Schrodinger dead / alive cat experiments result in many student and soldier casualties. The 2 quantum states provides important data for atomic social scientists.
The atrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet Earth) is an interesting test location. A distant astrophysics observer ....... would see the earth as an atomic structure. Thus viewed, we could consider the astrophysics view of the Schrodinger 2 quantum states ...using EARTH LAB events as data events.
These empirical data events would provide important clues about the EARTH atomic/astrophysics social engineering continuum. The usage of the
Calculus book Volumne I around year 1962 by
CalTECH Tom M. Apostol and his algebra subset letters
............M A P ....of human math life
using the intermediate value theorem giving
atomic levels <--intermediate humans--> astrophysics levels
Schrödinger's cat -
Schrödinger's cat -
Schrödinger's cat -According to Schrödinger, the Copenhagen interpretation implies that the cat remains both alive and dead (to the universe outside the box) until the box is ...
Schrödinger's cat -
Now we have guys that lived thru the 1950's and 1960's.
They may be considered " one cool cat".
If they were, then they ought acknowledge modern life....
if they want to keep/or remain/ or become
....part of the new type of "cool cat".
Are their intellectual "cool cats" still in existence at
West Coast universities. In year 2012, they have to
recognize modern existence instead of Hollywood
English class creative writing 101. Thus such professors and students remain to be discovered VIA the self-discovery process of the atomic brain and its symbolic bio-computer.
- Search Results Urban Dictionary:
A word to use when you don't know what else to say, or when you are ... "that's one cool cat
- What is the meaning of "a cool cat"? - Yahoo! Answers
So a "Cool cat" meant an extraordinary hip person
- In the 50s "cool" was an undefinable quality that makes something or someone extraordinary and "cat" was a hip or hep person. So a "Cool cat" meant an extraordinary hip or hep person.
- 60's Slang
These are a few of the slang words that were used in the sixties. ....
Cool, groovy, neat, neato; said of a person, ..
Thus the Darwinian evolution of quantum thought concepts.
The New Scientist magazine ...
Thus in 1935, we have a 4-legged cat in the box experiment.
Then we have Darwinian evolution of the Schrodinger concept.
Thus around 1970 ..we have 2-legged people (real cool cats) in the box experiments.
Then around 1990 ...
- we have 2-legged students in classroom tragedies ......trapped boxes with a quantum trigger (shooting gun trigger)
........elementary school shooting data for elementary physics
........Cole Hall wave mechanics shooting messages (oceanography)
........Virginia TECH quantum trigger experiments (gun trigger)
- we have 2-legged federal employees in the Oklahoma City building box tragedy
- we have 2-legged financial office workers in the
Two Quantum States symbolized by the Two Towers of the Sept 11, 2001 Manhattan physics project ERROR signal..... regarding the Margaret Mead atomic anthropology Hierarchy Problem.
- The Schrodinger thought experiments in 1976 of the CAM group = Cambridge University and Cambridge, Mass universities and Cambodia. The modern classroom of European and American bragging nonsense .... thus Nature's feedback signal to educational institutions regarding the human brain computer programming experiment ERRORS ....
Thus we see the........
Thus we try to understand Nature's quantum social engineering signals to educated people.......who like to ignore the SCIENCE WAR casualities.
From the INTERNET ....
Quantum theory is bizarre. In order to try and understand it we need to forget everything we know about cause and effect, reality, certainty, and much else besides. This is a different world, it has its own rules, rules of probability that make no sense in our everyday world. Richard Feynman, the greatest physicist of his generation, said of quantum theory
'It is impossible, absolutely impossible to explain it in any classical way'.
Quantum theory is much more than just bizarre, it is also without doubt the most amazing theory in existence. This theory is not just about experiments and equations, it reveals something extraordinary about our very understanding of what constitutes reality.
Let's look at some astrophysics EARTH LAB
Schrodinger test sites using parameter equations:
Schrodinger = Sch + rod + dinger -->
Sch = School / university
Rod = slang word for gun with bullets
dinger = abbreviated name of Dillinger,John 1934
Thus supersymmetry physics suggests that
Schrodinger in Europe in 1930/ 1934/1935 was atomic THEORY
and Nature's version of parallel processing ....
Schrodinger in America in 1930/1934 atomic APPLICATIONS.
John Dillinger who lived about the in the same EARTH space/time dimensions as Erwin Schrodinger (year 1935 cat theory). John Dillinger of the same atomic history time zone ..
John Dillinger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
John Herbert Dillinger, Jr. (June 22, 1903 – July 22, 1934) was an American bank robber of German descent in Depression-era United States. He was charged ...
Thus we see the supersymmetry...or 2 quantum verisons of life.
1) Schrodinger used theory and physics lab electron guns
2) .....dinger (Dillinger) used EARTH LAB monetary society. The John Dillinger electron gun was in a different format --> metal gun with bullets. Thus looking back to the American revolution in year 1776 ......the pistols/guns /rifles/bullets used were comprised of atoms/electrons.
Thus it could be said ...that George Washington was involved in an electron gun WAR .....because we now know that elctronsrevolve in a probaility orbital about the nucleus.
In year 1776 the revolution of the electrons around the nucleus ......was in a state of intellectual conflict. The British atomic brain electron circuits had 1 theory about electron revolutions ..... and the North American atomic brain electrons had a different VIEW of themselves.....that is electron self-awareness VIA the human substrate carrier.
Thus came into being the brain electron INTELLECTUAL WAR which became transformed into physical war in year 1776 using the humanoid vehicles to carry out atomic anthropology disputes.
Hence, Nature properly labeled the conflict as the Revolution.
The Particles of the Constutition of the United States..
.......articles of the Constitution waiting for FermILAB upgrade
......Particles of the Constitution ...of modern living symbolic life
Because of the atomic/astrophysics continuum .......and some atomic subliminal mind connection of Nature ......between
Schrodinger THEORY ......
...rod + dinger (Dillinger) ..... when Schrodinger devised his thought experiment in 1935 ..... his atomic subconsciousness ...had a sense ...that somewhere EXISTED some relationship to a box ...which we now identify as the coffin of Dillinger. Thus Nature has some primordial, deeply subconscious LINK or common continuum ..... that gave Schrodinger his THOUGHT.
