Earth geometry coordinates TRIAL. The math jury trial of Norwegian Viking vectors (i, j, k ) versus ( x, y, z). The Utoeya Y2K bridge ERROR SIGNAL for the Cam.bridge bridge universities..
The SCIENCE WARS are a hidden war, occasionally mentioned in books. The SCIENCE WARS are really a extension of the 1898 book by H.G.Wells (The War of the Worlds) supplemented by the warning signals of the authors of: Brave New World, 1984, Future Shock, etc.
Most newspapers avoid direct discussion of the SCIENCE WAR topic. The deeper levels of REALITY explain the modern Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology models of conflict. The models of daily life and conflict are:
--> the atomic social science Hierarchy Problem
--> the surface veneer STANDARD MODEL problem of daily life.
--> mathematical-physics social engineering vectors
--> the asthrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Earth Lab) social experiments
Additional SCIENCE WAR subjects are listed on the above TOOLBAR on your computer screen.
You may CLICK on those NOUNS for access.
This BLOG-title outlines EARTH geometry coordinates and their interaction with the bio-computer system of HUMANS. This bio-computer system has been known for thousands of years .....thus Nature's naming convention of ancient Egypt, Greek and Roman Empires in the B.C time period.
The B.C. time period's double-helix expressions is known by its 2 major features.
B.C --> Brain Computer development of JCL --> Job Control Language for 2-legged, 2-eared human biological processors used for bio-computer social engineering programs. Thus the Roman Empire was a distributed processing bio-computer system...using the bio-electron circuits of the skull known as the "CHIP on your shoulder".
An example is JCL agent = Julius Caesar Latin bio-computer programming language ....that LINKS the Latin computer language to the Roman Empire geography coordinates of Lat --> Latitude and some Longitude. A thousand years later, the VIKING Longboats completed the Longitude project......thus completing the 1st version of brain cell GLOBE, myoGLOBE, and hemoGLOBE protein coordinate maps....symbolic maps ......later published by biochemistry professors ..between years 1960 thru 2010.
THe groundwork laid by the ancient period:
B.C. --> Bio-Chemistry in physical process formats and its develpoment of internal biology symbolic languages. We see such ancient biochemistry literature in the Aesoph fables.
Aesop's Fables - Wikipedia
Jump to Greek versions: When and how the fables arrived in and travelled from ancient Greece remains a mystery. Some cannot be dated any earlier ...
Origins - Translation and transmission - Aesop's Fables in other languages
Aesop was an ancient Greek storyteller. He lived 2500 years ago, around 550 BCE. Some say he was a slave who so delighted his master with his stories that ...
Thus we see the orgin of biology communication systems as suggested by Herbert Spencer in Principles of Biology in year 1872 and explained by others.
Biology computer input data file:
Aesop --> Ae + esop --> Ate food + esophagus -->
Esophagus - Wikipedia,
The esophagus (or oesophagus) is an organ in vertebrates which consists of a muscular tube through which food passes from the pharynx to the stomach. ...
The atomic biophysics body and the emergent symbolic brain appreciated the input FOOD and thus using the relationship
Food for Thought.....
responded with the symbolic output THOUGHT in
Output data message FORMAT: A.esoph fables ...
which are well-known in modern medical literary circles.
Thus ancient biochemistry publication is a precursor to modern college biochemistry textbooks.
In theory...the best time to talk shop (medical biochemistry) to a modern college research professor is at lunch or at dinner ..... the time period of esophagus activity.
Thus we have the modern SIGNALING method used in Milwaukee medicine...which includes symbolic medicine like nouns and verbs and algebra eqiuations. When the EARTH is viewed as a living cell.......we can view Milwaukee citizens EARTH LAB medical LAB specimens.
Thus one of the famous recent Milwaukee medicinal social engineering message experiments:
What is Barrett's esophagus? - The normal esophagus (swallowing tube) is lined by a pinkish-white tissue called squamous epithelium. Some people also have red stomach tissue (normal ...
The parallel processing experiment news of supersymmetry biophysics:
Milwaukee Mayor Barrett beaten with pipe
while defending baby and grandmother ... Aug 17, 2009
Thus we have an ancient B.C. message in modern FORMAT:
The pipe symbolizes the esophagus data pipeline or tube.
Mayor Barrett + Pipe --> Barrett's esophagus
baby --> refer to ancient civilizations like Babylon / Greece
Grandmother --> modern Grand Unfied Theory physics and Mother Earth
Thus we see an information VECTOR structure that started around 550 BC .....still continue to have some influence in modern events ...such as the
West Allis event.
Thus we see the ancient primordial desire of the A.esoh esophagus INTELLECT emerge within the biochemistry soul of Mayor Barrett VIA his social chemistry decision to visit West Allis.
