Science war evolution --> Neutron Neuroscience wars --> math integer Internet wars --> biology Blog wars

Computer Earth system 370 biochemistry WAR with alien subroutines used by business, cities, universities, and other groups. What is your brain computer death code?

Permalink 12/06/13 20:39, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized


Modern war with the subconscious mind HUMAN symbolic machine


Bio-computer societies have existed for thousands of years. The human brain is a computer.

It exists in 2 capacities:
a) a biological molecular processor
b) with the invention of symbols, and then with invention of the Gutenburg printing press in year 1453 ..... the brain has evolved into a symbolic processor. Thus we have a few people that have a functioning Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer. The bio-computer exists with various levels ...depending upon an individuals effort to evolve VIA learning algebra, physics, engineering, chemistry, etc. ......the serious subjects.


Thus we see, how the Roman Empire came into existence. Individuals had their own brain computer used for daily activities such as work, going to the food market, cooking dinner, going to the theater to watch a Roman play,etc. Then within each Roman skull ..Nature partitioned the brain processor and its cell processing address space into MFT (Multiple Fixed Tasks)....which is different task processing regions. This system continues to this day. A modern study of Madison, Wisconsin shows the city residents have a big problem in their ancient MFT brain configurations ...caused by their destructive manipulation plans.

We see the ancient Roman brain and the various MFT = Multiple Fixed Tasks ...such as:

- consciousness
- sub-processors like subconscious, subliminal
- intuition
- some people had mental telepathy
- group mentality
- States of Mind
- Carl Jung collective unconsciousness
- Maslow's Hierarchy Problem of physics needs
- etc

Thus one of these brain processing regions .....was used by Nature to create the Roman Empire.
This was a group mentality ......... and Nature's computer was comprised of the sum of all of the people bio-computers (using part of their brain for doing EMPIRE calculations and EMPIRE concept analysis). Using Latin language, body languages, music languages, pottery style languages, clothing/robes textile colors/fabric languages and other hidden languages ...... Nature's social engineering MAIN PROGRAM was able to figure out how to build an empire ...and then sent its thought data output to people like Julius Caesar.

Thus Caesar recieved insight .... which he enhanced and clarified .... a task in in itself. The data stream of information ..... between the collective of bio-computers ......enabled Nature's thought process to improve.
Thus we see an interplay between Nature's intellect and human intiative and human repect for good ideas. Thus the Roman Empire ...and other ancient civilizations ..... were using modern terminology to describe them ......they were bio-computer symbolic processing civilizations.

Thus people like KINGS and Emperors ..... were like the MAIN PROGRAM representatives ......
and then various bio-computer subroutines (with a group of people brain computers) ...did special tasks. For example, the Roman Empire had the highway building subroutines with the associated speciality human bio-computers ..... whose task was highways and bridges.
Modern society is a bio-computer system. Nothing has changed since ancient times.
Take some of our recent bio-computer presidents:

President of Base 16 HEX'Fo" = 240 (FORD)

President BUSH explains Bush,SR --> BUS Hex ......SR = System Region

President CLI (ClINTON) = Compare Logical Immediate Instruction in the BAL geography region
BAL = Basic Assembler Language for humans in the City of BAL = BALTIMORE.

President BUSH explains Bush,JR --> BUS Hex ......JR = JOB Region
Thus we ask ...what types of bio-computer
DATA BUS types exist?

Data BUS --> leadership format like President Bush family
Data Bus --> business corporations and their human bio-computers
Data Bus --> school bus with data processing TEST specimens
...... such as the IMS biology database child records
.......The biolgy child records were deleted at the UTOEYA bio-computer test site using the OS/JCL of OSLO, Norway ...a representative for European " DEATH bio-computer technology".
In year 1914, Norway, Britain and other countries tested the CONPUTER EARTH system 370
PGM = IEFBR14, Disposition = (Delete, Delete, Delete Germany and other countries).

Did Norway enjoy the
Nor series of experiemnts:

Norberg.....Milwaukee policeman shot
Northern Illinois University shooting

Very funny ..these European professors .......that in year 2011 and 2012... Norway, Britian, Belgian continue the BIG LIE and phony university history FRONTS. The university, government, and newspaper song-and-dance ...with fanstastic, BS explanations about historical events ..... and more amazing, incorrect explanations of modern tragedy.
Data Bus --> city BUS routes .....are data communication routes

Here, we will look at subroutine drivers ...of the bio-computer system of the United States.
Specifically, we will look at BUS Drivers ..... who are trained well and are careful.
Thus ..... a city BUS driver .....when an accident occurs ...the accident is symbolic of the community.....that the community BRAIN has serious problem.....and the accident is just a mirror from Nature. Supersymmetry physics and parallel procesisng theory of EVENTS provide the background theory ...used for analysis.

Let's look at an example.
What are the possible hidden secondary signals?
What possible messages is Nature trying to send?


==> Woman Struck By Madison Bus Dies - Madison News Story - WISC ...Jun 23, 2011 – A woman has died after being struck by a Madison Metro bus on ... "I think sometimes there are very tragic accidents, and this might be one of those." ... "I can just tell you that she (the driver) is being interviewed by police and ...

SIGNALS ignored:
- The Madison bio-computer data bus is DEAD .....because the human bio-computers that provide the data ...they are brain nonsense/think nonsnense/bragg and BS. The movie from around 1977 ...has come true.....Madison is like " The Dawn of the LIving Dead". The city and the university have no intellectuals that try to understand the world gestalt.

- Metro bus ..... subset letters are
.....rob --> microbiology data bus at the university and the medical industry has major communications problems ....violations of the Hans Zinsser subliminal mind treatries of year 1940 ...treaties that are enforeced by MOTHER NATURE ..... who does not like BULL-stories and distortion of facts.

- June 23 --> 23 chromsoome pairs messages about the modern social chromosome schemes used by marketing and advertising of
....DNA secret social DNA commands to the eye/optical nerve VIA television broadcasts.
This manuplation schemes are approved by university genetics departments in conspiracry with
marketing .....and their attempt to
mar/damage human genes to create more data bus --> business for the health care industry.

Investigation Continues After Woman Struck, Killed By Bus Jun 23, 2011 – ... being struck by a Metro bus on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus. ... On Thursday, Metro identifiedthe bus driver involved as Debra Foster. ... There were six crashes there last year, with most happening in the ...

SIGNALS ignored:
- Killed by BUS ....did the University of Wisconsin ..or a company or a state agency...
Computer Science department code a bio-computer brain subroutine .....the KILLER subroutine and release into the general Madison population. Computer scientist and others like to experiment and amuse themselves .....part of the university philosophy ..... everything is fun and games.

Thus we have a big TEN university + six crashes ==> Ten + six = Base 16 Hexadecimal.
Thus Nature is stating that the University or some other institution in Madison very familiar with the Base 16 HEX murders of April 16, 2007 at Virginia TECH. That is why UW, Madison or UW. Milwaukee will not help researchers try to figure out the Virginia TECH SCIENCE WARS shooting.
Modern CAD = Computer Aided design of human CAD= CADAVERS.
The Badger Herald: Woman killed after being struck by Metro bus 22, 2011 – The University of Wisconsin-Madison's premier independent student newspaper ... Pedestrian died at local hospital following accident at University and ... “It is an ongoing investigation, so the bus driver, as a precautionary ...
Wisconsin State Journal Madison's highest paid city government employee last year wasn't the mayor. It wasn't the police chief. It wasn't even the head of Metro Transit.