Personally, in 1935 his atomic soul was alive (in the physcial body of Erwin Dillinger) and was simultaneously dead in John Schrodinger. The Scientific American magazine discussed this fact of life.
Is there a copy of you reading this article? A person who is not you but who lives on a planet called Earth, with misty mountains, fertile fields and sprawling cities, in a solar system with eight other planets?
The life of this person has been identical to yours in every respect. But perhaps he or she now decides to put down this article without finishing it, while you read on.
The idea of such an alter ego seems strange and implausible, but it looks as if we will just have to live with it, because it is supported by astronomical observations.
Thus the Schrodinger version of this duality ...... a person who is not you (not Erwin Schrodinger in 1935) .... but who live in fertile fileds (John Dillinger atomic life in the coffin of a cemetry DATA FIELD of Computer Earth system 370 of year 1935).
The thought experiment --> mental enagement
......Northern Ill/sick noise universities ...... a tragic message event signal ..... that needs to understood by human atomic brain cell. Simple minded bull-story explanations of the Cole Hall shooting is a sign of newspaper/magazine incomplete analysis ...approved by citizens, universities, military, and government officials.
Schrödinger's cat -
According to Schrödinger, the Copenhagen interpretation implies that the cat remains both alive and dead (to the universe outside the box) until the box is ....
Let the universe EARTH LAB test site be a universe agent --> university -->
Northern Illinois University
Copenhagen interpretation of atomic alphabet letters
Co.e --> Cole Hall
Denmark interpretation of atomic alphabet subset symbols
De --> DeKalb, Illino
Hamlet interpretation of ghosts and mystery subset
Ha --> Hall --> Quantum Hall theory with Cole Hall
What is Quantum Mechanics?
If a partition is introduced into the middle of the box that divides it into two equal ... The way that a quantum wave moves is described by Erwin Schrödinger's ...
What is Quantum Mechanics?
... known as: the 'Double Slit Experiment', Schrödinger's 'Cat-in-the-Box Experiment' and .... If a partition is introduced into the middle of the box that divides it into two ... and an observer enters the room, they will find the cat either dead or alive.
The Cole Hall partition for the Cope --> Copenhagen experiment
The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008, during which Steven Kazmierczak shot multiple people on the campus of Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois, United States, killing five and injuring twenty-one, before committing suicide.
The incident happened at the campus's Cole Hall at approximately 3:05 p.m. local time.[3] The school placed the campus on lockdown
Schrodinger's cat in the box experiment -
If a partition is introduced intothe middle of the box that divides it into two ... saw it - of quantum theory, Schrodinger devised the cat-in-a-box thought experiment.
The State of Virginia evolution .......
Quantico, Virginia equation
Quantico --> Quan + ti + co -->
Quantum Time Code
the Quantum State of Virginia experimental test data .....
The Virginia Tech massacre was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia, United States.
In two separate attacks, approximately two hours apart, the perpetrator, Seung-Hui Cho, killed 32 people and wounded 25 others[1] before committing suicide
Internet comment:
In quantum mechanics, the observer and the system being observed become mysteriously linked so that the results of any observation seem to be determined in part by actual choices made by the observer.
Observations.....quantum theory discussses 2 states of existence .....the proposed VIEW of the Virginia TECH is a based on
a) Quantico FBI = Function BIT map
b) the Virginia signal ...... Two separate attacks, two hours apart .....
c) Apbril 16 --> base 16 hexadecimal computer tragedy event which IBM and their industry associations can easily describe.
Here, we think of the Galileo project of year 16 16 .....which was the FORMATING of Earth space/time into Base 16 data SPACE and Base 16 data TIME. This was confirmed by Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory and the theories various applications in recent years.
The quantum event .....of 2 states
Before the event ...everyone was alive
After the event .... a mixture of alive/and 32 killed
Two attacks --> Base 2 binary attacks on hexadecimal base 16 time of April 16.
The math relationship here is 2 exponent 4 = 16.
Think of the signal Two attacks + 2 hours --> suggests 4
The math relationship here is 4 exponent 2 --> 16
Thus we think of astrophysics Times Square --> T exponent 2
This is 42nd Street in Manhattan and the TWO Towers attacked on Sept 11, 2001.
Thus we see some pattern emerging about quantum time states of existence.
We have 24 hours in a day.
Let 24 <----- mirror / supersymmetry --> 42
Let 2 exponent 4 ---> 16 <---- Base 4 exponent 2
Thus we see that Base 16 hexadecimal continuum connect/links
2 different existences of time on EARTH Lab .....
Hence, the interpretation of the Quantico Virgin Technology ......
Quantum Time Code New/Virgin Technology of Nature ....
the Virginia Tech tragedy's most significant FEATURE
was denoted by the separation of TIME .....
giving 1 parts to the tragedy .....
in a sense .....a TIME partition separated by 2 hours
Thus base 2 and base 4 ....are separated by 2 .......
but with the supersymmetry of bases/exponents .... the
separate TIME dimensions have a HEX commonality.
Is there a HEX/curse of voodoo TIME caused by
base 16 hexadecimal Batch computer accounting JOBS violations.
additional observations --> April 16 and 32 Killed -->
16 hexadecimal base electrons of oxygen molecule computer word 32
April 16 + 9 = 25 wounded Pythagorean theorem WAR
of the English department failure to communicate about
copy rig laws of
copyright laws of
copy-right triangle laws
This is just a brief outline, providing CLUES to a modern puzzle about life.
Human life and daily affairs are now entering the Quantum Society phase.
Thus the future will require huamans to have
- quantum war insurance
- quantum accident insurance
- April 16 hexadecimal war insurance
Some lawyers will be needed for quantum criminal violations ...
and that is already been set-up by Nature the
Quantico social engineering test region.
The evolution of the Constitution of the United States ...
that started in about to make a
Qunatum LEAP to the next Constitutional level of society.
FermiLAB and universities need to upgrade their
brain particles self-awareness.
The Darwin process does not wait.
CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER
Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA
Schrodinger quantum dead/alive cat experiment performed at Fort (LAB ) Hood - - - - - -> the trapped box (Soldier Read Center) and the quantum trigger leave 13 dead.
The atrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet Earth) is an interesting test location. A distant astrophysics observer ....... would see the earth as an atomic structure. Thus viewed, we could consider the astrophysics view of the Schrodinger cat 2 quantum states ...using EARTH LAB events as data events.
Schrödinger's cat -
Schrödinger's cat -
Schrödinger's cat -According to Schrödinger, the Copenhagen interpretation implies that the cat remains both alive and dead (to the universe outside the box) until the box is ...
Thus we see that Fort Hood fits the design parameters.
--> trapped box = Fort Hood Soldier Read Center
--> random quantum trigger --> using a gun trigger
--> collapse in one state --> L one.... Star State
DARPA and the University of Texas, Austin can probably explain everything about this set-up.
Theoretically, they are very good in analysis and communications theory.
The specfic results of Nature's EARTH LAB Margaret Mead
nuclear family - atomic anthropology quantum experiment.
Fort Hood shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Fort Hood shooting was a mass shooting that took place on November 5, 2009, at Fort Hood, the most populous U.S. military installation in the world, located just outside Killeen, Texas. In the course of the shooting, a single gunman killed 13 people and wounded 29 others.
The sole suspect is Nidal Malik Hasan, a U.S. Army Major. He was shot and taken into custody by Department of the Army Civilian Police officers.
To understand quantum EARTH LAB we first look at the atomic/astrophysics continuum.
EARTH LAB events and human activities are subsets that occur within that continuum.
Thus we have subset humans and their institutions living with the continuum ....and the quantum continuum.
Thus let's look a quantum entanglement..... of a few Schrodinger dead/alive cat experimental events .....and consider some relationships.
==> Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois
Schrödinger's cat -
According to Schrödinger, the Copenhagen interpretation implies that the cat remains both alive and dead (to the universe outside the box) until the box is ....
Let the universe EARTH LAB test site be a universe agent --> university -->
Northern Illinois University
Copenhagen interpretation of atomic alphabet letters
Co.e --> Cole Hall
Denmark interpretation of atomic alphabet subset symbols
De --> DeKalb, Illino
Hamlet interpretation of ghosts and mystery subset
Ha --> Hall --> Quantum Hall theory with Cole Hall
What is Quantum Mechanics?
If a partition is introduced into the middle of the box that divides it into two equal ... The way that a quantum wave moves is described by Erwin Schrödinger's ...
What is Quantum Mechanics?
... known as: the 'Double Slit Experiment', Schrödinger's 'Cat-in-the-Box Experiment' and .... If a partition is introduced into the middle of the box that divides it into two ... and an observer enters the room, they will find the cat either dead or alive.
The Cole Hall partition for the Cope --> Copenhagen experiment
The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008, during which Steven Kazmierczak shot multiple people on the campus of Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois, United States, killing five and injuring twenty-one, before committing suicide.
The incident happened at the campus's Cole Hall at approximately 3:05 p.m. local time.[3] The school placed the campus on lockdown
In addition to the Schrodinger cat experiment at COLE Hall, we have a 2nd Schrodinger message.....
suggesting that the Quantum State of Illinois and the 2 quantum states of existential expression SIMULTANEOUSLY has 2 Schrodinger factors. The factors are the Schrodinger cat and the WAVE equation.....leading to Darwinian evolution of the Schrodinger concepts to a new Schrodinger cat species --> The Schrodinger Cat's tail has wave equation properties.
The U.S.Naval Research LAB U.S.S. Cole OCEAN experiment of October,2000 created a parallel/super-symmtry physics event ....the OCEAN class in Cole Hall.
An analyst of world affairs and happenings ....could perceive these tragedies in the context of the Schrodinger wave eqaution ..... as subtle signals yet to be recognized by quantum researchers.
Thus at Northern Illinois ...the oceanography class .... a signal about the Schrodinger WAVE equation AND the signal is repeated at Virginia TECH ..below.
==>Virginia TECH university
The Schrodinger
Department of En --> English language problem
The Schrodinger equation LINKS 3 quantum message sites:
--> En = English Department at Virginia TECH
--> number -13 = minus 13 soldiers at Fort Hood
--> 6 ev = 6 dead Cole Hall near the
Dr.Robley D.Evans Field House in DeKalb,Illinois.
Dr.Evans 1955 MIT physics book "The Atomic Nucleus".
Thus we see an outline of an EARTH social engineering entanglment ...violations of Nature's quantum social laws about atomic human behavior .....that ought be studied and understood.
Schrodinger's cat in the box experiment -
If a partition is introduced into the middle of the box that divides it into two ... saw it - of quantum theory, Schrodinger devised the cat-in-a-box thought experiment.
The Virginia Tech massacre was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia, United States.
In two separate attacks, approximately two hours apart,the perpetrator, Seung-Hui Cho, killed 32 people and wounded 25 others[1] before committing suicide
Schrodinger's cat in the box experiment -
If a partition is introduced into the middle of the box that divides it into two .
The above event is partitioned into 2 time events .....separated by 2 hours.
Thus the Schrodinger partition into the middle of the TIME BOX ..
Thus we see some pattern emerging about quantum time states of existence. We have 24 hours in a day.
on April 16 suggesting that Base 2 .... and 2 hours apart --> Base 4.
Base 2 exponent 4 --> April 16 <--- Base 4 exponent 2
Thus we see some pattern emerging about quantum time states of existence. We have 24 hours in a day.
Let 24 <----- mirror / supersymmetry --> 42
Let 2 exponent 4 ---> 16 <---- Base 4 exponent 2
Thus we see that Base 16 hexadecimal continuum connect/links
2 different existences of time on EARTH Lab .....
Now, we have Virginia TECH biochemistry MAJOR Nidal Hasan .....
who eventually ends up at FORT ( Lab ) hood, Texas.
Thus a possible LINK to the some entanglement.
Thus there are 2 formats to electron guns:
1) the physics lab version with equipment
2) a metal shooting gun with bullets ...all comprised of electrons /atoms ......thus Nature's electron message system is VIA atomic human vehicles that use
a electon metal bullet to
SEND a meta-language news bulletin.
Purpose | Bullet... of the Atomic Scientists
Purpose | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Purpose | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Purpose | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
In 1947, the Bulletin first displayed the Clock on its magazine cover to convey, through a simple design, the perils posed by nuclear weapons. The Clock evokes ..
