Darwinian selection of undercover Symbolic agents using the indiv.DUAL ..duality component. Atomic mass thought outputs -->mass communications: TV, radio, publishing
« Brain computer processing secrets and astronomy tricks--> Star Trek: the Next Generation (data set voodoo)

Atomic English language VIEW of the Malcolm H. MacGregor book " The Power of Alpha" --> extension to atomic alphabets. The theory of atomic anthropology evolution via data signals of atomic human agent: Malcolm

Permalink 11/20/13 18:30, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized


Physics, math, and organic chemistry books provide clues to the Margaret Mead nuclear family and its atomic social anthropology activities ---> expressed by atomic bio-physics human agents or atomic social science messengers. Organic chemistry (the marriage of carbon and hydrogen atoms into molecules) eventually evolved into social chemistry and its concepts of marriage.

A different blog outlined the atomic communications path.
Part of that is repeated below. Then, this blog provides more concepts per
data agent from the symbol world of:
Santa Cruz, Galapagos Islands, Peru, Earth Lab.

The ferrous oxide atomic English Language messenger - the IRON LADY
03/27/11 22:47 , Categories: Uncategorized

The Ferrous Oxide Atomic WARRIOR – The IRON LADY
March 6, 2010 by zinjan

British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher is an agent for the Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology family.
The IRON LADY represents the 26 protons of the ferrous oxide atom of the periodic atomic table of life.
The 26 protons of iron communicate using their ironic English alphabet of 26 symbols. Thus we have the atomic English language of ferrous oxide atom via the iron Hemoglobin protein –> and the social science expressions of Hemoglobin human female structures. The IRON LADY has a history of battles involving symbolic military tools and/or physical military tools in various media.


Example - YEAR 2001, Sept 11. The IRON Lady and the IRON Towers of the World Trade Center. The Computer Earth battle with the NORTH POLE magnetic data field interaction with the IRON TOWERS and the biological read/write TAPE HEADS within the Base 2 binary towers. The cortex computers within the iron structure have serious data errors. The hemoglobin HEME group Fe(ii) ion economic reports are nonsense. Computer EARTH system 370 device UNIT = North Pole magnetic (Nixon) tape with a cortex READ/WRITE tape HEAD.



In this blog, blog-547, we have an iron Hemoglobin protein messenger for liver. The original LIVER communications language was via the year 1726 LIVER symbolic agent known as author Jonathan Swift and his book about how the LIVER intellect living inside (internal government) the human body VIEWS externalsocial science relationships.

The book "Gulliver's Liver Travels" is the starting point for a bio-physics string theory communications project of Nature. The other end of the string is fixed at Nature's world liver RD headquarters at the Law of Liver Morse code convergence site (Lawrence Livermore Labs). The SWIFT identifier is 70MeV with referback to SWIFT year 1726 --> 26 iron protons of a modern 4-wheeled iron automobile.


1953-1995 Lawrence   Livermore   National     Laboratory 




This EXTERNAL SWIFT iron vehicle is the parallel to the INTERNAL Hemoglobin iron protein vehicle within proper noun: Malcolm. This atomic bio-physics human has an abstract symbolic brain computer ...whose brain software programs have a subroutine driver that is the driver of the 70MeV physics automobile ...which has a physical engine but ...as important...represents a symbolic engine.


This is known from NATURE's Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain computer test in year 1957 at Central High School, Little Rock, Arkansas. The calculus test of integration by parts was with 9 black students (symbolic of 9 data bits = 8 human data bits and 1 human error checking parity bit). I hope that someday...some engineers may have the courtesy to understand this aspect of math life.





Thus we look at the living EARTH cell for geography signals about atomic evolution VIA atomic humans? What are these human identifier labels. Consider the significance to the possiblity of the atomic subconscious expressing itself thru subtle decisions...and human actions ...about location.





Galapagos Islands Maps -
Santa Cruz Island map image and ...jungle photos.com/galapagos/gmaps/virtualtour/santa cruzmap.