It was bus driver John E. Nelson.

Nelson earned $159,258 in 2009, including $109,892 in overtime and other pay.

He and his colleague, driver Greg Tatman, who earned $125,598, were among the city's top 20 earners for 2009, city records show.

They're among the seven bus drivers who made more than $100,000 last year thanks to a union contract that lets the most senior drivers who have the highest base salaries get first crack at overtime.
Existence SIGNALS ignored the party citizens of Madison.

- earlier ....we mentioned microbiology and genetics. Hence we have a general group:
molecular cell biology

Above...we see words:
bus driver Nelson ..... and this is message regarding the information data bus with Nelson.

bus driver Nelson ..... gives
driver Nelson
dr Nelson .....-->



Above words:
He and his colleague, driver -->
this is biochemistry drivers Nelson
and his colleague Cox --> Code ox = oxygen (weight 16) atomic computer base 16 hex with the bio-physics LU =Logical Unit = LUNG processor of Nature's agent Cox.
Above words:
- They're among the seven bus drivers --> 7 Nitrogen 14 ..... used in the 4 DNA Nitrogeous bases of social biochemistry.




What are the 4 nitrogen bases and their
The four nitrogen bases are Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, and Guanine. Their job is composing a code for DNA to shape the physical characteristics of most ...

Nucleic acid sequence - Wikipedia, The possible letters are A, C, G, and T, representing the four nucleotide bases of a DNA strand — adenine, cytosine, guanine, thymine — covalently linked to a ...




- more than $100,000 implies
binary code S =System --> 1 0 0 0 0 0..

implies some type of nitrogen atomic/molecular computer
...base 7 ...whereas oxygen is base 16

drivers who have the highest base .

What is the nitrogen bases Biology
What are 4 nitrogen bases of DNA? The four nitrogen bases of DNA: Adenine, Guanine, Thymine, Cytosine. What is one of the nitrogen bases in DNA?

Base pair - Wikipedia
In the canonical Watson-Crick DNA base pairing, adenine (A) forms a base pair ... Hence, the number of total base pairs is equal to the number of nucleotides in ... and stability; 2 Base stacking; 3 Base analogs and intercalators; 4 Examples ...




==> Another acccident puzzle.

Jane Hwang, James Madison University Student, Killed In Bus

Nov 16, 2011 – Jane Hwang, James Madison University Student, Killed In Bus Crash ... According to Virginia State Police, the busdriver is a 56-year-old ...JMU Student Hit and Killed by Bus Identified

Nov 18, 2011 – Virginia State Police confirm Jane Hwang, 18,was the James Madison University freshman that ... The bus driver is not facing any charged.

- What is a computer science data bus?
- What is a driver subroutine?

- Chemistry/signal equation signal: Hwang 18.
H + wa + ang + 18 .......please explain?

what molecule involves H. wa, molecular weight 18.
what is eye optical wavelength .....ang --> expand word.

- what has atomic mass 55.85 rounded to 56

- driver is a 56 .......
molecular cell biology DRIVER that uses atom 56

Please explain the Heme group.

Do the arm muscles of myoglobin protein use atom 56.

Is atom FER --> used at FermiLAB in human bio-physics studies of subliminal mind thoughts.

driver is 56 .... why is mathematical logic a driver of society and university life?
What book was written in year 1910 with symbolic brain military 56 ...which led to the Hungary uprising in Europe in year 1956.
What is the title of the Russell /Whithead book?

Does the symbolic son of Bertrand Russell --> Peter Russell write about math genes in his genetic book? What is a y-algebra chromosome.....and how does it relate to Y2K ....2K data stream of consciouness used by output year 2000 brain computer.

Oh, did you forget to upgrade your brain for the atomic brain QUANTUM TIME boundary year 2000. Sorry, Darwinian evoloution considers your brain as lacking the desire, the determination to continue on its abstract, symbolic mission.
Be careful. The survival of fitnesss ..... involves an alert symbolic brain processor with algebra and the atomic periodic table defense concepts.




- Jane Hwang --> undercover agent killed in astrophysics accident.

Her message identified as.....
Jane Hwang --> Jane H --> Jane Hawking of year 1970.
...Universe astrophysics on EARTH.
...see University of Cambridge, England for war details

Jane Hwang --> Janes fighting ship' signal



Hwang --> H wa ng --> Hex war norwegian government

div class="image_block">

HARRISONBURG, Va. (WUSA) - Police have identified the pedestrian killed in a fatal bus crash on the James Madison University campus.

Jane Hwang, an 18-year-old first-year student from Fairfax, Va. was walking around 10 p.m. Tuesday night when she was hit by a city of Harrisonburg bus at the .
- Above signal analysis.
We see the parallel processing/superysmmetry physics EVENT of Virginina TECH shooting of Base 16 HEX/bio-computer curse of April 16,2007. For Jane Hwang ...... bio-computer WAR casualty .....

killed in a fatal bus crash ...math translation ..

Base 16 HEX'Fa" = 250 bus crash/abend.
-intersection of Carrier Drive and Bluestone Drive, Virginia State Police say..

Bluestone --> IBM BIG BLUE messages waiting ...why ignored?
Carrier --> see the year 1982/1983 application Carrier subsystem
...running on an IBM 8100 DPCX system with SNA VTAM LINK to the HOST computer at
Chicago BC/BS = BC (social economic Bio-Chemistry) at Blue Cross/Blue Shield at 200 N. Michigan Avenue ...5th floor hardware ...6th floor applications sofware..... computer programmer agent BC .....agent code Illiad to Illinois, Homer Glenn.
Homer, ancient BC time of Bio-Chemsitry SRC instruction origins. The IBM 8100 NIXON ==> N x N square matrix computer 90 x 90 = 8100.




Above ABC = Atomic Bio-Chemsitry report of 7 Nitrogen..and the DNA nitrogenous bases WAR casuality. For more information on the state of Virginia and its citizen biochemistry cover-up LIES ...go to Virginia TECH university and study English and biochemsitry learn how to LIE about the

Virginia TECH shooting and the
Fort Hood shooting and the
Cole Hall shooting and the
Columbine High School shooting and the
UTOEYA Norway shooting and the
BIG LIE battle with the Liege, Belgium shooting.

-State Police say a female student was walking when she was struck by a city of Harrisonburg transportation bus at 9:52 p.m. Tuesday. The student died at the scene.

Translate: Bus data 9 --> 8 data bits + 1 parity bit

Tuesdsay --> solar system TIME Computer =
Tuesday = T + u + esda = Time unit Vsam entry sequence data

-She was identified as Jane Hwang, a graduate of W.T. Woodson High in Fairfax.

Translate: She was identified as the supersymmetry physics parallel to
Jane H. ..... former wife of agent Stephen Hawking (alias the HAWK)
-State Police Sgt. Frank Ingham says the bus was going through a green light and making a left turn when the accident occurred. Hwang was wearing dark-colored clothing.

Frank --> Bio-computer agnet Base 16 HEX'F' = 15 rank and file (data file)Hwang --> Hawking angstroms anger wioth Dark matter physics SIGNAL.
In Manhattan we have a major bio-computer convergence processing site in North America.
The Port of Authority BUS Terminal ...... fits right into the Computer Earth system 370 landscape.

