Russia and USA top secret joint military astromomy WAR projects trap alien EM brain wavelengths on Battlefield Earth. Supersymmetry physics and parallel processing military tools identify enemy forces.

Russian astronomy used the Russian Army in OSSETI, Gerogia, Russia to help astronomy war project -----> Galileo the DEFENDER of Earth. War data helps identify brain alien subroutines that plague human intellectuals.

Permalink 11/23/13 12:45, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized


BASE 16 Galileo the DEFENDER (of Planet Earth)

Year 1616 is a milestone in astronomy. The evolution of space/time life components resulted in Base 16 hexadecimal SPACE and Base 16 hexadecimal TIME.

Year 1616 --> BASE 16 space and BASE 16 time.

The BASE 16 project started in year 1600; the astronomy/ astrophysics galactic computer systems project started in year 1610. In year 1616 the galactic computer system project was titled:

 Galileo the DEFENDER (of Earth) 

in honor of his position as an intellectual military general in the MILKY WAY galactic WAR.

The BASE 16 ...400 year astronomy war that began around year 1610 continues to this day in year 2013.






List of Russian astronomers and astrophysicists -
This list of Russian astronomers and astrophysicists includes the famous astronomers, astrophysicists and cosmologists from the Russian Empire, the Soviet ...

Alien encounters 'within twenty years' 
Science | The
Jun 27, 2011 – A top Russian astronomer say he expects humans to encounter extraterrestrial civilisations within the next two decades.

Astronomy - Russia - International Center for Scientific Research
Russian Academy of Sciences. • Astro Space Center (ASC). • Institute of Astronomy. • Space Research Institute. • Special Astrophysical Observatory (SAO RAS) ...




Analysis of the Russian astronomy military strategy with the Russian ARMY.
The binary strategy comprised 2 major miliatry probes ... providing data needed for advanced algorithms to understand the astronomy SCIENCE WARS.



==> The war in Afghanistan

Soviet war in Afghanistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Soviet war in Afghanistan was a  nine-year conflict  involving the Soviet Union (and the ( 9 planets of the Solar System), supporting the Marxist-Leninist government of the Democratic Republic of ...

Background - 1979: Soviet deployment - 1979: Soviet invasion
Soviet war in Afghanistan -
The Soviet war in Afghanistan was a war fought between the forces of the Soviet Union, and Islamic tribes of Afghanistan who were against the Communist ...

Jump to Afghanistan war maps: Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 ...
insurgency during the 1979 to 1989 Soviet war ...
Category: Maps of Afghanistan ...



==> The Russian astronomy DATA gathered by the ARMY probe into Afghanistan.

a) The 9 year conflict ...correlation to the 9 planets of Solar System astronomy.

b) The MOUNTAIN VIEW ....... of the Russian Army on EARTH LAB geography location known as Afghanistan.
Category:Mountains of Afghanistan - Wikipedia
Category: Mountain ranges of Afghanistan.
Mountains of Afghanistan ...

Afghanistan Table of Contents.
Mountains dominate the landscape, forming a terrigenous skeleton, traversing the center of the country, running generally in a ...


astronomy military troops with THINK TANKS 

c) The Galileo base 16 hexadecimal structure of Computer Earth system 370. Thus we see the computer relationship ... and the SIGNAL for Paul Allen and the computer industry.

Thus the supersymmetry physics war message
mountain range of AF = Afghanistan and parallel/ mirror
mathematics range from HEX'A' = 10 to Hex'F' = 15.


One could say we have a MATH mapping
from the mountain physical REALITY/domain
to the math and symbolic life REALITY.

Thus mathematical-physics will M-theory and all of the dimensions of EARTH LAB.....
one could think of a mapping between one format of Nature (the Afghnaistan Mountains) to the symbolic formats of Nature (via the Central Nervous System of math people)




==> The war in the Osseti, Georgia, Russia region


2008 South Ossetia war - Wikipedia, the free
The 2008 South Ossetia War or Russo-Georgian War was an armed conflict in August 2008 between Georgia on one side, and Russia and separatist ...

Georgian–Ossetian conflict -
Jump to War in South Ossetia‎: Main article: 2008 South Ossetia War ... Georgia admits using cluster bombs against Russian troops and the Roki ...

BBC NEWS | Special Reports | 2008 | georgia russia Jan 19, 2010 – Georgia and Russia mark the first anniversary of their brief war over the South Ossetia region, amid ongoing tension. Living with the aftermath ...





==> The Russian astronomy DATA gathered by the ARMY probe into Osseti.

a) We have Solar System and Computer Earth system 370 OS/JCL .....
with OSSETI = OS + SET + Interfaces .....thus an algberaic set of different versions of OS/JCL expressions:

- the system 370 copper wire computer main frame

- the OSLO, NORWAY bio-computer battle at UTOEYA

- the Lee Harvey OSWALD bio-computer asssassination of President Kenndy

- the TED OSWALD killng of
bio-PC LU = Logical Unit of Waukesha, WI name
bio-PC = Police Captain LU =LUTZ.

Thus 2 versions of a PC
copper wire PC = personnal copmputer
cop/policeman PC = person computer = brain computer.