Santa Cruz Island is the heart of the Galapagos. Located centrally it is the second biggest island, 380 square miles. Like some of the other islands it is almost ...
Galapagos photos, Santa Cruz Island map


Galapagos maps pictures
Galapagos Santa Cruz map:

The Charles Darwin Research Station and the headquarters of the Galapagos National Park Service are located here.
Galapagos, Santa Cruz Island

Named after the Holy Cross,
its English name was given after the British vessel bearing this name (H.M.S. Indefatigable). It has an area of 986 km2 and a ...


Thus we take the mathematical HOLY CROSS --> Cross-correlation statitical analyis
and realize that CH = organic chemistry symbol found in college textbooks ....thus Charles Darwin also covers CH = Organic molecule evolution (such as humans). Thus we consider interesting structures such as Malcolm H. Macgregor.





Thus we see Darwinian evolution steps.

1) In theory,
he is composed of atoms and equations.
He has thoughts.
Therefore, atoms and equations are the origin of thought.


His efforts and studies extend those thoughts ..such as his physics book.
Thus we look at his atomic data book from a differnt angle .... the Margaret Mead atomic anthropology VIEW. How does the periodic atomic table government express itself via human expressors?

 The Power of Alpha: Electron Elementary Particle Generation with a- Quantized Lifetimes and Masses


The Power of Alpha: Electron Elementary Particle Generation with a- Quantized Lifetimes and Masses






Around year 1600, the atomic English language brain of William Shakespeare stated the situation
" The WORLD is a stage and we are the players".

Today, with availability of knowledge on electron SPIN thought processes inside the atomic brain we have ....
" The WORLD is a stage and we are the particle bio-physics thought layers ".

It's a well-known secret that the atomic brain particles and their spin thru Darwinian atomic selection ...... VIA human agent SPINOZA, wrote a major philosophy physics RD project plan around year 1670. This included the question of how ETHER physics can anesthetize the symbolic brain into an intellectual coma or nonsense ....... as evidenced by the modern EUROsystem based on the Carl Jung atomic collective unconsciousness of the European people and their n.EURO.transmitters ...... equivalent to brain radio.

Hence, NATURE continues to search for individuals that can see the bigger picture ... which includes atomic political science and atomic economics.



The periodic atomic table is composed of columns or atomic families.
Thus we see the page ix picture of an atomic standing column , Malcolm, and his atomic symbol nature.

To verify his atomic identity, on page ix of his book,
we see written the atoMIC clue --> in 1948
..........University of    Michigan  research   team.

1946-1953 Univ. of  Michigan, B.A. (mathematics), M.S. and Ph.D. (physics).



In  addition we see the picture of atomic VA-interaction of
Enrico Fermi via the
fe = ferrous oxide atomic agent....life = fe = female
Valparasio University...providing important empirical data
Va_para .......Va-parallel processing for supersymmetry physics of
atomic life ...with the Heme ghroup fe(ii) ion undercover agents for
Mother Nature's special atomic social RD projects.



This correlates with the theory of Peru and the Andes Mountains messager Pier Oddone at FermiLAB.
Andes --> An + des = Atomic number destiny project . This atomic project was announced by atomic mass communications systems ...mass communications --> television and music industry atomic human song messenger known as TINY TIM --> real atomic name: des.TINY Time. Thus we see Pier Oddone and Malcolm H. Macgregor .....as such agents. Their institutions do not acknowledge these atomic existential possiblilities of atomic expression VIA humans.



On page ix, he is referring to the EARTH geography map ...MICHIGAN and its institutions; we are reminded of the symbolic maps and their levels ...described in the Hayakawa book " Language in Thought and Action". Thus
we have the atomic brain map with the 1st map/frame of reference....
the geography symbolic map and road maps and their proper nouns

then we have the atomic brain.....
and STATES of MIND.....such as.....
and Quantum States ...
and Transition probability states




Malcolm .....columns agent/researcher for atom families of the periodic atomic table of life provides data.


Santa Cruz Island Tours  with plate1



70Mev relationship to Santa Cruz, California ...

parallel /super-symmetry atomic anthropology geo-physics

Santa Cruz Islands and CHARLES Darwin








CH --> Organic chemsitry families of Charles Darwin
such as alkanes (social chemistry movie Citizen Kane)



Thus we see how atoms send messages.
Some messages arrive at the level of consciousness (to the prepared mind) thus resulting in a written book like: The Power of Alpha.