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
issues 2011 FUD report | Watts Jan 6, 2012 – The nuclear, biological and climate threat – 2011 reviewed. In this special issue of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, published by SAGE, ...
Atomic mass - Wikipedia,
The atomic mass (ma) is the mass of a specific isotope, most often expressed in unified atomic mass units. The atomic mass is the total mass of protons, neutrons.
The Fort Hood shooting was a mass shooting
More precisely stated
...with the physics data
The Fort Hood shooting was an atomic mass shooting.....
Thus, we have the
Margaret Mead nuclear family and FermILAB atomic social anthroplogy conflicts ....
that are well-known as the Heirarchy Problem .....a component of that problem is the atomic human heirarchy and the Bose-Einstein statistics and the Zino particle, Wino particle, W and Z particles and their role with Nature's human agents for atomic political science messages.
Schrodinger's cat in the sand box experiment -
If a partition is introduced into the middle of the box that divides it into two
The below signaling event is partitioned into 2 time units -- months.
Thus the Schrodinger partition into the middle of the TIME BOX ..
The signal...are you a Y2k ....2 TIME loser?
Two months of sand in Texas
1-189th Gen. Support Aviation Battalion prepares for desert conditions by training at Fort Bliss
Schrodinger's cat in the sand box experiment ..... destination ... Persian GULF region ...
and the EARTH battle zone of the Schrodinger Persian cat in a sand box in Kuwait / Iraq.-
CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER
Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA
The astrophysics Schrodinger cat experiment on EARTH LAB. The earth (box) geography surface partition into two Cambridge DAMTP West Roads --> is the human cool cat dead / alive?
The atrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet Earth) is an interesting test location. A distant astrophysics observer ....... would see the earth as an atomic structure. Thus viewed, we could consider the astrophysics view of the Schrodinger 2 quantum states ...using EARTH LAB events as data events.
These empirical data events would provide important clues about the EARTH atomic/astrophysics social engineering continuum.
atomic levels <--intermediate humans--> astrophysics levels
Schrödinger's cat -
Schrödinger's cat -
Schrödinger's cat -According to Schrödinger, the Copenhagen interpretation implies that the cat remains both alive and dead (to the universe outside the box) until the box is ...
Schrödinger's cat -
Now we have guys that lived thru the 1950's and 1960's.
They may be considered " one cool cat".
If they were, then they ought acknowledge modern life....
if they want to keep/or remain/ or become
....part of the new type of "cool cat".
Are their intellectual "cool cats" still in existence at
West Coast universities. In year 2012, they have to
recognize modern existence instead of Hollywood
English class creative writing 101. Thus such professors and students remain to be discovered VIA the self-discovery process of the atomic brain and its symbolic bio-computer.
- Search Results Urban Dictionary:
A word to use when you don't know what else to say, or when you are ... "that's one cool cat.
- What is the meaning of "a cool cat"? - Yahoo! Answers
So a "Cool cat" meant an extraordinary hip person
- In the 50s "cool" was an undefinable quality that makes something or someone extraordinary and "cat" was a hip or hep person. So a "Cool cat" meant an extraordinary hip or hep person.
- 60's Slang
These are a few of the slang words that were used in the sixties. ....
Cool, groovy, neat, neato; said of a person, ..
Thus the Darwinian evolution of quantum thought concepts.
The New Scientist magazine ...
Thus in 1935, we have a 4-legged cat in the box experiment.
Then we have Darwinian evolution of the Schrodinger concept.
Thus around 1970 ..we have 2-legged people (real cool cats) in the box experiments.
Then around 1990 ...
- we have 2-legged students in classroom tragedies ......trapped boxes with a quantum trigger (shooting gun trigger)
........elementary school shooting data for elementary physics
........Cole Hall wave mechanics shooting messages (oceanography)
........Virginia TECH quantum trigger experiments (gun trigger)
- we have 2-legged federal employees in the Oklahoma City building box tragedy
- we have 2-legged financial office workers in the
Two Quantum States symbolized by the Two Towers of the Sept 11, 2001 Manhattan physics project ERROR signal..... regarding the Margaret Mead atomic anthropology Hierarchy Problem.
- The Schrodinger thought experiments in 1976 of the CAM group = Cambridge University and Cambridge, Mass universities and Cambodia. The modern classroom of European and American bragging nonsense .... thus Nature's feedback signal to educational institutions regarding the human brain computer programming experiment ERRORS ....
Thus we see the
Thus we try to understand Nature's quantum social engineering signals to educated people.......who like to ignore the SCIENCE WAR casualities.
From the INTERNET ....
Quantum theory is bizarre. In order to try and understand it we need to forget everything we know about cause and effect, reality, certainty, and much else besides. This is a different world, it has its own rules, rules of probability that make no sense in our everyday world. Richard Feynman, the greatest physicist of his generation, said of quantum theory
'It is impossible, absolutely impossible to explain it in any classical way'.
Quantum theory is much more than just bizarre, it is also without doubt the most amazing theory in existence.. This theory is not just about experiments and equations, it reveals something extraordinary about our very understanding of what constitutes reality.
Let's look at some astrophysics EARTH LAB
Schrodinger test sites.
Let's combine the
Schrodinger human cat in a box with the
Schrodinger wave equation TOOL ...the shooting electron gun.
The evolution of electron gun GIVES a metal gun composed of electrons that shoots bullets shells..composed of electron shells.
Thus we see Einstein's theory of relative sizes ....
regarding atomic shell sizes described in a textbook OR
bullet electron shells described in a newspaper murder report.
Thus supersymmetry physics suggests that we have electron guns in modern SCIENCE WAR military format (metal gun with quantum trigger to shoot particle physics electron MESSAGE bullets) ...... and many murders and mass shootings are really physics SCIENCE WAR casualties.
Here we will outline some CLUES to the astrophysics battle on EARTH involving the
Westroad Mall in Omaha, Nebraska. First, lets look at the BOX involved in the quantum social science experiments with human "cool Cats that ROCK".
--> Schrodinger's cat in the box experiment - Quantum-Theories
If a partition is introduced into the middle of the box that divides it into two equal ... The way that a quantum wave moves is described by Erwin Schrodinger's ... as ' having in it the living and the dead cat mixed or smeared out in equal parts.
