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The island of DR.NO ---> Norway. The European movie shooting of the Ian Fleming script DR.NO at Utoeya Island accidently results in shooting molecular bio-child actors. Organic chemistry --> social chemistry.
Utoeya --> the Island of Dr.NO
The Ian Fleming molecular social BOND expression script.
Frontier Orbitals & Organic Chemical Reactions by Ian Fleming Frontier Orbitals and Organic Chemical Reactions – Trade paperback (… more »
Dr.OS and Dr.NO visit OSLO, NORWAY ---> The Drosophila melanogaster region revealed by UTOE = Unified Theory of Everything physics battle at UTOEYA. The atomic English language of book "The Lord of Flies" island at Utoeya.
Oslo and the Science War casualties
Norway intellectual errors result in Science War casualties. Europe ignores the Margaret Mead atomic social anthropology war
Previous blogs have explained the background of EARTH LAB within… more »