How electrons, atoms, molecules, gravity fields, magnetic fields, math equations, chemistry formulas express themselves VIA human agents in modern political science and world affairs.
« The K, L, M Principle Quantum Number atomic anthropology war report. Signal component from KLM Airlines. Expressions of their atomic heritage and the atomic government .The electron shell war . The K,L,M, N energy level SCIENCE WAR messages for the Secretary of Defense, Department of Energy, and university intellectuals and their atomic human plans. »

Human brain electron communications projects: Lucifer and Dante's Inferno. Does a string have nodes? Do string theorist have communication nodes?

Permalink 12/03/13 21:53, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized


A periodic atomic table government and the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family VIEW of life.

The human is composed of atoms.
Humans have thoughts.
Thoughts must have an origin.

Therefore atoms are the origin of thought.





In addition, atomic humans live on the astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION test site (Planet Earth). As such, our lives are embedded within the Earth Lab continuum ....the atomic/astrophysics continuum. For the purpose of this blog ....we are interested in EARTH LAB's iron core and the North Pole magnetic DATA FIELD ..... and its role in modern communications theory and in Einstein's Computer Earth system 370 data processing DATA FIELD theory.




Also, as a piece of the puzzle that we are looking at .....we need the electron model provided by physics and chemistry college tetxbooks. Below,we see a page from WADE, author of Organic Chemistry tetxbook. L.G.WADE, JR is an secret agent for one of Nature's computer earth JR = Job Regions.





It's so secret: that his subliminal mind has not yet informed his conscious mind of his indivi.dual ....dual life as an organic molecular BOND double-agent .... part of the social chemistry RD books and movies titled: James (chemistry) BOND James.

We are interested in the electron node ..... as an atomic electron communications node
that is useful in understanding the human atomic brain and its symbolic processing and symbolic output.

Mass communications is television, radio, movies, newspapers, magazines, etc.
To a scientist ..... mass communications is really atomic mass communications ..... the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family .....atomic social science messages via EXTERNAL human display events that  are broadcast or printed.
Thus we have proton prose, neutron news, and electron thoughts ....... that becomes atomic political science, atomic social psychology, and atomic social economics.





Of particular interest, are the 26 electrons of the ferrous oxide iron atom and the electron English alphabet of 26 letters. This atomic electron alphabet and its original thoughts .... are sent to the iron myoglobin protein mucles in the arm/hand of a news reporter for him/her to write the atomic message on cellulose paper in black ink. This is not happening. The original message is distorted and twisted ..... and does not reflect NATURE's intellect.

What causes this bias? Part of the problem is the attitude of the writer .... not interested in the deeper atomic levels of thought.

A 2nd factor is the NORTH POLE magnetic field interaction with the iron hemoglobin proteins and iron myoglobin proteins in the human body and mind. Thus magnetic field thoughts interact with professorial brain thought ..... possibly producing a good hybrid or a thought mutation.



Thus we have Nature's projects.

--> Project Lucifer
Lucifer = Lu + uc + i + fer -->

Logical unit
Universiity of Chicago
Ferrous oxide atomic life forms at FermiLAB






--> Dante's Inferno ancient electron physics message book written by
Dante Alighieri (lived from year 1265 thru 1321). Dante's Inferno and it's concept of hell...

the electron shell .....word
shell with the subset letters
.hell .... thus the atomic brain electron Hellenic social science languages


Dante's = Da + an + tes = Data  Atomic number test


Inferno --> Infer + no --> Infer thought process node 
Infer --> integers ferrous oxide --> input fermiLAB



Thus we see the sequence ..... that
Lucifer --> provides In(put) --> -->
Input FermiLAB node

We see this actually happening. In Margaret Mead
nuclear family sudies in the Chicago area ..... that is atomic anthropology life VIA humanoid structures in the Chicago area ........we see the equation spelled out.

Lucifer + Dante's Inferno .....
with LU = Logical Unit(symboilic brain computers) at UC = University of Chicago interface with
Fermilab and provide INPUT to the fermiLAB node .....that is the minds of string theorists at fermiLAB ...... possibly the communications node within their atomic brains.




