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Information WAR SITE 15
Click on the BLOG title to access the site with its posts.
Project Plan Z news analysis phase - Tests are Translated
- 09/19/14 Translate and Test MIRROR [en-US]
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EM war news
- 09/19/14 EM war messages of Junior Seau age 43 [en-US]
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Translations of newspaper codes
- 09/21/14 Astronomy orbital code SIGNALs ignored by SETI Institute [en-US]
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COMPUTER EARTH system 370 WAR news
- 09/23/14 Bio-computer economic structures and their components [en-US]
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Math war news analysis
- 09/24/14 LAX airport bio-math shooting of complex transcendental number agent Hernandez. [en-US]
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The copper metal subset city expressions of electricity
- 10/02/14 Michael Brown metabolism and his ferrous oxide LINK to EARTH IRON CORE and copper metal meta-languages [en-US]
- 10/02/14 The Michael Brown metabolism LINK to EARTH copper metal meta-languages [en-US]
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The C.P.Snow social science WAR casualties
Nature's military methods and messages for human ERROR policies.
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Project Plan Z - news EVENT analysis
EARTH copper expression systems
- 10/02/14 The Darren Wilson copper atom MODEL of the EARTH IRON CORE and the EARTHLY existential space/ time .. data field computer [en-US]
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Ferrous oxide IRON atom expression systems
Continuum message reports in the news
- 10/08/14 Michael Brown EVENT architecture and the St.Louis arch continuum SIGN CODE [en-US]
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Nature's evolution of impedance signals that parallel electron circuit concepts
- 11/01/14 The Penn State Z axis life form and her impedance signal [en-US]
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University spectrum content wars
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Project Plan Z - news EVENT analysis
EARTH copper expression systems
- 10/02/14 The Darren Wilson copper atom MODEL of the EARTH IRON CORE and the EARTHLY existential space/ time .. data field computer [en-US]
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Ferrous oxide IRON atom expression systems
Continuum message reports in the news
- 10/08/14 Michael Brown EVENT architecture and the St.Louis arch continuum SIGN CODE [en-US]
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Nature's evolution of impedance signals that parallel electron circuit concepts
- 11/01/14 The Penn State Z axis life form and her impedance signal [en-US]
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University spectrum content wars
- 11/05/14 The ultra-violet BLACK LIGHT wars to disinfect Virginia universities and their BS nonsense[en-US]
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Herb Zinser's Project Plans Z
- 05/30/14 The Science War battlefield reports - > site map links. [en-US]
- 05/30/14 Project Plan Z and the Science Wars. [en-US]
- 11/25/13 The Z-papers and other social science WAR reports help explain modern EVENTS. [en-US]
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Nature's education system
- 05/30/14 James Burke CONNECTIONS connect Connecticut school: Sandy HOOK to the U.S.S.Cole, water molecules, and the optical Navy landing on beach sand with Captain HOOK [en-US]
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Nature's social system mess message for the school system
- 05/30/14 The school optical pupil WAR at Virginia TECH over 3-Dimensional perceptions [en-US]
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Karl Marx and Modern Class Warfare
- 05/30/14 Principia Mathematica, Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead, and the Theory of Classes --> the modern Theory of Classes, societal logic ERRORS, and school shootings [en-US]
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Science and Theology
Science and Philosophy
- 05/31/14 The C.P.Snow "Two Cultures" battle at Virginia TECH explained by empirical data reports. [en-US]
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Science and Religion
- 05/30/14 Earth Lab , organic chemistry LAB Hoods, and the evolution of carbon atoms VIA the priestHOOD. [en-US]
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Books and their SECRET subset messages
The atomic English translations of newspaper OPTICAL MILITARY codes and concepts
- 05/30/14 The Salvador Dali factor in the Fort Hood shooting [en-US]
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Physics social engineering signals and social science WAR messages
