Magnetic data field thoughts and their interaction with iron hemoglobin proteins
The National High Magnetic Field Laboratory battle with 2 Milwaukee police officers --> North Pole magnetic field undercover agent Norberg wounded AND Gravity undercover agent: Graham K. wounded »

The BORG and the North Pole magnetic field WAR at Northern Illinois University --> Cole Hall and the Hall effect sensor BATTLE in DeKalb, Illinois(e)

Permalink 11/21/13 00:20, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized


Hall effect sensor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The magnetic piston (1) in this pneumatic cylinder will cause the Hall ...

Hall_effect_sensor - Hide more results from wikipedia
Magnetic field - Magnetic forces give information about the charge carriers in a material ...

Magnetic_field - Quantum Hall effect -The integer quantum Hall effect is very well understood, and can be simply ..

Quantum_Hall_effect -Magnetometer -The most common magnetic sensing devices are solid-state Hall effect sensors ...

Magnetometer -Thermal Hall effect - A thermal Hall effect has also been measured in a paramagnetic insulator and ..

Quantum Hall effect - The fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE) is a collective behaviour in a two ...



--> The NORTH POLE Magnetic Data Field WAR
12/14/09 16:50 , Categories: The North Pole magnetic data field is most easily understood within the context of COMPUTER EARTH.


The COMPUTER EARTH government is known as Uncle SAM = Sequential Access Method that is used by the geology computer device UNIT = NORTH POLE Magnetic Tape (the NIXON tape computer science experiment). The magnetic field lines/ tape interact with the iron HEMOGLOBIN proteins in geology students and geology professors cortex computer.


This provides COMPUTER EARTH data processing system with a hybrid cybernetic construct --> similar to Star Trek, Captain Picard and the BORG.

Theory and empirical data suggests that university students and professors are BORG like.
The main components are:




1) Data processing device UNIT = TAPE of North Pole Magnetic field flow lines. This geological/physics structure of MOTHER NATURE needs a READ/ WRITE HEAD to perform I/O = Input/ Output of magnetic data fields.
Thus, the super-symmetry geo-physics parallel  ............... 




2) The interaction of the EARTH magnetic field with the ferrous oxide atoms of the brain/cortex HEME GROUP FE(II) ion would be the interaction mechanism.


To optimize such interaction Charles Darwin natural selection would select geography/ geology/ oceanography physics PROFESSORS at
Northern Illinois University...a NORTH POLE experimental test site.
Thus we have the Earth Lab university biology brain experiments.


3) Thus the geography combination of the NORTH POLE magnetic Field and the willing experimental brain research subjects in DeKalb, Illinois leads to a complete picture. The device UNIT = NORTH POLE magnetic field lines (TAPE) uses the biological READ/ WRITE TAPE HEAD of an educated graduate student. These BRAVE student specimens complete the BRAVE NEW WORLD experiment.



4) Fer --> Ferrous oxide atoms in theory exist within atomic humans at Fer = FermiLAB in Batavia, Illinois which is within 100 miles of DeKalb, Illinois.
Thus we have theoretical physics in Batavia and Margaret Mead nuclear anthroplogy shooting experiments in DeKalb.....with electron shells using the atomic message FORMAT of bullet shells.


5) The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on  iron atomic calendar of  February 14, 2008, during which Steven Kazmierczak shot multiple people on the campus of Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois, United States, killing five and injuring twenty-one, before committing suicide.


6) The North Pole magnetic DATA field government
and the EARTH iron core government of

Fe = Ferrous oxide atomic life and thought arranged for the

Fe SIGNAL to be very distinct. Hence, the selection of the month of
Fe = February near the theoretical physics location for
Fe = FermiLAB iron hemoglobin and symbolic brain structures. Apparently, theorists only study

Fe = Female iron hemo.GLOB structures .....
hence the Hemoglobin intellectual prison of males...well known in literature and world history.

