Modern EM warfare using television and radio waves to attack human brain electron thought circuits
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- The battle of CURL operators ---> An outline of the electromagnetic life component of Milwaukee EM Policeman Byran Norberg and his undercover role in the MSOE
- Texas defeated in electromagnetic brain war - - - - --> Texas social engineering universities fail to explain President LBJ, the Fort Hood tragedy, and the Waco tragedy.
- The European electromagnetic wave WAR over television LIES.
- Milwaukee ELECTROMAGNETIC KHZ frequency war at the SiKH temple --> Si + KH --> the Sin wave + KHZ attack
- The 23 chromosomes war with the electromagnetic field accepted by the Boy Scouts of America claims the life of Sam Hengel in Marinette, Wisconsin. The Boy Scouts of America, the FFA, the 4-H Club will not help to understand the EM brain wars
- The electromagnetic bio-computer optical war of Oconomowoc, Wisconsin - - - - - - > Pentagon undercover ROTC agent Totzke uses special math military equations to reveal the secret EM manipulation.
- The eye/optical nerve messenger RNA angstrom war casualties. International System of Units (SI) problem with university SILLY nonsense policies. The Kierkegaard reality of Angst .
- The M-theory physics battle for EM control of Milwaukee. The Norberg - Burton battle near Bradley High school exposes the secret magnetic field and electromagnetic field LIFE formats . . . . . . ..iron Hemoglobin political science WAR.