Herb Zinser's analysis of the atomic religious thoughts VIA human agents.
« The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet - Nitrogen 14Botany - Carbon 14 and the 14th Dalai Lama radio and atomic reincarnation »

The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet

Permalink 11/22/13 15:37, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized


Buddhist BOTANY messages – TREE of Knowledge Revelations

The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet is a messenger for PROJECT PLAN Earth (Plan.et EARTH). Mother Nature has some messages waiting for His Holiness the Dalai Lama.


These messages are updates from the cellulose TREE of KNOWLEDGE . . . about the intellectual continuum that exists from the original teachings of Buddha to currrent mathematical DECISION TREE theory.



We are guests of MOTHER NATURE; nature provides us with food,water, and air. In return, MOTHER NATURE would like our cortex computer to understand the philosophical context which we live within. Thus the religious continuum from ancient teachings to their evolution to modern basic concepts; which verify, supplement, and enhance the original messages of the cellulose TREE BUD to its first spokesperson BUDDHA.





Images for tree bud identification




Understanding this process will help improve the Tibet/China situation for the Dalai Lama. Thus in year 2010, we have an intellectual project to start work on. BLOG titles provide an outline of this massive intellectual political science, foreign affairs project. Titles covered here or at the WORDPRESS BLOG are:


1.Computer Earth System 370
2.TCP physics event – the 14th Dalai Lama
3.The Time Computer BATTLE ZONE – Tibet
4.The CALTECH Astrophysics message for the 14th Dalai Lama
5.Botany – Carbon 14 Dalai Lama radio
6.TenZin Gyatso of Tibet math
7.The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet – Nitrogen 14

Contact: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER

E-Mail: Herb@Zinoproject.com
Mail Address: P.O.Box 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA

Herb Zinser’s PROJECT PLAN Z is decribed on website and BLOGS:
Website: www.zinoproject.com


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