Modern war with the subconscious mind HUMAN symbolic machine
Archive Directory
- December 2013 (12)
- November 2013 (1)
Additional Posts
- The BALTIC region biological database WAR at UTOEYA, Norway. The IMS bio-database command: logical DELETE of child data record results in physical DELETE of child records
- The Australian computer science PROBLEM and the intellectual war - introduction
- India bio-computer SCIENCE WAR with COMPUTER EARTH system 370. Indian universities live in a Carl Jung collective unconsciousness dream world --> the bio-computer mind of India.
- The Baltimore BAL = Basic Assembler Language SOS signal ignored by BALTIC region countries. OSLO and Europe ignore the Computer Earth system 370 OS/JCL help request.
- GM assembly line - Astrophysics COMPUTER EARTH assembly program errors. GM --> Gravity and Magnetic field components of life.
- Norway and the Computer Earth BAL programmers of the BAL(tic) Region. The European CAD = Computer Aided Design of Rwanda, AF(RICA) human CAD.avers.
- North Pole magnetic DATA FIELD war casualties at Utoeya, Norway. European and OSLO governments deny the existence of Earth OS/JCL systems.
- The earth iron core processor of COMPUTER EARTH and its subroutine DRIVER I-35W communications bridge message from St.Paul (DIRAC) to 1800 E. Paul DIRAC Drive, FSU, Tallahasee
- City/ State computer TIME projects
- TIME WAR: Virginia TECH University Base 16 HEX April 16
- TIME WAR: Manhattan project physics battle SEPT 11, 2001 OVER the secret Manhattan computer system
- The final bio-computer battle of Great Britain with brain warrior Margaret Thatcher
- Computer Earth system 370 and the university/school communications data bus ERROR ...the bio-computer RAM Science Wars. Do you have RAM vehicle insurance? Do you have RAM life insurance?