Other messages are expressed indirectly via the humans decision/choices...
city of residence of 70MeV, the brand names one buys while shopping,
the type of music you listen to, etc. Thus the math axiom of CHOICE as expressed by the organic molecules of awareness within Malcolm's atomic subliminal mind ....wished to send a signal to the READERs of his book. I received such signal into my optical nerve/symbolic brain ..... and then months later my subliminal mind sends a priority signal signal to my consciousness about evolution and the data correlation ..... and the Galapagos Islands and Santa Cruz and Peru.
Thus we see the link between Pier Oddone and Malcolm H. McGregor at some primordial level .....
this being the atomic / astrophysics social anthropology continuum ... with Kip S. Thorne providing the LOGAN, Utah logarithm link to continuum bio.LOG.y

Lets look at some pages from his book:




--> Page 7 (implies nitrogen 7 electron messages)

- Unpaired-quark factor-of-4 lifetime ratios

suggests the atomic basis of 4 DNA nitrogenous bases.


In addition, we are reminded of  the EARTH LAB atomic anthropology experiment at Sterling Hall
University of Wisconsin, Madison in 1970



- The Sterling Hall Bombing that occurred on the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus on August 24, 1970 was committed by four young people as a protest ...
Overview - Army Mathematics Research Center - The bombers - Victims

-...."The WORLD is a stage and we are the player" ...thus the performance of a tragic play in 1970 with the human actors ...4 bombers and Robert Fassnacht.

....with the 4 people involved in the bombing symbolic of the 4 DNA nucleotides which have an atomic origin...thus we think of atomic DNA nucleotides and then the EARTH LAB....Darwinian selection of 4 humans agents (for atomic DNA).....hence, their atomic brain is easliy modified by the periodic atomic table of NATURE....for Nature's mission.

-Robert Fassnacht - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Robert E. Fassnacht ... His lab was located in the basement of Sterling Hall. He was in the process of cooling down his dewarwith liquid nitrogen when the ...
Thus the Margaret Mead nuclear family war .... atomic anthropology war event
...described above is re-expressed in the parallel language of page 7
as -- >
factor-of-4 lifetime ratios
fassnacht lifetime with 4 atomic human DNA agents and the fertilizer/nitrogen atom bomb




--> page 65

-The particle mass mystery with Leon Lederman and the God Particle.

Now college physics books explain things about MASS.

we have electron Mass and its oribitals, etc.
we have proton Mass and its properties
we have neutron Mass and its attributes

Then we have a vast ommision..a intellectual VOID.
Never a word is written about the
atomic character of the religious mass particle.

Strange SILENCE. Of course, I must be stupid.
But I am composed of atoms...and my atomic mass is curious about religious mass.
My atomic mass interacts with gravity giving my body weight on a scale.
How does religious mass interact with gravity?

Or has the living word of GOD ....
the word region.....such as used in phrase
...data processing region.

Has the word evolved fron region --> religion.

A component of God ....
G = universal gravitational constant which interacts with atomic brain mass and brain thoughts giving the serious,grave, grammer thoughts of gravity waves or the gravity thought data field. Hence, we have Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory and its applications.

Thus we have project mission for the book
"The GOD Particle" and subset signal
...............DP .... perhaps an atomic computer .....
thus an extension of the Lederman book as they answer " What is religious MASS".
What type of atomic expression is it VIA atomic humans?

The Chicago Polish science community has the GODZIN project.

Thus the MASS mystery...and the make-up of our universe
...the Hollywood make-up of many explanations about Maragret Mead atomic social anthropology and atomic brain expressions.




Page 69

The Double mystery with number 137.......modify VIEW to 137.0 ...amplify with tenzin/decimal giving 1370. Easier to see.

What do we see?

