Russia and USA top secret joint military astromomy WAR projects trap alien EM brain wavelengths on Battlefield Earth. Supersymmetry physics and parallel processing military tools identify enemy forces.

Category: Uncategorized

Russian astronomy used the Russian Army in OSSETI, Gerogia, Russia to help astronomy war project -----> Galileo the DEFENDER of Earth. War data helps identify brain alien subroutines that plague human intellectuals.

Permalink 11/23/13 12:45, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized
RD-blog-772 BASE 16 Galileo the DEFENDER (of Planet Earth) Year 1616 is a milestone in astronomy. The evolution of space/time life components resulted in Base 16 hexadecimal SPACE and Base 16 hexadecimal TIME. Year 1616 --> BASE 16 space and BASE… more »

Milky WAY computer science battle at - - - - > Europe and nor.WAY. . . . . . . . Galileo the DEFENDER (of Earth) receives Milky WAY Galactic forces in the real version of L. Ron Hubbard's predicted "Battlefield Earth".....Scientology war reports

Permalink 12/03/13 18:50, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized
Rd-blog-668 Battlefield Earth (novel) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia‎   Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000 is a 1982 science fiction novel written by the Scientology found… more »

Solar System data processing with Computer Earth system 370 Europe geography map. Components of the Europe Computer Science WAR. The deletion of the Norway IMS biolological data base CHILD records.

Permalink 12/04/13 13:48, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized
RD-blog-620 The Solar System has 9 planets...equivalent to 8 data bits and 1 parity error correction bit. Thus the original data processing structure of the Solar System and its subsequent evolution to Planet now, viewed as Computer Earth… more »

Asia and the Solar System computer science TEST reports

Permalink 12/04/13 21:19, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized
The Solar System has 9 planets...equivalent to 8 data bits and 1 parity error correction bit. Thus the original data processing structure of the Solar System and its subsequent evolution to Planet now, viewed as Computer Earth System 370 w… more »

China refuses diplomatic recognition of the Solar System . . . . . . COMPUTER EARTH system 370 government. Understanding Nature's social engineering systems and the subset human government experiments.

Permalink 12/04/13 21:40, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized
China and its Solar System messages that are waiting for  an acknowledgement China and its TRUE identity as a social engineering subset institution within the larger context of the EARTH government and Nature's vast intellect     RD-blog-840 Th… more »

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Herb Zinser's analysis of the SOLAR SYSTEM war over control of Planet Earth. Newspaper and magazine reports provide the surface veneer empirical data of EARTH LAB battlefields. These newspaper military reports are about a new class of soldiers and their missions. The modern symbolic components of a SOLDIER = Sol + Die + Er = Solar System botany processes + Machine Tool and Die Industry metals + Social Engineering
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