The Los Angeles violations of the Salt Treaty (NaCl) signaled by atom component Na = sodium atom with atomic mass 23 and the integer 23 continuum
The periodic atomic table has many formats of expressions. One such FORMAT are atomic humans with an atomic brain symbolic computer that expresses messages on behalf of the atomic table of life and thought and feelings. Humans are thus considered as representatives or messengers or business LAB partners working with the atomic/astrophysics continuum, its life, and the thought formats within it.
The human is composed of atoms.
Humans have thoughts.
Thoughts must have an origin.
Therefore atoms are the origin of thought.
Therefore some political protests, crimes, shootings, wars, etc. by humans.....are really atomic protests of the Margaret Mead atomic families VIA the human vehicle/ the human atomic feelings expressor/ the human atomic messenger.
Atomic social anthropology families are listed in beginning college physics and chemistry textbooks. The families comprise vertical columns in the periodic atomic table of life and thought. Thus we have the atomic family ... social anthropology shootings at EARTH LAB geography sites. Let's look some at some of the periodic atomic table of elements of life and thought ...... and let's identify some atomic elements and their messages to atomic humans at EARTH LAB geography locations. There are 18 vertical columns in the periodic atomic table of intellectual life .... a few elements will be covered in this article.
The periodic atomic government representatives for the dinner table salt molecule are the Clinton's from Arkansas. Margaret Mead atomic anthropology and the salt molecule treaty with with atomic humanoid structures is best expressed by the social science chemistry formula signal.
NaCl = sodium chloride
NaCl = North america Clintons
NaCl = North america Clinton, President in 1994
NaCl = North america Clinton, Secretary of State
NaCl = salt molcule and the state of ARK.ansas .....
......state of sound/audio/phonetics: ARK can salt such as the
atomic brand name:
Morton Salt --> Mort = Mo + ort = Molecular orbit
The lead atom of the salt molecule NaCl (sodium chloride) is
Na = sodium Na= Nation
Thus we have the Pacific Ocean salt water signal for California and the advanced intellectual city of Los Angeles.
We have the University of California, Caltech, and Stanford chemistry message of
Avogadro's number = 6.0221415 × 1023
Avogadaro's number with exponent 23 ...
a mole of Na= sodium atomic mass 23 and the
LINK to 23 chromsomes and the year 2000 human biological clock Y2k failure and the education system failure to upgrade the brain symbolic bio-computer and its instructions and programming actions.
Thus we have the math integer continuum messages of integer 23 ...which included the 23 integer student hostahes at Marinette High School, Wisconsin.
What are some other CLUES descibe the atomic human brain educational ERRORS?
Thus we see the chemistry MOLE signal (subset of word molesting) to 10...would involve
elementary school elementary physic elements ...........
Thus above, seven to 10 gives signal...starting with
Atomic Number 7 = Nitrogen nightclubs in LA
8 = oxygen atomic number for the LUNGs of
O = Oxygen agent --> Obama at 16.00 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Obama = O + ba + ma = Oxygen base 16 map
Citizens do not recognize the existence of solid state bio-physics physics and atomic gases in Washington, DC .......the gases and words they emit from their mouth omit vital details.
Then we have the Quantum state war with the Federal government and the approved ommsision /LIES of the Office of Science .......regarding the more TRUE Nature of the atomic state O = Oklahoma = Oxygen atomic mass 16 with atomic computer base 16.
We see 16 oxygen 8 brain dead signal of the 168 dead in Oklahoma City tragic Margaret Mead atomic nuclear anthropology event. It is nice to know that no one in the entire world of SCIENCE, INDUSTRY, and EDUCATION recognizes the description of the oxygen atom VIA atomic human agent McVeigh(t) or the bio-computer WAR signal of Base 16, 8 data bits. Perhaps, some university science departments may break their programmed brain cell state of hypnosis ...television and radio are very good at hypnotic techniques for the intellectual unawry.