--> Schrodinger's Cat According to Use
The cat is sealed in an airtight box with a limited oxygen supply. We have ... Each week the two leading contestants are put into two 'Schrodinger boxes'. ... Principle is a fundamental part of Quantum Mechanics, as are Schrodinger's equations.
--> Let box 1 be the BIG BOX retail stores in shopping centers in the United States SCIENCE WAR zone. For perspective, let Schrodinger's applied astrophysics on the EARTH LAB be on the WEST side of the Atlantic ocean (North America) ......with Schrodinger's theoretical astrophysics on the EAST side of the Atlantic ocean (England and Europe).
BOX 1 ...the Von Maur BIG BOX one of the Schrodinger boxes of the world federal governments and their Margaret Mead nuclear family experiment overseen by the Office of Science, DARPA, and their university/corporation research associations. Near the Von Maur BOX is the bio-computer BOX department store of JC Penny --> JCP --> Job Control Processor BOX (Parallel Penny)
--> Let BOX 2 be the building below ...part of the astrophysics EARTH LAB region known as the WEST ROAD region .....the communication BRIDGE (non-functional in year 2011/2012) labeled as cam.BRIDGE, England, with the string theory ROPE of euROPE ...... and their intellectuals symbolically HUNG themselves in year 1956 in the HUNG.ary uprising with the atomic IRON curtain (Ferrous oxide atomic weight 56 in atomic message year 1956). See Russell/Whitehead atomic math life .... book from year 1910 --> to * 56 Principia Mathematica.
Gonville and Caius College
West Road: Stephen Hawking Building,
Sep 29, 2006 – Gonville and Caius College:
West Road: Stephen Hawking Building, 5 (Donald Insall, map for Gonville and Caius College: West Road: ...
Gonville & Caius College - Stephen Hawking Building in Cambridge › UK Hotels › Cambridge HotelsCached - Similar
Gonville & Caius College - Stephen Hawking Building in Cambridge, UK - Best Rates Guaranteed ...
Address: West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DS map (Map) ...
Sep 29, 2006 – Gonville and Caius College:
West Road: Stephen Hawking Building
West Road: Stephen Hawking Building
West Road: Stephen Hawking Building
West Road: Stephen Hawking Building
West Road: Stephen Hawking Building
West Road: Stephen Hawking Building
WestRoad: ..........Hawkin..Building
Westroad: ..........Hawkin.......ding
Police: Nine killed in shooting at Omaha mall, including gunman
Dec 5, 2007 – The Westroads Mall in Omaha, Nebraska, was locked down after the ... Police identified the gunman as Robert A. Hawkins of Nebraska.
A. Hawkins
A. Hawkins
A. Hawk + ins
Astrophysics Hawk insurance plan
Nine killed --> the 9 project plan of the
Solar System 9 planets ......and Solar System 370
data processing war BYTE --> with 8 data planets + 1 error correction planet.
The WEST ROAD astrophysics battle on EARTH LOCATION: Omaha
Modern astronomy WAR report about battlefield EARTH ....
the astronomy brains of England ..
refuse to help explain the astronomy war ...keeping secrets from the British military establishment.
Let's look at the astrophysics quantum computer VIEW of EARTH.
The Solar system has 9 data bit planets ...... 8 data bits and 1 error correction parity bit.
Thus Earth could be viewed as the 1 error correction parity bit ..... a CLUE from
PERU agent ODDONE. In the context of Computer EARTH system 370 (a subset of the Solar system processor) ..... we have system 370 PERU = Per + U = Program event recording Universe with the Oddone ..... some guy who is part of the EARTH atomic/astrophysics continuum. Now science magazine profiles state that he knows Spanish and Italian .... suggesting that he has access to spanned data language records and the
orbital secret physics language of word
orbital ...and word subset letters
...italian physics ..... but he ain't talking;
but that's okay ..... because we can figure it out .....its a puzzle.
Let's look at the Schrodinger geography partition ...
the Schrodinger astrophysics BOX partition on the geography surface of EARTH ...into 2 physical boxes ( Von Maur retail store Box
and the DAMTP building box with the intellectual alliance with the Schrodinger bio-physics pussy cat box. Thus, the inside atomic social psychology secret of the 1935 Schrodinger BEDROOM BOX with a bio-physics 2-legged cat ...thus a BEDROOM BOX that contains a smaller bio-box). The wonders of quantum physics .....extend to human behavior and adult thoughts. I am a slow learner; I just figured that out recently. Being older and wiser ..... I suppose its about time.
Thus we many applications of quantum physics to various dimensions of life.
That is why ...literally ... married quantum physicists work DAY and NIGHT.
Continent <-- communcications BRIDGE --> continent
Westroad <-- Atlantic Ocean ---> West Road, Europe
Omaha.......astro-chemistry salt
then let's look at those physical geography entities from
VIEW of the symbolic structure of EARTH using
Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory and
its application to the Computer EARTH system 370 model. earth SYSTEM 370
LAND (Local Area Network Data) ..water .......LAND
Physical record .........................physicaL records....
Logical record comprised of 2 physical records .....
the logical record SPANS (Spanish feature)2 physical records.
computer science)
A logical record which covers more than one block, used when the size of a data buffer is fixed or limited.
Thus we see the outine of the evolution of the
Schrodinger cat ...... that is .......that is
System .......that is OS/JCL main frame
SYS1.Catalog ....Nature's computers running on 2 different processing boxes ....
which then LINKS into
Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory
(and the student WAR casualties
near EVAN FIELD house, DeKalb, Illinois)
which LINKS into TOE theory
TOE --> Theory of Everything
TOE --> Time Order Entry
TOE --> the human bio-computer walking on the surface of the earth ..uses this legs/toes to apply pressure to the earth soil/land. The soil/land is like a keyboard, and as you walk press data entry keys... providing input data to COMPUTER EARTH.
Supersymmetry physics implies this is a parallel to your copper wire office computer and its keyboard ....were instead of using legs/toes ...the bio-computer human uses hand/fingers to press data entry keys to interface with the copper-computer.
Thus we have a modern SYSTEM of Nature ....which connects the bio-computer electron processor to the copper-computer electron architecture.
