Nature and the modern social science conflicts of civilization
« Norway continuum war -- introductionThe (Tyr) tyrosine polar amino acid metabolism battle at Lake Tyrifjorden, Utoeya, Oslo, Norway. The ancient components of Nature return to Norway in battle with symbolic dinosaur Tyrannosaurus Rex . »

Norbert Wiener and the Norway cybernetics WAR. CAUSE: Norway ignores the SCIENCE WARS . . . . . . . . . . . . . EFFECT: UTOE.ya = Unified Theory of Everything

Permalink 12/01/13 19:43, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized
Norway intellectual errors result in Science War casualties. Europe ignores the Margaret Mead atomic social anthropology war


Norbert Wiener - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Information is information, not matter or energy. —Norbert Wiener, Cybernetics: Or the Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine. Wiener was ...

Cybernetics was defined by Norbert Wiener, in his book of that title, as the ...
Norbert Wiener invented the field of cybernetics, inspiring a generation of scientists to think of computer technology as a means to extend human capabilities. ...
The original introduction to Norbert Wiener's Cybernetics -- written in


Norbert Wiener


Norbert Wiener (November 26, 1894 – March 18, 1964) was an American mathematician. He was Professor of Mathematics at MIT.

A famous child prodigy, Wiener later became an early researcher in stochastic and noise processes, contributing work relevant to electronic engineering, electronic communication, and control systems.


Wiener is considered the originator of cybernetics, a formalization of the notion of feedback, with many implications for engineering, systems control, computer science, biology, philosophy, and the organization of society.




Cybernetics From Wikipedia
Cybernetics is the interdisciplinary study of the structure of regulatory systems. Cybernetics is closely related to information theory, control theory and systems theory, at least in its first-order form. (Second-order cybernetics has crucial methodological and epistemological implications that are fundamental to the field as a whole.) Both in its origins and in its evolution in the second half of the 20th century, cybernetics is equally applicable to physical and social (that is, language-based) systems.

Cybernetics is most applicable when the system being analysed is involved in a closed signal loop; that is, where action by the system causes some change in its environment and that change is fed to the system via information (feedback) that causes the system to adapt to these new conditions: the system's changes affect its behavior. This "circular causal" relationship is necessary and sufficient for a cybernetic perspective.[citation needed] System Dynamics, a related field, originated with applications of electrical engineering control theory to other kinds of simulation models (especially business systems) by Jay Forrester at MIT in the 1950s.

Contemporary cybernetics began as an interdisciplinary study connecting the fields of control systems, electrical network theory, mechanical engineering, logic modeling, evolutionary biology, neuroscience, anthropology, and psychology in the 1940s, often attributed to the Macy Conferences.

Other fields of study which have influenced or been influenced by cybernetics include game theory, system theory (a mathematical counterpart to cybernetics), perceptual control theory, sociology, psychology (especially neuropsychology, behavioral psychology, cognitive psychology), philosophy, and architecture and organizational theory.[1]






Cybernetics is a broad field of study, but the essential goal of cybernetics is to understand and define the functions and processes of systems that have goals and that participate in circular, causal chains that move from action to sensing to comparison with desired goal, and again to action. Studies in cybernetics provide a means for examining the design and function of any system, including social systems such as business management and organizational learning, including for the purpose of making them more efficient and effective.

Cybernetics was defined by Norbert Wiener, in his book of that title, as the study of control and communication in the animal and the machine. Stafford Beer called it the science of effective organization and Gordon Pask extended it to include information flows "in all media" from stars to brains. It includes the study of feedback, black boxes and derived concepts such as communication and control in living organisms, machines and organizations including self-organization. Its focus is how anything (digital, mechanical or biological) processes information, reacts to information, and changes or can be changed to better accomplish the first two tasks[2].

Concepts studied by cyberneticists (or, as some prefer, cyberneticians) include, but are not limited to: learning, cognition, adaption, social control, emergence, communication, efficiency, efficacy and interconnectivity. These concepts are studied by other subjects such as engineering and biology, but in cybernetics these are removed from the context of the individual organism or device.





Wiener filter
For signal processing, the Wiener filter is a filter proposed by Wiener during the 1940s and published in 1949. Its purpose is to reduce the amount of noise present in a signal by comparison with an estimation of the desired noiseless signal.

The SIGNAL from
Norbert Wiener
Norberg..Wi....--> Milwaukee shooting SCIENCE WARS
Nor............--> North Pole magnetic field WAR
Nor............--> Tallahassee magnetic field agents
Norberg = Nor + Berg = NORTH ice berg policeman
Norway (Little Norway, Wisconsin) messages to parent country Norway.







Cybernetics is a broad field of study, but the essential goal of cybernetics is to understand and define the functions and processes of systems that have goals and that participate in circular, causal chains that move from action to sensing to comparison with desired goal, and again to action.



Norbert Wiener SIGNAL ignored by Europe science
Nor Wine ....
Norway..Wine and parties and fun and pleasure
Norway...........ignores intellectual matters
Norway..Wine and the math Viking vector questions
Norway Wine, songs and dances igNORe responsibility
.................................NOR--> NORWAY looks away
Norway Whine and Cybernetics sound/phonetics trap
Norway Whine and Cy --> Cry over UTOEYA cybernetics trap

while newspapers and intellectuals igNORe the BIG PICTURE
.....................................NOR...what WAY?
.....................................NOR...what Viking vector?

