Nature's copper-wire computer WAR against human bio-computers - - -> how the EARTH space/time continuum military defense structure works against human violators.
Recent advances in copper computer science have enabled NATURE to acquire new military tools to control space/time on the surface of EARTH ..... that is occupied by humanoids. Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory and its application .... provides the background to undertsand COMPUTER EARTH system 370 and its various operating dimensions.
Let's get the proper VIEWPOINT.
Let's re-word the above.
Astrophyshics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet Earth) is an interesting test site. A distant, virtual astrophysics
bio-computer geneticists would see the EARTH and its subset humans and subset institutions as experimental entities.
Thus Milky WAY Universe theortetical scientists ....would say the earth universities and their knowledge are mere subsets of the universe and the universal mind. Grand Unified Theory of physics supports such a GRAND view ...which is enhanced by the TOE = Time Order Entry system component of the TOE = Theory of Everything.
Thus ......think of the sentence below stating ---> astrophysics geneticists have made great progress ......
EXAMPLE is described at the blog titled --->
Logan, Utah astrophysics mystery messages revealed.
The secrets of Caltech X-MEN, Logan ,
and the Brotherhood of Mutants.
Astrophysics EARTH agent ......Nature ..... uses the above genetics concepts locate human brain mutants VIA the copper wire INTERNET computer system.
When a human uses a copper wire personal computer with a display screen LINKED to the INTERNET ...that situation is named the regular human view of the world ...the regular universe about us....from our atomic bio-physics human perscpective of objects, entities, and symbols about us.
The inverse universe the opposite......NATURE and its atoms and math equations ARE looking at you EARTH LAB human specimen. This process of Nature was described around year 1865 by Lewis Carroll.
LEWIS Carroll from year 1865 ..Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, WHO Stole the Tarts?
The LEWIS Carroll EARTH LAB message:
"Here one of the guinea-pigs cheered, and was immediately suppressed by the officers of the court. .....(I will explain to you how it was done. ..with STRINGS: into this they slipped
the guinea-pig, head first and then sat upon it).
I'm glad I,ve seen that done' , thought Alice."
Thus the statement....from a bio-computer genetics view becomes important.
The screen ..that looks at you and your blood plasma actions the modern plasma display computer screen.
Computer monitor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thus the Darwinian adpation of traditional genetic concepts to Nature's computer world with Einsteins' data field theory.
Mouse (computing) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Modern computer mice took form at the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) under the inspiration of Professor Jean-Daniel Nicoud and at the ...
Nominated for five Academy Awards, winning two, Hackman has also won three Golden Globes and two BAFTAs in a career that spanned five decades. Wikipedia
Born: January 30, 1930 (age 82), San Bernardino
Height: 6' 2" (1.88 m)
" The WORLD is a stage and we are the players ...of gene expressions and thoughts".
Above, PCR = Person Computer Region (bio-computer)
Above, we see the 4-legged mouse/mice equation of + / - for the mutation.
Nature has adapted this concept for 2 legged humans that use a mouse (or a rat).
Nature considers the modern social rat as a 2-legged human ...a demo ...that is labeled with proper noun:
DEMO +MOUSE + system CAT + RAT --> DEMO + MO + C + RAT = Democrat>
Nature uses Computer Earth system 370 OS/JCL .....SYS1.Catalog as the CAT.
Below we see the same equation for 2-legged humans ...that satisfy the astrophyics EARTH LAB experimental parameter conditions ...using a INTERNET web-site or BLOG. I was almost trapped ...but my mind was slowly able to think thru the situation ...AND think beyond the trap ......AND I am much wiser now.
Thus challenged subconscious MIND solved Nature's puzzle and has allowed me to report on it .... since I do research on the SCIENCE WARS that have encompassed the world ...since the Alan Sokal affair with the Arch DUKE of mathematics ...symbolized by the intellectual front organization DUKE university.
Arch DUKE refers to Nature's Architecture HinDU KEY project started in Europe around year 1914 ...but with intellectual roots in the subcontinent of India with Herman Hessee and Siddartha ..... currently at FermILAB in the atomic sublimal mind of the Fermi Dirac probability director ODD = ONE (well known in Siddartha as the Illustrious ONE).
Above, we saw the 4-legged mouse/mice equation of + / - for the mutation.
Below, we saw the 2-legged human with mouse equation of + / - for the mutation.
