Modern war with the subconscious mind HUMAN symbolic machine

TIME WAR: Manhattan project physics battle SEPT 11, 2001 OVER the secret Manhattan computer system

Permalink 12/01/13 14:38, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized
Examples of Nature's military forces ....TIME warriors and TIME battles


12/11/09 15:53 , Categories: Welcome
Cities and states ought recognize the proper existence of SPACE / TIME. Many geographical areas have a list of empirical violations of MILKY WAY galaxy --> social gala... galactic laws. Examples of cities/states with TIME projects pending include:

Greenwich Mean Time (the Prime Meridian) CONNECTION to Greenwich,Connecticut--> Connect time cut --> fix the cut/damage to the fabric of space/time. Since this was not fixed --> the astrophysics event went to Greenwich Village, Manhattan for the CAUSE and EFFECT display of TIME ERRORS at the WORLD TRADE CENTER on Sept. 11,2001.



Port Authority Bus Terminal

Bus Terminals - The Port Authority of NY & NJ
The Port Authority Bus Terminal is the central hub for bus travel to and from New ... The George Washington Bridge Bus Station connects upper Manhattan to ...
human bio-computer  SECRET network

IBM System/370 Other Equipment Manufacturers Information ...
... used to connect control units to all IBM System/370 (S/370)... ... appropriate data
on the appropriate bus and then raising the associated tag.

Port of Authority BUS Terminal, Manhattan, New York City is part of COMPUTER EARTH --> Input/Output PORT of authority data BUS computer earth TERMINAL. New York City residents are excellent computer brain research subjects --> in the subject of awareness. There is a research void in biological brain computer self-awareness.


Below... computer earth map .....
notice identifier 42nd st --> I/O PORT ... data bus .... earth computer terminal









42nd Street, Times Square is a Base 4 exponent 2 = BASE 16 Hexadecimal time region.




Base 4 time squared (exponent 2) = Base 16 Hex Time.

42nd Street – Port Authority (data) Bus (computer earth) Terminal (IND Eighth Avenue Line ...–_Port_Authority_Bus_Terminal_(IND...
42nd Street – Port Authority Bus Terminal (IND Eighth Avenue Line) ... Located at the intersection of 42nd Street and Eighth Avenue in Manhattan,



The nasty/HEX/CURSE time event was Sept 11, 2001; New York City ought not violate the laws of existence --> Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory. The misuse of data field theory is linked to the TWO TOWERS BASE 2 Binary computer science battle of Sept 11,2001.



George Orwell's TIME COMPUTER manual/book titled 1984 was ignored.

Year 1984 + Base 16 hexadecimal years = Year 2000.






Apparently there is a Y2k problem with the TIME COMPUTER of COMPUTER EARTH known as the Y 2 K ERROR (KERR metric = K ERROR Hawking/Gibbons astrophysics terminology as applied to galactic local region PLANET EARTH). The multi-faceted MANHATTAN PROJECT started around 1943 includes a Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology component --> thus the sociology data processing ERROR event of Sept 2001 caused by the MANHATTAN PROJECT violation.
The periodic table of elements TIME ELEMENT --> TC = 43 is linked to the TIME CONTROL system of the TIME COMPUTER.


The final bio-computer battle of Great Britain with brain warrior Margaret Thatcher

Permalink 12/01/13 01:45, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized

The British  human  brain bio-computer war for control of England's thought control system.

Another Brick in the Wall

Another Brick in the brain cell Wall --> output message lyrics

Lyrics Part 2 -

Another Brick in the Wall Lyrics -
Part 2 (Waters) 3:56. We don't need no educationÂ. We dont need no thought control.


A review of data provides insight into the brain INTELLECTUAL WAR component of the British Science Wars. The Pink Floyd lyrics  and a WEBSITE news article provides the base data:

Thatcher's battle with dementia, by her daughter - Home News, UK ... Aug 25, 2008 *Reports of Baroness Thatcher's dementia have shone a light on a

By Chris Green
Monday, 25 August 2008





On a fine summer's day in 2000, Margaret Thatcher and her daughter, Carol, were having lunch in a hotel overlooking Hyde Park in Knightsbridge, west London. Despite being well into her 75th year, the Iron Lady was on good form, happily reminiscing about her time in office and wishing she could do it all again.