UTOEYA --> Margret Mead atomic anthropology FEEDBACK signal
UTOEYA --> has 2 news reported spellings UTOYA and UTOEYA
UTOE --> Unified Theory of Everthing which includes the
UTOE.......physics department MULTI-BODY Problem as described by
.TOE ......toe, foot, leg theory of bio-physics human existence
.TOE ......the volume of human toe in existence and LIMIT theory
.TOE ......Universe of human TOE Volume .......which correlates directly to the newspaper reports of the Anders Behring Breivik theory of overpopluation in EUROPE by different groups.




His atomic anthropology bio-physics message is just a different way of stating.......previous announcements and European government treaties:

1 - Physics atomic anthropology MULTI-BODY PROBLEM. Nature expressed the same message with physicist MAX BORN.

2 - The Margaret Mead cellular nuclear arms, elbows, mouth control SALT treaties signed by governments since year 1960. The periodic atomic government agent for SALT molecules (sodium chloride symbol NaCl) was year 1992 agent NaCl (North american Clinton) .......President of the United States and its various SECRET physics and social chemistry societies.
Arkansas Agent NaCl, the United States government, and the RIGGED university INTELLECTUAL CONTROL systems .... have yet to acknowledge trival matters like the multi-dimensional facets of Sartre existentialism.

3 - OSLO,Norway scientists know the atomic English language and symbolism thru their reading experiences about atomic element 76 OS = 76 Osmium 190.23. Osmium has atomic human agents in the Margaret Mead atomic continuum ...atomic anthropology war ...such as OSLO scientists, OSama bin Laden.

The North American molecular cell biology constitution of year 1776 (symbolized 17 year invention /patent law and element 76 OS of the atomic continuum) .....was to be represented by atomic humans of OS = Office of Science, the OS university series (Ohio State, Oklahoma State, Oregon State) and FermilAB. They could care less about atomic mass communications theory; consequently, the Heirarchy Problem tragedies of the UTOE = Unified Theory of Everything SIGNAL of UTOEYA.

Logan,UTAH logarithmic math life FORMATS also ignores the astrophysics UT = Universal Time project Signal ....project milestone of Year 2000... schedule missed ...its year 2011 UT --> UTOEYA .... wake up the UTAH brain.




Welcome to the SETI Institute

Welcome to the SETI Institute


The UNITED STATES the UNION the algebaric UNION of various SETS of existence including the math SET of SETI aliens (and their reverse psychology ploys).
Paul Allen ought tell his friends fill out the proper paperwork.

Publication 519 (2010),
U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens (see the SETI website for secret details on communications theory of intelligence)

Your Alien Registration Receipt Card attached to a letter stating your intent to ...
The specific rules that apply to each of these categories are discussed next. ...
Tax Topics - Topic 858
Alien Tax Clearance
Feb 7, 2011 –

If you are either a resident

or a nonresident alien ...



SETI Institute | Home, Astrobiology
2011 SETI Institute.
189 Bernardo Road, Suite 100.
Mountain View, CA 94043.
Phone 650.961.6633.
Fax 650-961-7099.
Smith Act
The Alien Registration Act or Smith Act (18 U.S.C. § 2385) of 1940 is a United .... United States ruled unconstitutional the convictions of numerous party leaders ...
Alien Registration Act The Alien Registration Act (also known as the Smith Act) was passed by

The SMITH ACT is for the astrophysics BRIDGE at Cambridge...
for the alien life formats that seem to exist at:

Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Oct 6, 2011 – The Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysic s (CfA) is the world's largest and most diverse center for the study of the Universe,

comprising ...William Shakespeare year 1600 view
"The World is an stage and we are the players"

in modern terms "The World is a astrophysics stage and
we are the SMITH ACT alien players at the Smithsonian"

Opportunities (for the SMITH ACT)
Smithsonian Astrophysical...the study of subset
...................trophy wives ....astrophysics news


--> Secret languages of astrophysics professors:

Top 10 famous trophy wives - Minneapolis News
The Blotter Aug 3, 2010 – Tim Pawlenty didn't step out in front of a Waverly, Iowa, crowd over the weekend and proudly introduce his...

Above SIGNAL: Time wave Input / Output work area-
--> Hubble astronomy project messages about vectors
Trophy Wives Anonymous wives steady decrease in physical activities with me had me on the verge of falling back into drug use. We used to have a decent horizontal ...
Above SIGNAL: Hubble(ton) wives = Wisconsin  astronomy vector space
--> batavia physics..the oddone... atomic language message board
trophy wife. Any one of Donald Trump's current of formerwives. The Donald has had a collection of trophy wives throughout his lifetime and his current one ...

Above SIGNAL: wives = wisconsin vector space
The United States is a subset applications agent for the EARTH Goverment. The Earth Government astronomy song with Computer Earth system 370
OS / JCL ==>
O Say, can you see, by the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watch'd, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there.
O say, does that star-spangled banner
yet wave.........
the wave mechanics --> social mechanics battle at the NIL, COLE HALL oceanography class in DeKalb Illinois.

The Star Spangled Banner
In 1814, Francis Scott Key wrote the poem, O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?


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