Port --> human I/O port
BUS --> data Bus
terminal --> like a 3270 CRT computer terminal

Of course, nearby is Time's Square 42nd Street.
42 --> Base 4 exponent 2 = Base 16 hexadecimal

Also, not to far away GRAND Central Station .....
part of Nature's GRAND Unified Theory physics project with
Central Nervous System 370 bio-computer LINK with
Central Procesisng Unit 370 copper computer.
Thus we see the hybrid systems FORMAT used by Nature.
C. P. Snow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Two Culturesý: On 7 May 1959, Snow delivered an influential Rede Lecture called The Two Cultures, which provoked "widespread and ...


An Update on C. P. Snow's "Two Cults":
Scientific American
from the sublimal minds of magazine reproters

Aug 21, 2009 – A new column that examines the intersection between science and society provides an update on the historic essay.



Above--> the status of the modern classroom ...and why the shootings have beenn ordered BY NATURE and its biochemistry military command .... that has sent tragic signals to humans ...that ignore everything except Hollywood movies and television shows.

The 1976 CAM message from CAMbodia, Asia about the direction of Darwinian brain evolution at CAM astrophysics universe locations on EARTH LAB --> University of Cambridge and MIT, Harvard, and the astrophysics center in CAM.bridge , Mass.

Evolution of knowledge does not include the social science BUll-stories and the political science song-and-dance that these schools approve and endorse.
Evolution of knowledge does not include religious people to intellectually lazy to study their atomic foundations and the Margaret Mead nuclear family ...atomic anthropology ....the atomic/math nature of most human thought.
It is sad that universities and the publishing industry have joined a intellectual snob CULT.
That is CULT # 1. They do not communicate over empirical data ..... data that is important to understanding the SIGNAL of some social science tragedies.
CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER

Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA


The bio-computer interNET . . . .the North Pole magNETic field .... Benjamin NETanyahu - - - -> NET WAR to control MariNETte, Wisconsin - - > Boy Scout messenger Sam Hengel warns world of the NET wars.

Permalink 12/02/13 00:37, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized
BLOG is a 4/7 algebra subset word of BIOLOGY leaving 3/7 at 370 degrees Celsius for the system 370 thermodynamics defense bio-computer. 


Boy scout Sam Hengel sacrificed his life to help save the world. His obvious SIGNAL is very important .....and has been deliberately ignorded by citizens, governments, and universities.

Even his own group, the BOY SCOUTS of America have betrayed their pledge to the United States of America. Sam Hengel and his subliminal mind intercepted various CARL JUNG collective unconsciousness signals and correctly interpreted the signals .... that there something very wrong ....... that major subconscious wars are going on ..... the deep down atomic brain ... social psychology SCIENCE WARS.

The brave intellectual spirit of Sam Hengel stepped up and defended Nature and the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer from attack. His bravery .....and his tragedy sent an important cryptographic SIGNAL ....... that eventually was figured out by a serious thinker. But who else cares? Citizens could care less about anything ...they will not help understand the many facets of the social SCIENCE wars and the neuroscience secret language wars of society.


Sam Hengel, Marinette High School student who held classroom ...Nov 30, 2010 – Sam Hengel, Marinette High School student who held classroom hostage, ...
A Wisconsin teen
who held 23 students and a teacher hostage at ...
who held 23 students
who held 23 students
who held 23 students
who held 23 students




Adult BOY SCOUTS and former Boy Scouts are to intellectully lazy to even try to understand the situation. Instead they diminish
the 23 chromosome HERO
of the genetic wars --> Sam Hengel.






Cryptography - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cryptography - Dec 16, 2011 – the study of transforming information in order to make it secure from unintended recipients or use.

A review of cryptography protocols, algorithms, and design.






cry + pto + class --> Cry point circle class
cry pto-class --> point at Steven K. at NIU, Cole Hall
cry pto-class --> point at Mr.CHO, Virginia Tech
cry pto-class --> point at Major NH - Fort Hood amino acids
cry pto-class --> point at Sam Hengel gentics warrior

Cryptography is an indispensable tool for protecting information in bio-computer chromosome/ brain systems. This course explains the inner workings of cryptographic primitives and

23 Chromosomes --> Base 2 math power 3 = 8 data bits ....
secrets of chromosome life ..picture below

Bio-computer -->cryptography protocols, algorithms, and design.




Thus Sam Hengel was protecting his biology system from the the Internet BLOG war that is in process. The English language word BIOLOGY describes our mathematical-life ...specifically our high school algebra logarithms .....the mantissa and characteristic.
In the modern world, Darwinian evolutions of symbolic life involves our human data processing system. We are symbolic machines. These math components of bio-computer life are very important. The interNET communications systems has many good features and many abused features ..especially the usage of the interNET for excessive nonsense.

The copper wire INternet systems is an external system ...and is a partial mirror/ a reflection of our internal systems ..... collective unconsciousness, data stream of consciousness, schools of thought, States of MIND, etc. Dozens of different formats have been described in the last 400 years in literature ...... and in the last 100 years with social pscychology theories and books.

Humans are biological computers.....have been for thousands of years. Now, we are biological symbolic processors. We receive input data into our eyes and ears ..... and other sources of data ..touch, smell, etc. The brain computer has to look at this input data ..... make decisons, etc.
BIOLOGY --> Bio + Log y (see math book of life)
BIOLOGY algebraic subset letters are
B..LOG --> Base Logarithms .......

Thus the copper wire/wireless INTERNET system
uses the WEB and BLOG format to allow humans
and their subconscious MIND to engage in REAL symbolic battles with other humans and their subconscious MINDS ......VIA the system.

Before the Internet, some television talk shows and radio talk shows engaged in Central Nervous System debates at the surface level ....... the data received by the listening audience was routed to their subliminal minds ...... and such a mind could mis-interpret the data.

Today, we have really have a battle of Central Nervous Systems using data streams comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, some pictures/graphics, etc. Thus the increase in university and high shootings in the last ten years; because the school systems are on such an ego trip ...they refuse to look at the ERRORS that independent researchers notice.

Northern Illinois University, Virginia Tech, and other universities have reached the epitome of arrogance ..... ignoring the empirical data of their tragedies. Irresponsible snobs that refuse to communicate properly and in a diplomatic fashion .... ought not be in charge of knowledge. Those school will not to help understand the deeper CAUSE behind the tragic EFFECT.

Some networks and data signals that exist in the modern world are listed below.
They are concepts .....that you have to think about. You have to complete the picture with an more explainable answer. Thus challenged ..... will you be an intellecual chicken?

The situation is more involved, but this is a good starting point.
All these symbolic components are directly or indirectly can be inside the human brain.

C.P. Snow clearly stated that " Two Cultures" existed.
The book " Tale of Two Cities" reflected the same observation.







What are the 23 chromsome... biochemistry WAR secrets of Marinette?




DNA nucleotide zip code with 43 --> 4 exponent 3 = 64 codons.

Nucleic Acids to Amino Acids: DNA Specifies Protein |
by A Smith - 2008 - Related articles
How can the four bases that make up DNA specify the 20 amino acids that ... It was also known that there are only four nucleotides in mRNA: adenine (A), ... However, a triplet code produces 64 (43 = 64) possible combinations, or codons. Thus ...

The Information in DNA Determines Cellular Function via
The three-letter nature of codons means that the four nucleotides found in mRNA — A, U, G, and C — can produce a total of 64 different combinations. Of these ...







Piercing the corporate veil - Wikipedia,
Jump to Criminal lawý: In English criminal law there have been cases in which the courts ... received by a company have been regarded as having been 'obtained' by ... A court can " pierce" the carapace of the corporate entity and look at ...
Basis for limited liability - Germany - United Kingdom - United States

Piercing the Corporate Veil legal definition of Piercing the Corporate
What does Piercing the Corporate Veil mean in law? ... The corporation today remains the most common form of business organization because, theoretically, ...

