How electrons, atoms, molecules, gravity fields, magnetic fields, math equations, chemistry formulas express themselves VIA human agents in modern political science and world affairs.
« Dr. Robley D. Evans, MIT Physics, and the Atomic Nucleus textbook experiment with Iowa's Evangelical atomic human EARTH LAB specimensThe K, L, M Principle Quantum Number atomic anthropology war report. Signal component from KLM Airlines. Expressions of their atomic heritage and the atomic government . »

Nature's military tools --> introduction

Permalink 12/05/13 00:04, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized
Modern war using Nature's military math and molecules .....messages for universities, the Pentagon and world governments. You have been defeated in the Science Wars.



Nature exists.
Atoms and moelcules exist.
Math equations exist.

These entities have 2 formats of existence on EARTH
a) a physical existence AND/or
b) a symbol existence..symbol life

Thus military weapons can occur in various formats.

Example. Humans could use math quations to design and build
a modern jet fighter composed of solid atomic materials.

Example. Nature could use humans as symbols of math equations.
President N x N (NixoN) represented the math life of linear algbebra .... the N x N square matrix ..... thus the math war fought in V = Vector region kown as Vietnam.






In more general terms, an adult bio-math human  male is an M x N matrix.

The human linear algebra  bio-math M x N matix structure  is the English language word spelled: MaN.










Over     56,000    American mathematics-physics and logic   soldiers died in the Vietnam conflict; while American universities deny such possiblities ..... and continue to teach the BIG LIE to college students around the world.



Atomic mass - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The atomic mass (ma) is the mass of an atomic particle, sub-atomic particle, .... at iron-56, iron-58 and nickel-62, then increases to positive values in the heavy ...

iron ...55.85 is rounded to math number 56 for everyday public  communications.




But university student don't care ......they watch sports and listen to music and like to BS on cellular phones.


Hence, the LIE algebra math battle in year 2011 at Liege, Belgium, Europe.
European newspapers and governments have no trouble in printing incomplete descriptions of the math war casualties.



Vietnam geography and farms with RICE paddies .......thus another symbolic message identifier ...


Symbolism - Merriam-Webster Online

the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible


matrices linear algebra ....subset word

Thus we see pieces to many interesting , unsolved puzzles that still exist in year 2013. 

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