India bio-computer SCIENCE WAR with COMPUTER EARTH system 370. Indian universities live in a Carl Jung collective unconsciousness dream world --> the bio-computer mind of India.
The Solar System has 9 planets...equivalent to 8 data bit planets and 1 parity error correction bit planet.
Thus the original data processing structure of the Solar System and its subsequent evolution to Planet now, viewed as Computer Earth System 370 with biological computer systems and their mirror....the copper wire computer systems. The mathematical-physics copper wire electron computer mirror came into existence after the Base 2 math war....known as World War 2. .
The first major Solar System computer project manager on EARTH was Galileo in year 16 16.
Year 16 16......the Base 16 HEX space and Base 16 HEX time project. Today, Einstein's field theory is better described as Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory.
What might be the history of Solar Systen data processing evolution?
The Solar System photons / electromagnetic fields arrived on EARTH and after much photonic thought created the BOTANY process of photosynthesis ... resulting in cellulose trees, grasses, rice and wheat grains, and the tree BUD. Thus the cellulose TREE of Knowledge came into being. As EARTH LAB evolution continued ..... atomic bio-physics structures evolved with the experimental label: humanoid. Nature decided that the cellulose tree BUD could use a humanoid friend ... human spokespersons ... and thus the creation of the tree BUD philosophy of agency ... with the BUDDHIST religion and the Botany NITROGEN CYCLE atomic mass agent 14 known as the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet.
In a similar manner we can view the role of SUN photonic thought and Sun data procesing structures on the evolution of INDIAN humanoid thought, religion, social customs, dress codes and other behaviorial expressions. Thus over thousnads of years the subcontinent of INDIA was a SOLAR SYSTEM computer test site ..... of atomic bio-physics humans and the brain computer.
The Hindu human brain computer and the Hindu languages and customs allowed Nature to development a bio-system .... a bio-social engineering system of cities,governments, thoughts,etc.
Other Solar System bio-computer projects occured elsewhere on EARTH's geography surface ... that is Computer Earth LAND ..... LAN + D = Local area Networks Data. What are some of these ancient atomic brain sysmbolic processors .... based on LU = Logical Unit = LUNG and its oxygen atom 16 ... the oxygen Base 16 hexadecimal atomic bio-processor.
For example, in Europe we have the
JCL = Job Control Language of
JCL = Julius Caeser Latin .... the JOB Control Language used to build the bio-computer Roman Empire.
In Asia, we had the bio-computer assembler language group with the brain CH INSTRUCTION.
CH IN = Compare Halfword Instruction
CH IN A = Compare Halfword Instrcution Assembler giving
CHINA and the CHIN/mouth tribal groups of confused CONFUCIOUS
Given the background of the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer ...we look at INDIA and its effect upon the modern copper wire computer science of the George Orweliian year 1984. Here we will look at a few particular clues about Nature's Project.
Using supersymmtry phyics and parllel processing we gain access to the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ... that is atomic social anthropology and its mechanisms and expressions.
Lets compare the parallel bwteen the ancient Indian HINDU bio-compuer VS the 1984 copper wire computer technology. Those familiar with 1984 ...remember the system 370 (or equivalent) with OS/JCL and its batch job abilities and its CICS online screens used for order entry,etc.
CICS = Customer Information Control System. It used a VTAM netork to connect the terminals. The CICS screen were displayed on a 3270 CRT = Cathode Ray Tube.
Upon that CICS screen are data fields and also a bright CURSOR ... denoting current position.
Basic mapping support (BMS)
You use the EXEC CICS SEND CONTROL command to transmit device ...... If you use symbolic cursor positioning with EXEC CICS SEND CONTROL, the cursor ...
Appendix C. Terminal
Alternatively, a pointer reference can be specified in the SET option. CICS ... The EXEC CICS SEND command is used to write data to a terminal or logical unit. ...
Modified data tag (MDT)
The modified data tag is turned on when fields are modified by the operator. When the operator presses the ENTER key or a PF key, only fields that have been modified by the operator or selected by the cursor select are transmitted to the processor. The program may send fields to the terminal with the modified data tag already on to guarantee that the field will be returned with the next inbound transmission.
