Nature's atomic and astronomy messages waiting for acknowledgement.

Category: Uncategorized

Secret languages in books and magazines The secret languages published by books and magazines control the human mind for their BRAVE NEW WORLD projects.

Permalink 12/05/13 00:56, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized
The secret languages of the SYMBOL LIFE format   Symbols are life formats. Proper nouns, concepts, math equations, chemsitry formula  are taking control of the brain SYMBOL  MACHINE. RD-blog-1807 The atrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (… more »

COPD elementary physics messages to the Niels Bohr Institute. Atomic mass . . . . . . . . mass communications signal = COPD = COP + D = Copenhagen Denmark

Permalink 12/04/13 18:46, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized
RD-Blog-701 The DR.NO project of the periodic atomic government table involves the DR.NO elements = Nitrogen + Oxygen. The atomic element 7 Nitrogen 14 plays an important role in the LUNG thought processing abilitities in humans.     In Margaret M… more »

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