But then something changed. When her daughter asked about the Bosnian conflict of the 1990s, the usually unflappable former prime minister became confused. In the space of a few sentences, she conflated the Balkan conflictwith the Falklands war. It was the moment that Carol Thatcher realised her mother's memory had started to fail.


==> Analysis of the key subliminal mind sentence phrase:
"she conflated the BALKAN conflict with the Falklands war".
Keyword components: BAL of BALKAN and Fa of Falkland.


Thus the IRON LADY managed to send a very important ..COMPUTER EARTH system 370 emergency message to the world of bio-physics and the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family--> atomic brain bio-computer ....the atomic anthropology war with HEAD HUNTER subroutines inside the brain. The cortex computer cannniBAL subroutines that eat brain computer memory.


BAL = Basic Assembler Language...used by the internal brain computer and used for external copper wire computers. The internal biology version of BAL has been distorted to become:

BAL = Ba sic(k).....Assem.BLUR...lag.uage.............thus the brain SYMBOL MACHINE....the brain computer program instructions have been tampered with such symbolic manipulative devices as television, print,etc.


The IRON LADY's 2nd message regards BAL and the base 16 data processing HEX/curse of symbolic hexadecimal brain computer ERRORS.



Thus Base 16 HEX'Fa'= 250 as in Falklands WAR. Since computer programmers don't care about the their BRAIN canni.BAL problem......Nature repeated the BASE 16 message in English language on April 16,2007 at Virginia TECH University. But who cares to understand the INTELLECTUAL brain WAR ....besides Margaret Thatcher and myself?


Thus the final battle of GREAT BRITAIN depends upon the IRON LADY and an American researcher living nearHighway 26 --> 26 proton English alphabet of the ferrous oxide IRON atom used by Highway 26 iron automobiles driving thru Watertown, Wisconsin, USA.


Additional clues on the British brain computer battle:

CLUE from year 1910 ==>Principia Mathematica to *56
(*56 is the math integer atomic mass  of IRON......hence important messages for the health of symbolic HEMOGLOBIN iron proteins of the IRON LADY's memory ..........but British citizens and universities have FORGOT their responsibility in understanding this symbolic biochemsitry process)





Alfred North Whitehead, Bertrand Russell, --> it is largely because the contradictions showed that he, in common with all other logicians ancient and modern, had allowed some error to creep into his...

CLUE of Carl Jung ..when the British Islands are viewed as a collective of HUMAN  bio-computers ==>
.Collective unconscious - Collective unconscious is a term of analytical psychology, coined by Carl Jung. It is proposed to be a part of the unconscious mind, expressed in humanity .....

Thus the subliminal mind of Margaret Thatcher (her sharp mind being in tune with the British collective mind)....her mind sensed the collective MIND's cannibal problems and she sent the warning message .....hidden in proper nouns: BALKANS and Falklands conflict. These external war events are now symbolic mirrors of the internal war of the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain computer.



CLUE from brain algebra subset applications to English word commands to the brain:

The British algebra subset theory war and ALZHEIMER’s brain memory eaten by cortex cannibals. The BATTLE OF GREAT BRITAIN in YEAR 2010 with Margaret Thatcher’s dementia.
algebra Subset = EAT ....BR..... . . AIN –> Eat Brain

Thus the English bio-computer command words inside the symbol machine  brain –> Issue instructions to eat the brain. English language professors and authors must be careful; because we have modern anthroplogy within the skull with cortex cannibal computer subroutines.


There are 2 major,direct versions of Margaret Mead anthropology......

1st-->the external world Atlas with primitive tribes ...physically located thousand of miles away in some JUNGLE

2nd--> the internal world of your mind...with the symbolic world ATLAS ....
and it has 2 JUNGLES (the traditional perception of tropical forests trees and the psychological JUNG... mental Jungle of Carl JUNG)

Great Britain (Wikipedia, encyclopedia)
Great Britain (informally Britain) is an island situated to the northwest of Continental Europe. It is the ninth largest island in the world, ...
Political definition - Geographical definition - History - Terminology