Insert-cursor indicator
The insert-cursor indicator is not a field attribute. Instead, it places the cursor under the first data character of the field. If the insert-cursor indicator is specified for more than one field, the cursor is placed under the first data character of the last field specified
Thus given the CICS screen and its bright cursor .....
what is Nature's HINDU ancient bio-computer brain equivalent.
Nature's design team has provided this bio-cursor displayed on a bio-screen ... the human forehead screen.
Thus we see the supersymmetry /parallel .....
-copper wire computer control panel
-human brain computer social controls
This makes sense, despite the denial of Asia India computer scientists. Since we breathe oxygen Base 16 Hexadecimal .... then Darwin evolution eventually gave us a Base 16 Hex"Fa" = 250 Face.
Thus FACE = FA + CE = Hex'FA' CODE. What is that ancient facial social science, political science, economic secret command language ... used extensively by television , movies, print and graphic arts?
Thus we see the modern bio-computer communications warfare .... with FACEBOOK as a possible military weapon with (attack) images and symbols to invade the eye /optical nerve and the math/physics symbolic brain optical images of nouns / verbs / math equations / etc. Thus misuse of FACE book by EAR/nouth people to attack the EYE people results in various symbolic brain problems. Fortunately, the battle for control of the optical nerve symbolic system ... has been stalled ... by Central Nervous System 370 brain symbolic defense forces. Unfortunately, the Pentagon and universities do everything they can to help and assist the EAR /mouth people
The Pentagon, the CIA, and DARPA refuse to acknowledge such possibilities .... although George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, S.I.Hayakawa and other authors warned us about modern symbolic war and excessive misuse of English language for nonsense and manipulation of others. Thus we have a symbolic INTELLECTUAL WAR that can ... and sometimes does ... result in a physical conflict.
In addition we have the pen.TAG.on bio-computer DNA war.
Biology lessons
nucleotides - the building blocks of DNA and RNA. The four nucleotides which make up DNA are adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T); the ...
Pen.TAG.on --> TAG --> Thymine, Adenine, Guanine ..... as inside the biological brain and the symbolic brain of the American soldier.
The Mind Has No Firewall - US Army War College
Understanding the relationship between Sartre existentialism, the 11-dimesnions of sting theory, parallels and mirrors, and the Penatgon.
Modified data tag (MDT) and the pentagon --> tag on --> tag is turned on active
The modified data tag is turned on when fields are modified by the operator. When the operator presses the ENTER key or a PF key, only fields that have been modified by the operator or selected by the cursor select are transmitted to the processor.The program may send fields to the terminal with the modified data tag already on to guarantee that the field will be returned with the next inbound transmission.
Thus we see the Base 16 Hexadecimal military program ... Hex'AF' = 175 --> the program may send fields --> to HEX'AF' = AF.ghanistan battle fields ..... battle data fields ..... with Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory.
Now the war is okay ... since it provides inportant data about the SCIENCE WARS. What is not okay is the incomplete, biased explanations of the deeper symbolic meaning of the war.
Of course, this is all irrelevant... since Washington,DC and their think tanks and universities have SUPREME knowledge of everyting that can or may exist of EARTH. Of course, that same mental attitude existed when they attacked Galileo's ideas of astronomy. Nothing has changed .... today we have same arrogant song and dance .... with the omission of many details .... omission of empircal data .... needed to understand the Computer Earth and Nature's social engineering projects with subset human institutions.
Thus intellectual lies told to Base 16 world headquarters at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC.
University professors and think tanks have had no problem telling
President CLI instruction( CLINTON),
President data BUS (BUSH), and
President O (Oxygen 16 atomic computer base 16 LUNG of Obama).
Computer science compnaies and professionals think that their CAD systems are amusing tricks .... especially the Base 16 April 16, 2007 human CAD bio-computer program of CAD.avers at Virginia TECH. The set-up of Mr.CHO by puppet string theory physics and Margaret Mead atomic social anthropology was a slick trick ... convientently covered-up by news reporters.
Perhaps, the Pentagon and DRAPA will some day learn the meaning to the word:
ATTENTION, about FACE --> and face various aspects of modern reality and BRAVE NEW WORLD social pscyhology wars .. .that also .. affect them. Maybe, someone from an INDIA university or business will help explain to the world .... the possibiities.
CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER
Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA
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