ALSO, above,
we see the Charles Darwin atomic table equation P S Cl Ar
with Darwinian formula - - ->Presidential Selection Clinton Arkansas
with the vice -president element Al = Al Gore ....also, known in
Nobert Wiener bio-cybernetics
as Al Gore = Al.Gorithms ore= oribtal electrons
Thus we see CLUES to atomic political science of the Margaret Mead nuclear family.....atomic expressions VIA humanoid structures with a symbolic bio-computer brain.
The next SECRET undercover signal from Pink Floyd ...the WALL and the WSJ newpsaper . . . . . .
Above words: tape, blind, 3 M ........... regarding
IBM and COMPUTER EARTH system 370 double-blind statistical experiments which include social engineering bio-computer experiments. Los Angeles region computer programmers and their companies refuse to recognize the system 370 main frame America project with the 37th President of the
device UNIT = magnetic NIXON tapes of
the UNIT = United States of North America brain computers......and the Central Nervous System 370 abstract grain symbolic processor.
California universities and corporations have had since 1972 thru 2012 to acknowledge the empircal data of President Nixon and have choosen to PLAY DUMB ......insulting the DNA Consitutional foundation of the United States and its intellectual awareness mission.
news article words "three- inch M" --> 3 M signal from the atomic table of life .... the 3M signal starts with the 3-Mile Island incident to 3M corporation scientists in Minnesota and the Univeristy of Minnesota ... to pay attention to EARTH LAB news signals.
Now the signal is repeated in Los Angeles.
3M Technical Bulletin, 84-9811-2085-4, "Magnetic Tape Recording: Forever?" ... Geller, Sidney B., Care and Handling of Computer Magnetic Storage Media, ...
File:Magnetic-tape hg.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Then we have the another magetic tape signal from bio-computer proper noun identifier Dan Scott --> Code Scott to Scotch tape agents.
- Dan s = Data answer
- Dan S = DS = IBM Bal program Define Space ......signal to
Computer Earth city of Bal region = Baltimore and the BAL geography program DATA FIELD of Einsteins's data processing DATA FIELD theory of political science...with
Washington, DC = Define Constant .......and the G = Government of the Gravity constant and the universal graviational constant population laws with the atomic element
Na = Sodium on behalf of NaCl (sodium chloride) with the
human interface agents NaCl = North america Clintons ....
........ who may wish to have the University of Arkansas acknowledge the existence of the periodic atomic table someday.
Sheriff's special--> Einstein' Special theory of Relativity and Relatives
ims bur children --> bio=computer IMS database buffer with human bio-computer children data records ...... prisoners of COMPUTER EARTH in the intellectual wars of the SCIENCE WARS regarding with university arrogance . snobs, and bull-stories...that ought be fixed.
Karl Marx class warfare --> the class room shootings .....has been ignored by philosophy and social science departments.
Citizens do not care for accurate explanations of tragic events ......caused by social enginneering policy ERRORS.
Welcome to BRAVE NEW WORLD, 1984, and Future Shock. Many authors have warned us of the possibilites.
The Stae of Wisconsin and its farmers and city dwellers could care less ...about the FUTURE SHOCK lesson learned by Matt Anderson of the FUTURE Farmer's of America experiment in awareness and concern about farms and the agriclutute community. The University of Wisconsin does not care to help understand the
BASE 16 hexadecimal ......
accidental murder of HEX 'FFA" member Matt Anderson
...signal for
Mathematics ...algebra subset word
M at........t ........
Hence, Darwin selection of an appropriate bio-math humanoid whose name: Matt is a symbolic representation and subset of the mathematical dimesnions ...from Galileo year 16 16 --> base 16 HEX space and Base 16 HEX time.
The FFA and the university deny the existence of Base 16, Wisconsin hexadecimal Highway 16, Galileo the DEFENDER (of EARTH) in year 16 16 , and a variety of other projects of Nature. They are aware of eating pizza and watching sports and listening to music.
Are their serious intellectuals ..... that can look at situations from a different angle?
Please help solve these puzzle problems. You have some CLUES ......please improve upon them help us understand the BIG PICTURE of life and events and how the various atomic and biochemistry forces express themselves in social FORMATS.
As William Shakespeare stated over 400 years ago:
"The WORLD is a stage and we are the players".