The ancient esophagus QUEST parameters ...then went to the
Wisconin st(ATE) Fair in the Milwuakee suburb West Allis. Thus
............ATE and the Barrett espohagus subliminal mind mission.
Milwaukee universities and medical schools ain't talking about this; yet.
Man arrested in attack on Mayor Barrett Milwaukee Aug 16, 2009 – Mayor Barrett was beaten Saturday outside State Fair Park when he tried ... the suspect was in custody, Barrett was recuperating at Froedtet hospital, ...
Why this particular space/time event -->
Saturday outside at night (Dark Matter physics affairs) subset
...urda..........uranium data Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology
...urda...outside --> Uranium 238 data outside versus
...urda...inside --> Uranium 238 data inside FermiLAB
Thus we have the TALE of 2 Cities......
and FermILAB atomic brains think in one city
and other atomic brains think only in the other city
....... and the Zino particle physics human agent is a
communications BRIDGE between these 2 cities of atomic application knowledge:
1) atomic physics such as nuclear power electricity
2) atomic physics such a atomic bio-physics social behavior
Another biology message is printed by the INTERNAL MEDICINE accounting manual known as the Internal Revenue Code. Thus we have the modern version of ESOP fables written by the Washington,DC humans that eat at fancy restaurants ....... and then their stomach digests the various conversations at the dinner table ...for possible thoughts. Some thoughts are eventually published by the Reader's Digest Magazine of the official digestive system news outlets.
Thus the Washington,DC. human esophagus requires these dinner parties ......which allows a group of esophagus agents to exhange Carl Jung collective unconscious ideas. Their bio-computer message system is so successfull..... it was published in the INTERNAL MEDICINE code manual ...the Internal Code of the IRS. Thus the ESOP = Esophagus Employee Simplified Ownership Plan. These humans really are Nature's employees assigned to the esophagus project of the United st(ATES).
The liver employees work at the Lawrence Livermore Labs in California and study Jonathan Swift's book on Gullible Livers with undercover agent's identifier: license plate 70 MeV.
The foot/toe specialist are physics theorists in TOE theory = Time Order Entry of atomic input food for symbolic output atomic thoughts.
Thus we look at a EARTH LAB signal processing site:
Froedtet Hospital ....
..oe......os......order entry OS/JCL Computer Earth ..
..oe......OS/JCL signal ignored by OSLO and Europe.......
Utoeya....OSLO tragic feedback signal. Attention please!
UTOE = Unified Theory of Everything project deliberately delayed by Citizens and universities ..consequently the atomic social anthropology SCIENCE WAR tragedies.
Nature's government considers human institutions as subsets; and the sooner universities face REALITY on the structure of Earth GOVERMENTAL powers.....the sooner social engineering nonsense can be fixed.
The above events clearly illustrate the
Shakespeare phrase
" The World is a stage and we are the players."
Thus we see a complex net...a puzzle of interwoven elements.... and the multi-dimensional facets of EARTH LAB social experiments.
From the above example, we see how ancient information VECTOR structures still function on behalf of the Margaret Mead nuclear family ........ atomic ant(hropology) with ant(honey) Peters and his messages for University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee and Marquette University.
Anthony Peters could file a lawsuit against those universities as accesories to the CRIME and the judge could order the universities to explain their various Carl Jung atomic subconscious collective manipulations ....which created the WEST ALLIS event.
These manipulations were outlined by Carroll Lewis in his 1865 explanation of the human guinea-pig social experiments... a message repeated with the Bay of Pigs, CUBA guinea-pig experiments in 1961......the Fidelity to 2-legged PIGS test with Shakespearean player: Fidel Castro.
Today, the BIG BAD WOLF has Wolfgang Pauli and his ideas..... and the symbolic WOLF has a communications HIERARCHY PROBLEM with the 3 little pigs of geometry .... Pi =3.14159 agent Pier O --> the circle of math life. The agent at Batavia..... and his mathematical-physics team communications VOID is an obvious ommission in the year 2011 atomic anthropology SCIENCE WARS.
We see the Earth Lab as a continuum.......... and daily events and tragic events occuring within that continuum. The range of the continuum:
Atomic <-- continuum with human intermediates --> astrophysics
Thus we see a brief history of metabolism VECTORS and social engineering VECTORS ..... and how can they span thousands of years ... and participate in directing HUMAN daily affairs on THEATER EARTH.
Earth geometry coordinates TRIAL at Utoeya. The math jury trial of
Norwegian Viking
vectors (i, j, k ) versus ( x, y, z).
Thus we look at the modern world of
PERU physics agent at FermiLAB and the Earth system 370
......Andes mountains computer instruction guidelines.
