War news site - 1
Blogs on system 1
- Blog #1: Herb Zinser's Project Plan Z - Part 1
- Blog #2: British Science Wars - Part 1
- Blog #3: American Science Wars
- Blog #4: Europe and the Science Wars
- Blog #5: Oslo and the Science War casualties
- Blog #6: Norway and the Social Science wars
- Blog #7: The Baltic region and Norway
- Blog #8: Russia secrets of the Solar System science war
- Blog #9: British Astronomy - Intellectual Wars
- Blog #10: The astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION - Earth LAB
- Blog #11: Time WAR reports
- Blog #12: American Biochemistry - Social Science Wars
- Blog #13: The evolution of DNA expressions
- Blog #14: Organic chemistry molecular war reports
- Blog #15: Math and Physics - social science reports
- Blog #16: The Atomic English Language - Science Wars
- Blog #17: English Language war signs and the DEATH Sent Sentence
- Blog #18: Quantum Anthropology - the K, L, M atomic social science WAR reports
- Blog #19: Atomic Anthropology - the K, L, M atomic social science WAR reports
- Blog #20: String Theory physics - Social Science War news
- Blog #21: The supersysmmetry wars between 2 EARTH dimensions and their formats of existence
- Blog #22: The Parallel Processing WAR - status reports
- Blog #23: Nature's super-strings LINK many dimensions of EARTH and Society.
- Blog #24: The Earth Gravity Battlefield and Gravity Murder
- Blog #25: The Earth magnetic field war casualties and the BORG
- Blog #26: The Science War for control of Cities
- Blog #27: Penn State secrets exposed by SOCIAL SCIENCE wars
- Blog #28: Theology and Religion - Social Science Wars
- Blog #29: The world neurotransmitter Philosophy Wars
- Blog #30: Understanding Philosophy military expression formats and messages
- Blog #31: Modern Law - the evolution and status of the Constitution and the American legal system
- Blog #32: Modern Legal System expressions of human molecule thoughts.
- Blog #33: The evolution of molecule military ATTACK expressions
- Blog #34: The evolution of atomic political science
- Blog #35: The secret identity of various Science RD agents
- Blog #36: Symbols and the atomic English language messages
- Blog #37: Modern symbolism with Darwin selected human S-agents
- Blog #38: The secret languages of movies and television
- Blog #39: M-theory physics of atomic Murder Systems
- Blog #40: The Earth government Military Command Structure
- Blog #41: Nature's math and molecular war messages
Blogs on system 2
- Blog #1: Herb Zinser's Project Plan Z - Part 2
- Blog #2: British Science Wars
- Blog #3: Europe and the Science Wars
- Blog #4: Oslo permutation Solo ---> Hans Solo ..... Solomons Star War casualties
- Blog #5: Utoeya --> the Island of Dr.NO
- Blog #6: Dr. NO defeats Dr. NORWAY and European policy thinkers
- Blog #7: Norway and the Science War casualties
- Blog #8: The BAL computer WAR region of the BALTIC
- Blog #9: Denmark universities trapped in Science Wars
- Blog #10: Poland and the Chicago Polish SCIENCE Wars
- Blog #11: Russian secrets of the Solar System Science Wars
- Blog #12: Italy and the Italian language SCIENCE WARS
- Blog #13: Asia countries and their Science War role
- Blog #14: China and its role in the Social Economic Wars
- Blog #15: Australia defeated in the brain neuroscience WAR
- Blog #16: African conflicts provide SCIENCE WAR data
- Blog #17: Penn State secrets exposed by molecular social SCIENCE WAR
- Blog #18: Quantum Anthroplogy WAR reports
- Blog #19: Quantum EARTH geography surface BATTLE reports
- Blog #20: The Schodinger cat in the sand box wars
- Blog #21: The Eigenstate battle of English in the State of Virginia
- Blog #22: Standard Model physics - Science WAR news
- Blog #23: Supersymmetry physics war - newspaper reports
- Blog #24: The supersymmetry battle for control of EARTH civilizations
- Blog #25: Supersymmetry physics battle of DARK MATTER to control societies.
- Blog #26: The Time dimension wars
- Blog #27: Chemistry --> social chemistry war reports
- Blog #28: Mysteries of Astrophysics math life formats living as humans on Earth
- Blog #29: The Earth government Military Command Structure
- Blog #30: Nature's math and molecular war messages
- Blog #31: The Electro-Magnetic Field casualties
- Blog #32: The G.I.JOE food war and the Food Science Wars
- Blog #33: Music manipulators defeated in the SCIENCE WARS
- Blog #34: Secret languages in books and magazines
- Blog #35: The secret languages of the SYMBOL LIFE format
- Blog #36: Dr. Watson in Afghanistan explains secret war messages
- Blog #37: Understanding the secret languages of some authors
- Blog #38: The secret messages of Darwin selected RD agents
- Blog #39: The SCIENCE WAR secrets of Sports and Games
- Blog #40: The secret languages of movies and television
- Blog #41: Social Science War evolution -->the algebra subset of Biology --> Blog Wars
Blogs on system 3
- Blog #1: Herb Zinser's Science War reports - Part 3
- Blog #2: British Science Wars
- Blog #3: Dr. Watson in Afghanistan explains modern WAR secrets
- Blog #4: Cavendish Labs and atomic human secret social science messages
- Blog #5: Lawrence Livermore Labs secret atomic anthropology signals
- Blog #6: FermiLAB and the secrets of EARTH LAB
- Blog #7: The Science War and Argonne National Labs
- Blog #8: Science War reports and Stanford Linear Accelerator
- Blog #9: Max Planck project plan --> Max Plan + c k ---> check institute violations
- Blog #10: Oslo and the worldwide OSIRIS project
- Blog #11: Norway and the Science War battle at Utoya
- Blog #12: The BAL computer WAR region of the BALTIC.