So, what actor are you playing?
Myself, for a while ....I played DUMB ..... but something caught my attention ...and slowly ..over years I emerged from that role.
Then I played DUMB again .
Then I switched over to STUPID.
Slowly I emergered...this time I fortified my brain with symbolic knowledge as basic algebra, math and basic college textbooks in genetics, chemsitry,physics, molecular cell biology, etc. Now, my brain is on solid BASIC abstract, symbolic ground and correctly LINKS to the Earth physical geography ground and its equivalent basic geography maps .
Today.... " The WORLD is a satge and we are the atomic P=Processing Layers"
The Batavia bio-physics electromagnetic coupling constant 137 , the newspaper signal 137 communications problems with the FermiLAB atomic processing layers of DNA nitrogenous bases and the Standing human Standard model.
The electromagetic coupling constant 137 has been in many newspapers in November 2011. The SIGNAL has been ignored by universities and governments research agencies ...since they ignore the existence of SCIENCE WAR battles and the resultant student casualties.
The newspaper data suggests a major bio-physics string defect .....that is string theory applied to atoms that combine to form molecules, and molecules become 4 DNA nucleotides (Nitogenous Bases ) ...... and this construction process continues ..until we have ...say atomic bio-physics humanoid that is 6.67 feet tall and weights 200 pounds and plays basketball ...specifically, his Nitrogenous BASES (the orginal NBA) belong to an humanoid sports organization called the NBA ...that refuses to acknowledge the original NBA of Mother Nature.
Thus we have the NBA players --> p layers -->processing layers...that exists in 2 major formats:
a) the physical format of bio-physics and biochemistry
b) the information string from atomic levels to larger levels ...and the information string modern times appears in college textbooks in genetics, molecular cell biology, math ,etc. At some point in this information string is a defect...called social science cheating and bull-stories ....and the Margaret Mead nuclear family ....atomic anthropology is now involved in a SOCIAL SCIENCE war ........and scientists will not help clarify the situation.
Coupling Constants for the Fundamental Forces
Fine-structure constant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In quantum electrodynamics, α is the coupling constant determining the strength of the ... In this theory, theelectromagnetic interaction is treated as a mixture of.... The first mystery – the origin of its numerical value α ≈ 1/137has been ... -
Coupling constant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For the Murray-von Neumann coupling constant, see von Neumann algebra. ... coupling constant that determines the strength of the electromagnetic force on an ... In particular, at low energies, α ≈ 1/137, whereas at the scale of the Z boson,
Let''s look at some mass communications siganls. Mass communications is televsion, radio, print, Internet,etc.
Mass communication is really atomic mass communcations...the messages of protons, neutrons, and electrons VIA humanoids with an atomic brain bio-computer with output devices .....the arm/wrist/hand for writing output and the LUNGS provide nitrogen/oxygen carrier atoms ...that carry English nouns/verbs to the mouth output device. From those human source outputs.......PRINT or copper wire televsion electrons/optics may help distribute the message.
Above, using the atomic English language of the 26 protons of ferrous oxide atom...and their 26 atomic alphabet letters ......we can translate the message of the Margaret Mead nuclear family and its atomic social anthropology messages of the s,p electron orbitals VIA s,p orbit -->abbreviated as ......s,p, ort --> sport of basketball and its information string .
Internal string theory starts its information string with the s,p orbit molecules to the DNA Nitogenous Bases human size messenger Nitrogeous Bases ( NBA) --> to the string end ... s,p, orbit = sport. The human NBA insult their atomic, molecular, and DNA heritage; they refuse to acknowledge its existence and the SCIENCE WARS.
In the addition the basketball players UNION denies the existence of algebra set theory. The atomic/astrophysics continuum is a union of many sets ...known on the South side of Chicago as the UC = Union of Concepts and Concrete ideas.
Thus we see that the UNION has omitted many of the sets of other humans ...that are part of the NBA continuum ...a section of that contiuum being Nitrogeous bases (molecule size) THRU NBA ( human size).
