Understanding the physics gravity battlefield of the Science Wars
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Gravity anthropology battlefield - introduction

Permalink 12/03/13 22:57, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized

Herb Zinser's  Science War reports

Humans live on planet Earth.  We live within the Earth's gravity field and the Earth's magnetic field;  the  iron atoms and iron proteins within our bodies interact with these fields.  The interaction is both physical and symbolic. Consequently, over centuries of time ...the gravity  and magnetic fields have also become thought fields . . . . . . with a relationship with humans.


For example.


The magnetic thought fields  used  human messenger  vehicles to send the  well-known super-symmetry SIGNAL

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Now,   these gravity and magnetic thought fields have become independent life forms and are taking over the various human governments on EARTH.     That process is slow and very subtle;   but, careful study of  news reports and  books suggests the process exists and continues ......   a new type of Darwinian evolution.


The Social Science War reports provide clues for you to think about.

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Herb Zinser's analysis of modern daily events, crime, and murder. Using high-school basic math and physics concepts, supplemented with basic college textbooks in genetics, molecular cell biology, history....the average curious adult can understand the news printed in a newspaper. Their partial explanations of tragic EVENTS need Nature's GESTALT completion codes.....that only responsible citizens can provide...thru such methods as used by Sherlock Homes and others. Help your local police department.....they have limited resources.


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