Analysis of the World and Wisconsin gene and chromosome brain WARS
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The 23 chromosomes battle at Virginia TECH - - - > the blood-plasMID - - > MID-Atlantic States biology war map

Permalink 12/06/13 19:47, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized

After you read the post below, visit SITE MAP-3 for access to several hundred  POSTS that help explain the Theory of Everything .... which includes you and your associations.



Rd-blog-2020  by Herb Zinser

Concepts to  a puzzle for you to complete.


The Virginia TECH experiments in advanced awareness ......
Delaware ...STATE of MIND

The geography map of the inside of human body /brain   .....that is the internal goverment and its city/states ....that sometimes  mirrors the external geography map of the surface of EARTH.   

The  EXTERNAL concrete Interstate Highway system parallel is
the INTERNAL  blood vessel highway transporation system.

The INTERNAL  city of Liver in North America  is represented by
the  EXTERNAL city of Livermore and the LAW of Liver Labs, California and the
non-communicating interface  physics agent/author "The Power Of Alpha" Woman: An Intimate Geography (9780385498418 ...

  1. So when a book comes along as beautifully written and endlessly informative as Natalie Angier's Woman
    Intimate Geography, it's a cause for major



blood-plasMID   internal map VIA the external


Mid-Atlantic states

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Mid-Atlantic Region
US Mid-Atlantic states.png
Regional statistics
Composition Delaware Delaware
Maryland Maryland
New Jersey New Jersey
New York New York
Pennsylvania Pennsylvania
Washington, D.C. District of Columbia
Virginia Virginia
West Virginia West Virginia
- Total

191,308.5 sq mi (495,486.74 km²)
- Total


57,303,316 (2008 est.)[1]

299.53/sq mi (116/km²)
Largest city New York City New York City (pop. 8,246,310[2])
GDP $2.962 trillion (2007)[3]
Metropolitan Areas New York–Newark
Norfolk–Virginia Beach


The Mid-Atlantic states, also called middle Atlantic states or simply the mid Atlantic, form a region of the United States generally located between New England and the South. Its exact definition differs upon source, but the region often includes DelawareMarylandNew JerseyPennsylvaniaWashington D.C.New YorkVirginia, and West Virginia, though the latter two, especially Virginia, are generally considered Southern states, as are occasionally Maryland and Delaware.

The Mid-Atlantic has played an important role in the development of American culturecommercetrade, and industry, yet it is one of the least self-conscious of American regions.[4] It has been called "the typically American" region by Frederick Jackson Turner. Religious pluralism and ethnic diversity have been important elements of Mid-Atlantic society from its settlement by DutchSwedesEnglish Catholics, and Quakers through to the period of English rule, and beyond. After theAmerican Revolution, the Mid-Atlantic region hosted each of the historic capitals of the United States, including the current federal capital, Washington D.C.


The above extertnal MAP, helps us  undertand the symbolic thoughts and expressions of internal biology systems and their symbolic descriptions  ( internal geography maps)  of themselves VIA humanoid messenger  output writers for the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic bio-computer processor.



  1. Central Plasmid   Antisense Administration Reduces Blood Pressure ...

    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
    by H TRIANTAFYLLIDI - 2006 - Cited by 1 - Related articles
    fed SHRs, while a control group received plasmid alone. Results: There was a significant fall in blood pressure, by an average of 31 ± 12 mmHg, within the first ...


Below  we see ......Washington, DC   biology Foreign DNA represenatives are Foreign DNA = Dipolomats North America.
They belong to a ELITE secret communiations society ..... hence, they  do not acknowledge the SCIENCE WARS and the Europe rope/string theory casualties at UTOEYA and  Liege.      These people just describe external REALTY events using  a mixture of  partial REALITY mixed with Hollywood style creative writing class techniques ......... which appear in local newsapers  for  IDIOTS  and FOOLS.  Universities promote these  incomplete explanations.   

Thus one must think beyond BRAVE NEW WORLD, 1984, Future Shock.  Those authors warned us.   I ignored their book advice until recently.....then I awoke after I reviewed CLIFF NOTES and  other  publishers sensible explanations about symbolism and indirect  writing techniques.     HOLY COW!     What's  happening?



Foreign DNA = Dipolomats North America.




Thus we have Nature and its genetic/biochemistry molecules at WAR  with the  those that refuse to help fix the various social engineering policy errors of civilization. Step number 1 in that process   is to accurately understand Nature's control systems and the relationship to subset humans and subset human institutions.