Nitrogenous Bases in DNA
What are the nitrogen bases in DNA
Adenine (A),
Guanine (G),
Cytosine (C),
Thymine (T).
A binds with T G binds with C.
The atomic s,p orbital --> transform --> sports ....... is used by basketball coaches to send body language commands and optical /eye commands to the human brain bio-computer.
University administrators allow any nonsense instructions to be broadcast on television during the college social science /biochemistry playoffs.
Penn State and Syracuse University big song-and-dance trial of Nature's undercover agents like Jerry Sandusky.
William Shakespeare around year 1600 stated
words: day of this stand
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by SBM Bell - Related articles
version of general relativity, and refined the estimate of the 137 as the coupling constant for electromagnetism to provide another three figures of the observed
related to EARTH LAB specimen humanoid with experimental label ..proper noun related to the Nature's project parameters for 137 --> one 37 --> one at 37 degrees Celsius atomic body thermodynamics.
Of course, that is an odd question.
NO Secrets --> Nitrogen Oxygen
Is it the influence of the 1960 television show ' I've got a secret"?
Thus Nature sent a coupling constant message VISIBLE to the retail shoppers.
But, the influential power of the electromagnetic coupling constant gets no respect .... hence, Nature's Hierarchy Problem regarding communications and acknowledgement of the Margarrt Mead atomic anthropology forces ...that are NOT respected by the established ELITE.
Coupling ....Pier 1 and Pier 37 --> Pier 137
The atomic NBA --> Ba = Basketball Ba=Bases in Ba= Batavia sports zone of the EARTH orbital theory.
Below, another view of standing Pier ODDONE of the Standard model group.
Will members of the
STANDARD Model theory and RD groups please
STAND up and please be counted something new happening ?
Thus we have an interesting atomic bio-physics puzzle...that is a Margaret Mead nuclear family puzzle from Nature ..that we ought acknowledge ......that it exists! Then ...we ought try to undertand the atomic social engineering messages from Nature.
Earth math-geography IRON WAR and ACCIDENT reports --> Africa ONE, Africa ONE signal to BALAD An-26 ......... over and out --> Please respond.
2007 Africa One Antonov An-26 crash
2007 Balad aircraft crash
Galileo book title " Two Chief Worlds Systems"
Charles Dickens "Tale of Two Cites"
D.H.Law --> Double-Helix Laws at Lawrence Liver Labs, California
C.P. violations in Margaret Mead atomic anthropology theory AND
2007 Africa One Antonov An-26 crash
2007 Balad aircraft crash of Antonov An-26
Thus let's look at the above headlines from 2 views ..... like a duality principle.
Louis de Broglie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2007 Africa One Antonov An-26 crash
2007 Balad aircraft crash of Antonov An-26
Thus let's look at the above headlines from 2 views ..... like a duality principle.
An-26 crash
crash of Antonov An-26
Signal An-26 ---> Atomic number 26 ferrous oxide atomic MESSAGES for the world Fer = Ferrous oxide atom RD coordination site known as Fer = FermiLAB
Here, we see the Earth geology iron core, the North/South Pole magnetic DATA FIELD ... an earth computer magnetic tape using the field flow lines lines, the interatction with the magnetic field with IRON Office buildings and IRON Heme group Fe(ii) ion humanoid structures with the well-known name --> the BORG-humans..... as displayed on television by Captain Picard.
The 2 An-26 signaling accidents involve the Margaret Mead atomic numeclear family .....atomic anthropology problems and conflicts ...... and the major diplomatic communication problems of Fe = Ferrous oxide atomic government and its 26 iron proton atomic English language alphabet letters and their WORDS and social engineering policy message to the atomic extension in bio-physics format known as humanoids.
The problems of EARTH government IRON CORE Fe= Ferrous oxide atom has resulted in a world-wide IRON WAR with the
misinformed F e=Federal governments and their arrogant citizens who have disregarded various SOCIAL CONTRACT with Nature first outlines by John Locke and others.
2007 Africa One Antonov An-26 crash
The 2007 Africa One Antonov An-26 crash occurred when a twin engine Antonov An-26, belonging to the Congolese air carrier Africa One, crashed and burned shortly after takeoff from N'djili Airport in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congoon October 4, 2007.