PERU --> PER + RU --> Program Event Recording
.............. RU = Request Unit for PURE
PERU --> Per = Permuation of the Per = Periodic atomic table
PERU <-- atomic language permutation --> PURE
PURE --> P + Ur + e = Processor uranium 238 + 92 electrons
......atomic data processor 238 --> 2 exponent 3 = 8 data bits
PERU project human agent --> Pier Oddone
PURE project human agent.... credentials are not acknowledged
ANDES mountain order violations. Consequences:
ANDE --> Anders Behring Brei(viki) --> Viking Vector agent
AN + DE --> Atomic Number Destiny project
ANDES mountain order violations. Consequences:
A --> Afghanistan Mountain war with the U.S.ARMY over
A = Argonne STAN(dard) model atomic anthropology violations.
Given the above...we see alot of misleading information is published in newspapers and broadcast on television. Thus Nature and its atomic English language has activated the EARTH government LEGAL SYSTEM ...which in many ways is similair to the human legal system of daily affairs; but, the EARTH LEGAL SYSTEM requires a more abstract, sophisticated view of events and tragedies .....a gestalt view. What are some of the CLUES of the puzzle? THe puzzle needs more research ..... a good activity for the blog reader.
Earth geometry coordinates TRIAL withn latitude, longitude, and altitude examination of human attitude vectors. The math jury equation:
jury ==> j + ur + y which explained is
(i, j, k) uranium bridge (x, y, z) .....or
frame of refernce --> mapping bridge --> vector space
Is the modern jury acquainted in linear algebra transformations and their application to social engineering VECTOR trials. Such a major math trial was with Vang,
Rice Lake murders, trial in Hayward, Wisconsin. Keywords.....
rice.. lake..murder.........Hay.............sin
Analysis of the Earth Lab parameters:
Vang --> Vector angle agent
Chai Vang - Wikipedia
Vang moved to Minneapolis, Minnesota sometime around 2000. A few years later , he and his family moved a few miles to the neighboring city of St. Paul. ...
Thus Vang moved to mathematical-physics space of St.Paul (Dirac) which LINKS to the Tallahassee FSU magnetic field lab....and their university communication problems. They ought study serious matters like the Milwaukee policeman NORBERG ....magnetic field WAR casualty with the iron Hemoglobin WAR shooting.
Modern universities social sciences have no problem insulting the heritage of science tradition and science accuracy as
expressed by ST.Paul (Dirac) and others between 1920 and 1935.
Why the university coverup?
Who is Chai Vang?
CHai =
CH + ai = CH organic chemistry symbol + atomic intelligence.
Vang --> Va interaction with Enrico Fermi and FermiLAB and UC.
In addition, another organic chemistry agent
CHO = CHO = CH Organic chemistry messenger for Virgin TECH shooting
continuing with keyword analysis:
Rice Lake murders, trial in Hayward, Wisconsin keywords.....
rice.. lake..murder.........Hay.............sin
rice is a subset of math word: matrices
lake --> computer term = Load Address Key
Murder --> M + ur --> M-theory physics + uranium 235/238
.........Margaret Mead atomic anthopology war casualties
Hay --> S.I. Hayakawa, an English language trial reporter with book
......."Language in Thought and Action" ...which helps explain
.......the English department atomic language SCIENCE WAR
.......casualties at Virginia TECH and the deliberate cover-up
Thus M-theory of atomic murder plots ......
uses atomic table symbol... ur (uranium) in
Murder ...Murder
M-theory....ur --> uranium 235 isotopes(T) ...PEST
M-theory...Europe ....
............ur.....alphabet component of murder
...atomic ..murder with an= atomic number agent an = anders
Thus we see atomic social anthropology crimes with string theory physics applied to
human specimens giving PUPPET string thoery and applications.
jury ==> j + ur + y which explained is
(i, j, k) communications bridge (x, y, z) .....or
.....justice SCIENCE WARS ......Utoeya
..........Cambridge Bridge ERRORS
frame of refernce --> mapping bridge --> vector space
ancient Norwegian Viking --> V = Vectors (i,k) integers
modern Viking vectors (i, j, k )
The modern Viking vectors are used by astrophysics and
EVENT HORIZON analysis of EARTH LaB with subset word
....T HOR -->Theory HORROR -->Norway astrophysics battle
The THOR role has been assigned to astrophysics analysts THORNE; but, CALTECH is busy with other projects.
The secret project of their campus (camp --> collective unconsciousness) is the
joint effort project known as:
CALves --> CALTECH vector space...application
CALVES --> California math religious Vespers -->
CALVES --> CAlculate Vector Space Errors.