Thus the cover-up of the TRUE NATURE of the Milwaukee area bio-computer war.
The state assembly has university programmers write humanbrain assembly language programs to manipulate citizen brains at the subliminal MIND level. This, then prevents police detectives from seeing the big picture AND understanding the Carl Jung collective unconsciousness social anthroplogy battles .... such as the Athony Peters attack upon Mayor Barrett in West Allis with special secret agent for Carl Jung ...Police Chief JUNG.
Welcome to the World ..... of West Allis --> West Alice project with CHIEF JUNG and Lewis Carroll.



The universities in the Milwaukee area will not cooperate; but police detectives that are curious are welcome to study the secret cover-ups run by the university elite, arrogant intellectuals ....that look down upon people like us. They think we are fools. This university attitude was well-known in year 1865 and published by Lewis Carroll. For example:

==> Lewis Carroll and the Virginia TECH student brain experiments...experiments in awareness of the social structure of Nature and the Earth government with subset human governments and institutions.

LEWIS Carroll from year 1865 ..Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, WHO Stole the Tarts?

The LEWIS Carroll EARTH LAB message:

"Here one of the guinea-pigs cheered, and was immediately suppressed by the officers of the court. .....(I will explain to you how it was done. ..with STRINGS: into this they slipped
the guinea-pig, head first and then sat upon it).
I'm glad I,ve seen that done' , thought Alice."

==> Wisconsin ...with Alice .....that is project title = Alice in Dairyland is the current version of Lewis Carroll and it is connected to theorist CHIEF JUNG who wrote about --> Man and his Symbols", Collective unconsciousness , Myths and Dreams.
Thus we see the theory of JUNG
and the social application test area with CHIEF JUNG West Allis .... he has a bigger name spelling .... but his TRUE NATURE and mission is revealed in his CHIEF JUNG identity.
Maybe, someday he may explore his indivi.dual NATURE ....that is his DUAL life.






Thus many people with good and honorable intentions have their brain under control because of either educational commands we receive in school of television broadcasts or newspapers writing incomplete conclusions. Detectives interested in the Milwaukeee shhoting of Norberg or the OSWALD killings of Kennedy and then years later Lutz....... may wish to join my research.

You need a open mind. need to understand its big world with all kinds of angles and views ... and you are ready ...... after several months will be surprised. I was ..... after several years, I was able to figure it out..... given the valuable CLUES of many authors. It' a big puzzle ..... it can be very interesting.

Thus we see how the OS/JCL mission by the Russian Army is related to the OS/JCL = Job Control Language of bio-computer systems ....and the brain programming of POLICE and citizens as OSWALD. George Orwell and Aldous Huxley warned us about this social engineering process that goes wary. These are puzzles ..... and the university and government have no interest in such matters; but the curious individual that can read and write .... can help MAP out the brain manipulation schemes in the geography area in which you live. This could be Milwaukee region ..... Chicago region ...etc. Norberg and oswald have been studied extensively .... but Milwaukee needs understand the SCIENCE WARS in its region.





Returning to the brain alien subroutines ..... we can look at Hollywood, California and one of their movie stages at Mountain View. They have actors and real scientists at thta location.
Currently the actors CONTROL the intellectual environment at that location.

b) signals for the SETI Institute in California.
Perhaps, someday ..... they may pay attention to the world around them.

c) SETI claims to be interested in ALIENS.
They ignored the ALIENS war identifier:

ALIENS --> A + LIE + NS --> Attack LIEGE, Beligum + Norway Shooting
The SETI Institute appears to be a slick cover/ a front used by the aliens themselves.
They don't have bi-direcvtional communications.
They live in Computer Earth system 370 VSAM space.

Thus the state of California office code CA -->
gives VSAM CA = Control Area.
Thus they may be intellectrual prisoners in CONTROL AREA of California.

We have the BAL city region of BALtimore.
BAL = Basic Assembler Langaughe for brain synmbolic computers.

So, perhaps the correct view is the SETI brain cell people that they are under
ALIEN VSAM Control Area and
ALIEN VSAM Control Inbterval --> CI --> CI.tizens living in some intellectual data space ...that they are to lazy to leave ....and explore other parts of EARTH LAB.
They ought read the Carl Sagan book "Contact"..... it has the necessary identifier codes for the down-to-earth human agent they are to contact ..... near the HUBBLE(Ton), Wisconsin top secret astronomy project ....that Sagan helped design.... and that is now waiting to be revealed by the astronomy world .... but is delayed .... by the lack of curious individuals.




Thanks to the Carl Sagan book 'Contact' and many other authors for providing CLUES to the astronomy war PUZZLE. In addition, they helped train my mind .... with the a variety of writing styles and the introduction of various concepts ....especially mystery authors and science fiction authors. In addition, television shows related to the mystery and science fiction books ...have enhanced those reading experiences. In a sense, I am a symbolic son ..... that they have helped educate. That ...along with basic college physics, chemistry, math, biochemistry, and genetics textbooks ....will enable any older person become much wiser.







CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER

Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA


Milky WAY computer science battle at - - - - > Europe and nor.WAY. . . . . . . . Galileo the DEFENDER (of Earth) receives Milky WAY Galactic forces in the real version of L. Ron Hubbard's predicted "Battlefield Earth".....Scientology war reports

Permalink 12/03/13 18:50, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized


Battlefield Earth (novel) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000 is a 1982 science fiction novel written by the Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard. He composed a soundtrack to the ...

