The university philosophy war levels: subliminal mind, Carl Jung collective unconsciousness, and the subconscious mind. There is no conscious mind capability in year 2012 that attempts to understand the Intellectual War. They pretend they do.
« University marionettes defeated in the Hegel philosophy war - - -> string theory battle at Marinette High School, Wisconsin. The philosophy of agency with agent: Sam Hengel.Philosophy war - - -> Introduction »

Friedrich Engels philosophy war - - -> the string theory atomic anthropology battle at Marinette High School. The Wisconsin philosophy ERROR messenger: Sam Hengel.

Permalink 11/22/13 18:11, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized

Herb Zinser's Social Science Wars  - Philosophy 


An outline of a philosophy puzzle involving current social philosophy ERRORS.
A tragic signal provides some CLUES to the nature of the problem. However, much thought and study remains.


Friedrich Engels (German pronunciation..... 28 November 1820 – 5 August 1895) was a German industrialist, social scientist, author, political theorist, philosopher, and father of Marxist theory, alongside Karl Marx. In 1845 he published The Condition of the Working Class in England, based on personal observations and research. In 1848 he co-authored The Communist Manifesto with Karl Marx, and later he supported Karl Marx financially to do research and write Das Kapital. After Marx's death Engels edited the second and third volumes. Additionally, Engels organized Marx's notes on the "Theories of Surplus Value" and this was later published as the
"fourth volume" of Capital
----> message to Madison, capital city.

Jump to Pro-Marxistý: Collective Action Notes; Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels;
Bertell Ollman and Class Struggle Articles on Dialectics · Communist ...

Main class struggle - "Minor" classes - Class and race struggle

The Communist Manifesto - Wikipedia,
It presents an analytical approach to the class struggle(historical and present) ... Friedrich Engels has often been credited in composing the first drafts, which led to ... Although the names of both Engels and Karl Marx appear on the title page ...

Heaven on Earth . Leaders and Thinkers:
Karl Marx and Friedrich ...
KARL MARX 1818-1883.
FRIEDRICH ENGELS 1820-1895 ... Marx described history through the lens of
“class struggle,” a perpetual conflict between ...

Marxism - definition of Marxism by the Free Online
The political and economic philosophy of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in which the concept of class struggle plays a central role in understanding society's ....



Wisconsin Teen Samuel Hengel Dies After Shooting Self in Hostage

Nov 30, 2010 – Wisconsin School Gunman Samuel Hengel Dies After Shooting Self ... The gunman, identified as Marinette High School sophomore Sam ...


Sam Hengel, Teen Hostage-Taker In Wisconsin, Stumps Police
Mar 5, 2011 – 29, 2010 when police stormed the Marinette High School classroom in .... Wisconsin Teen Sam HengelDies After Shooting Self in Hostage ...

Sam Hengel --> string theory of EARTH LAB Sam --> Sample space region with puppet string theory experiments with sample atomic humanoid: Sam H. Thus we see Margaret Mead nuclear family ...atomic social psychology .....and in this case ...a tragic feeedback signal about the unfixed ERRORS of the social philosophy system in North America and Europe.


Sam Hengel, Marinette High School student who held classroom
Nov 30, 2010 – A Wisconsin teen who held 23 students and a teacher hostage at Marinette ...

Wisconsin High School Hostage Principal's 911 Call ... - ABC News
Dec 1, 2010 – Corry Lambie, the principal of the Wisconsin high school in which two dozen students were held hostage Monday, is heard calmly describing ...




Teen gunman in school hostage drama dies -
Nov 30, 2010 – Classes are expected to resume Wednesday at the high school of 700 students. ... Although Hengel refused to talk to police and hostage negotiators, he ...
The Wisconsin Crime Lab is reconstructing the events inside the room ....


..................String theory applications to atomic brains

...................The Wisconsin School District Performance

...................... Marinette High School 



Marionette - Wikipedia,

Mari nette High Scool  and applied string theory  
The only purpose-built UK marionette theatre is The Harlequin Puppet Theatre ( built 1958) in Rhos on Sea, North Wales, Founded by the late Eric Bramall FRSA ...

Puppetry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
These same tales are enacted in traditional puppet theatres featuring hand-made marionettes of wood. In Sicilian this is called "Opira dî pupi", or "Opera of the ...




National Marionette Theatre in Prague
National Marionette Theatre in Prague. Marionette (puppet) shows for children and adults have a long tradition in Prague and throughout the Czech Republic.

University of Wisconsin string theory BATTLE  site- Theater of WAR



The modern INTELLECTUAL WAR casualty report. The universities and large corporations were forewarned by books:
Brave New World, 1984, Future Shock, and others.
Thus we have clues to a puzzle. Nature and its idealized version of the Central Nervous System 370 abtract brain symbolic computer has sent society a signal. Drawinian evolution continues.....with modern evolution centered on symbolic knowledge like math, physics, chemistry,etc.

