The North Pole magnetic data field war MAPs provide CLUES to the string theory interrelationships that can TIE atomic anthropology signaling events together.
After you read the post below, visit SITE MAP-3 for access to several hundred POSTS that help explain the Theory of Everything .... which includes you and your associations.
RD-blog-1513 by Herb Zinser
The Theory of Everything physics includes many components of the Earth Lab SCIENCE WARs
--> the Margaret Mead nuclear family ..... atomic social anthropology conflicts
--> the North Pole magnetic field war with human iron Hemoglobin protein errors
--> The electromagnetic wars caused by Federal Communication Commision violations of various limit/boundary laws of Nature. The ear/mouth people and the FCC have launched an attack upon the eye/optical nerve and symbolic life of nouns/verbs/equations ...thus the Virginia TECH English class shootings,etc.
--> the Computer Earth system 370 war in Bal = city of Basic Assembler Language = Baltimore.
--> etc.
In this blog title.....we consider some events and thier relationships. We will consider them as North/South pole magnetic data field social expressions VIA the human interface (the mechanism being the iron Heme group Fe(ii) ion). Magnetic field life and its thoughts are a given ...this was explained in other blog titles. FermiLAB is an example of how the bio-physics ferrous oxide formats study uranium systems in Batavia, Illinois.
Thus lets consider the VIEW that we have 2 separate dimensions of life / living.
Let the magnetic field be one LIFE format with families and thoughts ,etc
let the 2-legged human be another LIFE format .....
let the 2 different species interact to an extent.
Magnetic field...partial life forms with humans ..
business magnate --> like Andrew Carnegie iron/steel industry
magistrate --> magnetic life influence on social laws
Magnetic ... WORD ..take subset alphabet letters
Mag... ic ---> spells magic ....
What kind of magic? Good/okay or some nasty trick?
Thus lets look at the data. While I will use the magnetic field as an outline to explain the data .....there are several other forces involved. Their details await future research.
In the next years, the magnetic field WAR will become a major factor in LEGAL TRIALS ..such as murder, attempted murder, accidents, and other nasty events .....many of which originate in university lab experiments that contain numerous ERRORS. Those ERRORS that are approved by citizen acceptance and government regulatory agencies. These are social process control systems ...that contain errors ..that have existed for 50 years or more ...... and each American President inherits the errors from prior administrations. Thus the subtle errors perpetuate themselves ..... undetected.
The purpose of the Science War TRIALS will be to fix the problems ...... not to point fingers at any one group NOR to embarass anyone NOR to financially penalize any one group. These are social engineering system problems that involve about 7 billion people around the world.
Events that have occured on the surface of EARTH LAB ...occur in mathematical-physics data space. That allows string theory to TIE together connect the events ...allowing us to see how the social engineering VECTORS can flow a information flowchart ...... that ONE EVENT and it's descriptors ...... may flow forward into the TIME data stream ....... and weeks, month, years later .... may become a factors in a new tragic EVENT.
The purpose of such message processing system of NATURE is to provide or send an important SIGNAL to the few curious humans interested in the BIG PICTURE ...the GESTALT of societal symbolic/conceptual architecture ....and its influence in the evolution of thought and expressions of thought via individuals or institutions.
==> EVENT = The Milwaukee Policeman Byran Norberg was shot by Burton.
Wounded Milwaukee officer leaves hospital; partner remains in Jun 12, 2009 – One of the two Milwaukee police officers shot during a confrontation with a ... Officer Bryan Norberg, 21, left Froedtert Hospital on Thursday night and can ... in the 800 block of S. 2nd St. after they stopped a man on a bicycle.
Man gets 80 years for shooting 2 Milwaukee police officers -Feb 25, 2010 – The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel ,...Burton shot Kunisch, 27, and Norberg, 22, in the 800 block of S. 2nd St., with a ...