Thus the symbol evolution of the BRITISH population into different partitioned data sets based on various brain formats. The most basic brain groups are descibed by the Watson/Crick double helix evolution of BRITAIN into 2 differnt brain subset structures.
The 2 major subset brain species of:
..BRI AN ... or BR AIN

What human brain sub-species are you?
Nature's 500 year symbol/ print/ eye/ optical nerve  evolution project was to add/merge the 2 brain subspecies structures into one super..or GREAT Intelligence..
the process called:

GREAT Brian (plus/addition symbolic process) Brain =
GREAT Brian + Brain =
GREAT Britain

The British government and British universities do not recognize such entities as Nature's intellect or the brain symbolic evolution processes of Nature's government. The 500 year project started in year 1453 with the Gutenburg Press BIBLE and reached a project milestone in year 1953 with the Watson/Cricket DNA messages. DNA researchers deny the existence of Nature's 500 Year GUT= Grand Unified Theory of project of physics....which started in year 1453 with Nature's human concept equation: GUT + TENSOR space/time + data buffer grammer = Gutenburg. The year 1453 complex math BIBLE is for complex variable Z. Z = a + Bi (math life component of Bi ble).

Universities deny the existence of other projects of Nature's intellectual evolution.
For example ..year 1957 CENTRAL HIGH School, Little Rock, Arkansas REALLY involved the math brain .... calculus integration. Thus integration by parts of the CENTRAL Nervous System 370 abstract brain computer with Base 16 HEX'FF' = 255 = HIGH-values ....evolution of cortex data processing ...Nature's evolutionary announcement in 1957..ignored by everyone.

Shakespeare wrote : All the world is a stage ..and we are the players'
..thus the 1957 CENTRAL Nervous System stage with black players..
thus Nature's chess game with black pieces (black people) and the EARTH geography chess board (the RED SQUARE in Moscow) and the white chess pieces (like Prime Minister's and other figureheads of societal strcuture).

CLUE from former American vice-president AL GORE:
Al Gore: free of diplomatic niceties - Times Online Dec 14, 2007 ... For Al Gore revenge really has proved to be a dish best served cold. ... Last night, in a speech to the Bali climate change conference in ...

news/environment/article: Al Gore and the Bali conference - Democratic ... Dec 14, 2010 ... Al Gore just accepted the Nobel Peace Prize. Now he's heading straight to the

Bali conference to call for a visionary global treaty to stop

brain cannibal programs inside the bio-computer brain



IBM Basic assembly language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Basic Assembly Language (BAL) is a low-level language used on IBM mainframes from the earliest 360 series, through systems 370, 390, and System z, as well ...






==> analysis of last sentence...what are the possible hidden messages using George Orwell's doublespeak method of analysis. Let's look at the subset of the last WEBSITE news sentence:

Now he's head straight BAL conference to call .. glob eaty stop .

........ head/skull canni.BAL ........



Then we ask ourselves logic deductions, inferences, symbolism, parallels, and build a model of the TRUE NATURE of the Al Gore message......Indonesia at one time was known for HEAD HUNTERS WEBSITE news states==>

Asmat people - Wikipedia, the Asmat had a reputation as headhunters and cannibals, ... Many Asmat have received higher education in other parts of Indonesia and some in Europe. ... The Asmat of New Guinea: The Journal of Michael Clark Rockefeller. ..

Asmat_people - Similar Headhunting - Wikipedia, Some believe that Michael Rockefeller may have been taken by headhunters in .

CLUE: British astrophysics warning by David H. Clark author of "The Quest for SS433". On page 194 below Figure 9.6 he writes ( read between the lines .... or doublepeak ... or double think)
--> The giant galaxy containing referred to as the "cannibal galaxy" and the innocent unsuspoecting passer-by as the "missionary galaxy". Galactic cannibalism is the favored origin of the material consumed by the central powerhouse of the active galaxies....

==>Analyis: Astrophyics galactic LOCAL REGION is Planet Earth. Thus astrophysics events can happen on EARTH LAB .....and Prime Minister Thatcher ...being a female GAL of the highest rank ..would be the PRIME human target
(the unsuspecting passer-by) of the cannibal galaxy.....hence her dementia ....reflecting an astrophysics attack. Cambridge professors ignore my communication requests for their intellectual assistance. Perhaps their mathematical-physics brain has already been eaten .....thus the final conscious book message from David H. Clark ..before the galactic cannibals consumed awareness.







