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Galileo the DEFENDER of Planet Earth

Permalink 11/22/13 00:08, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized

The status of the 400 year war to recapture control of EARTH.



Year 1616 is a milestone in astronomy. The evolution of space/time life components resulted in Base 16 hexadecimal SPACE and Base 16 hexadecimal TIME.

Year 1616 --> BASE 16 space and BASE 16 time.


The astronomy/ astrophysics galactic computer systems project started in year 1610.

In year 1616 the galactic computer system project was titled: GALILEO the DEFENDER (of  EARTH) in honor of his position as an intellectual general in the MILKY WAY galactic WAR. The astronomy war that began around year 1610 continues to this day in year 2009. The 400 year GALILEO ASTRONOMY WAR is a well-kept secret. Now astronomy intellectual warriors are needed. Amateur astronomy individuals, astrophysics students, and science professors are needed to provide the new leadership and vigor to complete this project.



The GALILEO the DEFENDER project has a project convergence completion date computed using YEAR 1616 --> 16 x 16 = YEAR 256. Hexadecimal year 256 is the link to the Hawking/ Gibbons astrophysics parallel processing EVENT HORIZON year 256 --> the exponent TIME WORLD year 2008 --> Base 2 exponent 008 = Year 256 at Cambridge --> which is a CAD/ CAM bridge to the galactic computer system 370.



CAD = Computer Aided Design at Cambridge, England and Cambridge, Massachusetts. The CAMbridge Y 2 K ERROR is known as the K ERROR (K ERR in Hawking/Gibbons astrophysics terminology suggests the KERR metric looking for a Y 2K solution). Specifically the CAMbridge communications bridge needs to handle a 2K data stream to the GALILEO computer system 370 Base 16 HEX SPACE and Base 16 HEX TIME --> the EVENT HORIZON data processing region. Theorists interested in seeking the astrophysics local region (PLANET EARTH) KERR solution to the EARTH problem will find the empirical data and the preliminary GALILEO model useful.

The universities have ignored the Y2K standard protocols since YEAR 2000; consequently KERR errors and other errors have occured. Astronomy and astrophysics graduate students and professors have an opportunity to help me explain to the world this galactic phenomena; how it affects EARTH and our personnal future.

As one philosphically reflects upon the 400 year astronomy war, one must think of the project title: GALILEO the DEFENDER. Then one must ask the questions:
1) Defender of what --> what situation or circumstance?
2) Defender implies that there was an invasion of some type.
3) Since Galileo was engaged in SOLAR SYSTEM research, then perhaps he detected the type/format of the invaders . . . and he was then told to be quiet and kept under house arrest.
4) If an invasion took place, what format were the invaders.

The invadors would not be a directly visible physical biological entity. Hence,alternative format/types such as: EM = Electromagnetc life forms that would enter via the eye and take over the optical nerve, brain optical computer system --> and thus eventually control thoughts (hence possible incomplete or alien thoughts). Thus a physically normal looking 2-legged person would have these EM life forms implanted in their social behavior brain optical circuits.




A second method could be gravitational life forms that interact with the atomic mass in the biological brain. The gravitational life would eventually take over the brain's social perceptions. The amount of data from 50 years of television shows provide many clues to this modifying process of brain perceptions.




The Cambridge universe GHOST-->Gravity HOST processor systems with number 6. 6 .....

the  gravity  HIGHWAY secret    of
gravity expression agents  GH = Gibbons & Hawking





Below,  Nature's EARTH LAB   gravity  parameter of Nm is displayed  VIA  geography GRAVITY STATE of  Nm = Isaac Newton .... New  gravity  news .... New Mexico.











The authors of books like 1984,BRAVE NEW WORLD, and FUTURE SHOCK have raised their suspicions. Hence, GALILEO the DEFENDER of EARTH becomes a very possible situation; a link between social science and astrophysics that university professors ought clarify in year 2010.

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Herb Zinser's analysis of the SOLAR SYSTEM war over control of Planet Earth. Newspaper and magazine reports provide the surface veneer empirical data of EARTH LAB battlefields. These newspaper military reports are about a new class of soldiers and their missions. The modern symbolic components of a SOLDIER = Sol + Die + Er = Solar System botany processes + Machine Tool and Die Industry metals + Social Engineering
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