The flight was variously reported as operated by El Sam Airlines or Malila Airlift, with the aircraft leased from Africa One
Above words --->
as operated by El Sam Ai atomic/astrophysics continuum language ...
as operated = astrophysics (undercover) operations
by e1 = (data byte) 1
El Sam = Elementary physics SAMPLE space ...SAMPLE time
The flight manifest stated that there were 16 passengers
aboard, but more boarded the flight shortly before takeoff.
[edit] Crash
Accident summary | |
Date | October 4, 2007 |
Type | Under investigation |
Site | Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo 4°24′S 15°25′E / 4.40°S 15.41°ECoordinates:4°24′S 15°25′E / 4.40°S 15.41°E |
Passengers |
unknown (16 in the flight manifest) |
Reuters reported that an on-board
mechanic survived,
while Associated Press claims a flight attendant also survived , bringing the total
number of survivors to two.
EVENT messaage ...... mechanics --->
signal to quantum mechanics
and wave mechanics theorists .... ..the 2 surviving groups with functional atomic brain cells.
regarding the SCIENCE WARS of the last 15 years ...that officially began around 1995/1996 with the Alan Sokal announcement about the ARCH DUKE (the Ferrous oxide agent code) Fer.dinand project .....from year 1914 at DUKE University.
EVENT of Africa One numbers--->
16 passengers --> Base 16 hexadecimal HUMAN /LUNG lpassengers on EARTH ...that were living within the
OXYYGEN Molecule continuum of 16 electrons and molecule weight 32.
Thus we have 2 periodic atomic table ELEMENTS that are components to the EVENT ( An-26 implies IRON atom) and (16 passengers implies oxygen and bio-computer data processing of LU =Logical Unit = LUNG and brain symbolic processor)
We see the identical OXYGEN and IRON ...WAR message at the Oklahoma City bombing with 168 dead and the IRON Fe=Federal Office building destroyed.
Every high school science student AND college freshman chemistry student recognizes that 168 --> 16 atomic mass oxygen with 8 electrons.
Every computer programmer and computer systems analyst in the world recognizes 168 --> base 16 hexadecimal and 8 data bits = 1 BITE of the canniBAL subroutine discussed by algorithms agent (AL GORE) at the canniBAL conference in BALI, Indonesia.
CanniBAL --> BAL = Basic Assembler Languages
International Airport
CanniBAL --> BAL = Basic Assembler Languages
Kin --> relatives of the 2 TOWERS
International Airport
Iron File: Tower or
File: IRON Tower (skyscraper)
Data File: IRON Tower (data errors)
North/South POLE magnetic DATA FIELD interaction with the iron 2 TOWERS
of the WORLD Trade Center ( Center of MASS).
....DATA ERRORS in Manhttan with
Central Park Unit = CPU = Central Processing Unit
Central PU Library = CPU = Central Processing Unit
Grand Central Station --> Grand Unified Theory CPU
Port of Authority BUS station --> I/O Port data BUS
P.ort --> p-orbit physics
Authority = Au ...orit --> vowels a,e,i,o,u orbit ..interacrtiobs with the symbolic machine vowels ..with i=input and o = output
42nd Street Time Square ---> Base 4 exponent 2 = Base 16 hexadecimal TIME region
Manhattan Project - Spartacus
Meanwhile the scientists working on the Manhattan Project were developing......
The Manhattan Project
This Manhattan Project predecessor, code named the S-1 project, was ... with graphite and uranium was transferred to a new secret project, ...
--> Tensor space/time update of the approved Manhattan project of SEPT 11, 2001.