- Blog #13: Computer Earth system 370
- Blog #14: Penn State secrets and the Science Wars
- Blog #15: The Earth government Military Command Structure
- Blog #16: Nature's math and molecular war messages
- Blog #17: Electromagnetic Field wars
- Blog #18: Quantum Antroplogy WAR reports
- Blog #19: The Pauli exculsion principle has excluded the following people...
- Blog #22: The electron information orbitals 2, 4, 6 and the even integer WAR
- Blog #23: Algebra and the quadratic equation WAR zone reports
- Blog #24: Earth mathematical-geography WAR and ACCIDENT reports
- Blog #25: Math and Physics - Science Wars
- Blog #26: Chemistry Anthropology and the Social Science wars
- Blog #27: DNA and the Science Wars
- Blog #28: American Science Wars
- Blog #29: The social science chromosome WARS
- Blog #30: Hollywood and Madison Avenue genetic manipulation social commands
- Blog #31: Economic wars of the periodic atomic table government
- Blog #32: Periodic atomic table expressions of political science
- Blog #33: The Base 16 Hexadecimal war casualty reports
- Blog #34: The human bio-computer Symbolic Machine WAR reports
- Blog #35: The eye/ optical nerve war of words VIA book symbols
- Blog #36: Avogadro's number battle reports from the social chemistry war zones
- Blog #37: Heme group social engineering war reports
- Blog #38: The algebra subset war of brain military keyword: BioLOGy - - > BLOG
- Blog #39: Zwitterion molecule symbolic life and the social chemistry communication war
- Blog #40: Face the music - - -> the civilization war reports with Rouge Squadron symbolic agents implanted inside your brain
- Blog #41: Exotic War Formats
- Blog #42: The Odd Wars with FermiLAB probability equal to ONE
- Blog #43: The esoteric war techniques of Nature's military
Blogs on system 4
- Blog #1: Herb Zinser's Project Plan Z - Part 4
- Blog #2: British Science Wars
- Blog #3: British Astronomy social science Secrets
- Blog #4: The Inverse Universe and the Inverse of Cambridge University
- Blog #5: The periodic atomic table IRON expression agent - Margaret Thatcher
- Blog #6: The final battle of Great Britain with brain warrior Margaret Thatcher
- Blog #7: The British modern SYMBOL Engines that use the human brain processor
- Blog #8: Lewis Carroll language military forces and modern world conflicts
- Blog #9: Dr.Watson in Afghanistan explains modern British military thoughts
- Blog #10: Dr.Watson in Afghanistan explains the British biochemistry secret CLINICAL TRIALS.
- Blog #11: Dr. Watson in Afghanistan explains modern math WAR secrets
- Blog #12: Dr.Watson in Afganistan studies the Alps mountains --> Alphabet Mountains
- Blog #13: Nouns, verbs, adjectives, math and physics equations, chemistry formula, concepts converge inside the brain computer and create a bio-optical SYMBOL MACHINE.
- Blog #14: The George message series .... the George Bush agents for George Orwell
- Blog #15: The Symbolic Orgin of the Universe
- Blog #16: The Darwinian evolution of TIME and Time Machine formats in year 2013
- Blog #17: The Earth TIME WARS to control civilization and real estate space / time.
- Blog #18: Galileo the DEFENDER (of Earth)
- Blog #19: The astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION battle for EARTH control systems
- Blog #20: The Social Science War for control of Cities
- Blog #21: These secrets of OSLO revealed
- Blog #22: Norway brain secrets and Social Science War casualties
- Blog #23: The BAL computer WAR region of the BALTIC
- Blog #24: Europe and the atomic Neuroscience and social Science Wars
- Blog #25: The Earth government Military Command Structure
- Blog #26: Nature's math and molecular war messages
- Blog #27: Murder symbol equation --> M + ur +der = M-theory uranium 235 dermatology isotoPES(T).
- Blog #28: Super-symmetry concepts help explain EARTH LAB human events
- Blog #29: The EM = Electromagnetic Field television and radio attacks on civilization
- Blog #30: The genetics and chromosome social science WAR casualties
- Blog #31: Quantum Anthropology - the K, L, M atomic social science WAR reports
- Blog #32: The Schrodinger DEATH equation for School violations of Quantum Limit LAWS
- Blog #33: Atomic social sciences
- Blog #34: The periodic atomic table expression of ferrous oxide IRON atom.
- Blog #35: Ferrous oxide ROC city - -> ferocity of atoms - -> Ferocity of Earth IRON MANTLE displayed on IRON MANHATTAN on Sept 11, 2001
- Blog #36: Modern EARTH and the iron and magnetic field war reports on Heme Group Fe(ii) ion ERROR social structures.
- Blog #37: The Chicago Polish project: GODZIN with Zbigniew Brzezinski | Foreign Affairs and ZZ TOP music messages.
- Blog #38: The secret social COMMAND languages of movies, television, and books
- Blog #39: The secret identity of various undercover Science expression RD agents
- Blog #40: The modern bio-computer BIOLOGY WARS via the subset word BLOG and the Internet computer system
- Blog #41: Modern BLOG gene wars USING BL = Base Locators and Benjamin Lewin
- Blog #42: Site Map 1 to various science war reports
- Blog #44: Site Maps - 2 to various science war reports
- Blog #45: Contact science researcher --> Herb Zinser