Man in the Iron Mask - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Man in the Iron Mask (French: L'Homme au Masque de Fer) is a name given ... In the late 1840s, the writer Alexandre Dumas elaborated on the theme in the ...

The Man in the Iron Mask (1998 film) - Man in the Iron Mask (disambiguation)




In addition we have the FermiLAB mystery of the periodic atomic table government and its element of life. The atomic HUMAN mystery is known as the Hierarchy Problem with.....Fer = Ferrous oxide and Fer = FermiLAB, OS = Office of Science, and the Department of Energy secrets of modern science wars with the
Department of ENERGY tragic Virgin TECH demo
Depart.....of..EN --> the Department of English --> Atomic English errors at Virginia Tech.
Hypnotized science departments just IGNORE the Science War student casualties and blame the more hypnotized MR.CHO.
Like Shakespeare stated "THe World is a stage, and we are the players".


Fer= Ferrous oxide atoms at  Fer = Fermilab and the History of the   Iron Curtain  and Archives Project |  Wilson Hall
Robert Rathbun Wilson Hall, the central laboratory building for Fermilab, is the heart of the 6,800 acre site. Following an architectural design competition among ...

Iron Curtain - Wikipedia,
The concept of the Iron Curtain symbolized the ideological fighting and physical boundary dividing Europe into two separate areas from the end of World War II ...

Iron Curtain (European history), the political, military, and ideological barrier erected by the Soviet Union after World War II to seal off itself and its dependent ...
Winston Churchill's "Iron Curtain Speech" (1946)


The modern hemoglobin IRON Curtain   in Batavia,  Illinois(e)  and their  
TWIN TOWERS parallel to the Nature's signaling    Manhattan Project of Sept 11,2001




Thus we see the NORTH POLE magnetic field MILITARY forces described in English language words VIA the iron myoglobin muscle proteins of the hand, arm that have INTELLECTUAL MUSCLE.....contrary to the government funded researchers who think they have exclusive intellectual powers on EARTH LAB.




==> For almost half a century, Europe was forcibly divided into East and West by the " Iron Curtain", a border stretching from the Barents Sea to the Black Sea. ...

Where is the iron curtain today?
How does the iron curtain affect BRAIN CELLS at the University of Chicago ?
Since they don't care  to understand the Alan Sokal and Duke University  SCIENCE WAR battles ....their Myoglobin and Hemoglobin iron has rusted ......can a rusted brain group be t(rusted)? Thus we have university intellectual decay processes that could be avoided by respecting the EARTH, it's atomic English alphabet of the 26 iron atomic proton letters, the SYMBOL MACHINE,  and the SYMBOLIC UNIVERSE.




Steven K. sounds like a POLISH name....thus he symbolizes the North POLE magnetic field LIFE...he was just a human vehicle selected by Darwinian magnetic field messenger selection.

This links to the Polish Solidarity movement and the iron shipyards. In the theory of awareness and symbolism..... SOLIDARITY movement --> Solid iron ships move thru water in an ocean ...and also ..a SOLID iron SHIP interacts with the North Pole/ South Pole magnetic field.....thus we have a 2nd type of ocean...the magnetic field ocean. Thus the iron SHIP moves thru 2 oceans in a journey across the Baltic Sea.

Chicago Polish scientists ought help me explain this.....but they can't be bothered.
Maybe there are some intellectual exceptions....they ought contact me.
The Polish consulate ..instead of dinner parties might be interested in some serious matters regarding Nature's Polish project noun: GODZIN project of the Carl Jung POLISH collective unconsciousness that is surfacing to the conscious level of expression.

Do you read a complex book at 2000 words per minute? This suggests that your magnetic field interaction is operating at the EARTH computer speed/format with data blocksize 2000 words per minute. YOUR brain computer device details are secret. Do you know how your data processing system works?

Do you use FORTRAN computer language for social engineering? Then you probably use NORTH POLE magnetic data field floating-point numbers (scientific notation).

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