Nature and the modern social science conflicts of civilization

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The worldwide OSIRIS project . . . . the project milestones .......sequence of death climax at Utoeya Island. The Os = Oslo Osiris secret of European citizen cults.

Permalink 12/05/13 23:22, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized
Oslo and the worldwide OSIRIS project The Utoeya tragedy helps explain the secret languages of the world. RD-blog-675   The worldwide OSIRIS project . . . . the project milestones .......sequence of death climax at Utoeya Island.… more »

Earth geometry coordinates TRIAL. The math jury trial of Norwegian Viking vectors (i, j, k ) versus ( x, y, z). The Utoeya Y2K bridge ERROR SIGNAL for the Cam.bridge bridge universities..

Permalink 12/05/13 23:13, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized
RD-blog-657 The SCIENCE WARS are a hidden war, occasionally mentioned in books. The SCIENCE WARS are really a extension of the 1898 book by H.G.Wells (The War of the Worlds) supplemented by the warning signals of the authors of: Brave New World, 1984,… more »

Norway continuum war -- the Norway string theory war - introduction

Permalink 12/05/13 23:07, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized
Norway and other governments of the world deny the many dimensions of Sartre existentialism. Government and university social scientists and economic researchers have become biased thru hypnosis ....hence string theory physics has now become ... applied… more »

Milnor number WAR casualties and wounded --> Northern Illinois University, Norberg, Norway and others..

Permalink 12/05/13 22:51, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized
RD-blog-663 Other blogs at this site provide the background for understanding the mathematical-physics dimensions of LIFE on Earth Lab. The additional SCIENCE WAR subjects are listed on the above TOOLBAR on your computer screen. You may CLICK on those… more »

Lawrence Livermore Labs atomic analysis of Norwegian Cod Liver - - - - - - -> Code Livermore project.. . . Norway violations of the salt treaty of salted cod fish and their bio-computer code fish features results in Utoeya tragedy.

Permalink 12/05/13 13:28, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized
RD-blog-674 Modern Political Science NEWS: Market | Norwegian Salted Cod Fish (Bacalhau) Bone-in Sold by ... We guarantee quality and freshness on all packaged products we sell including dried, salted codfish. ... . . . . . . . European violations of t… more »

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