Battlefield Earth (no --> novel proteins war in No = norway ) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Battlefield Ear : A Saga of the Year 3000 is a 1982 science fiction novel written by the Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard. He composed a soundtrack to the ... 

A new protein superfamily includes two novel 3-methyladenine DNA ...

... and Neuroscience, University of Oslo, Rikshospitalet-Radiumhospitalet HF, ...

AlkC and AlkD represent novel proteins without sequence similarity --> military ... to any ...

Battlefield Earth (novel) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000 is a 1982 science fiction novel written by the Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard.
He (atomic bio-physics human) composed

Battlefield Earth as an atomic output writer.....

atomic eLectRON ....messenger
........L......RON on ......




with Hubble astronomy undercover agent attributes
.....Hubb as in name.....Hubbard
.....Hub ....SCIENCE WAR communications hub HUb
.....Hub .......with agent: Hubbard
and his
SCIENCE WAR RD cover organization Scientology





New York Times best-selling author
L. Ron Hubbard has created a vast, unforgettable and exciting world in

Battlefield Earth that has captivated millions of ...
Batavia physics....brain (jail) cell captivated.....using the modern molecular cell biology
....jail cell..... ..with the atomic iron (jail) cell bars (2 bars of ther symbolic jail cell window) provided by the ferrous oxide HEME group Fe(ii) ion. Thus the intellectual war component of the SCIENCE WARS.






The Milky WAY galaxy and string theory physics presents the
gallows of Europe.........


Battlefield Earth.......Oslo, Norway, Europe
SIGNAL of year 1956 Hungary ............hung.
.................56 atomic mass of iron and the 1956 periodic atomic table message to physics prisoners in intellectual jail..........with Russell/Whitehead symbolic military troops inside the brain/neurotransmiiter war signal
.............europe, Year 1956 Hungary and Gary,Indiana, USA
............................56 atomic mass IRON INDUSTRY WAR
and the matheamtical-physics logic war fought by 1956 Hungary math rebels.



Principia Mathematica to *56 - Alfred North Whitehead, Bertrand Russell Science › Mechanics › Review: Principia Mathematica To *56 (Cambridge Mathematical Library).

iron symbol

Facts about Iron: Iron is a silver-gray metal in its pure metallic form. Each atom of iron contains 26 protons in the nucleus and so has 26 electrons surrounding it. Despite the fact that iron metal is one of the most commonly used elements and we can see it all around us, it does not appear in nature as a pure metal but rather as a range of oxides, chlorides and the like.



Isotopes(t)   of  Iron

The Principia Mathematica is a three-volume work on the foundations of mathematics, written by Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell and published in 1910, 1912, and 1913. In 1927, it appeared in a second edition with an important Introduction To the Second Edition, an Appendix A that replaced ✸9 and an all-new Appendix C.


PM, as it is often abbreviated, was an attempt to describe a set of axioms and inference rules in symbolic logic from which all mathematical truths could in principle be proven. 



Thus in year 2011 the well-kept 1956 LOGIC WAR secret is revealed to the universities continue their cover-up of the TRUE NATURE of events ......whether history events like 1956 or current events like UTOEYA, Norway. European citizens and Norwegian citizens don't care one bit about accurate analysis of situations...and the larger gestalt contrext ....that some events are a part of. The BIG PICTURE to European intellectuals is a big restuarant menu or watching a movie at a theater. Social engineering REVIEW and social analysis and theory sometimes require substanatial thought efforts. UTOEYA tragedy ......Norway nor Europe can't be bothered to understand the BIG PICTUE.






We see the SIGNALS reported by British astronomy and the SET Institute in California ......on the STATUS of the Milky Way war region in Europe. The COMPUTER EARTH system 370 base 16 hexadecimal symbolic warriors are located in one of the BAL space/time regions on EARTH ....such as the BALTIC geography region with DATA FIELDS of farms and soccer sports fields. Thus EARTH LAB events in astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet Earth) can be described with Einstein's DATA FIELD theory.

Universities deny the existence of DATA FIELD theory ......a classic example is the denial of the existence of the Green Bay packers ....packed decimal format DATA FIELD. The University of Wisconsin has a intellectual VOID in many aspects of REALITY. The University of Oslo and other European universities are fond of their inaccurate,biased atomic mass communication schemes as seen on television and newspapers. They like shallow explanations of tragic events......and they avoid the Carl Jung collective unconsciousness problems of their CITIZENS.






Signals as reported by SETI and British astronomy deep undercover agents.
Galactic KEYWORDS:

Milk --> Milky way Galactic forces ..most likely in G = Gravity thought wave FORMAT and the interaction of gravity with brain atomic mass.

Farm --> Base 16 Hex'Fa' = 250

Dairy farms --> Da + Fa --> Data Hex'Fa' = 250

Business --> Data BUS

Dump --> Computer Earth system 370 abend signal ....BAL computer program abend/dump near region BAL = BALTIC with the Norwegian national assembly language...government program for child brain bio-computers using the LUNG oxygen atomic processor base 16 weight..the weight of heavy thinking atoms.

Sept 16 --> Galileo base 16 Hexadecimal space/time






Belgian Farmers go on Milk-Dumping Binge to Protest Low Prices earth first.In Europe, you can get a liter of milk for 20 (Euro) cents. That doesn't even begin to cover dairy farmers' expenses – and to make a point, they've dumped ...
BBC NEWS | Europe | Farmers protest by dumping milk

Sep 16, 2009
Dairy farmers in Belgium, who are angry at low prices, have begun spraying three million litres of milk on a field in protest.

