Darwinian selection of undercover Symbolic agents using the indiv.DUAL ..duality component. Atomic mass thought outputs -->mass communications: TV, radio, publishing
« Tenzin Gyatso of Tibet Math and Fermat's Last Theorem with Andrew Wiles and Kip S. ThorneAtomic English language VIEW of the Malcolm H. MacGregor book " The Power of Alpha" --> extension to atomic alphabets. The theory of atomic anthropology evolution via data signals of atomic human agent: Malcolm »

Brain computer processing secrets and astronomy tricks--> Star Trek: the Next Generation (data set voodoo)

Permalink 12/04/13 00:42, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized


Humans are composed of atoms.
Therefore, atoms are the origin of human thought.






The atomic INTELLECT has many formats of expression....BOTANY Tree of Knowledge, 4-legged animals, 2-legged chickens with feathers, and the most recent atomic experiment--> 2-legged humans with a symbolic atomic brain computer.
Atomic mass uses mass communications such as television to broadcast atomic social science news....regarding the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear anthropology family.

One show about FermiLAB is: Deep Space Nine (see the Blog title)


Here we discuss the COMPUTER EARTH system 370 television show with IBM OS/JCL system 370 parallel to Nature's human Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain computer. Many humans try to get access to the brain warehouse of ideas....and steal inventions, patents,etc. A slick psychology trick that took a few hundred years to figure out....then NATURE set-up a STING operation to catch the billions of people in on the rackett. 

Here we outline the atomic mass TELEVISION show and its features.

Based on modern GENE theory with Benjamin Lewin and others (Bertrand Russell math genes and their symbolic evolution to Peter Russell book: Genetics) and IBM OS/JCL Generation Data Sets and their GooVoo Numbers........Nature was able to construct a TRAP to catch and identify popular ...atomic family voodoo practices .

Define a Generation Data Group and a Generation Data Set ... - IBM

z/OS V1R11.0 DFSMS Access Method Services for Catalogs z/OS V1R11.0 ... Next, a generation data set is defined within the GDG by using JCL statements.


[  DSN=AM2P.BSL.TRANS(0)                      ]
[  DSN=AM1P.ADABAS.CLOG(-1)                   ]
[  DSN=AM3T.RSLS.MAST(+1)                     ]
[  DSN=AM1P.FM.KEY.MASTER(+2)                 ]
[                                             ]
[  Figure 79.  Generation data sets          ]

Before creating a generation data set, have the Data Manager build a generation data group base entry specifying the number of generations to be kept in the catalogue. The Data Manager must also create and catalogue a model data set label, on the same volume as the catalogue, to provide DSORG, RECFM, LRECL, and BLKSIZE information for the generation data group.


It may be convenient for tape generation data sets to reserve a set of tapes with contiguous tape numbers. At least five tapes should be used for this round robin. The catalogue should have several more generations than there are tapes, even twice as many, because it may become necessary to uncatalogue some generations at times.

There must be an extra DD statement in the job step that writes a new generation. This DD statement will reference the data set that was last written on the tape on which you are going to write the new generation. The relative generation number would be minus nine for a set of ten tapes, or minus four for a set of five tapes. This technique will not work for large data sets that require more than one tape volume.

+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ [ 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 ] [ 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 ] [ ] [ //NEWMAST DD DSN=AM1P.CSIV.MAILING(+1),DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE), ] [ // UNIT=DISK,SPACE=(8460,(100,50),RLSE), ] [ // DCB=(ISS.MODEL,RECFM=FB,LRECL=180,BLKSIZE=8460) ] [ ] [ //DUMMY DD DSN=AM1P.GD.MASTER(-9),DISP=SHR ] [ //INPUT DD DSN=AM1P.GD.MASTER(0),DISP=SHR ] [ //OUTPUT DD DSN=AM1P.GD.MASTER(+1),DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE), ] [ // UNIT=AFF=DUMMY,VOL=REF=*.DUMMY,LABEL=(1,SL), ] [ // DCB=AM1P.GD.MASTER ] [ ] [ Figure 80.  Disk and Tape generation data sets 


 Disk and Tape generation data sets 
 Disk and Tape generation data sets 
 Disk and Tape generation data sets 
--> generation data sets IMPLANTED in your brain VIA television



For the atomic social science TRAP to work at its optimum .....it was broadcast as a television series: STAR TREK: the Next Generation and its atomic English language symbolism....using parallel processing concepts.



Allocating External Files: Allocating HUMAN bio-computer Generation Data Sets - SAS

A generation data set (or generation) is a version of a z/OS data set that is stored ... For detailed information about z/OS generations, see your IBM documentation. ... In a JCL DD statement, you can specify either the relative form of the data set ...

Atomic vision via Television -->

Star --> Sun Praire, Wisconsin newpaper
Trek --> Water100, Wisconsin with
................b100d symbolic implants
Next generation --> IBM generation data sets adapted to the human computer



Application Group 1
Captain Picard--> Pic + Card
.............--> cortex Cobol computer language PICTURE clause
.............--> Hollywood Holler/Yell ...Hollerith punched cards
Data --> input Data and output Data
Enterprise --> Oconomowoc, Wisconsin newspaper


Application Group 2
Captain Picard--> Pic + Card
.............--> 52 playing card deck ... BRAND NAME: Bicycle
....................establishing a LINK with word: TREK Bicycle and the
....................UW biochemistry Battle of Water100 with Nelson
.............--> 52 weeks in calender year...card deck TIME secrets
.............--> The decks of Enterprise related to the card decks
Data --> input Data and output Data
Enterprise --> modern biochemistry business ENTER...prize ..atomic ERRORS


Application Group 3
Captain Picard--> Pi = Pier physics..atomic playing cards at FermiLAB
..............--> Fer = ferrous oxide atoms at FermiLAB and atomic English
Data --> input Data and output Data
Enterprise --> the Iron automobile car rental agency and their Ferrous oxide container...with iron Hemoglobin humans inside the atomic IRON automobile shell...and that whole package is within EARTH LAB's ..Computer Earth ..North Pole magnetic field .....Computer Double-word 64 = 32 = 32 research site near Route 64 near Batavia, Illi.nois(e).



The 26 atomic ENGLISH alphabet letters of ferrous oxide IRON atom.  
Do you have the correct version of Nature's  atomic English alphabet or some Madison  Avenue  advertsing / Hollywood  movie version of REEL reality  promoted by the Virginia  TECH English Department.

Thus we see the algebraic levels of existence..sets and subsets.

Mystery puzzles of everyday life.....George Orwell and Aldous Huxley.....WELCOME to the BRAVE NEW WORLD atomic social psychology analysis methods.....social engineering feedback systems and social process control systems.


Thanks to the   Ferengi   --> the   FermiLAB  engineering secret alias.

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