Aldous Huxley, H.G.Wells, George Orwell and other brave thinkers...have forewarned us about the SCIENCE WARS. War events are not completely described in the newspapers; but I try to provide more complete,in depth war reports. Please help if you can and tell your intellectual friends and your professor teachers about this BLOG. You may quote the posts if you provide credit and sources back to the weblog. Thank you.

Computer Earth system 370 and the university/school communications data bus ERROR ...the bio-computer RAM Science Wars. Do you have RAM vehicle insurance? Do you have RAM life insurance?

Permalink 11/21/13 18:36, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized



The Solar  System 370 data processing architecture is described by the astrophysics/astronomy  
9 PROJECT PLAN ---> the  9  Plan Planets  =  8 data bit planets and 1 error checking parity bit planet.
Within the Solar System is the algebra subset of EARTH ...itself  having the data processing adjectives and nouns of the larger Solar System information set.


Let's  review  the history about COMPUTER EARTH system 370 evolution.

BASE 16 Galileo the DEFENDER (of Planet Earth) and year 1616  -->  a milestone in astronomy.

The evolution of space/time life components resulted in
Base 16 hexadecimal SPACE and 
Base 16 hexadecimal TIME. 
Year 1616 --> BASE 16 space and BASE 16 time  giving the basis  for Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory and its applications.



Let's look at modern bio-computer science with human brain processors.  What  news events provide empircal data on this ancient secret social science architecture...... that is ancient bio-computer architecture signal FORMAT.      
Modern news events  can be partially explained  using modern copper-wire computer terminology and BASE 2 binary and Base 16 hexadecimal .    As most  COBOL computer programmers know ...that 
system 370 OS/JCL  binary processing parallel/symmetry is
..................OS .........bin .....represented by humanoid name:
..................OSAMA  binary Laden software routine






Pakistan: 16 Reported Killed In Bus Crash

1 day ago – ISLAMABAD – Reports from Pakistan say up to 16 people have been killed in a bus crash in northwestern Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Province.

Let's look at  school bus informations sytems messages.

  1. Bus (computing) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    In computer architecture, a bus is a subsystem that transfers data between components ... In both examples, computerbuses of one form or another move data ...

    System bus - Wikipedia free encyclopedia
    It combines the functions of a data bus to carry information, an address bus to determine where it should be sent, and a control bus to determine its operation

Nov 11, 2009 – A scary bus crash is caught from the driver's cam as it clips another car. Luckily, no one ... 
School Bus Rams Into Other Driver
Above, we see the key bio-computer words: 
bus, ram,  driver

  1. Task And Function

    Feb 15, 2012 – Data is passed to the task, the processing done, and the result returned. .... Driving CE, WR, WR data and ADDRESS on to bus", 57 $time); ...
  1. X0038 datasheet and application note, data sheet, circuit, pdf, cross .
    CPU is in Interrupt mode 
    1 Hence, the subroutine starting address of X0038. 
    2 The address bus from the Z-80 Z-80 and the data bus to the Z-80 Z-80 are assumed to
     ... 80 are assumed to be inverted by bus drivers 3 A D data and identifying .

Thus a school bus accident ......seems to be a type of interrupt......a  Computer Earth puzzle that needs to be understood.
Fow example, the  1957  bio-computer experiment  in Little Rock, Arkansas was a  Computer Earth location  CPU  = Central Public High Scool  with  9  black students symbolic of 9 data bits.
  1. Drunk driver rams into North Carolina school bus ...
    ...........driver ram ..........N ........C   ...................... bus ..

    Punch cards and first tries at NC‎...... super-symmetry physics ... parallel events:

    Feb 2, 2012 – Alleged drunk driver rams into North Carolina school bus.

    1. Extensions of NC --> North Carolina social engineering extension

      The success of NC has led to number of extensions of Numeric Control concepts and ... machine tool builders to seek imprivements in the basic NC system
  1. Numerical control - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Similar
    Jump to 
    Punch cards and first tries at NC‎: Early work with Snyder Machine & Tool Corp proved the system of directly driving the controls from motors failed ...
  1. PDF]

    Interpolator for a Computer Numerical Control System 
    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
    by Y KOHEN - 1976 - Cited by 59 - Related articles
    polator and the feed-rate control are contained in the numerical control (NC) program of a computer numerical control(CNC) system and enable a contouring ...

