Category: Uncategorized
The North Pole magnetic data field war MAPs provide CLUES to the string theory interrelationships that can TIE atomic anthropology signaling events together.
The Theory of Everything physics includes many components of the Earth Lab SCIENCE WARs
--> the Margaret Mead nuclear family ..... atomic social anthropology conflicts
--> the North Pole magnetic field war with human iron Hemoglobi… more »
The Virginia TECH April 16 ...... Type II superstring theory physics battle - events in modern atomic human life
Nature's super-strings LINK many dimensions of EARTH and Society.
Nature's military display of its super-string military forces
The book: String Theory and M-theory by Katrin Becker, Melanie Becker, and John Schwartz helps u… more »
The University of Wisconsin string theory WAR of August 24, 1970 at Sterling Hall physics building: Part 2 --> the electromagnetic coupling constant war SIGNAL
The University of Wisconsin Sterling Hall EVENT has 2 parts. Part 1 involves the Hall effect and Proximity with Senator Proxmire
RD-blog-387 (Part 2) The University of Wisconsin string theory WAR of August 24, 1970 at th… more »
The existence of the Galileo Super-string from year 1632 to April 16, 2007 is confirmed -- > The Science Wars with Galileo the DEFENDER (of Earth)
Nature's super-strings LINK many dimensions of EARTH and Society.
Nature's military display of its super-string military forces
BASE 16 Galileo the DEFENDER (of Planet Earth)
Year 1616 is a milestone in astronomy. The evolution… more »
CALTECH physics theory and Virginia TECH battlefield applications --> Chocolate for String Theory - SCIENCE WARS report
Nature's super-strings LINK many dimensions of EARTH and Society.
Nature's military display of its super-string military forces
As intensive research continues into the modern Margaret Mead nuclear family...atomic social ant… more »
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