- 05/31/14 The Sterling Hall bombing by 4 Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family HUMAN agents for Nature's 4 quantum numbers conflict. [en-US]
- 05/31/14 The Nitrogen air ... atomic social science battle at Westgate shopping mall, Nairobi, Kenya [en-US]
- 05/31/14 The AC --> Alternating Cycles WAR body language ..... electrical engineering SECRET signal: THUMBS UP [en-US]
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Math and Society
- 05/31/14 The Clifford algebra air plane crash at Clifford Lane, West Road EARTHLY geo-mathematical-physics region of Watertown, Wisconsin,USA [en-US]
- 05/31/14 The Base 16 universe and the Base 16 inverse WAR between AF = 175 and the inverse FA = 240 [en-US]
- 05/31/14 The N-space subscript wars on the geography surface of EARTH within EARTH mathematical-physics CMS [en-US]
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The secret social signals by Avogadro's number
- 05/31/14 The AVOGADRO'S number sports signal to scientists [en-US]
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Movie messages
- 05/30/14 Movie titled --> The F Word --> a Base 16 hexadecimal movie about SYMBOL MACHINE evolution [en-US]
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Isaac Asimov and the Psychohistory WAR reports
- 05/31/14 Isaac Asimov and psychohistory MODELS help explain murder events that occur within the fabric of the EARTH space / time continnum [en-US]
- 05/31/14 Isaac Asimov and the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra battle at Virginia TECH [en-US]
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The Milky Way war status reports
- 05/31/14 Analysis of the photon Solar System war to regain control of the EM = ElectroMagnetic regions of EARTH [en-US]
- 05/30/14 The Milky Way gravity WAR to recapture control of EARTH LAB . [en-US]
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Nature's brain engineering SYMBOL MACHINE war reports
- 05/31/14 The 2013 Boston Marathon runners RAN and Nature's neuron NODE of RANvier war signal VIA the base 2 binary bombing. [en-US]
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Atoms, math equations and the social economic and political systems
- 05/30/14 Exotic reports kept at another site [en-US]
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Modern chemistry --> social and political chemistry
- 05/31/14 Molecular languages and their social science signaling EXPRESSIONS [en-US]
- 05/31/14 The sodium chloride Lewis dot structure military installation at FORT LEWIS, Washington [en-US]
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Music, radio, and television THOUGHT CONTROL systems
- 05/30/14 Modern radio warfare --> B100D and eye VERSUS the ear/ mouth people of Milwaukee thru Water100, Wisconsin [en-US]
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The evolution of EVOLUTION.
- 05/31/14 The power of words and the living language --> SYMBOL LIFE and its format --> keyword life --> evolution [en-US]
- 05/31/14 The Earth AC and EM systems war explained by Nikoli Tesla and the Emmet Township murder sequence in Wisconsin [en-US]
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The astrophysics galactic LOCAL test REGION (Earth LAB)
- 05/30/14 The political gravity Border disputes over the Borde-Sorkin conjecture. [en-US]
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Optics and the Electromagnetic WARS
- 05/31/14 Pentagon defeated in the CYCLOPS optics battles [en-US]
- 05/31/14 The modern Sherlock Holmes EM WAR puzzle and other EM battles [en-US]
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The continuum wars for control of EARTH populations and YOU
- 05/31/14 The TIME continuum and the March of dimensions WAR explained by Mr.CHO of Virginia TECH [en-US]
- 05/30/14 The SYMBOLS of Ryder truck explain the carbon dioxide WAR and the molecule expression equation of Timothy McVeigh(t) [en-US]
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The Feedback Control Systems WAR
- 05/31/14 The feedback control system MURDER signal from Wisconsin [en-US]
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SYMBOL MACHINE languages and symmetry physics
- 05/31/14 The University of Illinois IDOT super-symmetry electron transport quantum dot experiment. [en-US]
- 05/31/14 The IRON LADY's top secret EARTH iron core geo-physics WAR report: Falk LAND and the supersymmetry Falkland Islands WAR [en-US]
- 05/30/14 The bombing of Bosnia and the SUPER-SYMMETRY mirror bombing of Boston on Boylston Street [en-US]
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The modern computer and human bio-computer WAR systems
- 05/30/14 The Computer Earth system 370 geography processing site of Souchi, Russia and the Sam Hengel Olympics I/O port of Porterfield. [en-US]
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Analysis of news reports
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