Sports, restaurants, movies, music, televison, and cellular phones are not considered heavy-duty knowledge. Those areas have created many costly ERRORS that they refuse to achknowledge; but, they have no problem blaming physics and mechanical engineering for those problems. The university philosophy, theology, social psychology, and English departments have done nothing to BALANCE the biased spoken/written views promoted on TV, radio talk shows, and newspapers.
Thus we have the deep down wars ..... of various data streams of thought .... that then emerge to a level of conscious expression ...VIA the philosohpy of agency ...or the Darwinian selection of a student to express a Carl Jung collective unconsciousness GROUP ERROR ...such as the STATE of MIND ...known as the State of Wisconsin. Wisconsin citizens have an over abundance of bull-stories about serious events ........ some of which ... have a more accurate explanation available. The more deeper explanation comes from study of the event in the context of the math, biochemistry, and physics knowledge available in year 2012.




Thus we look at the EVENT messages very closely. What signals are sent to human society by Nature's genetics government regasrding symbolic life and their knowledge genes?


Sam Hengel, Marinette High School student who held classroom
Nov 30, 2010 – A Wisconsin teen who held 23 students and a teacher hostage at Marinette ...

Thus we have the CLUES:
Sam --> sample space statistical test of high schools


23 students --> 23 chromosome pairs 
Human genome - Wikipedia
For a non-technical introduction to the topic, see Introduction to genetics. ... The human (Homo sapiens) genome is stored on 23 chromosome pairs and in the ...

Thus we see that we have Human Genome Project ....WAR .....probably with the University of Wisconsin and some cover-up of some secret subliminal mind brain engineering experiments they may have going in Madison. They have to be more careful and less arrogant. They will not discuss these problem issues ....... regarding the many facets of the Science Wars..





Genetic Counseling Graduate Program,
Program, Program, Program, Program,
University of Wisconsin ..
6 days ago – Welcome to the Genetic Counseling Program at the University of Wisconsin
School of Me.dicine and Public Health in Madison. Genetic ...

What kind of program are these?
Are they bio-computer programs? .
Are they brain computer programs with bio-computer thought instructions?

We have the Wisconsin state assembly and their assembly computer language programs for the human brain. Are their any cortex COBOL computer language programming bugs? Any brain computer abends?



The Wisconsin Crime Lab is reconstructing the events inside the room ....

Genetic Counseling Program

Sam Hengel, Marinette High School student who held classroom
Nov 30, 2010 – A Wisconsin teen who held 23 students and a teacher hostage at Marinette ...



Preliminary theory is based on the 23 chromosome pairs.

We believe that Drawinian evolution of symbolic life has entered a new phase.
For example, we have a x-chromosome.
However, a high school graduate that studies algbera and respects algebra
would have an x-algebra chromosome ..thus a hybrid of physical and symbolic life.


In the Sam Hengel situation .....theory suggest that 2 data streams of thought converged in the subliminal mind /subconscious mind of student Sam Hengel. This is a process that has been around a long time ..... the universal mind, Hindu religion and others have access to some greater level of awareness /thought..etc.

Sam Hengel ..the 2 data streams of thought are from
a) philosopher  friedric H  engels
b) philospher Hegel close affinity to Hengel

These  2 streams of thought ..... somehow have been transmitted by Nature ..using 2 different pathways that merged in Sam Hengel. Thus we had a 23 chromosome symbolic life THOUGHT pair .... that came alive /activated in Sam Hengel.

a) the 1st pathway (h  Engels) used 23 chromosomes only (not paired).
b) the 2nd pathway was the Hegel 23 chromosomes only (not paired).

Then these 2 paths (23 Engels thought chromosomes + 23 Hegel thought chromosomes) arrive in Sam Hengel and NOW become a 23 chromosome PAIR ...thus activated ...... and thus his MIND ....gets the thought of the CLASS Struggle.




Now, this is more evolved .....beyond the scope of this BLOG outline with some clues.
Perhaps, someday...some serious thinkers may come into existence .....that can help explore this ...and also .. help figure out what modifications are needed in the social philosophy/ educational system to prepare the student subliminal mind for such ideas.
Also, we have concepts from other science areas that may indirectly help us understand the
Hengel process. In year 1843, Nathienal Hawthrone wrote the Celestial Railroad. His story and those of other authors provide many clues to some ancient biological based .... secret communications process and language ......known to some people and not known to others.

Below, the reference to other EARTHLY universes.

CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER

Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA


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Herb Zinser's analysis of the Science Wars ...... reports needed to understand the new detailed VIEW of world events. Many others have predicted and discussed the Science Wars. Here are detailed Science War battles and philosophy shootings and casualties. Are you brave? Join the BRAVE NEW WORLD ..... of brave thinkers ..... and stop thinking Hollywood nonsense and cellular phone trivia. Mother Nature and the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer has fought and defeated major universities that use biased symbolic brain processors .... in violation of Central Nervous System 370 quality control standards. The standards moniter human atomic brain social philosophy concepts and their correlation to Nature's philosophy projects for human symbolic life.
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