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Intellectual Mysteries of DNA social engineering projects

Permalink 11/23/13 13:41, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized



The Y2k biological clock is intellectually interesting.
Pieces of the puzzle are mentioned on the WEB-SITE and in various BLOG titles. Here is another clue that your brain must acknowledge;
if your symbol machine .... your brain bio-computer processor ....  is concerned with continued self-existence.

CLUE--> the time project is DUE --> from the CENTRAL TIME ZONE universities and state governments. What project? The Central Time Zone geography region is the Y2K frame of reference for the internal brain computer clock of the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 370. Your cortex computer COBOL computer language needs to be aware of the existence of the time project at Little Rock, Arkansas in 1957.

The Central High School situation really is a message from/about the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 370 bio-computer data processor with Governor data BUS (Governor FauBUS).


Central High School integrated — History.com This Day in History ...
Feb 27, 2010 Lead Story: Central Nervous System 370  message   VIA  Central  High School integrated,
1957; American Revolution: Ethan ...On September 24, Little ...

The 24 hour biological clock message of September 24, 1957 is really BASE 2 exponent 4 --> giving us Base 16 hexadecimal high school.

Integration is most familiar to college calculus students --> as intergration by parts.

Integration by parts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In calculus, and more generally in mathematical analysis, integration by parts is a theorem that relates the integral of a product of functions to the integral of their ...



Integration by parts

Placement Exams | Orientation | University of Arkansas


For more information please visit the Math Placement awareness Test site  at Central High Scool,  Little Rock. 

In calculus, and more generally in mathematical analysis, integration by parts is a theorem that relates the integral of a product of functions to the integral of their derivative and antiderivative. It is frequently used to transform the antiderivative of a product of functions into an antiderivative for which a solution can be more easily found. The rule can be derived in one line simply by integrating the product rule of differentiation.

If u = u(x), v = v(x), and the differentials du = u '(xdx and dv = v'(xdx, then integration by parts states
(Arkansas the state of  Nature's bio-math expression)  that

\int u(x) v'(x) \, dx = u(x) v(x) - \int u'(x) v(x) \, dx

or more compactly:


\int u \, dv=uv-\int v \, du.\!


Little Rock Central High School Integration

Little Rock Central High School Integration

Little Rock Central High School math awareness test  in the existence of  Integration

Little Rock Central High School Integration


The calculus experiment in the 1957 math awareness test shows that 56 years later . . . not a single math student has a CLUE to what's happening. Now, if you integrated the parts of your CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM in harmony with MOTHER NATURE and other components of EXISTENCE in a respectful social BALANCE; then you would be okay. This is a subtle test: many people have already disqualified themselves; single older science professors have the highest probabilty of understanding the the basic TIME MYSTERY.

Reference the other BLOGs for more TIME CLUES.

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