DARPA and the Naval Research Lab experiment with the U.S.S.Cole, October 2001 --> the crystal field splitting in octahedral complexs
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is an agency of the United States Department of Defense responsible for the development of new technology for use by the military. DARPA has been responsible for funding the development of many technologies which have had a major effect on the world,
Coordination Compounds
A characteristic feature of the transition metals is their ability to form a group of compounds called coordination compounds, complex compounds, or sometimes ...
Coordination Compounds
One definition of a metal complex or coordination compound is 'a com- ... Although this definition usually works well for coordination compounds, it is not always ...
Crystal Field Theory:
Energy Level SplittingThe Crystal Field Theory experiment illustrates the effects on a metal d orbital .... must have an electronic transition whose energy change is between 1.8 and 3.1 ...
Crystal field theory -
Crystal field theory (CFT) is a model that describes the breaking of degeneracies of ..... Chemistry: The MolecularNature of Matter and Change (4th ed.).
Crystal Field Splitting in Octahedral Complexes Chemistry ...Octahedral Complex Crystal Field Splitting.
The octahedral arrangement of six ligands surrounding the central metal ion is as shown in the figure.
EARTH Lab---> Oct--> October Octahedral signals
Crystal Field Theory
Crystal Field Theory was developed in 1929 by Hans Bethe to describe the ... Carefully observe how the energies of the orbitals change as the distance ...
The empirical data provided by the distance and approach of the atacking boat.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Around 11:18 local time (08:18 UTC), a small craft approached the port side of the destroyer, and an explosion occurred, putting a 40-by-40-foot gash in the ship's port side according to
the memorial plate to those who lost their lives. According to former CIA intelligence officer Robert Finke, the blast appeared to be caused by explosives molded into a shaped charge against the hull of the boat.
Terrorist Attack on USS Cole: Background and Issues for ... On October 12, 2000, the U.S. Navy destroyer Cole was attacked by a small boat laden with ...
the memorial plate --> orbital plate ... electron war message
Thus we have a brief outline ..that EARTH LAB theorists and reseachers may build upon.
In year 1897, H.G. Wells wrote " The War of the Worlds" ....and here we see an example of such an astrophysics galactic battle on EARTH involving the IRON SHIP (ferry message to FermiLAB ferrous oxoide bio-physics humanoids). L.Ron Hubbard wrote "Battlefield Earth". That war message is about the BATTLE Field --> Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory war and the cover-up by universities and FermiLAB ...that will not discuss FIELD theory and the application problems and student casualties at Virginia Tech and Northern Illinois University.
The NORTH POLE magnetic field ...field splitting message EVENT of the U.S.S.Cole and the Polish IRON SOLIDS shipyards message EVENT(see Solidarity movement of 1985) ....... are data EVENTS that ought concern the Pentagon, Naval Research Labs magnetic department and their university friends at Florida State University magnetic lab in the HUMAN iron hemoglobin protein INTELLLECTUAL WAR zone with the Tallahasse arrogance Hierarchy Problem of their exclusive Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computers.
While educated intellectuals know better, they pick up that subliminal MIND arrogance attitude from television and the general citizen population ... that could care less about EARTH gestalt processes. But I believe that some professors and graduate students ..... will move beyond the BRAVE NEW WORLD social pscyhology war traps (the internal IRON CURTAIN brain barriers of Heme group Fe(ii) ion) ..... and help understand what is happening.
The periodic atomic table government of Nature has existed for millions of years ..... and built dinosauers and monkeys. Then Nature's biochmeistry designed a humanoid ..... and then it started brain cell projects with symbolic content of nouns, verbs, math equations, etc.
Thus Nature has the Earth Fe = Ferrous oxide Fe = Federal governments and its many expressions.
Nature's vast intellect has social engineering projects involving subset humans and their subset institutions and subset Fe = Federal governments and subset Fe = FermILAB research labs.
However, these modern advanced entities have forgotten their humble atomic orgins AND refuse to recognize the Hierarchial structure of existences.
Hence, the IRON WARS and the Fe = Feed Citizens .... digestive system mentality of the Federal government and Georgetown restaurants all approved by IVY league college philosophy --> the only purpose of brain life to to eat and then later use the BAT room.
Batavia physics explains why modern washroom toilets use Ferengi engineering and Jet Propulsion Labs .... jets of water .....water molecule accelerator rings that take large particles and place them into brownian motion VIA rotation around in a interior circle at high speed ...........oh! -->thats the supersymmtery physics / parallel processing model of circular accelerators ...... a BAT Bathroom model for the average man like myself ...who had PSSC physics in high school and does remember a few things about the wave tanks/ripple tanks.
