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Computer Earth system 370 biochemistry WAR with alien subroutines used by business, cities, universities, and other groups. What is your brain computer death code?

Permalink 12/06/13 20:39, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized
  Rd-blog-1503 Bio-computer societies have existed for thousands of years. The human brain is a computer. It exists in 2 capacities: a) a biological molecular processor b) with the invention of symbols, and then with invention of the Gutenburg pr… more »

The bio-computer interNET . . . .the North Pole magNETic field .... Benjamin NETanyahu - - - -> NET WAR to control MariNETte, Wisconsin - - > Boy Scout messenger Sam Hengel warns world of the NET wars.

Permalink 12/02/13 00:37, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized
Modern BLOG gene wars USING BL = Base Locators and Benjamin Lewin BLOG is a 4/7 algebra subset word of BIOLOGY leaving 3/7 at 370 degrees Celsius for the system 370 thermodynamics defense bio-computer.      RD-blog-1518 Boy scout Sam Hengel… more »

Earth Lab study of Pentagon brain neurotransmitter problem and the 64 codons of DNA nucleotide problem

Permalink 12/01/13 21:16, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized
The Earth government Military Command Structure   The Military Command Structure of Nature, Earth, molecules, and atoms The Mind Has No Firewall - Strategic (BRAIN) Studies Institute - U.S. Arm y-chromosome… more »

Ancient European neurotransmitters PLOT to destroy United States smoke-stack industry. Norway , Little Norway, and the Netherlands promote the secret WAR languages. Cause: university communications errors --> Effect: Utoeya

Permalink 12/01/13 19:52, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized
European brain secrets of the algebra subet of word: neurotransmitter --> euro --> euro dollar ,  the brain cell Wall, Wall street financial news,   and insider trading --> inside the human brain Norway intellectual errors result in Science… more »

The Niels Bohr Institute of Copenhagen, Denmark and the EARTH LAB atomic anthropology experiments in the city of Madison with the University of Wisconsin

Permalink 11/20/13 20:02, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized
RD-blog-573 The astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (EARTH Lab) provides many opportunites for understanding atomic social science expressions, The periodic atomic table government and its elements have many formats of expression. One such FORMAT are at… more »

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