Police tell ABC 36 News the bus stopped at the railroad tracks. A car stopped behind the school bus, but a second car did not. That car rammed into the first car
RR = Rail Road  -->  Register- to-Register instructions format ....

BAL (Basic Assembly Language) is a low-level language used on IBM mainframes from the earliest 360 series, through systems 370,

  1. 360 Assembly/360 Instructions - Wikibooks, open books for an open ... - Similar
    RR Instructions which use 2 registers for the arguments. These are two bytes long. RR instructions are op codeswhere the two high bits of the op code are 00,


Bus stopped --> university intellectual  communications data bus stopped
  1. Bus (computing) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    In computer architecture, a bus is a subsystem that transfers data between ..... This can lead to complex problems when trying to service different requests, ...

10 children killed as school bus rams truck in Ambala - Tv9 - YouTube Jan 2, 2012 - 28 sec - Uploaded by tv9telugu
10 children killed as school bus rams truck in Ambala - Tv9

Above ...we see the  word:  Ambala

AMbala --> Am + BAL + a = Access Method Basic Assembler Language algorithms







Two students injured in Chesterfield school bus crash upgraded to ...

Feb 29, 2012 – Those wishing to make donations in memory of Isabelle may do so to the ... Burlington Count

school bus crash with dump  truck kills 6th grader

Above translation message of algebra subset letters:
Two students --> Base 2 binary system injuries
ISabella --> IS = Information systems  school war casualty
Burlington County --> Bur + Count = Buffer Count
bus --> communcations data bus
dump --> the Computer Earth social science ... education system ADEND /dump report
6th grade --> carbon atom .... 6 electrons message for  university/corporation  theoretical organic chemistry and the social chemistry Science Wars

System Dump ›
Data Loss Situation and Recovery
There are many factors that would lead to these system hangs or memory dumps. Typically, the computer halts and what follows through is a set of diagnostic


  1. Glossary of z/OS terms and abbreviations glossary.html

    A kind of dump produced when a program ends abnormally. ..... connector is linked to the same relative pin of all the other connectors, forming a computer bus.







  1. Generating Java Full Thread Dump

    Hi All,  to generate full thread dump output(like kill -3) inside JVM. First of all , is it possible ... use output to see in thread dump analyzers(it must be well-defined format). Thread. .... IOUtils.copy(inputStream, System.out); ... Visit a glossary of computer terms and learning resources ...




Creating a Thread Dump
Creating a Thread Dump
Creating a Thread Dump

Does a dump truck have rubber tires with threads?

Does a rubber tire have  entire functions of complex math life?

Did President Eisenhower announce the military industrial complex math variable warriors of  a math dimensions of the 11 dimensions of string theory?

Dump Truck Tires -

24040 Products - Dump Truck Tires, You Can Buy Various High Quality Dump Truck Tires Products from
Global Dump Truck Tires Suppliers
and Dump Truck Tires ... 



  1. Dump truck that struck Chesterfield school bus in fatal crash was ... › Mercer County › Burlington CountyCached
    Feb 24, 2012 – Two Chesterfield Elementary School students remain in critical condition following last week's crash that killed an 11-year-old girl.





 Car Accident lawyer .....

Apr 22, 2011 – Fatal Florida Car Accident When Dump Truck Smashes Into Car .... Florida Car Accident When School Bus Hits Car That Ram Red Light ...

400 × 400 - Other than the difference in key notch position, DDR3 RAM is

Thus we live in an interesting world,   with many legal system puzzles.
Law schools  are not interested in moden  REALITY .....they prefer the Hollywood  version of life   and write scripts  that are partially correct.     Law students like the    Virginia Tech  English department creative writing  class   and its   masterpiece  ....... the incomplete,  biased explanation of the Base 16 April 16  HEX  shooting   with the  bio-computer  CAD  program  = Computer Aided Design of student CADavers.

Mr.CHO  was a  player  in the  vast Virginia TECH directed performance of William Shakespeare's  modern version of 
" The WORLD is a stage and we are the players".

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