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The food war reports ----> introduction

Permalink 11/22/13 13:19, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized

The modern food world is perceived like the "Tale of 2 Cities".

To understand this, we consider 2 existences:
1) the internal government of a human being with 2 components: the physical biology processes component and the symbolic component as expressed in college biochemistry textbooks.

2) the external government of EARTH and Nature that we see with our eyes. In addtion, the external dimension includes our daily activities, work, etc.

The 2 governments of Nature are interrelated.
For example,the social thoughts of the internal digestive system are sent to the arm/hand of a human output writer/reporter.


They write stories/reports on external cellulose paper.
The written digestive system reports are gathered together and published in external format as :

Reader's Digest Magazine.

To understand the message processing system and the feedback systems ...we continue.
The magazine has an external circulation ..... thus millions of people READ the ink words into their eye/ optical nerve/ symbolic brain computer. The words are symbolic life that becomes internalized .... the words are sent from the brain thru-out the body .... and now the internal government and

its blood circulation

receives the symbol information. Thus we see the parallel processing architecture of Nature .... and how it uses internal and external circulation levels to pass information between human bio-computers.

Above, notice  the signaling  number 100 ... .... the  bio-math numeric  subset of  blood circulation 



The food indusry with recipes, brand names, flavors, texture, packaging, garphic arts ...becomes an interesting area for WAR research.
Food for thought --> Food gives war thoughts as U.S. ARM Y-chromosome soldiers .....are trained in biology camp known as FORT appen.DIX, New Cotton Jersey. There they learn bio-computer Basic Assembler Language ....using the Base 16 hexadecimal rifle of M-theory physics --> the M-16 SCIENCE WAR battlefield weapon.




The 1990/1991 Iraq/KuWAIT  war  ..... message for wait(ers) about the restuarant WAR. 

In particular  we had the famous FOOD battles  .....known as  DESSERT.


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CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER

Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA


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