The H.G.Wells modern "War of the Worlds" for control of cities. The status review of cities.
« City of Janesville, Wisconsin losses GM factory in the symmetry physics SCIENCE WARS - economic casualtyThe city of Baltimore SOS signal ignored »

Earth war for control of Cities - introduction

Permalink 11/22/13 14:46, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized

Various books have covered this topic.
H.G. Wells wrote  the  "War of the Worlds" .
L. Ron  Hubbard  wrote "Battlefield Earth".




Thus the question is ...what is happening?  

The War of the Worlds - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The War of the Worlds (1898), a science fiction novel by H. G. Wells, is the first-person narrative of an unnamed protagonist's (and his brother's) adventures in ...


This year 1898  SYMBOL MACHINE  miltary manuscipt   laid the groundwork   for  World War 1 and World War 2.
Thus we see how SYMBOL MACHINE literary expresssions  may become  actualized VIA transformation to the REALITY  physical objects and human activities.

Actualize - Merriam-Webster Online

ac·tu·al·ize. verb \ˈak-ch(ə-w)ə-ˌlīz, -sh(ə-w)ə-ˌlīz\. ac·tu·al·izedac·tu·al·iz·ing. Definition of ACTUALIZE. transitive verb. : to make actual : realize. intransitive ...
More results for define actualization

actualised - definition of actualised by the Free Online Dictionary ...

ac·tu·al·ize ( k ch - -l z ). v. ac·tu·al·ized, ac·tu·al·iz·ing, ac·tu·al·iz·es. 1. To realize in action or make real



Battlefield Earth (novel) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000 is a 1982 science fiction novel written
by the Scientology founder

 eLectRON   Hubbard.




Thus we have  the Landau geo-physics .....EARTH  electron battlefield  of   AC  electrons in ACRES of   farm land/soil  ... such as the battle at Cole Hall, DeKalb, Illinois with
electron fields  as described by the  
(physical building)  EVANS FIELD HOUSE  in DeKalb       AND
 the    EVANS   symbol/ data FIELD/  information  HOUSE..



 Below, the field house --> Evans Field House




Herb Zinser's  Science War reports help explain the  concepts suggested by others.  This enables you, the reader to take notes, develop flowcharts, and contribute analysis further extend the war outline.  Some events or details of your personal life . . . may someday be needed to help  explain a piece of this complex puzzle of Battlefield Earth. 

What military secrets are contained in your subliminal mind? 
Why aren't you helping researchers in the SCIENCE WARS?

Welcome to Brave New World!  
You and your community have been captured in the social  psychology wars.
Aldous Huxley, George Orwell, and other authors have warned us.  I finally ... took their books seriously . . .  and managed to figure out their message.  Now, it's your turn to understand their social engineering concerns.

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