  1. Virginia Tech massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Similar
    The Virginia Tech massacre was a school shooting that took place on April ..... 

    The shooter was identified as 23-year-old Seung-Hui Cho




  1. VA Tech massacre survivors, family press US lawmakers | AlterNet,_family_press_us_...Cached
    Mourners hug during Virginia Tech's Day of Remembrance honoring the 32 people ... 
    23-year-old Virginia Tech student born in South Korea, shot to death 32 ...


VA technology     age 23 ---> bio-physics mirror  --->  32 dead VirginiA  = VA
VA technology --> Valentine's Day,  Cole Hall  Oceania classroom shooting



VA Tech massacre survivors and the Depart(mental)  of Energy atomic brain cell experiments,


  1. PDF]

    VA: Universal Theory of Weak Interaction
    The story of the discovery of the Chiral V-A interaction in the classic weak processes of .... shak. in Frontier Physics: Essays in Honour of Jayme Tiomno, World ...
  2. VA: Universal Theory of Weak Interaction - Sudarshan: Seven ...
    Chirality Invariance and the Universal V-A Theory of Weak Interactions; with R. E. Marshak. Frontier Physics: Essays in Honour of Jayme Tiomno, World ...
  3. A modern introduction to particle physics - Google Books Result, Riazuddin - 1992 - Science - 656 pages
    CHAPTER 10 WEAK INTERACTIONS 10.1 VA INTERACTION In analogy with electromagnetic interaction JA , Fermi proposed for pVdecay the interaction JJ ...
  4. High Energy - Physics at the University Of Virginia - Similar
    The Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics group acknowledges that the fundamental task of physics is to learn the rules of the basic interactions governing the ...

VA interaction the Department of EN = Energy
VA = Virginia the Deaprtment of EN = English





Thus we see bio-physics string theory in action....that is social science expressions/actions .... with various  CONCEPT elements intertwined ...that are needed to undertsand modern EVENT feedabck signals...that is engineering ERROR feedback sigmals  in the format of TRAGEDY to get newspaper attention get scientists and math attention.

Thus we have the WAR with the
UN G  = Unconscious  humanoid bragging Group in that meets in Manhattan...
UN G  = UniteD NAtions Group......sample space statistcal test countries /tribes
....................eDNA = extended DNA engineering DNA, symbolic DNA ...


_ UNG  
LUNG  = LU + UNG = Logical Unit  bio-computer UNG ......Darwinian selection of  
age  ....23 ....representing 23 chromsomes English language VS  school bull-stories

LUNG  = Locate eligible    UNG candidate for sacrifice to the  VIRGIN Universe......

Cho Seung  Hui ......English department subset alphabet  letters.....
Cho se...n --> The CHOSEN  ONE  for  Virgin TECH  parallel/supersymmtry  physics project.

The   Department  of Energy and Office of Science   parallel atomic humanoid...the Chosen  ONE  =   FermiLab  oddONE.




The University of Chicago,   IIT,  Circle Campus,  Northwestern  atomic subliminal MIND of  professors is  so impressed with the social psychology experiment  in Einstein's brain DATA FIELD theory at Field  Museum  ............that is the Egyptian mummy displays....... and the concept of embalment Field Museum, Chicago   .....that the  professors and graduate students  try to emulate the   MUMMY experiment .....that is ..

they SHUT-UP, remain silent..... 
they think about the Legend of Sleepy Hollow.....
they think of Pilgrimms ......pills and Grimm diseases ....
they think of Sleepy of Snow White(House) and Dwarfs

and will not inquire about the 
Science wars,
Brave  New World,
George Orwell  1984  Oceania shooting at Cole Hall oceanography class ...... and  
Karl Marx class warfare  in the classrooms of grammer schools, high schools, and universties.

Thus we have some CLUES to an interesting puzzle .....that requires more thinking and  some action ....starting with communication action to clarify the precise Nature of  Margaret Mead atomic anthropology ...nuclear family  WAR signals.



What school will the next 23 chromsome battle take place?

23 student hostages at Marionette High School as the BOY Scouts of America are under the chromosome attack for their  policy  ERRORS regarding their Social Contract with Nature as orginally outlined By JOHN LOCKE.   The  Boy Scouts don't care to understand the modern world.  The FFA doesn't care care about the Matt Anderson bio-computer subroutine driver error.

Do you care?  
Spread the word about the Science Wars and the human chrosomome battles......with football game gamete command errors.



More clues are at sites  -->

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