National Science Foundation experiments ...... evolution audit trail ....
- Nixon, Watergate and the plumbers
- Reagan and Hickley and Schmit bottled water brand
- Clinton and Whitewater Wisconsin travel agency
- NIU Oceania shooting at U.S.A COLE ... a naval research battle signal in DeKalb, Illinois?
These are complex puzzles that can only be understood by atomic human brain communications ....... with a goal to understanding the signals being sent by Nature's various molecular forcess and processes ...and their relationhip to human society.
Oh! The Stanford Linear accelerator supersymmetry experiement used the California Highway system, the State police and ...then used the atomic structures ..
- an atomic human driving
- an atomic TOYOTA auto with a gasoline pedal (accelerator)
- and a LINEAR concrete/cement/black top highway ....
Thus the astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet earth)
linear accelerator experiment with
CALTECH and the University of California.
Of course, knowbody knows anything about quantum possibilty theory.
Is Princeton university aware of earth events?
Does the University of Chicago have curosity to know what's happening?
Does Columbia University study the Base 2 binary war of the TWO Towers?
None of the above groups will establish communication LINKs with down-to-earth thinkers.
Empircal data is irrevalent .....
one must be a CULT member of the fa.CULT.y .... per George Orwell and Aldous Huxley.
Hail Brave New World!
Hail the George Orwell Oceania shooting at NIU oceanography?
Hail proganada of television and newspapers.
Thus we see the intellectual prison that is self-created; a process those authors thried to warn us about.
The secrets of Margaret Mead nuclear family ....atomic political science and atomic message systems atomic humans that enjoy incomplete and biased explanations of REALITY events. The deeper levels of M-theory physics society and the 11 dimensions ..... who cares?
Any line ...and story line is okay .....the BULL-story line that the National Science Foundation feeds their ignored undercover student agent...identifiers " PSSC Book #85 with E85 gasoline BP = Base Pair project with BP = British Petroleum in the Gulf of Mexico ...
1960 Sarasota High School PSSC physics and the Far Horizon Resort, Longboat Key (Viking vector coordinates EARTH project) ..... BP....the living EARTH cell genetics vbiolation by National Science Foundation and educational system rackets ....
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Deepwater Horizon oil spill (also referred to as the BP oil spill, the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, the BP oil disaster, or the Macondo blowout) is an oil spill in the ...
Deepwater Horizon --> Deep undercover agent Watertown, Wisconsin and the Far Horizons Resort with special astrophysics authority code "Event HORIZON" per Stephen Hawking/ Gibbons. The University of Cambridge will not help explain the British Petroleum EVENT HORIZON tragedy at astrophysics EARTH LAB site known as --> Deepwater Horizon .... and the Base pair relationship to the Far Horizons LU =Logical Unit X --> Luxury Resort.
The X-Men books/movies (math equation agents X,Y,Z variables) and CalTECH agent LOGAN ...are not interested in astrophysics LOCAL REGION event messages. Thus it's up to amateur scientists to form a group and help me to figure out these puzzles. Thus the absence of university ineterest ........provides the lesser beings an opportunity to study and think.
The Naval Research Lab ougth study the world someday. All adult males do naval research in the bedroom using the HEAD .........but some men ought advance to the 2nd HEAD (the skull) ...... and then think beyond the social psychology world of manipulation and tricks.
Lewis Carroll warned all of us in year 1865 with his comments.
LEWIS Carroll from year 1865 ..Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, WHO Stole the Tarts?
The LEWIS Carroll EARTH LAB message:
"Here one of the guinea-pigs cheered, and was immediately suppressed by the officers of the court. .....(I will explain to you how it was done. .. with STRINGS: into this they slipped
the guinea-pig, head first and then sat upon it).
I'm glad I,ve seen that done' , thought Alice."
String theory - Wikipedia
String theory is an active research framework in particle physics that attempts to reconcile quantum mechanics and general relativity. It is a contender for a theory ...
M-theory - Superstring theory - History of string theory
History of string theory
History of string theory
History of string theory
History of string theory
and was immediately suppressed by the officers of the court. .....(I will explain to you how it was done. with STRINGS.
Maybe, someday ...physics and chemistry theorists will consider ...that I and Nature's string theory undercover agents in Margaret Mead atomic anhtropology might not like be STRINGED along by university approved ...... atomic social science department nonsense and tricks.