More videos for milk dumping europe »
Europe's farmers dump milk to protest low prices | Reuterswww.Sep 16, 2009 – They blame both the European Commission and local governments and about 7000 liters of milk was dumped in front of German agriculture ...
Belgian farmers dump milk in price protest - Business - World

Sep 16, 2009 – Image: Dumping milk ... Romuald Schaber, the president of the European Milk Board farmers' group, said up to half the milk farmers in some ...

Milk dumping sweeps Europe | Article | Feedstuffs Weekly Sep 28, 2009 – By IAN ELLIOTT EUROPEAN Union milk producers completed their second week of protests last Thursday, with farmers dumping milk to pressure ...




IBM User's Guide,
Thirteenth Edition
The following job produces the ASSIST User's Guide , U05-0082. ..... In batch mode, real terminal interaction is not possible; avoid using the HELP command and the ..... To suppress printing of the dump in the event Abend-AID is unable to ...

Site Map - IBM Mainframe
IBM - IBM Mainframe Support Forums Index ..... Abend U0271 while restarting IMS batch job. Abend U0602 ... Abend-Aid dump reading ...
Is it possible to abend your job intentionally through COBOL program. ... In an IBM batch environment, the RETURN-CODE set by your program ... You may also issue a program dump from a program run under Language ...

Solves the problems of dealing with complex dumps through its automated ... for Batch, CICS Transaction and System Dumps, and MQSeries abends. ... Advanced handling and presentation of dump information and job listings mean ... DumpMaster accepts the format change IBM made to the Common Vector Table (CVT). ...[PDF] .


 System Dumps

 System Dumps --> Computer Earth

OS/JCL  with OSLO bio-computers 




Thus we see......galactic MESS / messages and Einstein's DAT FIELD theory WAR:

- April 16 Virginia TECH abend /DUMP

- 16th Street Milwaukee...the Jake Gerard murder DUMP

- 2nd Street Milwaukee Base 2 DUMP with 2 policemen wounded ....
.....agents NOR(berg) and Kunish .....
....message NOR (way) from Milky way... EARTH LAB war zone
Thus we look at SETI and their data.

SETI embarks on biggest-ever search for extraterrestrials | TG Daily

Nov 15, 2010 – The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) is turning its focus once again on some of the stars that were its very first targets back in 1960. ...
New SETI Chief On Search For Extraterrestrials :› News › Science › SpaceSimilar -

Jun 26, 2010 – The SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Life) Institute has a new director of its Carl Sagan Center for Study of Life in the Universe. Dr. David ...

Thus we look at the astrophysics LOCAL REGION (Earth) to study the battles.
Using symbol war identifier codes ...... we see the battlesfields fought.




Cryptography (or cryptology; from Greek κρυπτός, "hidden, secret"; and γράφειν, graphein, "writing", or "study", respectively)  is the practice and study of techniques for secure communication in the presence of third parties (called adversaries).   More generally, it is about constructing and analyzing protocols


Crypto  graph   y  -->

atomic English language protocols  

using partitioned data sets (words, nouns, etc)  

and algebra subsets

and the human brain symbol processor

--> Signal 1

Milky way universe .....SETI algebraic SET theory subset Mil...wa u ---> Milwaukee, Wisconsin
........................key ..........
Mil--> Milton Wisconsin and Milford, Wisconsin
Wa --> Water100, Wisconsin and Watertown, Wisconsin

giving the EARTH LAB world geography headquarters with
Hubble(ton), Wisconsin astronomy with County Road G = universal gravitational constant
and the EARTH gravitational lenses FOCAL POINT and
Keck Observatory, Main Street, Watertown, Wisconsin, USA.

-->Signal 2
Milky Way Universe
......Way --> Watertown airport runway near
......Way --> Highway 26 Watertown to Janesville

Janesville --> Jane's Fighting ships with astrophysics agent
from GB = Galaxy BASE --> Great Britain with Stephen Hawking and
agent identifier Jane(sville) Wi(sconsin)lde Hawking

-->Signal 3
Computer Earth basic assembler language at
Clifford Lane, Watertown air plane geometry math crash.
CLI = Compare Logical immediate instruction for
Einsteins data processing DATA FIELD THEORY with
Hexadecimal Base 16 HEX/curse of the HEX'FAA' ...
violations of data space by the Federal Aviation Administration by allowing unqualified passengers to violoate space/time LIMIT boundaries.

-->LINK ......

Milky Way Universe
MILK --> the Dairy state of Wisconsin farmers
......Way --> Highway 26 and Watertown Airport
......WAY --> C --> Clifford Lane plane crash


Milky Way Universe parallel processing region Way --> Kentucky runWAY 26
......WAY --> C --> Comair plane geometry math accident
..............C --> Complex variables of Eisenhower math life....
and President Eisenhower acknowledgement of advanced war tools....
military industrial complex ....using complex variables and complex functions.

Thus the COMPLEX variables math war at the University of Wisconsin, Madison in 1970
with U.S.ARMY math research and the Sterling HALL.....CALCULUS of residues.
Milky way universe
Mil...wa..u --> Milwaukee policeman

NOR + Milky way universe --> signal

.....supersymmetry physics
Big Norway, Europe <---symmetry --> Little Norway, WI

the living EARTH cell with the BL genetic attributes of
cam.BRIDGE agent BL = Benjamin Lewin ......a communications BRIDGE.