Business Law - What does it mean to pierce the corporate veil?
In doing so, the creditor is asking the court to pierce the corporate veil and make the business owners personally liable for the debts, liabilities and obligations of ...

Piercing the Corporate Veil
QuickMBA / Business Law / Corporate Veil ... A court may pierce through the veil of liability protection if the corporation does not follow proper corporate ...

Piercing the Corporate Veil | Citizen Media Law Project
Jul 6, 2010 – Piercing the Corporate Veil. A properly formed and operated corporation or LLC offers its owners limited liability for the debts of the business, ...




Thus we have a biology communications war ...with many facets. It needs to be understood.
Maybe, someday, cities will face REALITY and help understand how EARTH LAB works and affects our daily LIFE or DEATH.

NATURE decides who will represent the atomic social anthropology component of the Hierarchy Problem of physics. FermiLAB can't communicate, University of Chicago and other universities can't handle the simple process of communications; thus Darwinian atomic selection will decide whose human brain electron circuits has the electron node .... capable of working as a communications node.















The reader may just glance at the concepts below be aware that they exist.
Please be aware that bio-computer systems have existed..... such as the ancient Roman empire ...was really built by bio-computers using the human processor.

Below, we see --> keys, one to lock or encrypt the

Thus you see that a few events, with incomplete explanation in newspapers.

--> Sam Hengel was involved in bio-computer battle .

--> The Penn State locker room molestation issue ....
is a cover-up by Penn State administration to allow their computer science departments and biology departments to tryto control the human bio-computer system ..... a major political power scheme manipulate the human mind. Thus Penn State uses the decoy strategy of blaming Sandusky ...while the real lock error issue is ignored.

Washington, DC funds this type of project ...on the theory they will end up on top of the society pyramid. Nature has other ideas ...... and subset humans and their subset institutions are small potatoes compared to Nature's vast intellect and social VECTOR forces.

--> Virginia TECH secret voodoo tricks failed.
They tried to attack Nature's ENcrypt process .....hence
ENcrypt --> En + Cry + pt -->
English shooting + cry for dead students + point finger at Mr.CHO as soley responsible for the EVENT. The biggest line of BS ever invented in modern society ..... lies about the deeper CAUSES of the EVENT. Thus the LIES/schemes of Virginia ....... spread to Europe at nthe BATTLE of LIES at Liege, Belgium.

From the internet -->
Public-key cryptography refers to a cryptographic system requiring two separate keys, one to lock or encrypt the plaintext, and one to unlock or decrypt the cyphertext. Neither key will do both functions. One of these keys is published or public and the other is kept private. If the lock/encryption key is the one published then the system enables private communication from the public to the unlocking key's owner. If the unlock/decryption key is the one published then the system serves as a signature verifier of documents locked by the owner of the private key. Although in this latter case, since encrypting the entire message is relatively expensive computationally, in practice just a hash of the message is encrypted for signature verification purposes.






This cryptographic approach uses asymmetric key algorithms such as RSA, hence the more general name of "asymmetric key cryptography". Some of these algorithms have the public key/private key property; that is, neither key is derivable from knowledge of the other; not all asymmetric key algorithms do. Those with this property are particularly useful and have been widely deployed, and are the source of the commonly used name. The public key is used to transform a message into an unreadable form, decryptable only by using the (different but matching) private key. Participants in such a system must create a mathematically linked key pair (i.e., a public and a private key). By publishing the public key, the key producer empowers anyone who gets a copy of the public key to produce messages only s/he can read -- because only the key producer has a copy of the private key (required for decryption). When someone wants to send a secure message to the creator of those keys, the sender encrypts it (i.e., transforms it into an unreadable form) using the intended recipient's public key; to decrypt the message, the recipient uses the private key. No one else, including the sender, can do so.

How it worksThe distinguishing technique used in public key cryptography is the use of asymmetric key algorithms, where the key used to encrypt a message is not the same as the key used to decrypt it. Each user has a pair of cryptographic keys — a public encryption key and a private decryption key. The publicly available encrypting-key is widely distributed, while the private decrypting-key is known only to the recipient. Messages are encrypted with the recipient's public key and can be decrypted only with the corresponding private key. The keys are related mathematically, but parameters are chosen so that determining the private key from the public key is prohibitively expensive. The discovery of algorithms that could produce public/private key pairs revolutionized the practice of cryptography beginning in the mid-1970s.

In contrast, symmetric-key algorithms, variations of which having been used for thousands of years, use a single secret key — which must be shared and kept private by both sender and receiver — for both encryption and decryption. To use a symmetric encryption scheme, the sender and receiver must securely share a key in advance.






Because symmetric key algorithms are nearly always much less computationally intensive, it is common to exchange a key using a key-exchange algorithm and transmit data using that key and a symmetric key algorithm. PGP and the SSL/TLS family of schemes do this, for instance, and are thus called hybrid cryptosystems.




Thus we see CLUES to a puzzle regarding the BOY SCOUTS, FFA (Matt Anderson), 4-H Club and many other organizations in the United States AND their failure to understand simple concepts ...regarding Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family laws ....that is atomic social anthropology and atomic social philosophy. While these organizations are very good ..for the most part; they assume that they are superior to the laws of Nature and the 23 chromosome laws of Nature.

Thus we Nature's Darwinian selection of special agent Sam Hengel....
address 2139 Pierce Avenue.......MISSION
penetrate--> Pierce the Corporate Veil ...message
for agent--> Pier director of FermiLAB physics

and the IRON CUTRAIN problem of the
Fe = Ferrous Oxide atom and iron Hemoglobin protein thought ERRORS
at the Department of Energy and
the Fe = Federal government intellectual violations of Fe = 26 protons of Ferrous oxide atomic rules for human li.FE --> Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family LIFE VIA the periodic atomic table elements and their extension to humanoid expression FORMAT.
Sam Hengel, Marinette High School student who held classroom ...Nov 30, 2010 – Sam Hengel, Marinette High School student who held classroom hostage, ...
A Wisconsin teen
who held 23 students and a teacher hostage at ...
who held 23 students
who held 23 students
who held 23 students
who held 23 students FermilAB physics science Wars








Brain Science WAR signal Na --> North america -->
phonetics SOUND equivalent ( Sodium --> So dumb )
Thus Nature send subset humans a SRP signal .....for the
molecuar cell biology SRP = Signal Recognition Particle.

Apparently this brain particle is missing in hundreds of millions of students and parents.
As Nature says 'If you don't use it lose it" ....symbolic knowledge is modern food for thought. That is serious knowledge.. basic algebra, genetics, basic biochemsitry, etc.
We not talking rocket science .....we are talking some simple concepts number 23 .....sends a message about the Margaret Mead atomic social science war with the Office of Science and DARPA and
the secret BRAVE NEW WORLD projects.





Thus we see the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family signal .....
.......23 students held hostage --> 238 decay of human atomic brain.
Special BOY SCOUT undercover agent Sam Hengel ....
grammer emmitter messages of the event .... agent for
gamma information emmitters (Project atomic navigation )

SAM Hengel ...age 15 .. Gama of the elements of atomic society life.

Vasco da Gama - The Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama led an expedition at the end of the 15th century that opened the sea route to India by way of the Cape of Good Hope ...


-- the    Portuguese  BOY Scout navigator .....  from .......

