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Various reports on Language and SYMBOL wars
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STAR WARS neurotransmitter language code war played out at Westgate Mall, Nairobi, Kenya.From HerbZinser Proin Herbert Spencer, Russell, Whitehead,Snow (1 hour old)
Book-0046 analysis report by H… more »
Symbolic universe life VOWELS (A, E, I, O, U ) defeats human vowel permutation ( U, i, O, E ) --> University of Oslo , Europe.
Oslo and the worldwide OSIRIS project
The Utoeya tragedy helps explain the secret languages of the world.
Symbolic universe life VOWELS (A, E, I, O, U ) defeats human vowel permutation ( U, i, O, E ) --> University… more »
Star Trek- -- > Deep Space Nine --> The Search. . . .The symbolic continuum of nouns, verbs, math equations, provides CLUES the professorial defeat in the world INTELLECTUAL WARS.
Secret languages in books and magazines
The secret languages published by books and magazines control the human mind for their BRAVE NEW WORLD projects
How to read a book in year 2013 !
Examples of the multi-dimensional E… more »
British atomic nuclear physics secrets revealed by the Cavendish Labs undercover agent --> Agatha Christie and book: The CLOCKS
Symbols and the atomic English language messages
Symbols.... words and equation are life forms. What messages do they send?
The Margaret Mead nuclear family ...atomic social anthropology expresses the thoughts of the elements of… more »
The secret mathematical-physics anthropology messages of Cavendish Labs and the University of Manchester via --> CAVEMAN comedy and the Boltzmann gas experiment
Symbols and the Cavendish Labs atomic English language messages
Symbols.... words and equation are life forms. What messages do they send?
Social scientists and political scientists have many secret manipulation languages… more »
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