Now ,we have had ....since 1980 ..... the advanced Schrodingercat ....the cathode ray tube (CRT) such as the IBM 3270 CRT used with IBM CICS online. Today we have the 3270 CRT equivalent electrical computer screens (flat screens,etc). Together ....they are all part of the Schrodinger CAT evolution ....
--> 4-legged cat in 1935
--> 2-leged cool cats
--> partitioned boxes
--> SYS1. Catalog
--> Cat of Cathode ray tube (or flat screen) ....
NOW, we have the computer mouse.
Every human on EARTH is now trapped by NATURE in the
atomic brain cat/mouse game .... an intellectual prison.
The Sartre play message "NO EXIT" suggests that
the K NO W ....EXIT is the only way out of the cat/mouse trap that
the RAT of modern demo --> Demo + rat --> Democrat (or Republican) --> democracy violations by humans bragging errors ...... that universities will not help fix.
Welcome to BRAVE NEW WORLD and the university cat and mouse game .......ask them a serious intellectual question and you get no answer. Brave New World and 1984 are books concerned with the usage of manipulation and propaganda to control professors. Thus we see how effective the computer MOUSE trap is ..... inside the brain symbolic computer.
Ask them about football. That is social engineering knowledge.
The KNOW EXIT requires serious communication
and requires citizens and professors to help understand the SCIENCE WARS.
The evolution of quantum EARTH and the Schrodinger cat in a box ------> the Schrodinger Persian cat in a sand box helps the Pentagon explain the EARTH quantum computer WARS..
After you read the post below, visit SITE MAP-3 for access to several hundred POSTS that help explain the Theory of Everything .... which includes you and your associations.
RD-blog-1510 by Herb Zinser
The atrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet Earth) is an interesting test location. A distant astrophysics observer ....... would see the earth as an atomic structure. Thus viewed, we could consider the astrophysics view of the Schrodinger 2 quantum states ...using EARTH LAB events as data events.
These empirical data events would provide important clues about the EARTH atomic/astrophysics social engineering continuum.
atomic levels <--intermediate humans--> astrophysics levels
Schrödinger's cat -
Schrödinger's cat -
Schrödinger's cat -According to Schrödinger, the Copenhagen interpretation implies that the cat remains both alive and dead (to the universe outside the box) until the box is ...
Schrödinger's cat -
Now we have guys that lived thru the 1950's and 1960's.
They may be considered " one cool cat".
- Search Results Urban Dictionary:
- A word to use when you don't know what else to say,
or when you are ... "that's one cool cat.
- So a "Cool cat" meant an extraordinary hip person
- In the 50s "cool" was an undefinable quality that makes something or someone extraordinary and "cool cat" was a hip or hep person.
- These are a few of the slang words that were used in the sixties. ....
Cool, groovy, neat, neato; said of a person, ..
Thus the Darwinian evolution of quantum thought concepts.
The New Scientist magazine ...
Thus in 1935, we have a 4-legged cat in the box experiment.
Then we have Darwinian evolution of the Schrodinger concept.
Thus around 1970 ..we have 2-legged people (real cool cats) in the box experiments.
Then around 1990 ...
- we have 2-legged students in classroom tragedies ......trapped boxes with a quantum trigger (shooting gun trigger)
........elementary school shooting data for elementary physics
........Cole Hall wave mechanics shooting messages (oceanography)
........Virginia TECH quantum trigger experiments (gun trigger)
- we have 2-legged federal employees in the Oklahoma City building box tragedy
- we have 2-legged financial office workers in the
Two Quantum States symbolized by the Two Towers of the Sept 11, 2001 Manhattan physics project ERROR signal..... regarding the Margaret Mead atomic anthropology Hierarchy Problem.
Thus we see .......
Thus we try to understand Nature's quantum social engineering signals to educated people.......who like to ignore the SCIENCE WAR casualities.
From the INTERNET ....
Quantum theory is bizarre. In order to try and understand it we need to forget everything we know about cause and effect, reality, certainty, and much else besides. This is a different world, it has its own rules, rules of probability that make no sense in our everyday world. Richard Feynman, the greatest physicist of his generation, said of quantum theory
'It is impossible, absolutely impossible to explain it in any classical way'.
Quantum theory is much more than just bizarre, it is also without doubt the most amazing theory in existence. . This theory is not just about experiments and equations, it reveals something extraordinary about our very understanding of what constitutes reality.
Let's look at some astrophysics EARTH LAB
Schrodinger test sites.
Let's combine the
Schrodinger human cat in a box with the
Schrodinger wave equation TOOL ...the shooting electron gun.
The evolution of electron gun GIVES a metal gun composed of electrons that shoots bullets shells..composed of electron shells.
Thus we see Einstein's theory of relative sizes ....
regarding atomic shell sizes described in a textbook OR
bullet electron shells described in a newspaper murder report.
Thus supersymmetry physics suggests that we have electron guns in modern SCIENCE WAR military format (metal gun with quantum trigger to shoot particle physics electron MESSAGE bullets) ...... and many murders and mass shootings are really physics SCIENCE WAR casualties.
Now , lets outline the evolution of the Schrodinger cat in a box.
--> 1935 SChrodinger and 4-legged cat in box
--> Later, the box is partitioned
What is Quantum Mechanics?
... the 'Double Slit Experiment', Schrödinger's 'Cat-in-the-Box Experiment' and the .... If a partition is introduced into the middle of the box that divides it into two ...
Schrodinger's cat in the box experiment -
If a partition is introduced into the middle of the box that divides it into two ... saw it - of quantum theory, Schrodinger devised the cat-in-a-box thought experiment.
--> the 2-legged human cool cat
--> the human cat in a office/classroom box .
--> The Schrodinger thought evolution to
Schrodinger cat box ............that is is
System 370 catalog computer box ......
S ......
SYS1.Catalog with OS/JCL main frame 370 box
and take this concept ....use
Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory and
we have Nature's COMPUTER EARTH 370 main frame ..... and its interaction with human daily life and human institutions.
What empirical data exists about the
Schrodinger QUANTUM COMPUTER and its operation in the new quantum phase of society?
Nature's data signals:
==> Quantico, Virginia
Quantico = Quan + ti + co = Quantum time code (a signal about the new phase of world/society) evolution
FBI --> Federal Bureau of Investigation ....
Base 16 hexadecimal X'Fe' = 254 --> the new phase of FEDERALISM evolution ...
and the human awareness test of their surroundings ...
as they live within the EARTH quantum computer.