--> Signals are ignored ....everything is funny, everything is a comdey....and thus
North Pole magnetic field + milky WAY signals for......
Thus we see:
CAUSE: ignored signals
EFFECT: ....nor --> Norway suffers the consequences of Europe intellectual errors

UTOEYA..also spelled as UTOYA. The SETI Institute subset
UTOE --> Unified Theory of Everything including modern human emotions and human thoughts.
European scientists have not provided any resource for the SCIENCE WARS.....thus deliberately prolonging the war ...........and consequently UTOYEA in Year 2011.
Scientists were informed of serious problems in the atomic/astrophysics anthropology continuum ......after the Cole Hall oceanography class shooting DeKalb Illinois.
FermiLAB was notified that studies suggested a high correlation

- Russell/Whitehead year 1910 book "Principia Mathematica" and the featherless bipeds problem

- Dr.Robley D. Evans year 1955 book " The Atomic Nucleus",

- Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory

VA interaction theory of Enrico Fermi and others

and the tragic event.....

- the Chick Evans Field House by Cole Hall

- ST. VAlentine's Day atomic mass ....massacre message

of Fe = signal for Fe = FermiLAB Fe = Federal RD center
of Fe = February 14th shooting by Margaret Mead atomic anthropology.....
electron shell messages VIA bullet shells comprised of atomic electron shells.

FermiLAB dismissed that theory .......since they are hypnotized by the
as described by atomic human messenger Illinois Governor BLA.....
Base Locator Atomic .......atomic brain cell messenger name.

Solar System data processing with Computer Earth system 370 Europe geography map. Components of the Europe Computer Science WAR. The deletion of the Norway IMS biolological data base CHILD records.

Permalink 12/04/13 13:48, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized
Part 2 ---> The Computer Earth system 370 atomic anthropology war with European brain computers



The Solar System has 9 planets...equivalent to 8 data bits and 1 parity error correction bit.
Thus the original data processing structure of the Solar System and its subsequent evolution to Planet now, viewed as Computer Earth System 370 with biological computer systems and their mirror....the copper wire computer systems. The mathematical-physics copper wire electron computer mirror came into existence after the Base 2 math war....known as World War 2 .....really a GALILEO astronomy war over year 1632 book: 2 Chief World Systems.

What are the 2 systems? This Manhattan Project anthropology physics question.....left unanswered.... became the EARTH battlefield of SEPT. 11, 2001 with the 2 Towers of the World Trade Center symbolic of the 2 Chief World Systems problem. Universities will not join me into researching this modern phase of the Galileo WAR. Thus, we have astronomy shooting stars at
Columbine High School, Cole Hall, Virginia Tech, Fort Hood, and Oslo,Norway.

The first major Solar System computer project manager on EARTH was Galileo in year 16 16.
Year 16 16......the Base 16 HEX space and Base 16 HEX time project. Today, Einstein's field theory is better described as Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory. The battle at Virginia TECH on April 16, 2007 was an example of an Einstein base 16 FIELD theory.......battle.FIELD.


Looking at Europe.....we see Computer Earth system 370 and its Base 16 hexadecimal geography map.

Base 16 Hex'A' = 10 = Anglo-Saxon countries

Base 16 Hex'B' = 11 = Britian (island)
Base 16 Hex'B' = 11 = Belgium (mainland)

Base 16 Hex"C' = 12 = Czechoslovakia

Base 16 Hex'D' = 13 = Denmark

Base 16 Hex'E' = 14 = England (island
Base 16 Hex'E' = 14 = English channel (communications channel)
Base 16 Hex'E' = 14 = Europe (main continent)

Base 16 Hex'F' = 16 = France
Base 16 Hex'F' = 16 = Finland



Bal regions --> Basic Assembler Language
Baltic Sea (north east Europe)

Balkan Peninsula (south east Europe)

OS/JCL --> city of OS --> OS10, Norway

Spanish --> Spanned data records

Porugal --> I/O Port of Computer Earth

Macedonia --> Mac --> Earth macro subroutines
Rhine River --> Rh --> Record Hexadecimal

Rhine River --> the living EARTH cell....water100 flow
Rhine River parallel or symmetry bio-physics bl00d flow
Rhine River.....factories
Rh..............factors in the biology rivers = bl00d flow
Rh = Record hex'fa'= 250
Net.....modern copper wire trap
Netherlands --> the 800 year old bio-symbolic computer internet

Of course, none of this exists. Scientists and universities will not discuss the issues and factors in the Norway shooting....a shooting reflecting their Carl Jung collective unconscious DATA errors. The Margaret Mead nuclear family....atomic brain message is Nature's feedback SIGNAL via event format: tragedy.

Lewis Carroll, George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, Rudlof Carnap and other authors have outlined the social manipulation processes, propaganda, and endoctrination problems of large socities. Thus the easy brainwashing of a shooter. Human brain computer programming VIA mass communications media is a well known process......used by advertising/marketing to sell products....and used by other groups to program a shooter.

