The modern human brain engineering wars at Chuck Norris Hall ....brain engineering building with Virginia TECH English language manipulator script ERRORS.
Additional Posts
- Various reports on Language and SYMBOL wars
- Symbolic universe life VOWELS (A, E, I, O, U ) defeats human vowel permutation ( U, i, O, E ) --> University of Oslo , Europe.
- Star Trek- -- > Deep Space Nine --> The Search. . . .The symbolic continuum of nouns, verbs, math equations, provides CLUES the professorial defeat in the world INTELLECTUAL WARS.
- British atomic nuclear physics secrets revealed by the Cavendish Labs undercover agent --> Agatha Christie and book: The CLOCKS
- The secret mathematical-physics anthropology messages of Cavendish Labs and the University of Manchester via --> CAVEMAN comedy and the Boltzmann gas experiment
- The Virginia TECH April 16 ROC supersymmetry physics war --> the gauge (lan guage) field vector bundles E (English) annihilation battle
- Dr.Watson in Afghanistan - the English language and the ETHER brain war
- Modern SYMBOL ENGINES help explain K-theory class casualties with Virginia TECH and Cole Hall and Fort Hood --> the superstring theory WAR with cohomology classes of gauge field configurations.
- Nature's SYMBOL ENGINEs conflict and a Hierarchy Problem --> Fermi-Dirac statistics agent does not recognize NATURE's Bose-Einstein statistics agent
- Nature's modern SYMBOL Engines that use the human brain processor --> the Cole Hall symbol WAR report
- The M-theory atomic physics MORSE CODE signal M+ 1 ---> communications bridge ---> N-theory with NORSE CODE and Norway, Vikings, and Thor astrophysics war..