Thus we have CLUES to a bio-physics puzzle
with biochemistry Heme group fe(ii) ion human test specimens in the Chicago region.

How does the electron node inside the atomic human brain work?
What kind of brain electron communication node exists with the processing of symbolic data and thoughts? What is a node?




The string theorists in Wisconsin and Illinois have the 2 nodes of data provided by EARTH LAB and the EARTH/moon model relationship to the BOHR model of the hyrogen atom.

The Wisconsin node involves Milwaukee policeman No --> Norberg.
The Illinois node = No + de = Northern + DeKalb.



In Europe string theorists have yet to realize in they live in Europe rope theory territory.

Europe = E union rope =
equation (E = mcc ) algebra union (rope implies string).

Thus the EARTH geo-physics and geography map of Europe .....provides valuable data CLUES for alert, aware string theorists living in Europe. The above graphic picture showed a string with nodes and antinodes ..... the 2 descriptive characteristics of a vibrating string or wave.

What is Europe node?
What is...rope node?
Node = No + De = Norway + Denmark.

The universities in Europe will not communicate about this.
Thus we have a communications NODE message
from UTOE(ya) = Unified Theory of Everything with the

University of OSLO --> OS --> Oscilloscope of Earth Lab.
Let's look at the math sin waves displayed on the EARTH oscilloscope of NORWAY ....

NODE = No + DE = Norway Death --> at Utoyea VIA atomic human agent --> an = atomic number of protons / electrons ..... via Maregaret Mead atomic anthropology messenger Anders Behring Breivik.

Since Europe,Great Britian, and American scientists will not communicate and help clatify the SCIENCE WARS .... the rope/string theory node of DEATH in Europe was repeated closer to Denmark ..... at Liege, Belgium.

This a signal from the
Nor EVENT --> Norway EVENT to Liege EVENT -->

Internet ...Dec 14, 2011 – Man named as Nordine Amrani threw hand grenades and shot at crowds of ... Liège in Belgium hit by grenade and gun attack – video. .

Thus we have NORDINE .....a Nordic message going south to Denmark and Belgium ..who refuse to help understand this process of NATURE's social engineering feedback control system.
Modern intellectuals are so in-bred ...... that they believe any Hollywood thought creation that their brain invents. Data events ususally .... ought play an important role in validating theory.

Hence, the LIE/schemes/ scams as signaled by LIE(GE) tragedy.

Thus we have the math component of the brain cell SCIENCE WARS signaled by the
LIE(GE) --> Lie Group Europe ......math Europe with
LIE(GE) --> Lie Governments Europe ....
Lie algebra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
is an algebraic structure whose main use is in studying geometric objects such as Lie groups and differentiable manifolds. Lie algebras were ...

Semi-simple Lie groups - Lie algebra representation - Lie algebra cohomology







It's sad that mathematicians, engineers, and phsycists that use math ..... have zero respect for math symbolic life. The MATH WAR in Liege ..... NOrdine was like a a Shakespearan actor.

Year 1600 Shakespeare stated...." The WORLD is a stage and we are the players (like Anders and Nordine)".

In year 1910 Russell/Whitehead warned us ....about chicken mathematical societies.....
in Britain, America, and Europe. Thus in year 2011 and 2012 ..... not a single bit of help from anyone. But we have to thank Alan Sokal for his SCIENCE WAR ideas around 1995 ..... but since then the American Mathematical Society has turned CHICKEN and the BIG APPLE(New York City) has CHICKEN at Columbia and other universities. This was already mentioned by others.

Mathematical philosophy: a study of fate and freedom; lectures for ... - Google Books ...
Cassius Jackson Keyser - 1922 - Mathematics - 466 pages
... example, that a class of apples or of points is an apple or a point, or that the class of featherless bipeds is a two-legged thing without feathers. ...

Russell and Whitehead — or rather have driven them — to the theory of Types in the Principia . ... Let us now turn to the task of illustrating the mathematical notion of a variable by ...

