Category: Uncategorized
Madison Theoretical Chemistry helps explain the EARTH LAB hydrocarbon dimension CHINA and the Gang of Four --> 4 - H Club of Wisconsin advanced organic farming projects.
The periodic atomic table has many formats of expressions. One such FORMAT are atomic humans with an atomic brain symbolic computer that expresses messages on behalf of the atomic table of life and thought and feelings. Humans… more »
The Virginia TECH shooting and the Organic Chemistry molecular English language WAR
The English language of organic molecules can be explained by example.
The American Chemical Society Division of Organic Chemistry has a well kept secret; that obviously is a problem ...that was expressed with the English department trage… more »
The Universe battle at UTOEYA . . . . . North Star versus Norway -- ---> Star Wars symbolic military with Hans Solo. Hans SOLO uses Solomons organic chemistry molecular language permutations to defeat OSLO <--------> SOLO.
Oslo permutation Solo ---> Hans Solo .....
Solomons Star War casualties
Solomon's organic chemistry textbook on the world molecular wars
The European governments and their secret neurotransmitter social engineering COMMANDS h… more »