The FBI test for Base 16 HEX ........ at
==> Virginia TECH with the April 16th shooting.
Virginia TECH quantum computer abbreviation is
VT ...the prefix CLUE to VTOC .......
VTOC = Volumne Table of Contents ERROR
Event data clues:
The Virginia Tech massacre was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia, United States. In two separate attacks, approximately two hours apart, the perpetrator, Seung-Hui Cho, killed 32
Thus we have data procesisng clues:
- April 16 --> base 16 hexadecimal curse/hex shooting
- school abbreviation sch --> sch = schrodinger military event
- two hours --> Base 2 binary problems (cat dead /alive ..two states of existence)
- killed 32 --> COBOL computer language word size 32
==> Fort Hood Texas quantum computer battle DATA (see blog)
The Computer Earth system 370 war at Fort Hood, Texas --> Data Processing ERRORS kill 13 soldiers
05/14/11 23:43 ,
The data procesing war SIGNAL:
The Fort Hood shooting was a mass shooting that took place on November 5, 2009, at Fort Hood, the most populous U.S. military installation in the world, located just outside Killeen, Texas. In the course of the shooting, a single gunman killed 13 people and wounded 29 others.
Understanding the SIGNAL:
--> Search Results The United States Army
13th Sustainment Command Expeditionary 13th ESC CG hosts back to basics forum with unit leaders ... AUSTIN, Texas –The 13th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) hosted more than 80 Army logistics ...
--> 13th ESC Takes Charge - Army Aug 11, 2009 ... JOINT BASE BALAD, Iraq - The 13th Sustainment Command ...
--> full story - The United States Army | 13th ESC
LSOC-West is coordinated by 13th ESC at Fort Hood, Texas, and LSOC-East is ... “ What I'm hoping that LSOC will become in terms of a power of one is that the ...
Keyword concepts of the SIGNALS:
13th ESC
host back to basic
Translation of Computer Earth WAR signals:
--> 13th ESC
Esc key - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A computer keyboard. The Esc key is in the top-left corner. On computer keyboards, the Esc key is a key labeled Esc or Escape that is used to generate the ...---> NO EXIT --> NORWAY EXIT --> NO EXIT at Utoya and NO EXIT at Solfier READ Center at Fort Hood .... Jean-Paul Sartre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
--> Host back to basic -->
Host computer back to basic computer language
--> Joint Base BALAD
....Joint Base BAL --> Base Registers BAL = Basic Assembler Language
--> LSOC-West (COMPUTER EARTH ..Pentagon ABEND codes)
LSOC --> Language system OC abend codes ...Soldier READ Center
IBM/370 Mainframe Compatibility
Before submitting your IBM/370 COBOL programs to this COBOL system, ... operations on nonnumeric data, it causes a program check (data exception or 0C7) . ...
Data exception, is caused when a computational-3 field has an invalid digit (not 0-9) ... CEE3207S The system detected a data exception (System Completion Code= 0C7). .... This is an LE370 COBOL abend. The true abend is hidden unless the
Thus the examples of Darwinian selection of DATA EXCEPTIONS:
Fort Hood ABEND exception biochemsitry Major HASAN
Virginia TECH ABEND exception atomic ENGLISH Major CHO
Cole HALL exception for electron circuit poles..Steven K.
S001-4 Abend
Input file record length is not equal to the length stated in the DD or the FD.
Wrong length record.
IO error, damaged tape, device malfunction.
With disk, reading a dataset that was allocated but never written to.
Writing to input file
Concatenation of files with different record lengths or record formats.
S001-5 AbendReading after the end of the file by non-COBOL program.
COBOL intercepts this and displays "QSAM error, status 92".
Out of space on output disk file.
Thus we have QSAM ==> Quiz for Uncle SAM
S002 AbendWith variable format files used for output.
The record is larger than the track size.
The record length is greater than allowed maximum 32,768.
The wrong record length is being used on output.
The 4-byte record length indicator is wrong.
Record greater than 32,768 bytes
Texas university computer science departments and TEXAS computer software companies can't be bothered to help understand the COMPUTER BATTLE at Fort Hood. An example of TExas citizenship in modern times .....doing nothing ..... is their brain reponse. Of course, it is to complicated.
Their citizen bio-computer murder of Kennedy in 1963 used OS/JCL agent OS = OSWALD ...and then OSWALD was killed by the DP = Dallas Public = DP = Data Processing bio-computer programming of the brain computer of Ruby = Request Unit byte.
The same trick was used by DOS program the brain of teD OS.wald in Waukesha and then the bio-computer murder of LU = Logical UNIT = LUTZ.
These murder systems are approved by the Wisconsin state assembly and their bio-computer assembler brain programmers. The Milwaukee region citizens, universities,and business ...they will not help rsearch this problem process ..because they don't want it to be stopped. They have hypnotized the police departments and other responsible people their brain computer won't become aware of this process ..... as forewarned by the book BRAVE NEW WORLD.
Thus far ...we have seen Schrodinger cat box ..... computer features as
--> Schrodinger cat box
computer sch catalog computer box
such as
Computer Earth school SYS1.Catalog BOX = IBM mainframe 370
Schrodinger war general
Sch + war = Schwarzkopf, ....Norman
The TOP SECRET military analysis ......
of the Schrodinger CAT WARs ...from 1990/1991 to 2012
the Persian sand box (geography region)-->
with the Schrodinger Persian CAT in the Persian sand box ....
quantum physics fighting like CATS and DOGS ....
with the Sch = Schrodinger quantum military troops
using 2-legged American soldiers with DOG tags .... fight the philosophy/dogma war ..
Gene (social genetics military agent)
General Schwarzkopf with
Norman --> normal probability distrubtions for '
genetics/molecular cell biology VS mutations symbolized by the
Persian CAT (symbolic of 2-legged bio-computer adult female cats).
Thus we the M-thoery physics and 11-dimensions ..which includes Margaret Mead nuclear family.........atomic social psychology conflicts.
General Herbert Norman Schwarzkopf
Gene......................war z kopf
Genetics/biochemistry normal.... war z kopf
born August 22, 1934), also known as "Stormin' Norman" and "The Bear", is a retired United States Army General who, while he served as
Commander of U.S. Central Command, was commander of the Coalition Forces in the Gulf War of 1991.