Principia Mathematica Centenary (Ronny Desmet) - /Principia_Mathematica_Centenar...Cached

Principia Mathematica is usually presented as part and parcel of Russell's ... Moreover, according to Whitehead, mathematical thought is most instructive to ...... is provided by “the class of human beings and the class of featherless bipeds. ....

Perhaps, the math and engineering socities are awaiting a secret SIGNAL awaken and join the MATH WAR with symbolic defense systems. Consider this as the announcement from year 1910 to year 2010. The mathematical life with your B100D = letter B, number 100, letter D ..... is asking all science societies to report to mathematical military duty to help clarify the situation .... such as the LIE math war signal in Liege, Belgium.

What would Russell and Whitehead think of you ..... if you ignore their 100 year old SIGNAL.

Principia Mathematica to *56 - Google Books
Alfred North Whitehead, Bertrand Russell - Mathematics - 410 pages
... and modern, had allowed some error to creep into his premisses; but apart from the contradictions, it would have been almost impossible to detect this error. ...

Alfred North Whitehead & Bertrand Russell - Principia Mathematica
Alfred-Jun 18, 2010 – The Principia Mathematica is a three-volume work on the foundations ... bad allowed some error to creep into his premisses ; but apart from the ..
Principia Mathematica is the book Russell wrote with Alfred North Whitehead ...
The Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell - Google Books

Bertrand Russell - 2009 - Literary Collections - 749 pages
... in common with all other logicians ancient and modern, had allowed some error to creep into his premisses; but apart from the ... (Principia Mathematica, Vol . I, in collaboration with Alfred North Whitehead, Cambridge University Press, 1910.) ...

Will Cambridge University have the guts and courage to try to work on this ERROR in yewar 2012?
Will other universities try if Cambridge fails to honor the Russell/ Whitehead request for clarification of the creeping ERROR ........ like creeping thru the jungles of CAM = Cambodia WAR ...... the year 1975 EARTH parllel processing signal about the intellectual skull war at CAM = Cambridge. The modern university class room wars with casualties at Virginia TECH and Cole Hall ..... those external trsgic events symbolize the internal brain computer war.







Now let's approach the situation of the human atomic barin from another view.
Let's review some concepts.

First, the North Pole and Earth iron core relationship to humanoids at ferrous oxide atomic thought TEST location .... in Batavia, Illnois. This is from another blog...but applies to FermiLAB and their atomic thoughts.

==> The North Pole magnetic data field is most easily understood within the context of COMPUTER EARTH.

The COMPUTER EARTH government is known as Uncle SAM = Sequential Access Method that is used by the geology computer device UNIT = NORTH POLE Magnetic Tape (the NIXON tape computer science experiment). The magnetic field lines/ tape interact with the iron HEMOGLOBIN proteins in geology students and geology professors cortex computer. This provides COMPUTER EARTH data processing system with a hybrid cybernetic construct --> similar to Star Trek, Captain Picard and the BORG.

Theory and empirical data suggests that university students and professors are BORG like. The main components are:

1) Data processing device UNIT = TAPE of North Pole Magnetic field flow lines. This geological/physics structure of MOTHER NATURE needs a READ/ WRITE HEAD to perform I/O = Input/ Output of magnetic data fields. Thus

2) The interaction of the EARTH magnetic field with the ferrous oxide atoms of the brain/cortex HEME GROUP FE(II) ion would be the interaction mechanism. To optimize such interaction Charles Darwin natural selection would select geography/ geology/ physics PROFESSORS at the University of I/O Work Area ==> known to computer programmers as the University of Input/ Output Work Area = which is the biology brain experiment test = University of I O W A.

3) Thus the geography combination of the NORTH POLE magnetic Field and the willing experimental brain research subjects in IOWA leads to a complete picture. The device UNIT = NORTH POLE magnetic field lines (TAPE) uses the biological READ/ WRITE TAPE HEAD of an educated graduate student. These BRAVE student specimens complete the BRAVE NEW WORLD experiment.