Sam Hengel - EagleHerald Marinette & Menominee online ...

Dec 3, 2010 - He has been raised in Porterfield, Wis. and attended Marinette High School as a Sophomore. Sam was a proud member of the Boy Scouts of ....




-- the end of the 15th --> end of life age 15
-- that opened the sea route --> open the see route
-- to India --> to find intellectual america
by way of the Cape of Good Hope ...

-- the Maragret Mead atomic nuclear family hostage code 238   VIA  code 23 HOSTAGES in Marinette









Thus SAM Hengel --> Message to Uncle SAM ..... from SAMPLE space ...that is the
mathematical-physics dimensions of the United States.

Introduction to M-theory - Wikipedia, the free
In non-technical terms, M-theory presents an idea about the basic substance of ... This was later increased to 11 dimensions based on various interpretations of ...

Background - Status - See also - References

M-theory - Wikipedia,
In theoretical physics, M-theory is an extension of string theory in which 11 dimensions are identified. Because the dimensionality exceeds that of superstring ...

M-theory applications and 11 dimensions
- Marinette theory of SKU 11. Thus a typical city that doen't pay attention to knowledge except pizza and sports. Do chromosomes exist? Is a football field part of Einstein's data field theory?

Why is the English class sentence -->
Twenty - four hours = 24 hours a day .....

math says 20 - 4 hours = 16 hours per day



M-theory physics war report ignored by newspapers
- Manhattan theory and 11-dimensions battle of Sept 11, 2001



Maybe some people will like to help think about these puzzles.
Some CLUES are mentioned above... provide a partial outline.




CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER

Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA



Earth Lab study of Pentagon brain neurotransmitter problem and the 64 codons of DNA nucleotide problem

Permalink 12/01/13 21:16, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized

The Earth government Military Command Structure

The Military Command Structure of Nature, Earth, molecules, and atoms

The Mind Has No Firewall - Strategic (BRAIN) Studies Institute - U.S. Arm y-chromosome
The Mind Has No Firewall. TIMOTHY L. THOMAS ... The human body, much like a computer, contains myriad data processors. They include, but are not limited ...

Given the above background setting .... let's look at  EARTH LAB  human specimens   ....  the 2-legged guinea-pig described aound year 1865 by Lewis Carroll  ....

Who Stole the Tarts? | Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis ...
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll .... Here one of the guinea-pigs cheered, and was immediately suppressed by the officers of the court.


The Earth government and the human subset governments are constantly engaged in various experiments. These experiments of NATURE are interesting puzzles. An example of one puzzle that has spanned almost 2000 years....involves the Pentagon and Secreatry of Defense Gates.

There are four nucleotides that make up DNA:
A = Adenine
T = Thymine
G = Guanine
C = Cytosine.



These nucleotides form sequences consisting of 3 elements named a codon.

Thus a symbolic 1st, 2nd, 3rd positions. Example:
CAT --> DNA computer system 370 catalog
TAC --> DNA military TAC.tics
ACT --> DNA social legislative ACT....DNA social laws passed
CCC --> DNA and Picassso Cubism expressions
There are 64 of these combinations.

The DNA military group..TAG... is 1 of 64 combinations.

The DNA military is the penTAGon with TAG codon.

penTAGon is the sequence: Thymine, Adenine, Guanine






Secretary of Defense for EARTH DNAsocial management projects is agent GAT (Gates)
Secret of DNA agent GAT: Guanine, Adenine, Thymine

Robert Gates
Robert Gates, official DoD photo portrait, 2006.jpg
22nd United States Secretary of Defense
In office
December 18, 2006 – July 1, 2011
President George W. Bush
Barack Obama
Deputy Gordon England
William Lynn
Preceded by Donald Rumsfeld
Succeeded by Leon Panetta
22nd President of Texas A&M University
In office
August 1, 2002 – December 16, 2006
Preceded by Ray M. Bowen
Succeeded by Eddie J. Davis
15th Director of Central Intelligence
In office
November 6, 1991 – January 20, 1993
President George H. W. Bush



--> Note that the DNA is composed of atoms
Therefore atomic DNA supersymmetry property of bio-physics with
penTAGon <--- ----> logic GATES

Thus we have the EARTH government and the Margaret Mead nuclear family ...atomic social anthropology and atomic DNA warriors. Are these soldiers receiving the correct data from universities? Yes and no. Some information is accurate; and some is information is very biased.
Thus the EARTH government has a problem with subset human institutions who distort information and give the Pentagon incorrect interpretations.
Thus we look at the history of 64 codons of DNA.
Of interest is the development of the symbolic brain/ head/skull projects of Nature.

In year 0000 the TIME changed from BC to AD.
This was an announcement of the project to extend the brain STEM ..
symbolic label HE (HELLENIC languages) with an ADDITION abbreviated AD.

Thus the word HEAD --> HE + AD --> Hellenic ADdition.

The project meet with opposition..because most people don't care to think.
In year 0064 AD. a big battle occured in the various, different Carl Jung collective unconsciousness groups of brain radio neurotransmitters, secret body languages used for social engineering manipulations,etc.

Today the big battle of 64 AD is repeated at all computer companies.
Brain bio-computer double-word 64 = 32 + 32.
In year 2011, engineers have their 64 AD brain problem.

HE + AD --> HEAD


Nero - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In 64, Rome burned.
Nero enacted a public relief effort as well as ...

Nero (disambiguation) - Nero in popular culture - Nero Claudius Drusus - Category
The Burning of Rome, 64 AD In fact, Nero rushed to Rome from his palace in Antium (Anzio) and ran about the city all that first night without his guards directing efforts to quell the ...

Nero Persecutes The Christians, 64 A.D. In the summer of 64, Rome suffered a terrible fire that burned for six ...

Rome, Burning



Then 1900 years + IBM 64 cortex Cobol Doubleword years --> 1964.
Thus the double-word 64 death of President Kennedy at the
H.G.Wells Time Machine (Time Computer address range from 0 to 63)
giving year 1963. The DP = Data Processing murder was in the DP region of Dallas Police.
The 1963 event is assigned to the 64 boundary of year 1964.
Biological System 370 OS/JCL used OS brain computer agent OSWALD.

The citizens of TEXAS and their DEATH SENTENCE policy allowed Texas brain computer programmers
to experiment in CAD base 16 High-values. Thus the selection of a human CAD applicant in High-values office (Kennedy) for the CADAVER computer science test.

The problem returned 20 years after 1964. Around 1984 alot of professional programmers, technical people, etc...complained about being burned out.
History repeated its these modern times....Nero burned Rome inside the brain ...and in addition ...many senior citizens got burned .... their Alzheimer's brain computer memory gets burned.

The message of nitogenous DNA bases was repeated by NATURE with Virginia TECH biochemistry MAJOR messenger
for Ni = Nitrogenous Base with symbolic
agent Ni= Nidal at
DNA miliatry nitrogenous base Fort Hood of DNA pen.TAG.on codon group.

The Fort Hood Soldier READ Center ...ought read about the SCIENCE WARS instead of watching DVD movies and listening to music and talking on cellular phone. Watching movies, music, and talking are NOT considered HEAVY DUTY abstract conceptual thinking .....which is needed.

Thus we have the original problem....still in existence.

Nero - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In 64, Rome burned.
Nero enacted a public relief effort as well as ...

and the Pentagon is 1/64 ....and ought be aware of 64 AD and modern BRAIN warfare.


Brain war reports ......

