Modern EM warfare using television and radio waves to attack human brain electron thought circuits
« The European electromagnetic wave WAR over television LIES.The 23 chromosomes war with the electromagnetic field accepted by the Boy Scouts of America claims the life of Sam Hengel in Marinette, Wisconsin. The Boy Scouts of America, the FFA, the 4-H Club will not help to understand the EM brain wars »

Milwaukee ELECTROMAGNETIC KHZ frequency war at the SiKH temple --> Si + KH --> the Sin wave + KHZ attack

Permalink 11/22/13 22:18, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized



The electromagnetic war  in the United States of North America is very serious.  We have citizen approved   FCC ( Federal Communications Commission)  violations of  Nature's electromagnetic  space/time continuum and other dimensions of Sartre existentialism.





Electromagnetic waves broadcast by television, radio, cellular phone systems interact with human brain electron circuits.    The FCC authorized attack upon the human brain CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM has increased the  number of brain system problems ..such as  brain bio-computer cannibal subroutines that eat memory...a process named: Alzheimer's.   Other mental disorders have been caused. The  citizen/government  attack upon the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 370 abstract  brain symbolic computer uses new technology techniques.


The Milwaukee region EM war occurred in nearby Oak Creek.

Gunman, six others dead at Wisconsin Sikh temple -
Aug 5, 2012 – Shooting at Sikh temple in Wisconsin ... wounded, including the first officer to respond to the scene, Oak CreekPolice Chief John Edwards said.

Police identify Army veteran as Wisconsin temple shooting gunman ...
Aug 7, 2012 – Oak Creek, Wisconsin (CNN) -- An Army veteran who neighbors say ... punk band was the lone shooter in the rampage at a Sikh temple in ..

ST LOUIS (LALATE) – A Sikh Temple shooting 2012 has erupted in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. The Sikh Temple shooting today August 5, 2012 began shortly after 10:45 am local time.



Sikh temple in ....

Sikh temple in ...

Sikh --> si + Kh --> sin wave  KHZ




Introduction to RF electronics - Department of Electrical Engineering
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Radio-frequency (RF) electronics differ from other electronics because the higher ... although most authorities peg it to
 frequencies of 10 to 100   kilohertz   (kHz).

Thus we begin to see the more TRUE NATURE of the  electromagnetic war and the incomplete newspaper reports.

Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On August 5, 2012, a mass shooting took place at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, with a single gunman killing six people and wounding four others.

Wisconsin --> sin wave state

WisconSIN  --> sin wave bio-mathematical-physics LIFE 

........and within that SIN wave is a
............human group SIN wave   and then
Milwaukee broadcasts SIN waves

Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wisconsin Si + kh --> Sin KHZ  shooting in Oak Creek


Thus we see 3 levels of SIN wave expresion above ...that interact  in some manner ...... and certain combinations of interaction are dangerous.   Thus the need for research to identify the EM freak frequencies ..... that ought not be broadcast.


Another aspect is the mathematical physics mapping function   between  the 
biology domain of  Si + Kh human agents  to the types of existence of  algebra subsets  ( si kH ) of sin  wave KHZ.
Thus many questions exist  ....   awaiting data details and theory.



Thus we see the   mass communications industry (television, radio,  publishing, etc)  give incomplete reports of the EVENT  AND authorities will not allow police detectives to gather data from electronic engineers and electromagnetic graduate students /professors.


Perhaps, the Milwaukee  universities will boldly step forward and help research the tragic REALITY  messages from Nature.
Other reports on secret Milwaukee  ....


  1. The Milwaukee bio-physics electromagnetic WAR. Police agent ...

    Apr 15, 2012 by Herbzinser1
    The Milwaukee bio-physics electromagnetic WAR. Police agent Byran Norberg uses special math equations to reveal secret EM manipulation groups that influence Milwaukee criminal activity




Thus students and technicians  with backgrounds in copper-wire electron systems  HAVE a tragic super-symmetry physics  mirror their brain electron circuits that are being  programmed  and manipulated  by the Milwaukee region  communications systems that are filled with ERRORS.

Welcome to Aldous Huxley ...BRAVE NEW WORLD with  the Milwaukee Braves baseball project of 1955.

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