CALTECH is a subset of a
Galileo Base 16 HEX space and Base 16 HEX time and
Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory.....
whose existence is denied by CALTECH and University of California theorists?
Thus they fall way behind......but,
they are so intellectually inbred and
so conditioned by the Pavlov economic stimulus package ....
a very crafty social psychology trick ....the
Trillion Dollar stimulus TRICK for university professors brain cells who watch the
television show DEEP SPACE NINE with subliminal mind manipoulation NOUNS:
Odo-->Oddone director
Ferengi --> fermiLAB engineering
Bajor --> Batavia Job Orders
Trill ....Dax --> Trillion dollars Data axon/synapse tricks
Can Pier Oddone or CALTECH expain atomic psychology?
They don't even try understand the atomic brain SIGNALS.
.Thus we mention a few of the CLUES of a large math life puzzle.
World War 2 ...the well-known
high school algebra graph, plane geometry war
involved (x, y, z)...hence, the name AXIS powers...refering to the intellectual powers of those 2 high school courses.
The axis POWERS involved the math power of 2, used by the the algebra quadratic equations and its parabolic curve graph.
I'm sorry, did I reveal an Alan Sokal math secret of the university system which includes New York and Duke university SCIENCE WAR voodoo publishing psychology. LIE algebra Einstein's special undercover math agents ...has revealed the reverse psychology levels of the hoax of the hoax of the hoax of the hoax. Sorry, the SCIENCE WARS are very real with the Utoeya casulaties.
But, they did bring up the issue ..... thus helping in the special SCIENCE WAR inquiry in brain science and brain symbolic manipulation.
Thus Utoyea is known in the SIGNAL PROCESSING world as a ROC = Region of this case many factors include social science vectors convergence .....the factors accumulate ...and reach a Computer Earth TASK INTIATION trigger level ....which activates a social engineering JOB using human data processors ......who express the message VIA a trigger level.
Computer scientists are well acquainted with this OS/JCL process which apparently is apprtoved by
OS authorities ......
OS....hor rities--> horror rities
Who may be the OS authorities?
In the North America BAL region of Baltimore
has the nearby OS = Office of Science.
In Europe BAL region of BALTIC SEA would be
OSLO, Norway, the Norwegian national assembly of human bio-computer legislation and their European CAD agents in human CAD.aver theory and brain computer programming applications...... all part of
UTOE.Ya which symbolizes the DELAY by citizen governments of
UTOE = Unified Theory of Everything...a very high priority project of NATURE.
Even TOM DELAY denies his atomic human AGENT existence.
....ATOM DELAY causes M-theory physics murders
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Jump to Foreign policyý: Thomas Dale "Tom" DeLay is a former member of the United States House of Representatives, representing Texas's 22nd ...
Early life and education - Personal life - Early private sector career - Political careerTom DeLay campaign finance trial -
Tom DeLay, a Republican U.S. Representative from Texas from 1979 to 1983 ...
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... strategist Grover Norquist and then-House majority whip Tom DeLay. ...
Thus we see Argonne, FermiLAB, and Stanford physics deny the existence of atomic politics via atomic human agents. Thus communication STANDARDS of the STANDARD MODEL have been violated by the atomic HUMANs ......hence, the atomic anthrology murder SIGNALS.
Also, the wave mechanics murder SIGNAL at COLE HALL oceanography class...
the SIGNAL sent
to NIELS Bohr Institute Europe from subset institution
...NI..L, DeKalb, Illinois.
Perhaps, the University of COPE ought close until they update their brain cells with a modern version of REALITY.....instead of their Hoolywood view.
Oxford, Cambridge, and seceral other universities ought be closed by their government until those school come up to the intellectual awareness standards needed by society in year 2011.
Lewis Carroll sent a message ..... and the universities refuse to help understand it.
Families of murder victims can file lawsuits against those schools for their
conspiratorial role ....a suggested by M-theory.
.......atorial --> at + orial -->
brain thought atom orbital --> atomic English language violations ...such as the mess/ bloody mess message of the Virginia TECH English department shootings caused by the English language manipulation schemes authorized by universities.
NORWAY ought consider advanced diplomatic communications in atomic political science; the university song and dance is incomplete.
Thus the Utoeya Y2K bridge ERROR SIGNAL for the Cam.bridge bridge universities in England and North America. The year 2000 brain computer defect ...failure to upgrade brain symbolic software.
Y2k = Y-algebra chromosome with 2K data stream pipeline needed by Nature's NEW version of the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer with a
to the Z80 general purpose atomic computer and a
to IBM 8100 DPCX-Ray G. HUMAN application system
giving new......X-Ray algebra penetration powers to the human brain ...penetrating the layers of social science ...symbolic fables and nonsense that violate Margaret Mead atomic brain intellectual projects.
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