1) IBM system 370 and Nature's parallel bio-computer ........ of the LUNG oxygen atomic computer processor (weight 16 --> base 16 hexadecimal)

2) then we see 70 MeV signal as
the 7 = Nitrogen electrons O = oxygen Me= Metabolism V=Vectors

3) linked to the oxygen LUNGs of 1 Malcolm at 37.O degrees atomic temperature Celsius of the atomic human processor. Thus 137 ...as a building block of matter ...played a role in the building of 1 Malcolm at 37 degrees.


Let's VIEW the atomic GREAT SEAL with 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue....
1600 = 16 Oxygen Orbitals of a molecule inside the COMPUTER EARTH Bio-computer LU = Logical Unit = LUNG at the White House .....the LUNG with red/READ blood cells and the internal biology government's White House with white blood cells LINKED to the optical nerve WHITE HOUSE composed of photons/elctromagnetic spectrum with white light and black alphabet symbols and words ....symbolic life. Thus the TRUE nature of a
Democracy = Demo
Democracy = D + em + ocr

Data + electromagentic + optical character reader

all in terms of bio-physics and symbolic life of nouns, equations,etc ..... via the human data processor. Thus Malcolm managed to send out SIGNALS in written words .... that my optical computer recognized ... a message to people like me ... a evolutionary view...

page vii
The training of an elementary particle phenomenologists .....
in my case ... the phenomena of the atomic brain and the optical computer ... and the situation .... does Washington, DC understand the deeper processes of existence; beyond eating, talking, and building more lumber/cement houses. They ought think more about the symbolic houses and how Nobert Wiener and cybernetics plays a role in brain social science decisions.

E Pluribus Unum - Origin and Meaning of the Motto ... - Great Seal
Jul 4, 2010 – Learn the facts about this motto on the front of the U.S. Great Seal. ... An accurate translation of the motto is "Out of many, one" –

E Pluribus Unum included in the Seal of the United States, being one of the nation's ... Latin for "Out of many, one", is a phrase on the Seal of the United States, ... Novus ordo seclorum appear on the reverse side of the great seal, E pluribus ...
Great Seal of the United States -

As a coat of arms, the design has official colors; the physical Great Seal itself, as ... eagle clutches a scroll with the motto E pluribus unum ("Out of Many, One"). ...

Design - Symbolism - Seal press - History

E pluribus unum ("Out of Many, One")--> 1 at 37 degrees temperature
E .....bus..num
....data bus numeric alphabets
................eric a
.............Am eric.a
E = mcc = Einstein's equation and the atomic government is the precursor to human governemnts.
This from the atomic political science VIA humans we have
President BUSH explains ....
.....data BUS Hex -- > Hexadecimal Base 16 politics of oxygen and optics
at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue ....Computer Earth land computer address.





Page 192 Supersymmetric ...excitation VIA atomic human anthropology activities....



Super symbol met  tric(k)

United States Congress Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction ...en.wikipedia.org
The Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction, colloquially referred to as the Supercommittee, is a joint select committee of the United States Congress, ...

Historical precedents - Structure and membership - Operation if the super committee fails -Nov. 21, 2011
Nov --> Novel source page 192 --> The power of atomic alphabets ..the extension of Macgregor source code.





Page 221
Octet mass calculation ...

October year 200O and wave mechanics message to the
U.S.Navy about atomic English Language accuracy laws and the communications problems outlined by George Orwell .. 1984.... Oceania.......problems have not been fixed.

The October 2000 tragedy of the
U.S.S COLE and years later the
U.S.Navy sent a second message by NATURE VIA
U.S.A , Cole Hall oceanography class tragedy at NIL, DeKalb.





Page 223

ground states ...such as New York and the 1943 long-term Manhattan project giving year 2001 Manhattan physics ERROR messages of Sep 11, 2001. Thus the 2 towers ...and their Margaret Mead nuclear family...atomic social anthropology tragic SIGNAL.

2 towers atomic symbolic life with

Hadronic towers
Leptonic towers
September 11, 2001
Sept ---> permutation of symbols
Step to advanced understanding of world affairs




Much more research work and thought remains. The authors of physics books provide CLUES to the
" Tale of 2 Cities". MacGregor, Lederman and others live and think mostly in one city ...... thus what is the other symbolic city and its physical manifestations.





CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER

Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA
E-Mail: Herb@Zinoproject.com

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