The modern human brain engineering wars at Chuck Norris Hall ....brain engineering building with Virginia TECH English language manipulator script ERRORS.
« Dr.Watson in Afghanistan - the English language and the ETHER brain warNature's SYMBOL ENGINEs conflict and a Hierarchy Problem --> Fermi-Dirac statistics agent does not recognize NATURE's Bose-Einstein statistics agent »

Modern SYMBOL ENGINES help explain K-theory class casualties with Virginia TECH and Cole Hall and Fort Hood --> the superstring theory WAR with cohomology classes of gauge field configurations.

Permalink 11/22/13 00:42, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized

Nature's modern SYMBOL Engines that use the human brain processor

Brain experiments using human data processing bio-computers


Atomic symbol machine expressions --> atomic computers.

The book: String Theory and M-theory by Katrin Becker, Melanie Becker, and John Schwartz helps us explain the modern Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ....    ...atomic social anthropology conflicts.


String Theory and M-Theory: A Modern Introduction
[Katrin Becker, Melanie Becker, John H. Schwarz]




These physics theories and their data are available in many books and research papers. They are a milestone in understanding the structure of existence; but Nature continues to advance ....and its intellectual messages continue to provide us with clues ..clues needed to understand the atomic/astrophysics continuum and its evolution.

The atomic continuum --> Humans <-- astrophysics continuum .......positions human structures somewhere in the middle of the existential continuum. Thus humans and their various institutions (education, government, corporate, publishing) are just subsets of the CONTINUUM .....and must be considered within that EARTH LAB context ......and Nature's vast intellect.

The Margaret Mead nuclear family......atomic social antropology conflict .... is best explained by example. Using super-symmetry / parallel processing / Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE ...... we can view events as expressions of the periodic atomic table government...............including atomic bio-physics humans with a symbolic brain computer.

The parallel processing OR SUPER-symmetric physics model helps understand the Northern Illinois University shooting at Cole Hall......and the Virginia TECH shooting with Mr.CHO.

Lets look at some clues to explain the Margaret Mead atomic anthrolopgy war events...
the well-known SCIENCE WARS that are in progress. War equations help describe the SCIENCE WARS and the symbolic universe conflicts (See BLOG on the Origin of ther Universe and BLOG on Galilieo the DEFENDER of Earth)
Lets outline some book clues that describe existence:

Page 211 title --> 6.2 D-branes in type II-superstring theory

Page 211 K-theory

Page 211
Since D-branes carry concserved R-R charges that are sources for R-R guage fields, which are differential fgorms, one might suppose that the charges could be identified with cohomology classes of guage field configurations.

page 211
The appropriate mathematical generalization used K-theory, and classifies
D-brane charges by K-theory classes

Page 211
Type II D-branes -- N Dp-branes ............
...which is the charge-conjugate of DP-brane. The important world-volume fields can be

Page 212
where A is a connection on a U(N) vector bundle E

Page 212
If the guage field bundles E and E' are topologically equivalent ....complete annihilation should be possible. This requires N = N' so that the total charge is zero.

Page 212 Morever, the tachyon field matrix should take a value T .....

Page 212
If there is complete annihilation, the minimum of the tachyon potential energy V(T) should be negative

Page 213
We can now invoke the mathematical results K(S) =

Page 214
required by T-duality (wrapped <-- > unwrapped).
Now the empirical data from the tragedies at Cole Hall, Virginia Tech, and Fort Hood are available at any library.

Let's look at Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE  key WORD concepts and their  transformation to   REALITY message applications;

D-branes --> Dead brain cells of atomic bio-physics  living students

K-theory --> Kill Theory of atomic anthropology

K-theory --> Kil --> Kileen, Texas FORT HOOD Soldier READ Center shooting and
the biochemistry TEXTBOOK message (Bichemistry MAJOR Hasan) and the message of the DNA military nucleotides T, A, G ......message for humanoid TAG agents at pen.TAG.on. Their intellectual consultants are biased and provide incomplete reports.

K-Theory --> Kazmierczak at D-branes (DeKalb brains)

U(N) --> Carl Jung atomic collective UNconscious of the UNiversity student collective mind (the campus GROUP MIND and its errors)

Gauge field bundles E --> atomic English language (langauge WORD permutation) ERRORS at Virginia Tech
Gauge field bundle E --> book 1984 bundle English with George Orwell Oceanography class shooting (Cole Hall, DeKalb, Illinois)

V(T) negative --> Virginia TECH negative
...potential energy (of students at) V(T) should be negative

annihilation --> annihilation of students with brain ERRORS

cohomology classes -->
subset word of coho translates to: coh --> Cole hall
subset word of coho translates to: cho --> Mr.Cho

Thus the GRAND Unified Theory symbolic military has UNIFIED the 3 battles as an expression from one source area of STRING THEORY.

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