EARTH LAB parallel processing region - SCIENCE WARS
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- May 2016 (1)
- December 2013 (4)
- November 2013 (3)
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- List of the Alan Turing SYMBOL MACHINE .... string theory military events and their status
- The 23 chromosome secret Secretary of Transportation, Ray LAB Hood ....became the Base 16 hexadecimal Secretary on Jan 23,2009 to help Nature's trace of chromosome expression social vehicle ERRORS.
- The theory of the Earth Lab atomic / astrophysics anthropology continuum finds empirical data on physics WEB SITE: 70 MeV MacGregor. Atomic English language reviews the double meaning in the book " The Power of Alpha".
- The North Pole and South Pole magnetic data field WAR with the iron hemoglobin proteins of WAR.saw humanoids. Do POLES understand the atomic Polish (or atomic English) language of the ferrous oxide atom?
- Denmark and the modern Tycho Brahe astronomy WAR casualties. Supersymmetry physics and parallel processing describes the Denmark parallax murder process in the parallel DANE county region of Wisconsin.
- The Computer Earth system 370 war at Fort Hood, Texas --> Data Processing ERRORS kill 13 soldiers
- The Virginia TECH physics supersymmetric WAR casualties of April 16 --> Gauge Couplings with the atomic English Lan.Guage permutation
- The Astrophysics ( EARTH LAB) Space/ Time war --> Time flies --> the Time insects war in the EARTH time dimension