S-1 project + TEN (decimal number) = S-11 --> September 11 project of the world government elite, supreme thinkers in Margaret Mead nuclear family .... atomic anthropology policy.
code named the S-1 project
code named the S-1 project
code named the S-1 project
code named the S-11 project
September 11 attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The destruction of the twin towers caused serious damage
2007 Balad aircraft crash
2007 Bal crash --> IBM, EDS, and others
The 2007 Balad aircraft crash was a 9 January 2007 airplane incident involving an Antonov An-26 airliner, which crashed while attempting to land at the U.S. military base in Balad, Iraq.[3] The crash killed 34 people aboard and left one passenger critically injured. Officials claim the crash was caused by poor weather conditions, but other sources claim that this is a cover-up.
is cover-up = information systems cover-up
Above .....duality signals for mathematical-physics, geology, geography-math, and geo-political researchers and theorists
Syria --> SY = Symmetry and super-symmetry existence / 11 dimensions of physics on EARTH LAB
Turkey --> T + Ur + Key --> Theorists uranium 235 isotopes(t) theory of pes(t) ......and BudaPEST and Buddha data PEST errors,etc.
BALAD,IRAC q-variables ......IRAQ = IRAC + Q .....duality signal
.........DIRAC ............Paul Adrian Maurice Dirac with the ALLAH subset word of t.ALLAH.assee
thus the periodic atomic table of elements and the evolution of atomic religious thought.
IRAN --> the q-variables of IRAQ plus IRAN = Independent Random Variables ..of the new expressions of PLANET EARTH with Earth quantum and wave mechanics ......and in Europe...Bavaria = Base variables for mathematical-geography, bio-math and existential matters.
Logan, Utah is a secret math log base( logarithms) that CALTECH is keeping secret for its
_TOM M.Apostol mathematics applications projects .... .
ATOM MAP os/JCL = Job Control Languages
Thus we see a variety of methods used by university administrators and others to CONTROL the 11-dimensions of string theory for their personal / group objectives they refuse to help understand the SCIENCE WARS and the casualties.
The mathematical-geography ... EARTH wave mechanics WAR took place near FermiLAB, Batavia, Illinois.
The empirical setting has the following conceptual components involvved in the EVENT:
The EARTH math SIN wave is provided by
the state of wiscon.SIN .....perhaps a Quantum State or the wisconsin LINK to Lake Michigan wave mechanics interface with soil/LAND in Milwaukee per DATA from the murder of mechanics student JAKE Gerard ....... whose was a symbolic agent for wave mechanic / quatum mechanics for EARTH code : ATLAS ...the parallel to the ATLAS physics project was the ATLAS BUS Sales building and the party at which Jake Gerard was killed with a
G un ..that is a WAR device used by the gravity field life forms that interact with huamnoid atomic mass .....
G un ...
G= universal gravitational constant and its social invitation to the Base 16 Hex'AF' = AFTERLIFE club via
G un ..........grave invitational
The NODE tragedy was at No + De = Northern Illinois University, DeKalb .......wave mechanics, oceanography classroom for the Naval Resaerch Lab studies of the U.S.S. Cole in October 2000 .....
Y2K code --> Y=Yemen Base 2 sigmal Killed in Cole boat
The 2nd event.... COLE base 2 was at COLE Hall ...with the Halls of Montezuma song for the Marines of Paris ISLAND to pay attention to Paris in the Captain Janeway books ....Paris = Par + Is = Parallel Information systems.
The NODE tragedy DEMO for European universities and their advanced Fe = Ferrous oxide governmental ERRORS ......
is the
NODE = Norway and Demark .....and the UTOEYA tragedy of UTOE = Unifoed Theory of Everything which includes the SCIENCE WAR casualties of IS = Information Systems --> IS = ISLAND of Utoeya and the parallel to the Fantasy Island televison show.
2007 Africa One Antonov An-26 crash
2007 Balad aircraft crash of Antonov An-26
Africa --> AF --> Argonne and FermiLAB
ONE --> Pier Oddone ......the sum of the odds probably = one
ANT --> Margaret Mead atomic ANT.hropology conflicts and issues with citizens and their representatives: the Office of Science, DARPA, Energy Department, and the other agencies
An-26 --> 26 protons of iron and the 26 atomic English alphabet letters (Einstein's special theory of atomic anthropology relatives)
An-26 --> 26 protons of Ferrous oxide atomic POINTER to Fer = fermiLAB Fe= Federal governemnt spokepersons for all aspects of IRON and the IRON WAR. Failure to try to understand that Darwinian evolution continues AND Nature has bypassed most of the
human species as the SCIENCE WARS are in their final phase.