The Mind Has No Firewall

The Mind Has  know Fire ... brain cell wall

The Mind Has No Firewall .. molecular cell wall biology WAR





From Parameters, Spring 1998, pp. 84-92.

Rome, Burning

The Mind Has No Firewall




From Parameters, Spring 1998, pp. 84-92.


Preventing Burnout: Signs, Symptoms, Causes, and Coping Strategies ..... pentagon brain military  strategy
Jump to Coping with job burnout - The most effective way to combat job burnout is to quit doing what you're doing and do something else, whether that ...

Rome, Burning

What is burnout? -

What is burnout? -

What is burnout? -

The Mind Has No   Firewall - Strategic Studies Institute - U.S. Army
The human body, much like a computer, contains myriad data processors. They include, but are not limited to, the chemical-electrical activity of the brain, heart, ...





Perhaps the Pentagon ought get some REAL think tanks ...that THINK deep and ponder
....besides thinking of the dinner menu and sports teams.
Just talking .....just words .........nonsense trivia; but....

A healthy MIND.....and you have a healthy COUNTRY.




Solid, accurate explanations are needed about social processes and the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear social anthropology WAR.....via atomic humanoid Shakespearan actors.

Anyhow..... we have:
--> Past... 64 AD ..... Nero burned Rome
--> Now DNA 64 HE.AD --> Hexadecimal Base 16 HEAD symbol  computer
the DNA 64 codons.....64 = Cobol brain computer language
........64 = 32 + 32 = Doubleword Numeric Alpha =
............ DNA data processing powers and awareness.

Hence the pen.TAG.on goes to Base 16 EARTH geography region HEX'AF'=175 = Afghanistan.
And representing Genetics war...
Gene DP = Gene Data Processing =
Gene.ral David Petraeus

Thus the EARTH government VIEW allows analysts of world affairs to understand WHAT was stated around year 1600. William Shakespeare --> The World is a stage and we are the players.

Thus each human is a player, an actor......unless they become a down-to-earth thinker with basic math books, basic biology, basic physics, etc. We humans are just vehicles for the symbolic life of nouns, equations, and process control systems that IS NOW taking over the social engineering world......and the Earth government does not care for the various CITIZEN schemes that exist.
The CITIZEN collective MIND....and their set-up of wars in the past ....and now mis-informing the the a serious problem. Universities and their atomic mass ...mass communications media are manipulating many things....that cause unnecessary problems for the military.

Ancient European neurotransmitters PLOT to destroy United States smoke-stack industry. Norway , Little Norway, and the Netherlands promote the secret WAR languages. Cause: university communications errors --> Effect: Utoeya

Permalink 12/01/13 19:52, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized


Anandamide, a neurotransmitter produced naturally by the brain, has also been ...






Thus we have the human neurotransmitter SCIENCE WARS .......using
long-distance neurotransmitters, brain radio, body languages, television broadcasts of secret body language WAR signals, radio broadcasts of verBAL instructions to the brain computer, etc.

Music groups....  RADIO HEAD, Talking Heads,  and other groups provide many clues to this secret society of a few billion people. Ancient literature refers to these secret communications methods with concepts:
- Greek and Roman gods and goddesses
- Arabic Flying carpets
- Medieval paintings with strange insects and strange birds flying thru the air ...symbolic of the neurotransmitter nonsense of those times.......nonsense that continues in year 2011 with CITIZEN participation.






Thus nicotine is Nature's biochemistry governmental agent..... an undercover molecule that uses cigarettes to SMOKE-OUT and trap the big mouth, intellectual dribble, bragging citizens of various areas. Thus we have the nicotine social engineering messages to those few that think clearly......that think outside the Carl Jung collective unconsciousness of human neurotransmitter groups.

Those neurotransmitter community groups are to lazy to develop their conscious, symbolic, abstract brain with basic college calculus, linear algebra, and probability supplmented with basic college textbooks in: chemistry, genetics, molecular cell biology, biochemsitry, physics, etc. The mission of adult life is to upgrade your brain processor.

Extensive talk of sports and Hollywood gossip trivia are signs of the subliminal mind dominating their empty brain..... an option they choose; a serious violation of Central Nervous System 370 symbolic brain quality control standards.

Nothing like a high school algebra ......quadratic equation problem to help solve symbolic illness .....especially those brain diseases caused by math deficiency! Take the following math RD areas with brain QUADRATIC equation deficiencies in their campus group. The TEST sites:

--> University Of Chicago Quad.
5800 S. Greenwood Ave 58th. Chicago, IL 60637.




--> Virtual Tours : Around The Quad:Stanford University - Visitor Information. Submit ... Sample the diverse opportunities at Stanford from a snapshot of fellow students passing through the quad. ...

Stanford Quad - The Cardinal Yearbook - Stanford University Main Quad ..Photos of Main
Quad at ...
Quadratic SIGNAL.....

Stanford University - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Walkway to the School of Education, near the Quad.

Stanford University is a large , highly residential research university with a majority of enrollments coming ...
Quad Memorial Church.JPG - Wikipedia, the ...






An intellectual memorial for the living brain dead:
-->Quadratic equations - A complete course in algebra
What do we mean by a root of a quadratic? A solution to the quadratic equation. For example, the roots of this quadratic. x² + 2x − 8


-->Church's Theorem -- from Wolfram MathWorld › ... › Logic › Decidability
Church proved several important theorems that now go by the name Church's theorem. One of Church's theorems states that there is no ...

Church's theorem Theorem due to the American mathematician and philosopher Alonzo Church (1903-95) stating that the theorems of the predicate calculus.

The MathResource. Church's theorem,. n. (Logic) the result that no decision procedure exists for arithmetic. (Named after the US logician Alonzo Church ( 1903-), ...

Human decisions ......... basic
number theory OR
numb-sku11 deficiency ?




--> Thus we have Nature's war SIGNAL VIA
atomic English language and the symbolic military soldier:
Nicotine ... word soldiers
Nicole Simpson and the O.J.Simpson murder trial.
Nico = Ni + co
NIL Cole Hall neurotransmitter shooting war in
DeKalb, Illinois --> State of Mind = Ill/sick noise








Nicotine WAR components
Nico = Ni + co(penhagen) universities
Nico --> Ni
els Bohr Institute Copenhagen, Dane / Denmark
and Neurotransmitters
.....europe and their brain bio-computer tricks and BS = Bull-stories




The Europe system 370 bio-computer network of Denmark  comprised  of 37,000 brain SYMBOL MACHINE processors.





and thus the supersymmetry bio-physics WAR in
the Denmark .....parallel processing region in North America

Dane County, University of Wisconsin, Madison
and the SMOKE SIGNAl of the city council members and their internal brain neurotransmitter Intellectual Battle. The University will not help understand the situtation.....despite being notified about the SCIENCE WARS. Pizza and football games are the dominant conscious activities in Madison..... while the NIels Bohr Institute connection is ignored.





Thus we have the loss of SMOKE-Stack industries in Wisconsin;
as the University of Wisconsin in Madison plays a leading role in the Mad Magazine smoking comedy performance. The issue about smoking in nightclubs, restuarants, bars is just a SMOKE SCREEN for the REAL issue.......the UW and state government reflection of the CITIZEN arrogant subliminal mind......a CITIZEN subconscious (lacking awareness) economic plot to destroy Wisconsin and United States basic industries. Thus the GM factory closing in Janesville, Wisconsin CITIZENS have their ancient, primitive bedroom neurotransmitter intellectual songs and dances. Who is capable of understanding these gestalt outlines? Where are you?
These are logic problems and socio-system problems that need serious researchers..
To amplify the message ....the Wisconsin Supreme Court was asked to rule on the Carl Jung collective unconsciousness problem of major groups. Do these groups have awareness?

