEO model useful.
The universities have ignored the Y2K standard protocols since YEAR 2000; consequently KERR errors and other errors have occured. Astronomy and astrophysics graduate students and professors have an opportunity to help me explain to the world this galactic phenomena; how it affects EARTH and our personnal future.
As one philosophically reflects upon the 400 year astronomy war, one must think of the project title: GALILEO the DEFENDER. Then one must ask the questions:
1) Defender of what --> what situation or circumstance?
2) Defender implies that there was an invasion of some type.
3) Since Galileo was engaged in SOLAR SYSTEM research, then perhaps he detected the type/format of the invaders . . . and he was then told to be quiet and kept under house arrest.
4) If an invasion took place, what format were the invaders.
The invadors would not be a directly visible physical biological entity. Hence,alternative format/types such as: EM = Electromagnetc life forms that would enter via the eye and take over the optical nerve, brain optical computer system --> and thus eventually control thoughts (hence possible incomplete or alien thoughts). Thus a physically normal looking 2-legged person would have these EM life forms implanted in their social behavior brain optical circuits.
A second method could be gravitational life forms that interact with the atomic mass in the biological brain. The gravitational life would eventually take over the brain's social perceptions. The amount of data from 50 years of television shows provide many clues to this modifying process of brain perceptions. The authors of books like 1984,BRAVE NEW WORLD, and FUTURE SHOCK have raised their suspicions. Hence, GALILEO the DEFENDER of EARTH becomes a very possible situation; a link between social science and astrophysics that university professors ought clarify in year 2010.
GHOST --> Gravity HOST processor systems with number 6. 6 .....
the gravity HIGHWAY secret of
gravity expression agents GH = Gibbons & Hawking
Below, Nature's EARTH LAB gravity parameter of Nm is displayed VIA geography GRAVITY STATE of Nm = Isaac Newton .... New gravity news .... New Mexico.
Thus we have the 400 year astronomy project of the Solar System on EARTH LAB ....with Nature's intellect. The PROJECT PLAN when viewed as starting on the time boundary year 1600 then a astronomy project continuum to astrophysics year 2000 (and the Y2K solar system 370 computer problem....with the 8 major planets = 8 data bits and 9th Planet Uranus = 9th data bit or parity error checking bit..of the the galactic data processor).
Thus the range from Year 1600.............. to Year 2000. Then we look at the Base 16 hexadecimal SOLAR SYSTEM 370 time computer signals...that are like project milestones or checkpoints...
Year 1600 + Base 16 Years = Year 1616 when Galileo made a major asronomy news announcement
Year 2000 - Base 16 Years = Year 1984 and the George Orwell astronomy TIME COMPUTER engineering manual...a English langauge book 1984 for Virginia TECH university. The oxygen atomic Base 16 hexadecimal battle on April 16 is with the English department LUNG verbal speakers failure to acknowledge with proper respect the Base 16 laws of Nature and Nature's social engineering vector messages. Thus the Base 16 tragedy of Virgin TECH computer science department CAD experiments with the human brain symbolic computer--> CAD = Computer Aided Design of student CAD = Cadavers. Most people think computer science is toy....and thus the deaths caused by misuse of technology for nonsense purposes.....deliberate violations of Margaret Nead nuclear family ...atomic brain social anthropology laws and limits
The Inverse Universe - messages for Cambridge University
Physicists have written about this using various descriptions such as:
--> Parallel processing universes (events on EARTH)
--> Mirrors and tricks
--> Alternate universes (economics or political science)
--> Alternative methods, routes, or philosophy
Conceptually the INVERSE Universe is similar. Thus the INVERSE Universe runs like a parallel to the traditional UNIVERSE as perceived by most --> and is an active part of our everyday lives and decisions.
An example of the TIME mirror or INVERSE would be the 24 hour clock --> 24 mirror 42 --> and this is the existence of TIMES SQUARE, 42nd Street. Manhattan astrophysics (with 1942 time agent Hawking = a face of time) surface area of real time.
42nd Street (Manhattan) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
42nd Street (Man)
Stephen Hawking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
TIME SQUARED equation --> T exponent 2 ==> 42nd Street = Base 4 exponent 2 = Base 16 hexadecimal TIME. This fits with the astronomy model/theory of the GALILEO galactic computer system project that started in YEAR 1616.
An example of an EVENT mirror or INVERSE involves the BRITISH military battles on behalf of GALILEO the DEFENDER (of PLANET EARTH from the alien brain invasion ..between year 1610 and year 1616):
Decimal 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 HexaDecimal F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA ---> FalKLand IS = Information System ....islands of symbol and equation knowledge ...and their conflicts ....that result in conflict the transformation to a
physical war in the FALKlands serve as a
message display about the conflicts in the hidden 11 dimensions of string theory existential physics.
1982 Base 16 Hex'FA' Regular Universe --> FAlkland Islands COMPUTER EARTH war
2009 Base 16 Hex'AF' INVERSE Battle --> AFghanistan astronomy war fought by British soldiers
Decimal 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174
HexaDecimal A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF
175 --> AF -->AFghanistan math class
The year 1982 + 27 years = 2009 gives us access to the DR.WHO
3-dimensional information TIME CUBE. 3 cubed = 27 years. The British astronomy David H. Clark book 'The Quest for SS433', British astrophysics theorists . . . along with the British military engagements .. provide us with a good data outline of world structure.
European thinkers have other brain puzzles that await their attention.
The Symbolic Origin of the Universe before Cambridge University
Before solids, gravity, and electromagnetc waves existed; before the BIG BANG --> we assume an axiom (Schopenhauer) --> that a symbolic universe of thought, will, and ideas existed and wished to express itself in a new media --> thus the BIG BANG and the new dimensions of visbile, tangible expressions --> such as solid-state physics, interaction of gravity with mass, electromagnetic life in biological EM format = EMBASSY diplomatic officials.
--> The mathematical creation of physical existence has a few components; one is the GALILEO Hexadecimal Base 16 construct. Organizations affected by the COMPUTER EARTH Galileo WAR include:
The United States Base 16 Federal Aviation Administration --> incomplete math exponential accident reports:
HEX'FAA' = F x 16 exp 2 + A x 16 exp 1 + A x 16 exp 0 --> decimal 4010
Hexadecimal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
IBM mainframes (zSeries) and ...
Air Traffic Control System Command Center - FAA
The British Royal Air Force --> RAF --> computer earth REGION hex'A' = 10 thru hex'F' = 15 of Base 16 astronomy EARTH LAB hexadecimal space /time.
Thus the Computer Earth RAF geography war:
RAF = Region AF --> Region AF.ghanistan.
RAF - RAF ...COMPUTER EARTH Base 16 geography Homepage Air Force of oxygen molecules of air used by human lungs -
Royal Air Force confusion about BASE 16 Hexadecimal existence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
The resources and components of a CICS region
COMPUTER EARTH symbolic processor features:
--> The symbol English vowel system: A E I/O U gives access to the galactic computer --> vowels I/O = Input/Output. The galactic computer system 370 social engineering project plan identifiers are:
Vowel A = American geographic location
Vowel E = E pluri BUS unum (the GREAT SEAL) data BUS
Vowel I = Input data stream
Vowel O = Output data pipeline
Vowel U = other sides of the multi-facted UNIVERSAL MIND
A major galactic SYMBOL MACHINE COMPUTER battle was with the English Department at Virginia TECH University. The HEX battle of Base 16 took place on April 16,2007.
Virginia TECH (VT) University was responsible for the symbolic computer VT universe --> VTOC = Volume Table of Contents of various EARTH data storage versions...modeled after the IBM 3380 disk storage memory device.
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