Balad = BA + LAD = Batavia lads/engineers/ men/gentlemen ...........MESSAGES continue WAITING in year 2012.
Deep Space NINE television and paperback book messages waiting.
Batman messages waiting.
It's an interesting world......the atomic / astrophysics continuum and the social science and economic activities within that continuum.
The atomic continuum Standard Model Hierarchy Problem --> the atomic anthropology problem --> BLOG WARS
The astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (EARTH Lab) project has a few names:
- Recapture of Planet Earth
- Galileo the DEFENDER (of Earth)
- Solar System 370 and the subset Computer EARTH processing WAR machine
Given the larger context mentioned above....we have the EARTH Lab science wars with human participants. Everyone is involved....that is why individuals must understand the situation.
Nature's military does not accept the excuse --> " I didn't know about the SCIENCE WARS; besides I am innocent, its their fault".
Pointing fingers at others implies that your MIND is part of a Carl Jung collective unconsciousness ...a large group of people who fail to understand simple societal structural concepts. Thus the group members point fingers at other groups ..with some flimsy explanation about conflict situations.
It's a NICE theatrical performance of innocence......that William Shakespeare described around
year 1600 --> The world's a stage and we are the players.
Today--> The world's an atomic stage and we are the Margaret Mead nuclear family atomic social players'.
The SCIENCE WARS began around 1995. The subject was mentioned before then; but the name didn't become well known until the 1995 time period. However, if we consider history, Galileo was involved in an astronomy SCIENCE WAR with the church from 1616 ....and then in 1632 it became a serious problem for Galileo.
Galileo Galilei | |
![]() Portrait of Galileo Galilei by Giusto Sustermans |
Born | 15 February 1564[1] Pisa,[1] Duchy of Florence, Italy |
Died | 8 January 1642 (aged 77)[1] Arcetri,[1] Grand Duchy of Tuscany, Italy |
Residence | Grand Duchy of Tuscany, Italy |
Nationality | Italian (Tuscan) |
Fields | Astronomy, physics and mathematics |
Galileo Galilei - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thus the science conflicts and philosophy debates have existed under different proper noun labels.
For our purpose ...1990 and the start of the SCIENCE WARS.
For a simplicity we have several major wars underway:
1) Science wars
2) Neuroscience Wars
3) the Integer math wars --> INTERNET wars
4) the Biology math wars --> BLOG war zone
To understand the situation, a human analyst ought take the
VIEW of Shakespeare from year 1600 --> transferred to North American STAGE at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC.
Humans are composed of atoms and math functions.
Humans have thoughts.
Therefore, atoms/ math are the origin of all social thoughts.
Thus we are human expressors of more fundamental forces and desires of Nature. We are actors for various parts of the EARTH government and Nature's intellect. We see this evolution of atomic thoughts with the following example.
Millions of years ago ...the periodic atomic table government and photons/electromagnetic Hertzian wave government formed an elemental botany engineering design team for Nature....and designed photosynthesis which built cellulose trees.
Then the atoms (in the tree cellulose) thought it could use a humanoid friend/ buddy..thus came into existence the cellulose TREE BUD photosyntheses enlightment messenger: BUD--> BUDDHA.
Today Buddhists refuse diplomatic recognition of Nature's BOTANY government and refuse to acknowledge the Nitrogen cycle. The 14th Dalai Lama is receiving incomplete advice from the science community and world governments.
But the evoution thought process continues with math decision trees used by human engineers and business.
Thus our subliminal minds; our Carl Jung atomic collective unconsciousness has within it ...Nature's biological computer subroutines and their symbolic engine vectors...that can affect our destiny .
An example is the molecular cell biology government of Nature and its DNA social process control system.