Wisconsin Union Law to Take Effect -
Jun 15, 2011 – The Wisconsin Supreme Court cleared the way Tuesday for the state's contentious collective-bargaining law to take effect, ruling 4-3 that a

-> Thus we see the SIGNAL that university genetics and biochemsitry refuse to acknowledge:

ruling 4-3 --> 4 DNA nucleotides in sets of 3 = codon






Wisconsin Court Reinstates Law on Union Rights - Jun 14, 2011 – The Wisconsin (sin bio-math wave) Supreme Court cleared the way on Tuesday for significant cuts to collective bargaining rights (for nitrogen atomic mass 14) .....  public workers in the state, ...





Breaking: Wisconsin Supreme Court reinstates Walker's collective .




--> The University of Wisconsin, Dane county connection to Denmark is ignored .....and thus the absence of important data at the Margaret Mead atomic anthropology murder trial of Totzke, D. Mark in Waukesha, Wisconsin. The murder occured in Base 16 Hexadecimnal Highway 16 region of Oconomowoc involving Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory war with the UW denial of the existence of FIELD THEORY.

(Mark D. Totzke ....and the brain backwards spelling Totzke D. Mark).
Thus D. Mark implies DenMark (see Shakespeare and Hamlet) somehow involved in the

ax murder of the brain axons/synapses of school teacher Gloria Totzke. University of Wisconsin denies the existence of any and all such possiblities........a denial process typical of university manipulation of newspaper reports.




--> Thus we examine, Virginia TECH university and university English departments and their communication control/manipulation schemes. University schemes are popular in the United States and Europe...schemes that result in tragedy ..... with incomplete, biased news reports that omit the neurotransmitter symbolic WAR. Since the symbolic conflicts are not analyzed and diplomatically resolved; the symbolic life conflict gets transformmed into a physical WAR......a campus shooting.

Thus the Virginia TECH denial of Nature's messenger ..... the signal of
a natural neurotransmitter called   acetylcholine ...

...the action of a natural neurotransmitter --> the action of shooting at Virginia TECH via string theory physics...puppet string agent MR.cho ...agent for acetycholine
acetylcholine ...
..............cho line ........of English biochemistry message line
Mr.Cho ...the Darwinian selection of a neurotransmitter chosen one ....language WAR
-->the Virginia TECH biochemistry war continued with molecular agent Nidal Hasan at Fort Hood Texas.
N --> Nucleotides of Nidal ......
Nature's messages for the DNA military T,A,G nucleotide group named the
humanoids of the........ penT A Gon ....
Attention your brain nucleotides have self-awareness?



Consequently,a message from Little Norway and Dane County, Wisconsin......
a message to Norway and Dane atomic anthropology researchers...
the message...
neurotransmitter shooting at Utoya/ Utoeya.
n + euro
norway euro


Neurotransmitter - Wikipedia,
Neurotransmitters are endogenous chemicals that transmit signals from a neuron to a target cell across a synapse. Neurotransmitters are packaged into synaptic ...

Category:Neurotransmitters - Monoamines - Neurotransmitter receptorNeurotransmitters Neurotransmitters are the chemicals which allow the transmission of signals from one neuron to the next across synapses. They are also found at the axon ...

Neuroscience For K ids ----- neurotransmittersfaculty.washingtonChemicals, called neurotransmitters, are released from one neuron at the ... Neurotransmitters then cross the synapse where they may be accepted by the next ...

Nicotine: How Does it Work
Dec 9, 2002 – Nicotine has a chemical structure that very much resembles the chemical structure of the neurotransmitter Acetylcholine. The similarity of the ...

How Stuff Works "How Nicotine Works" › ... › Chemistry › Chemical Each neurotransmitter has its own specific family of receptors. Nicotine works by docking to a subset of receptors that bind the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
-->example with column 2 = oe = order entry

Row 1 - Norway
Row 2 - Neurotransmitters
.........euro money control and manipulations by the secret human societies that use brain neurotransmitters to control other people brains.


brain cell WALL --> WALL Street Journal ....  insider trading ..inside the human SYMBOL MACHINE brain



The euro area financial system - structure, integration and policy ... by P HARTMANN - 2003 - Cited by 191 - Related articles
integration of the euro area financial systems and related policy initiatives. We first compare the euro area financial structure with that of the United States and

The transformation of the European financial system by V Gaspar - 2003 - Related articles
European financial system. Editors: Vítor Gaspar. Philipp Hartmann. Olaf Sleijpen . Second ECB Central Banking Conference. October 2002, Frankfurt, Germany ...

These neurotransmitter manipulations have been banned by Nature's Central Nervous Systerm 370 abstract brain symbolic computer DESIGN TEAM.

Thus if adult NORWAY approves of these neurotransmitter monetary nonsense schemes and CENTRAL Nervous System tricks ......then what kind of children died at UTOYA?
Citizens and their governments treat Nature and the TREE of Knowledge as inferior entities; Mother Earth is a toy for human amusements.
Nature is perceived as stupid compared to adults and their arbitrary thoughts, superior plots, and social engineering errors. The Margaret Mead nuclear family .... atomic brain audits human thoughts .......a large volume of error thoughts result in UTOYA...which is Nature's feedback signal.....part of Nature's social engineering process control systems.
The secret intellectual arrogance societies ought be more carefull with their brain computer programming. The Second ECB Conference, October 2002 in base 2 (second = binary = 2-legged computer systems) must be reviewed for CITIZEN errors and nonsense.

The Second ECB --> Base 2 Event Control Block of the astrophysics COMPUTER EARTH system 370 processor ......seems to have beeen modified with Cambridge university
Event Horror Individual Zone = UTOEYA.

The year 1843 Nathaniel Hawthorne story " Celestial Railroad" provides CLUES to the astrophysics system from Logan Utah and CALTECH and the Viking THOR neurotransmitters .......
with clues in the book "Black Holes and Time Warps".....which can be read from the point of view.....that EARTH being a subset of the astrophysics Universe......that a subset of the book refers to EARTH affairs.

The Carl Jung collective unconsciousness of the group (group = parent philosophy taught children) is in violation of the atomic/astrophysics intellectual continuum and the quality control STANDARDS of the STANDARD MODEL applied to the 20 atomic STANDARD amino acids and their LINK to 20/20 vision optical data streams of symbols / thoughts from European newspapers and Norway newpapers. The Y2K ....whY 2K bytes of optical data have many conceptual errors...given the level and availability of the TREE of KNOWLEDGE in year 2011.

Newspapers and citizens like to deceive. They think they must challenge some readers with incomplete reports, distorted conclusions, etc. Fortunately for me, I view this a puzzle ....a challenge ......and with self-pride I continue to TRY to build a accurate model of the deeper causes and processes of EVENTS.

The Niels Bohr Institute of Copenhagen, Denmark and the EARTH LAB atomic anthropology experiments in the city of Madison with the University of Wisconsin

Permalink 11/20/13 20:02, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized


The astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (EARTH Lab) provides many opportunites for understanding atomic social science expressions, The periodic atomic table government and its elements have many formats of expression. One such FORMAT are atomic bio-physics humanoids with an experimental atomic brain with symbolic data processing abilities. These Margaret Mead nuclear family--> atomic social anthropology experiments have an interesting structure.

