Category: Uncategorized
The BALTIC region biological database WAR at UTOEYA, Norway. The IMS bio-database command: logical DELETE of child data record results in physical DELETE of child records
The BAL computer WAR region of the BALTIC.
The BAL = Basic Assembler Language geography WAR region
Computer Earth system 370 OS/JCL war report from the BAL = Basic Assembler Language region of the Baltic Sea.
Thus… more »
The Australian computer science PROBLEM and the intellectual war - introduction
Australia defeated in the brain bio-computer neuroscience WAR
Australian scientists and the Australian military fail to understand modern social science schemes and tricks. The graphic arts plot to destroy the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brai… more »
India bio-computer SCIENCE WAR with COMPUTER EARTH system 370. Indian universities live in a Carl Jung collective unconsciousness dream world --> the bio-computer mind of India.
Asia countries and their EARTH Computer Science War role
The modern atomic bio-physics BRAIN war uses Asian countries for social experiments and social process control system TESTS. Asian intellectuals fail to study Nature's intellect and the moder… more »
The Baltimore BAL = Basic Assembler Language SOS signal ignored by BALTIC region countries. OSLO and Europe ignore the Computer Earth system 370 OS/JCL help request.
Previous messages have been ignored by governments and universities. Their intellectuals are under the MIND CONTROL systems of Carl Jung collective unconsciousness groups of people.....groups that control the social and political systems. G… more »
GM assembly line - Astrophysics COMPUTER EARTH assembly program errors. GM --> Gravity and Magnetic field components of life.
The astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION - Earth LAB computer science demo
The astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet Earth) science war reports.
Astrophysics COMPUTER SCIENCE - Computer Earth - EARTH LAB astrophysics experiments… more »
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