Analysis of the World and Wisconsin gene and chromosome brain WARS

Category: Uncategorized

The Wisconsin genetics war and the 23 chromosome hostage students in Marinette --> the living EARTH cell address 2339 S. 43rd helps explain Milwaukee society DNA 64 codon manipulation errors.

Permalink 11/20/13 21:17, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized
Rd-blog-1520 Boy Scout Sam Hengel of Marinette High School sacrificed his life in the DNA wars. His obvious SIGNAL is very important .....and has been deliberately ignored by citizens, state governments, federal governments, and universities. Sam Heng… more »

The 23 chromosomes battle at Virginia TECH - - - > the blood-plasMID - - > MID-Atlantic States biology war map

Permalink 12/06/13 19:47, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized
Rd-blog-2020    Concepts to  a puzzle for you to complete.   The Virginia TECH experiments in advanced awareness ...... ....aware Delaware ...STATE of MIND The geography map of the inside of human body /brain   .....that is the internal goverment and… more »

Modern bio-computer genetics battlefield --> social science genetics - - -> the SOS Box war reports

Permalink 12/06/13 19:41, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized
Hollywood and Madison Avenue genetic manipulation social commands The usage of words and graphic pictures to manipulate the brain symbolic bio-computer genes     RD-blog-number-2157-A Thanks to subtle subliminal mind messages from the humanoids… more »

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