Thus we see how the EARTH iron core ...via the North Pole magnetic field mechanism (known as the physics secret of Santa Claus and his ideas) ....over thousands of years of brain evolution ..... using the iron atom 26 electron English alphabet ..... established a thought communications LINK between theEarth core and the human brain core ..... labeled the CORE ...CORE TEXTBOOK .... CORTEX.

Thus the magnetic field flow lines ..... flow thru the ferrous oxide thought structures existing at FermiLAB ..... establishing a Star Trek .... DR.Spock mind meld .... between the MOTHER EARTH iron core and the human cortex ..... and in year 2012 the bi-directional interchange of thoughts between the 2 different existential realms of thought on EARTH.





Thus the next question is ..... how does the atomic brain electron system work.. ....what is the communications node.

A previous blog mentioned the wave mechanics concept of an EARTH node possibly existing at

Node --> No + De --> Northern Illinois University, DeKalb ,Illinois

We see nearby FermiLAB in Batavia, Illinois with its EARTH LAB iron core identifier --> Route 56 ...thus the signal that FermiLAB is an iron (atomic weight 56) communication route ....usually called a ferr(y) = ferrous oxide message mystery ..... the same as Santa Claus and the flying reindeer --> just North Pole magnetic DATA FIELD message packets that interact with the human biology iron and its symbolic thoughts.

Thus we see an example of how Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory works.

The human iron Hemoglobin protein intercepts the North Pole magnetic field flow lines and exchanges information /thoughts. The question is are thoughts exchanged between the Hemoglobin protein level and the atomic electron level comprised of the 26 electron alphabet.

Meanwhile, the North Pole magnetic field delivers the human thoughts to the earth's central processing unit ..... high density EARTH iron core.

Sometimes a friend may ask you " Are you dense?"
Actually a profound question about your relationship with the Earth's iron core density AND your cortex.

The Earth's iron core and the magnetic field ..... interact with the gravity thought waves .....thus giving the GM automotive corporation and its possible EARTHLY origin of thoughts.
Gravity interacts with mass .... specifically the brain atomic mass and its atomic thoughts.... thus the gravity field acquires thought..... and now in year 2012 ....we have the bi-directional relationship between garvity and brain proton mass and brain neutron mass and their atomic political science thoughts.

This brings us to Route 56 ..... and the ferrous oxide atomic highway and the 4-wheeled iron automobiles in the FermiLAB parking lots. Upon leaving FermiLAB ..... a Ferengi (that is the Deep Space Nine televison code for FermiLAB engineering with Odo = Pier Oddone)........... a Ferengi will enter into the interior of an iron automobile.

Thus his iron Heme group Fe(ii) cell biology and
his atomic Fe = Ferrous oxide Fe = Feelings ....
will be within a larger iron cell (the automobile).
So we see levels of molecular cell biology .... in the context of EARTH LAB.

Thus ....we have the relationship between the North Pole magnetic field flow lines, the iron automobile body, and the iron human body.

Can the North Pole magnetic field put the Ferengi iron Heme group Fe(ii) in jail ...... that is an internal Ferrous oxide ...molecular cell biology prision? Yes, it can. Welcome to BRAVE NEW WORLD and modern prison .......Nature's intellectual prison for
social BS nonsense (Bull-Sstories). Thus we have modern cellular biology and symbols ....brain jail cells. George Orwell and Aldous Huxley forewarned us of this possiblity.

Brain jail cell theory requires some experiments ..... perhaps someday.... some one may be curious.
WAIT! No one communicates about this magnetic field problem ..... therefore they must be in
molecular JAIL cell ...... in their brain cells. How inventive of Nature ...... and Darwinian evolution of brain systems.
Intellectuals can avoid that problem by working for Nature on understanding the SCIENCE WARS.

Thus we see a vast hidden communications network with components from Nature, Earth Lab, and electron nodes .... with humans embedded in the atomic/astrophysics continuum.
William Shakespear stated around year 1600 ....
"The WORLD is a stage and we are the players".

Now we have the tools and resources and knowledge base available to truly TRY to understand that statement.
CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER

Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA


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