Hey, don't feel bad ..... I was over 56 years old ...before I understood the possibility of those sentences. Then books like BRAVE NEW WORLD, the INVISIBLE MAN, 1984, the IRON MASK (see FermiLAB about Dumas applied atomic literature) ...then the books seemed to make pieces of a puzzle...things slowly fell into place. Also,since I have brain symbolic defiencies, I needed Cliff Notes (or equivalant published explantions) to understand the hidden symbolism.
CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER
Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA
The astrophysics DNA time conflict with the EARTH LAB military DNA codon --> the TAG codon group of the pen.TAG.on
The astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION(Planet Earth) is an interesting laboratory. Nature has many DNA engineering and DNA symbolic brain engineering experiments in progress; some involving subset humans and their institutions. These experiments sometimes result in accidents, conflict, and tragedy ....these are considered FEEDBACK signals...regarding some subtle, hidden, problem element in the experiment. These experiments of Nature use the EARTH government EARTH LAB ..with experimental humans and their subset governments.
The astrophysics DNA time project on EARTH LAB is interesting. An example illustrates this.
The Pentagon and Secretary of Defense Gates have their traditional roles as described in books,etc......and in addition they (and others) participate in astrophysics DNA research; provividing empirical data that helps explain EARTH dimensions of existence and thoughts.
Thus we look at the astrophysics DNA military project on EARTH...regarding space and time life.
--> Virginia TECH English department teaches:
....Twenty - Four hours = 24 hour day OR in algebra words
... Twenty minus four = 24 hour day BUT math contradiction
....Twenty minus four = 16 hour day on April 16 battle
Why the contradiction? And why does Virginia TECH refuse to discuss this issue..regarding the shooting by TIME AGENT Mr.CHO --> C + HO = CLOCK HOUR?
Below, the TIME COMPUTER manual.
Notice, the Darwinian selection of Mr. CHO who was born in year 1984.
Now astrophysics is concerned with universe matters of space/time.
EARTH is a subset of the universe.
EARTH is within a space/time continuum.
Therefore why the 24 hour equation ....questions.
The English class equation for time needs some clarification...but since no one cares about explaining TIME in our daily lives ...we have the TIME WAR at Virginia TECH and the surface veneer explanations offered by newspapers.
Their data about the tragedy is correct (date. place, what happened, etc). Their empircal data report allows more complicated algorithms and analysis to consider deeper messsage LEVELS within the EVENT HORIZON.
Thus we look at the astrophysics DNA time equations....
--> Twenty - four hours = 24 hours
............. 4 DNA nucleotides and the biological clock
There are four nucleotides that make up DNA:
Adenine, Thymine, Guanine and Cytosine.
Now we consider the astrophysics DNA agents in the Washington,DC area.
pen.TAG.on is 1 of 64 DNA codon groups.
pen.TAG.on is the sequence: Thymine, Adenine, Guanine
Secretary of Defense for astrophysics DNA projects is agent GAT (Gates)
Secret of DNA agent GAT: Guanine, Adenine, Thymine
--> Note that the astrophysics DNA has a string theory physics...symmtery property
pen.TAG.on <--- ----> logic GATES
Now lets look at the astrophysics DNA ..EARTH war messages (the EARTH is considered a living cell with the ocean TIDES representing EARTH DNA nucleo.TIDES.
The 4 DNA nucleo.TIDES war ........subset
.................TIDES implies OCEAN
Then let TAG nucleo(tides) --> pen.TAG.on tides
Then let C nucleo(tides) symboliized by the U.S.S. Cole.... OCEAN event
--> USS Cole bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The USS Cole Bombing, or the USS Cole Incident, was a suicide attack against the United States Navy destroyer USS Cole (DDG 67) on October 12, 2000 while .
In the atomic /astrophysics continuum military algebra language...
we have the action known as:
sucide attack -->symbolic of INTELLECTUAL WAR. Subset letters
.....ide a ..........attack authorized by Nature intellect -->
thus the 2-legged humans that do sucide attacks have their brain programmed by television programs, etc carry out in physical format .....symbolic life problems that could probably be resolved intellectually; but hypnotized university professors and intellectually superior governemnts refuse to discuss such an
abstract IDEA.
....sucIDE Attack ....easliy arranged with cell phones and the
secret .....molecular CELL biology command center TRICK cell phone.
