Magnetic data field thoughts and their interaction with iron hemoglobin proteins
« North Pole Magnetic field war - introductionTallahasee and the EARTH LAB: National High Magnetic Field Laboratory SCIENCE WAR battle at the TALL iron Towers of the World Trade Center »

The Earth's magnetic field interacts with the iron atom. The magnetic field interacts with the iron hemoglobin proteins and the iron/oxygen myoglobin proteins in the human body. The inter-linked factors are..... undefined The magnetic vector

Permalink 11/22/13 14:38, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized



--> The NORTH POLE Magnetic Field ..... magnetic Data Field WAR




The North Pole magnetic data field is most easily understood within the context of COMPUTER EARTH.


--> British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher is an agent for the Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology family. The IRON LADY represents the 26 protons of the ferrous oxide atom of the periodic atomic table of life. The 26 protons of iron communicate using their ironic English alphabet of 26 symbols. Thus we have the atomic English language of ferrous oxide atom via the iron Hemoglobin protein ........ hence the social science expressions of Hemoglobin human fe = ferrous oxide atomic bio-physics fe = female structures.


The IRON LADY was a secret research chemist.  

Margaret Thatcher - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A  journalist called her the "Iron Lady", a nickname that became ... Originally a research chemist before becoming a barrister, Thatcher was elected ...

The IRON LADY, as an atomic social anthropology messenger, has a history of battles involving symbolic military tools and/or physical military tools in various media. The 1982 Falkland Islands war has become a major frame of reference in the SCIENCE WARS on earth. Her efforts help us understand world events such as:



--> Year 2001,Sept. 11. The IRON LADY and the IRON TOWERS of the World Trade Center --> a Computer Earth battle involving the NORTH POLE magnetic data field interaction with the IRON TOWERS and the biological read/write human TAPE HEADS working within the Base 2 binary towers. The interaction mechanism: the North Pole magnetic field flow lines interact with the iron protein intelligence within the human body/brain....providing the method of symbolic data transfer. The HUMAN computers within the iron towers had serious data thought errors. Their hemoglobin HEME group Fe(ii) ion economic explanations are incomplete.



The COMPUTER EARTH system 370 components (37th President Richard Nixon): device UNIT = North Pole magnetic (Nixon) tape with a cortex READ/WRITE tape HEAD.



Above,the super-symmetry geo-physics parallel to the EARTH  iron / magnetic tall skyscraper  TOWERS

Below, the tall TAPE DRIVES super-symmetry parallel of Grand Unified Theory and TOE Theory.  



.......  COMPUTER EARTH system 370  with DEVICE = North POle magnetic field  with the humanoid cortex bio-computer  READ/WRITE tape HEAD. 





--> We see that EARTH LAB attempts to communicate with scientists ...have been unsuccessful. Messages from Nature are selectively ignored. Thus EARTH LAB with Nature's experimental designers ..designed an attention getting TRAGIC message send an empirical feedback SIGNAL to alert scientists.


Thus the Darwinian magnetic field selection of the
1) TALL Manhattan and iron skyscraper structures...AND
2) TALLAHASEE with the National HIGH Skyscraper Magnetic Field AND
3)..ALLAH.... algebra religious subset word of TALLAHASEE

Thus we have the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear anthropology conflict of Sept 11, 2001.
The events are related to the Manhattan project physics errors that have not been fixed by year 2000.



The Manhattan project ....history -->
The Manhattan Project predecessor, code named the S-1 project, ... on-going work with graphite and uranium was transferred to a new secret project, ... On December 1, 1942, after 17 days of round-the-clock work Fermi's ...

Office of Scientific Research and Development - Wikipedia,
the ...... and, most secret of all, the "S-1 Section", which later became the Manhattan Project and developed the first nuclear weapons. From October 1943 to ...
the year 2001 Manhattan project S-1 --> Sept 11 physics feedback SIGNAL.

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