Commander of U.S. Central Command,
Commander of U.S. Central Command,
U.S. Central Command -->
Universal System 370 Central Processing Unit with OS/JCL
Master Console Commands
Pentagon computer military.... agent code...
Schwarzkopf, JR --> Computer Earth JOB REGION
OS/360 and successors OS/370 - Wikipedia
System/370 and virtual memory operating systems ... only one job at a time, in 1966;
MFT (Multiprogramming with Fixed number of Tasks) for the ... not used by the operating system as a single pool from which contiguous "regions" could be ...
MVS - Wikipedia
MVS's core remains fundamentally the same operating system. ... 1 Evolution of MVS; 2 MVS filesystem; 3 History and modernity; 4 MVS/370 ... Instead of using fixed-size memory partitions, MVT allocated memory to regions for job steps as ...
The fixed partition scheme works well if all of the jobs run on the system are of the ...... to finish work on a critical region of the program before other processes have ... was introduced by IBM for its multiprocessing System 360/370 computers.
The Computer Earth system 370 WAR region ...JOB Region
Below...the Schrodinger sand box war 1990/1991
Schrodinger's cat in the box experiment -
If a partition is introduced into the middle of the box that divides it into two ... saw it - of quantum theory, Schrodinger devised the cat-in-a-box thought experiment.
Symbolism - Merriam-Webster Online
Thus we have the Earth geography surface ....sand box ...and a partition in introduced into the middle ..this becoming the IRAQ and KuWait region ..... the 2 countries symbolized the partition into 2 parts.
Advanced function extended with tightly-coupled multiprocessing
by RA MacKinnon - Cited by 12 - Related articles
a single, partitioned CPU. Loosely-coupled multiprocessing is available on any System/ 370 ... cessor because all work (job streams and systems output) enters and leaves through this ... persed among the application regions and spool data set; the cata- ..... be addressed and partitioned, as illustrated in Figure 4C. A. 1 D. * ...
OS/VS1, was an IBM mainframe computer operating system designed to be run on IBM System/370 hardware. ... system partitions via the batch job management system Job Entry Subsystem 1 (JES1).
Computer History: IBM 360/370/3090/390
Introduction; Generations of IBM360->370->390; Operating Systems .... divide the memory into a set of partitions, and each partition could run one job at a time.
Thus we see the Schrodinger quantum computer .....
the Schrdoinger Cat --> SYS1.CATOLOG with the EARTH main frame box/plan of the planet of the Solar System processing region of 9 planets = 8 data planets + 1 error correction planet.
Thus what signals exist in the sunshine WAR region .....
as Carl Sagan might have suggested in book " Contact".
The computer WAR signals that defeated
IBM and the entire world-wide computer industry are:
IRAQ subset letters --> IRQ instruction --> the Computer Earth quantum system 370 IRAQ interupt request
Interrupt And IRQ
An IRQ (interrupt request) value often needs to be specified to your computer ... they start down the list of computer instructions in one program (perhaps an ...
IRQs - General Information and
Essential Troubleshooting
Jul 2, 2009 – Most devices in a computer, such as hard drives, video cards and ... this specific resource, see below for instructions to resolve this IRQ conflict..
Thus we see the IRQ --> Interrupt Request Quantum systems
Essential Troubleshooting --> Pentagon quantum soldiers shooting in Iraq war zone in year 1990 and trhen year 2003 thru 2012
while university social science departments party, play, and tell bull-stories ..... and Washington, DC goes to dinner parties or restaurants in Georgetown to brag about their Margaret Mead atomic anthropology QUANTUM LIES ..... while ARMY soldiers eat rations in IRAQ and Afghanistan THEATER of WAR.
North American and British citizen brain cells are amused by the entertainment provided by the QUANTUM Theater of WAR ...... and more funny are the biased and distorted explanations printed by the Washington Post newspaper .....and their experts in DEEP thinking and profound thoughts.
FermilAB and the Office of Science will not help explain these serious Margaret Mead atomic anthropology matters to the world. Perhaps, spomeday, a few intellectual exceptions might step up ...... and help understand the SCIENCE WAR and the CAUSE --> EFFECT .....with the U.S.ARMY casualties.
instructions to resolve this IRQ conflict --> thus the
IRQ conflict -->
Interrupt Request Quantico, Virginia conlict gets played out in the IRQ region IRAQ with the Schrodinger cat sand box .....while ARMY soldiers (dead/alive)fight to amuse university theology/religion/philosophy departments who have refused to help understand the SCIENCE WARS.
KuWAIT subset letters --> WAIT instruction
Branch Instructions: WAIT (Wait)
This instruction is valid in the short format only. When a wait instruction is executed, the CPU stops in a wait conditionand can be restarted manually or by an ...
--> CPU stops .....the brain bio-computer CLOCK was not upgraded in year 2000 per Nature's Y2K biological clock requirements. CPU --> human brain CPU = Central Nervous System 370 Processing Unit with symbolic life of nouns, verbs, math equations, etc. Thus the brain symbolic WAR get transformed into physical conflict in the IRAQ/KUWAIT message creation region.
Which architectures support the WFI instruction?ARMv5 (for example the ARM926EJ-S) does not include the WFI instruction. However, most ARMv5 processors implement a "wait for interrupt" mode that is ...
--> thus we have the Pentagon bio-computer soldiers ....ARMY processors implement the WAIT in the geography country of ku.WAIT.
The Intel 8086 / 8088/ 80186 / 80286 / 80386 / 80486 Instruction
All timings are for best case and do not take into account wait states, instruction alignment, the state of the prefetch queue, DMA refresh cycles, cache hits/misses ...
--> the geography country known as kuWAIT ...has a federal government/ or monarchy/or a governmental organization that handles the affirs of the STATE --> thus we have
Computer EARTH ...wait state --> as represented by the kuWAIT state of foreign affairs.
Countries and governments around the worlkd and their educational institutions do NOT acknowledge these possiblities of life ...of quantum probability theory and its societal expressions.
Thus we see some data CLUES about reality.
An interesting puzzle. How does the real WORLD work?
Hollywood explanations are popular with newspaper and government research reports.
CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER
Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA
