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The M-theory atomic English language equation --> Murder VIA symbolic uranium 238
The Manhattan Project of 1943 had 2 sides to it:
--> The usage of the periodic atomic table and uranium atom to develop physical nuclear bombs; technology used later to build nuclear power plants to generate elctricity.
--> The usag… more »
M-theory physics of the 13th letter of atomic English language --> 13 Murder-theory of the 13 Dead at Fort Hood ...Soldier READ Center
The modern Margaret Mead nuclear family ....atomic social anthropology and its conflicts has sent messages to the world of science; which are conveniently not explained in newspaqer and magazine reports.
Nor do universities offer to help e… more »
Physicist C. P. Snow and " The Two Cultures" lecture/book help explain CP violations, the Hierarchy Problem , and the Margaret Mead nuclear family anthropology war of uranium 235.
Murder symbol equation --> M + ur +der = M-theory uranium 235 dermatology isotoPES(T).
Applications of M-theory physics to the investigation of atomic anthroplogy MURDER schemes
C. P. Snow Born 15 October 1905(1905-10-15) D… more »