The Earth government with Nature's vast intellect allows many experiments with subset humans and their subset communities, institutions, and governments. These entities are algebraic subsets of Nature's continuum..composed of the THEORY OF Everything (TOE). Thus mathematical-physics life and Earth LAB space/time with the......
atomic continuum--> human intermediate <-- astrophysics continuum

Thus we have the continuum and the role of calculus in describing daily life thru the intermediate VALUE theorem.

We are subset humans embedded in the continuum and the larger architectural structures of NATURE...which includes physical structures and symbolic structures (nouns,verbs, equations,etc). With such a VIEW we look at an outline of a social engineering experiment designed by NATURE with human societal components.

Thus we see parallel processing / supersymmetry PHYSICS in action...with the choice of symbolism and their physical 2-legged humanoid representatives with a proper noun label.

The atomic government structure expresses irself via atomic nouns, verbs, and its atomic information DISPLAY. The atomic DEMO vehicles are Margaret Mead atomic human brain thoughts and human atomic (data bus) business organizations. The UNIVERSITY of Wisconsin in Madison provides an intellectual interface to this project of NATURE; but the interface humanoids have communications problems..... since pizza, sports, and their Mad magazine comedy TEST takes priorty over all other matters. But I have hope for them; they may awaken.

As William Shakespeare stated around year 1600...
....."The WORLD is a stage and we are the actors"

today.."The WORLD is an atomic stage and we are atomic human actors"

We VIEW the experimental structure in EARTH LAB as constructed of 2 major approaches:
- Theory followed by Applications 
- Applications followed by Theory

This is the bi-directional approach to understanding situations.
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? It does't matter who is first; results matter.

-->Theory for science/physics/etc....the ROPE component of STRING theory physics......the Darwinian atomic geography selection of EARTH LAB continent --> eu.ROPE --> Rope for String theorists.

Thus euROPE and then the selection of atomic thoughts/atomic to COPE...modern atomic social psychology within the bio-physics human with an atomic physical brain and atomic symbolic brain.

The theory of atomic COPE with feelings....assigned by Nature to Copenhagen, Denmark...with the Darwinian atomic selection of a humanoid group that may(or may not) understand the situation. This human group was selected to be the Niels Bohr Institute.....who at the moment is playing the theater role of "Sleeping Beauty".




– Niels Bohr Institute - University of CopenhagenMay 25, 2011 ... Information, research, education, associated centers and departments, news, library, events, and links. - Cached - Similar
Contact us
PhD theses 2011 The institute
History of Science and the Niels Bohr ...

Dark Cosmology Centre – University of Copenhagen
15-07-2011; The Niels Bohr Institute, NBI, announces the availability of an ...

Translate this page ]07-06-2011; A workshop jointly presented by: The Center for Particle Physics ha ha gene --> Nature's symbolic message for
C OPen Ha gen --> cortex open  new data set  ideas

Copenahgen , Blegdamsvej st., 17.
Phone: +45 (353) 25 0 16. Fax: +45 (353) 25 2 09 ...

Learn more about niels bohr institute | e! Science NewsMay 31, 2011 ... Researchers at the research center QUANTOP at the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen (Denmark) have constructed an atomic ...



Repeating the concepts described above......
according to EARTH LAB physics..
..supersymmetry...we have ....


Theory agents for Nature --> a Dane University in Eu.ROPE
........... string LINK
Applications for Nature --> a Dane + a University + United States


Dane County | University of Wisconsin Extension, Cooperative ...
Through the Wisconsin Nutrition Education Program offered by Dane County UW Extension, Jessica Zirn is in the Madison schools every day providing ...



University of WisconsinMadison



the Tale of Two Cities .... in this case...
the Tale of Two DANE geography areas ...Europe and USA.



The United States from Nature's intellect is the VIEW -->
United States --> Sta + tes --> Statistical Test region on Earth
with Uncle SAM--> Sample Space ....

Thus we have an atomic social psychology SAMPLE SPACE..
the supersymmetry Physics ...Darwinian atomic selection of
Dane County , University of Wiscosnin, city of Madison,

Unites States of geography ..North America, Earth

United States of MIND
-- quantum states of mind of the SKULL atoms

-- transition states of mind of Markov probabilty theory with the chance /probability of the existence of a UW chancellor that acknowledges
William Feller ...Probabiblity of LIFE and
Sartre multi-dimensional existentialism
-- and more...



Applications side of the Margaret Mead anthropology experiment..
with the proposed theory (already mentioned)

Humans are composed of atoms and math equations
Humans have ideas , thoughts, and feelings
The ideas, thoughts, and feelings must have an ORIGIN

atoms and math equations are the ORIGIN of those human thoughts
the ORIGIN of thought is someplace in brain outer space ....nonsense.



Thus the Madison TEST of Nature.....where in the heck to they get some of those ideas that we read about in the newpapers and listen to on television?


Home - Clerk of Courts - Government of Dane County, Wisconsin Jun 25, 2010 ... Clerk of Circuit Court and Register in Probate. Dane County Courthouse Room 1000 215 S Hamilton St. Madison, WI 53703. Map to the Courthouse ...
Contact Us - Circuit Court Records - Judges - Court Forms



Thus the puzzle ...these are SCIENCE bio-physics clues for the reader/thinker.



J. CLERK Maxwell (eye/optical  EM computer systems)

Job Control Language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Job Control Language (JCL) is a scripting language used on IBM mainframe operating systems to instruct the system on how to run a batch job or start a ...

James Clerk Maxwell
James Clerk Maxwell.png
James Clerk Maxwell (1831–1879)
Born 13 June 1831
Edinburgh, Scotland
Died 5 November 1879 (aged 48)
Cambridge, England
Citizenship British
Nationality Scottish
Fields Physics and mathematics
Institutions Marischal College, Aberdeen
King's College London
University of Cambridge
Alma mater University of Edinburgh
University of Cambridge

 James Clerk MaxwellFRS FRSE (13 June 1831 – 5 November 1879) was a Scottish[1][2]theoretical physicist.[3] His most prominent achievement was formulating a set of equations that united previously unrelated observations, experiments, and equations of electricity, magnetism, and optics into a consistent theory.[4] His theory of classical electromagnetism demonstrates that electricity, magnetism and light are all manifestations of the same phenomenon, namely the electromagnetic field. Maxwell's achievements concerning electromagnetism have been called the "second great unification in physics",[5] after the first one realised by Isaac Newton.



The evolution from year 1860 J.CLERK Maxwell electromagnetic (em) equations to -->
em life format of em = employee ..physics CLERK of Courts.

If we consider the Carl Jung atomic collective unconscious MIND of DANE county CITIZENS.....we see the levels of expression:

- at the surafce level of daily affairs - Clerk of Courts
- at a bio-physics subliminal level - Physics J.CLERK Maxwell of Courts
- at an atomic brain level we have DANE County Citizens brain electron
...AND the electron models of Niels Bohr and their approximation to human atomic thoughts

- Clerk of Circuit Court --> inside the brain we have Nature's electron biology government...we see the ....Clerk of Circuit Court becomes
J.Clerk Maxwell + Brain circuits --> brain electron circuit COURT with symbolic understanding and self-awareness.

Thus we are provided with a partial PICTURE of a brain map design (internal) and the internal brain attempt to explain itself...via external maps/external activities and institutions.
This was explained already in year 1872 by Herbert Spencer ...with clues provided by several other authors....including Arthur Schopenhauer, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Lewis Carroll, Russell/Whithead, Bergson,etc

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