Thus we have a remote controlled, time delayed social process. For example .....the theory is: murder prgram instructions are embedded within a series of television programs and broadcast to an audience of say 2 million people. The instructions enter the eyes and ears of 2 million candidates. Then the probability laws of the university go into effect....
the chance ..brain cell ..orders
--> chance cell orders
--> chan.cell.or commands....thus the high probability that 1 person's subliminal mind will take the television commands and over months....enhance them...embody them...rationalize them the original, obscure manipulating GROUP intended.

These Carl Jung collective unconscious manipulating groups pretend to be aware. In their mind...their biased frame of reference......they believe that. When given a open book math, particle physics in depth, awareness TEST....a gestalt TEST ...they talk and write the usual surface veneer story line. Such is the case in the university shootings....for example, the George Orwell atomic English language OCEANIA battle in Oceanography class with the Navy U.S.S. COLE and the Marines song 'HALL(s) of Montezuma' the COLE HALL battlefield in DeKalb, Illinois.

Thus the modern atomic English..atomic brain language and the optical/audio TELEVISION war.... with symbolic brain military WORD commands. Hence, the electromagnetic wave mechanics bio-physics battle --> George Orwell OCEANIA battle with Northern Illinois University social science nonsense.

The organic chemistry ...brain molecular English language battle was at Virginia TECH.
University social chemistry instructions are biased and incomplete. Their social engineering and political science error stories are printed in newspapers. They will not accurately explain the Margaret Mead atomic social anthropology context of tragic events.

Another factor is the neuroscience (Brain Radio). This concept was suggested by various music groups such as RADIO HEAD....which helps explain the Radio Free/Freak Europe battle in year 1956 in Hungary with the atomic mass of 56 of Ferrous oxide Heme group fe(ii) ion used by the iron myoglobin proteins of authors and newspaper reporters...whose arm muscles have written false messages to the the U.S.ARM Y-chromsome high command and NatO periodic atomic table government forces..represented by N = Nitrogen 14 and O = Oxygen 16 of LUNG biochemistry cell military force that report to Mother EARTH governemnt with John Locke and Nature's intellect.


In addition, year 1956 announces the beginning of the end of the British social philosophy errors......a problem mentioned by Russell/Whitehead in year 1910 in book -->
Principia Marematica to * 56 which we know as the IRON CURTAIN book
....................atom star 56

thus the math logic war in year 1956 in Hungary and the IRON CURTAIN
about the periodic atomic table elements and their atomic thoughts.

The Hierarchy Problem of atomic anthropology continues...
Fer --> Ferrous oxide atomic agents -->
Fer_--> FermiLAB denies iron Hemoglobion proteins have awareness.

NOBEL scientists with LUNGS deny that their
NOBEL NOSE component = Nitrogen Oxygen has computer SENSE codes
with oxygen Base 16 possible thoughts. Denial of Nature's intellectual policies and standards is a risky and tricky process. Social psychology wars have
consequences....such the COLE Hall OCEANIA battle with Illi.noise(e).

Take the NOSE people of N + OS + E ---> Norway OSlo Europe.
The adults did not recognize the Sarte existential NOSE WAR with NOBEL thinkers...who deny the SCIENCE WAR casualties. The Norwegian adults are stating to Nature that their organic molecule
CH building block expressions ( CH = human CHildren) have SCIENCE WAR noses.
Thus NORWAY and Europe are caught in the SCIENCE WARS .....which are not seroius matters for Europeans ......the Pinnochio's Nose people.

Norway, Britain, and the USA don't care .....they will not cooperate into understanding all the steps involved in the M-theory physics process....and the M-theory applied physics ---> Murder-theory into atomic social anthropology crimes. Thus we need an understanding of daily life within Nature's vast atomic /astrophysics continuum....and its TREE of Knowledge.

Thus we have modern CAD --> Computer Aided Design and its modern bio-computer application.
Bio-CAD --> Computer Aided Design of human student CAD = Cadavers.
Thus the COMPUTER SCIENCE social programming errors in Europe...errors acceptable to Citizens. Citizens will not fix the errors ....thus violating the SOCIAL CONTRACT with the Computer Earth government.

In Europe ...the biological IMS database problem resulted in the child record deletion in Norway. Thus the biological IMS database child records were physically deleted. In other European countries ...thus far.....the IMS biology database CHILD brain symbolic records are logically deleted ...but still have CHILD still has a physical biological existence.

CLUES to the secret Norway bio-computer society.

IMS V11 - Database administration - Parent and child segment - IBM
Another set of words used to refer to how segments relate to each other in a hierarchy is parent segment and child segment. A parent segment is any segment ...

The Norway brain logic ERROR perceived by Nature's systems

IMS messages - DFS879A - IBM
NO LOGICAL PARENT RECORD FOUND FOR LOGICAL CHILD RECORD (followed by one or more lines containing input records in hexadecimal and EBCDIC ...

Consequently, the bio-computer database battle  at Utoeya ... with the system actions .....

IMS V11 - Database administration - Delete rules - IBM
The following list describes what happens when a logical child is deleted when ... Segments that are either physically deleted or logically deleted remains .

Thus we have.... since 1950 ...French philosophy ...Being and Nothingness.
Now Norway has experienced they have no/a nothing interest in understanding EARTH Lab processes and the social science wars in progress. European university arrogance and their puppet string theory governments only understand their special elite point of view...which is very incomplete.

The atomic bio-physics molecular brain of Willian Shakespeare ....around 1600 wrote " The WORLD is a stage and we are the actors". Norway thus had a tragic play performance.....and EUROPE refuses to TRY to understand what William Shakespeare was trying to express. Since NORWAY social science intellectuals live in some dream land...... state of MIND .....they are reminded that the Norwegian children are NOT playing in some afternoon school theater performance.

Those intellectuals and educators can accept some responsiblity ....
their brain needs to distinguish between different levels..such as
the difference between REAL Theater of Science WARS (real death) VS
the ivory towers of....REEL Theater and brain movies (simulated death in a play).
Citizens have no interest, they are so busy talking nonsense on cellular phones...their brain cells can't think concepts about EARTH LAB social engineering control processes.

Asia and the Solar System computer science TEST reports

Permalink 12/04/13 21:19, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized

The Solar System has 9 planets...equivalent to 8 data bits and 1 parity error correction bit.
Thus the original data processing structure of the Solar System and its subsequent evolution to Planet now, viewed as Computer Earth System 370 with biological computer systems and their mirror....the copper wire computer systems.





The Nine Plan ---> the nine data Processing Planets...... Solar System Tour
Information about each planet and moon in our solar system with many pictures, discussion of the history of its discovery, exploration, and physical ...

Are there nine bits with an 8-bit even parity setting - WikiAnswers › ... › ComputersComputer Networking
(astrophysics super-symmetry to the  Solar System 370 structure)
There are at least 9 bits.
8-bit data, even parity, means an extra bit called a parity bit is sent along with the data to make the number of 1's even in the total ...

Uranus is between Saturn and Neptune


The Solar System - Astronomy     For K
Our solar neighborhood is an exciting place. The Solar System is full of planets, moons, asteroids, comets, minor planets, and many other exciting objects. Learn ...


 The Solar System code for COMPUTER EARTH region of Russia is --->

RU + SSI + A --> Request Unit (IBM SNA VTAM) Solar System Instructions (SSI format) Assembler


CHINA --> CH+ IN + A --> Compare Halfword Instruction Assembler


BALTIC  REGION  ---> BAL   Time (Tick /Tock the computer mouse ran up the Microsoft Clock) BAL = Basick Assemblur Language for humans that do not care to study math and science 


What is the role of ASIA in the astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION ( EARTH LAB ).

Year 2011 provides us with a new view of the ASIA countries and their governments .... as algebraic subsets of the EARTH government with Nature's intellect. Humans and their social structures live on the surface of EARTH Lab .....within the atomic/astrophysics continuum. For practical purposes we have:

atomic level <-- human intermediate --> Solar System level


Thus we see the SOLAR SYSTEM 370 communications signals to humans ... who have neglected such photon anthropology messages.
Message CLUES as:

--> Amaterasu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Sun goddess emerging out of a cave, bringing sunlight back to the universe ... linked in lineage to the Imperial Household of Japan and the Emperor, who ...


--> Sun Yat-sen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
When Sun learned of the successful rebellion against the Qing emperor from press reports, he immediately returned to China from the United States ... Three Principles of the People 

he --> hexadecimal bio-math human agent with optical photon LINKS
CHINA --> CH instruction of sunlight systems with human eye / photon processor 





--> The Solar System photons / electromagnetic fields arrived on EARTH and after much photonic thoughtcreated the BOTANY process of photosynthesis ... resulting in cellulose trees and the tree BUD. Thus the cellulose TREE of Knowledge came into being. As EARTH LAB evolution continued ..... atomic bio-physics structures evolved with the experimental label: humanoid. Nature decided that the cellulose tree BUD could use a humanoid friend ... human spokespersons ... and thus the creation of the tree BUD philosophy of agency ... with the BUDDHIST religion and the Botany NITROGEN CYCLE atomic mass agent 14 known as the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet.




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CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER


Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134,USA

China refuses diplomatic recognition of the Solar System . . . . . . COMPUTER EARTH system 370 government. Understanding Nature's social engineering systems and the subset human government experiments.

Permalink 12/04/13 21:40, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized
China and its TRUE identity as a social engineering subset institution within the larger context of the EARTH government and Nature's vast intellect




The Solar System has 9 planets...equivalent to 8 data bits and 1 parity error correction bit.
Thus the original data processing structure of the Solar System and its subsequent evolution to Planet now, viewed as Computer Earth System 370 with biological computer systems and their mirror....the copper wire computer systems. The mathematical-physics copper wire electron computer mirror came into existence after the Base 2 math war....known as binary systems WAR = World War 2.

The first major Solar System computer project manager on EARTH was Galileo in year 16 16.
Year 16 16......the Base 16 HEX space and Base 16 HEX time project. Today, Einstein's field theory is better described as Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory.




The battle at Virginia TECH on April 16, 2007 was an example of an Einstein base 16 FIELD theory.......battle.FIELD.

In Novemeber, 2011 we have the PennState physics battle with Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory and its application to the football field --> DATA FIELD. Mr. Joe P, head coach, symbolizes computer science industry companies and university data processing departments.
Their brain computer experiments involve PennState JOE = Job Order Entry.




Thus we look at CHINA as a bio-computer science EARTH LAB experiment.


Thus we see China, Asia ..... Jarkata, Bali (pointer to yellow dot), Indonesia .... and the evolutionary key of Darwin, Australia.

China with a population of 1,339,724,852 in November 1, 2010 provides many bio-computer humanoids for EARTH LAB brain computer experiments. These experiments are known to Asian intellectuals and Chinese heritage thinkers born in England, Canada , and the United States .... that attended English language grammer schools. Thus the well-known experimental protocol as published.



Alice in Wonderland
by Lewis Carroll

Jan 11, 2011 ¨C Who Stole the Tarts? ... In the very middle of the court was a table, with a large dish of tarts upon it: they looked so good, .... Here one of the guinea-pigs cheered , and was immediately suppressed by the officers of the court. ...




Thus lets consider the EARTH government VIEW of CHINA.
Partition COMPUTER EARTH word
CHINA --> CH + IN + A =
Compare Halfword INstruction Assembler.

Thus we have the BALI, Indonesia CLUE to CHINA. The conferences in BALI is about
computer language BAL interface. BAL = Basic Assembler Language of Computer Earth.
Thus we have the world HIERARCHY PROBLEM ..... the Margaret Mead atomic computer anthropology problem with Tom Watson Labs. Nature's BAL geography systems are not recognized by human intellectuals. Hence, the Earth system 370 OS/JCL battle at UTOEYA, OSLO, Norway. Here, we have the ASIA BAL region.





BAL = Basic Assembler Language for computers .....copper wire computer or human bio-computers.
Thus the Darwin evolution of BALI = Basic Assembler Language Island
with the main frame bio-computer of mainland CHINA.
Thus the human bio-computer equation CH + IN + A.





The above computer code is well-known to data processing professionals and university computer scientists and political science professors. Computer World magazine, newspapers, and magazines remember the COMPUTER TRIALS ..... known to Virginia TECH Kafka English professors as : The TRIAL.


Gang of Four - Wikipedia
The Gang of Four (simplified Chinese: ËÄÈË°ï; traditional Chinese: ËÄÈËžÍ; pinyin: S¨¬r¨¦n b¨¡ng) was the name given to a political faction composed of four ...

Formation - Role - Downfall -
Aftermath CH INA: The Gang of Four on Trial -
Dec 1, 1980 ¨C After many delays, the "evildoers "finally enter the dock
The long parade of limousines and buses knifed through Peking's wintry smog just ...



The COMPUTER EARTH bio-computer display  with

Washington, DC = Define Constant and the 4-H Club on North America



Gang of Four (Chin  politicians)

 Gang of Four (Compare Half-brain instrcution

Gang of Four (Chinese politicians) -- Britannica Online Gang of Four (Chinese politicians), the most powerful members of a radical political elite convicted for implementing the harsh policies directed by Chinese ...

BBC ON THIS DAY | 11 | 1976:
China's 'Gang of Four' The new head of the Communist Party (Union), Hua Goufeng, snuffs out a coup led by Chairman Mao's widow Jiang Qing and three others party members.
We see additional keyword bio-computer concepts:

--> buses = data buses
--> CPU = Communist Party Union = Central Processing Unit





Thus we see that copper wire computers are sometimes a mirror of social institution structures.

--> Copper wire version

IBM Basic assembly language -
BAL (Basic Assembly Language) is a low-level language used on IBM mainframes from the earliest 360 series, through systems 370, 390 and z/Series, as well ...

IBM System/370 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The IBM System/370 (S/370) was a model range of IBM mainframes announced on .... would be needed before non-assembler applications could be migrated. ...




--> Biology computer with the oxygen atom .. hexadecimal Base 16 LUNG human processor
with 370 million adults in CHINA with a brain computer .... would be equivalent to a system 370.

Thus the copper system 370 main frame ... supersymmetry mirror physics ....
is the bio-physics system of 370 million on main land CHINA, Asia.



Thus supersymmtry physics and parallel processing ..... with
Grand Unified Theory ....explains the context of this EARTH LAB multi-component experiment.

Thus we see ASIA in the context of COMPUTER EARTH system 370.



What are some of the Solar SYSTEM 370 data processing CLUES to understanding societies?

--> Burma = Buffer Map
--> Russia = RU SSI A = Request Unit Solar System Instruction Assembler

--> VIETNAM war = Computer Earth war ...for Texas AM Universe..
word subset code VTAM = Vitual Telecommunications Acess Method

--> CHINA = Compare Halfword Instruction Assembler





But who cares about such things? The Science Wars involve Computer Science and the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer. While humans may not care; the Earth government is concerned about its brain engineering projects .... and with Nature's vast intellect being used for brain defense .. military strategy .... its just a question of time ... before subset governments realize their perception problems.

Thus we see the 37th President .... symbolic of sytem 370 .... visit China.
The Base 16 hexadecimal address of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue sent messenger Richard Nixon to CHINA to discuss the IBM system 370 COMPUTER EARTH device UNIT = North Pole magnetic data field TAPE project of geology and geography professors. That's another topic.



What a puzzle!
Thus world affairs become more complicated as the EARTH government and Nature's intellect become the MAJOR PLAYER in everything. Sooner or later, human institutions will have to understand the BIGGER PICTURE of Sartre existentialism.




CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER

Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA


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Herb Zinser's analysis of the SOLAR SYSTEM war over control of Planet Earth. Newspaper and magazine reports provide the surface veneer empirical data of EARTH LAB battlefields. These newspaper military reports are about a new class of soldiers and their missions. The modern symbolic components of a SOLDIER = Sol + Die + Er = Solar System botany processes + Machine Tool and Die Industry metals + Social Engineering
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