University departments, biology companies and governments have the resources to explain the RADIO HEAD music group announcement on biology communications theory. But in the past, mental telepathy, mind reading, etc. ... has been written about. Those information reports are about various human subset species that have those brain electron transmission circuit features.
Some people have that; others do not.
Some people have brown hair (brownian motion bio-physics agents);
some people have red hair (red hair is 3/4 of word read hair).
Sherlock Holmes already knew the secrets of the RED haired man and wrote the message story in carbon black ink words to be READ by my eyes and my non-red hair. Thus after all is said and done; after reading the symbolic brain cells are equivalent to natural born RED headed bio-computer devices.
Then we have the astrophysics DNA nucleotide T = Thy.mine...mine-sweeping operations.
From the astrophysics VIEW........EARTH is a living cellular structure with many parallel-processing features......
with salt water ocean TIDES equivalent to
astrophysics DNA nucleo.TIDES..thus T = thyMINE and..
-->[PDF] AIRFORCES brief to MINE WAR A: File Format:
May 21, 2009 ... MINE. USS STARK. USS LIBERTY. USS LIBERTY. USS HIGBEE. USS COLE ... Mechanical minesweeping system used for sweeping moored mines.
[ FLO-FLO] Ships Jun 15, 2006 ... Heavy lift transport vessels were used to transport minesweeping vessels ... She was particularly attractive for the lift of USS Cole since ...
US–ROY relations after the attacks on the USS Cole and of .... given refuge in North Yemen after the 1982 Israeli sweep into Lebanon, and the South has .... attack was the withdrawal, at least temporarily, of the mine-clearing teams.47 ...
The Asymmetric Blockading of the World's Maritime Choke Points
The hull damage caused by the terrorist attack on the USS Cole. .... The Navy sent a mine sweeper to the area, and although no mines were found,
Thus the asymmetric blockade involves symmetry physics applications ...and supersymmetry.
However such empirical data is selectively ignored by theorists...who are entangled in the puppet string...string theory WAR of atomic humans.
Thus we see the components of the DNA TIME battle along with
with the 12 hour clock symbol of date: October 12.
Then the astrophysics SIGNAL is repeated for the NAVY think tanks ..
the Northern Illinois University, COLE HALL, Ocean class tragedy.
Perhaps, someday....DARPA may consider the COLE SIGNAL .........and universities biased intellectual attack upon the EARTH government and violations of the SOCIAL CONTRACT with Nature's intellect .........descibed by John Locke and other thinkers.
The Pentagon may wish to know ....why they are getting biased and incomplete information from universities and civilian think tanks.
The EARTH Military structure of NATURE, its components and operation - introduction
The SCIENCE WARS require a new VIEW new be properly understood.
As a example..the modern Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ..... is composed of atomic humans that express atomic social anthropology and atomic economics.
Thus the 2-legged human is considered a vehicle..a messenger for the periodic atomic table government and its elements: oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, ferrous oxide,etc.
These elements express their atomic thoughts thru the atomic bio-physics computer known as HUMAN.
Thus we have EARTH LAB with experimental lab specimens (humans) engaged in various social engineering projects .... to provide empircal data to NATURE about the John Locke .... SOCIAL CONTRACT .... successses or failures .....
modern human contact David Petraeus can help answer this.
The periodic atomic table government and Mother Nature are not interested in incomplete explanations put forth by year 2013 society.
Social contract - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hugo Grotius (1625), Thomas Hobbes (1651), Samuel Pufendorf(1673), John Locke (1689), Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1762), andImmanuel Kant (1797) are among the most prominent of 17th- and 18th-century theorists of social contract and natural rights. Each solved the problem of political authority in a different way. Grotius posited that individual human beings had natural rights; Hobbes asserted that humans consent to abdicate their rights in favor of the absolute authority of government (whether monarchial or parliamentary); Pufendorf disputed Hobbes's equation of a state of nature with war.[3]
![]() |
Born | 29 August 1632 Wrington, Somerset,England |
Died | 28 October 1704 (aged 72) Essex, England |
Nationality | English |
Era | 17th-century philosophy (Modern philosophy) |
Region | Western Philosophy |
School | British Empiricism, Social Contract, Natural Law |
Main interests | Metaphysics,epistemology, political philosophy, philosophy of mind, education,economics |
Notable ideas | Tabula rasa, "government with the consent of the governed", state of nature; rights of life,liberty and property |
Signature | ![]() |
Social Contract Theory of John Locke - SelectedWorks - Bepress
CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER
Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134,USA
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