Nature wanted to send an INTELLECTUAL message to the DNA nucleotides T,A,G group known as the pen.TAG.on .....that they are receiving incorrect and incomplete advice from university THINK TANKS and military consultants and Washington,DC intellectuals --> who are mis-representing the period atomic table of LIFE and its social policies. Thus Nature's Darwinian atomic selection process chose Virginia TECH biochemistry Major Hasan as a SCIENCE WAR messenger at Fort Hood Soldier READ Center.
The Pentagon, Washington,DC and Virginia TECH deny the existence of atomic English language. Thus the Darwinian atomic selection of the atomic English language messenger .... CHOSEN ONE --> Mr.CHO. Atomic mass messages are sent VIA mass communications media as television and why are incomplete explanations of these tragedies given by atomic human newspaper reporters.
Sartre wrote about existentialism and its multi-faceted dimensional expressions on EARTH LAB..and he wrote the play "NO EXIT" for modern BS nonsense stories. Since universities will not assist in clarification of these clues...we have the modern LIVE theater play "NO EXIT".
--> Northern Illinois ...Cole Hall NO EXIT from the George Orwell OCEANIA classroom shooting
--> Virgina TECH ....NO EXIT from the English language symbolic ARMY shooting
--> Fort Hood ...advanced biochemistry TEXTBOOK battle at the Soldier READ Center
NO EXIT from the molecular cell biology war on READ(ing) nonsense conclusions in newspapers and magazines. While the surface facts of an event are accurate...the newspapers omit the deeper messages from the EARTH LAB atomic/astrophysics continuum.
The SCIENCE WARS --> atomic neutrons and their Brain Radio neurotransmitters transmission of language and symbol War Commands
William Shakespeare around year 1600 wrote:
.....................The WORLD is a stage and we are the actors"
Today we have the " The WORLD is a Science WAR stage and humans act as shooting actors"
Thus if humans are actors....programmable bio-computers....then who/what process is programming the
Humans are composed of atoms and math equations and atomic English languages.
Humans have social, political, and theological thoughts.
Therefore, atoms,math and symbol life are the origins of thought...with the human being just a substrate/a vehicle/ a structure used to express Nature's intellect VIA atomic thoughts.
Thus we have the Hierarchy Problem of bio-physics and the STANDARD MODEL of an atomic human standing on 2-legs with a mouth ..with Margaret Mead atomic anthropology undercover agent Governor BLA for FermiLAB in the the STATE of MIND --> State of Ill/sick noise....which is a parallel to the Earth LAB geography STATE of Illinois.
The periodic atomic table government has many formats of expression. One such FORMAT is a 4-legged Schrodinger physics cat. Another FORMAT are 2-legged atomic HUMANS with a symbolic brain computer.
Looking at these humanoid structures...they are just messengers/agents for the periodic atomic table government and its intellectual life forms...known as symbolic life --> subjects--> like genetics, biochemistry, linear algebra math, astronomy, etc.
These symbol life forms (nouns, concepts, math equations) exist in an optical CITY in the optical nerve/symbolic brain computer .....and are independent from the brain portion used for daily routine affairs (eating and social talk).
In the past, the phrase ..the QUEEN and her subjects ( 2-legged men and women).
Today..the phrase..the QUEEEN and her subjects (Serious textbooks of atomic thought expressions: biochemistry, physics, organic chemistry, calculus, engineering,etc).
Lets look at the modern atomic QUEEN --> QUE + EN -->
atomic anthropology information QUEUE with Energy levels ...simliar to the physics models of the BOHR atom. .
Thus we see the Hierarchy Structure of the atomic table and its usage of humanoid expressions.
Lets look at an outline of some levels ....
-Primary source --> orginal atomic thought ..routed to
-Intermediate level -> biochemistry /genetics/ brain electron lab RD
- human output level --> messages at lunch between university classes.
Thus we have various intermediate levels ...from the atomic thought.
In a sense we have an atomic decison tree --> route to an intermediate --> Human thoughts
Nature can..if necessary use a lot of influence...when it wants to send a
social engineering feedback SIGNAL. The only SIGNAL that humans the tragic SIGNAL...since other Margaret Mead atomic bio-physics nuclear arms, elbows, mouth SALT TREATY signals are ignored.
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