Signal extracted from event:
- 800 block of data processing COMPUTER EARTH
- 2nd Street implies even integer Base 2 binary
- Norberg = Nor + berg = North Pole ice berg
...........................................Pol ice
..Milwaukee police ought acknowledge their TRUE NATURE
..lazy universities might try to explain the MISSION
==> EVENT - Mayor Barrett of Milwaukee
Man arrested in attack on Mayor Barrett -
Aug 16, 2009 – It started with an urgent plea for help late Saturday night as he walked to ... 10:45 p.m. Saturday in the 8800 block of W. Orchard St. in West Allis ...
Mayor Barrett Beating
The popular 55-year-old mayor suffered a shattered hand got two of his teeth
Signal extracted from event:
- 8800 block of data processing COMPUTER EARTH
- two teeth implies even integer Base 2 binary
- Saturday night....overnight/dark matter physics
- West ....direction identifier
- mayoR BA --> RBA = Relative Byte Address
==> Jake Gerard murder in Milwaukee .... an
Atlas bio-physics atomic anthropology WAR signal.
Blog Archive - JSOnline
Apr 30, 2008 – Jake Gerard worked two jobs to pay his way through school and had already ... to death early Saturday outside a recording studio in the 2800 block of S. 16th St. ... Police said the party occurred in space rented from Atlas BusSales.
Signal extracted from event:
- 2 800 block of data processing COMPUTER EARTH
- two jobs (base 2 Computer Earth batch processing jobs)
- Saturday morning ....nightime....overnight
- S. 16th --> System base 16 hexadecimal curse
- Atlas Bus .....Earth Atlas data bus
- recording studio --> atomic computer data records
Thus we see the convergence of prior events the above BULLET Hole ...which then causes a maessage to be printed in the newspaper.
What EVENT was this?
CHICAGO provides the information VIA subset letters
C.I.A ..... domestic CIA projects.
1 Dead, 4 Wounded In Thursday Evening Shootings « CBS ChicagoOct 7, 2011 – ... A man (security guard) was shot and killed in the 5500 block of West North Avenue ...
Thus we look at the previous poinnter CLUES that converged to this event.
--> the age 55 mayor and the 5500 block suggest
Thus we have iron/ferrous oxide atom and the North Pole magnetic field BATTLE .....
with FermiLAB and the ferry......VS...
a) North Pole Police agent Norberg shot
b) North Avenue security guard killed
--> base 2 implies IBM and the computer industry
and the North/South Pole magnetic field computer with
the 1972 Earth device UNIT = Tapes (Nixon tapes) which
reveals the UNIT government format -->
United States of North America secret formats
--> Milwaukee region
a) Norberg Implies North
b) Barrett implies West Allis
together giving WEST NORTH avenue .....
a reminder of
televison show: North WEst Terror stoies with Yukon King and Sgt. Preston for the newspaper PRESS and iron TONs of the rolling printing presses with ink.
--> evening (even integer) shooting math shootings
-reminder of Base 2 Milwaukee shooting
-reminder of Bsae 16 Milwaukee shooting
--> BLKSIZE = Block sizes (data processing) OR
block location in a data set.
city (data) blocks of Computer EARTH mentioned
- 800 block of S. 2nd Street (base 2)
- 8800 block of WEST Orchard ??
- 2800 block ..S.16th street (base 16 hex)
- 5500 block WEST NORTH Avenue chicago .....'suggesting some iron atom/magnetic field relationship. North Avenuiw beomces .
--> Chicago CBS --> Computer Base Systems
Nature's alter ego for CBS televison.
Thus we have a few CLUES to the EARTH magnetic map of LIFE ...and how the magnetic field species uses the Darwinian selection process ........of individuals and circumstance ---> when the individual is in a base situation .....and if that favorable situation were modified/altered .... to create an EVENT ...then a significant signal would be produced ...... for the curious that pay attention to the deeper levels of REALITY. These tragic signals are Nature's feedback procesing signals that something is wrong in the social science system ..... starting with the blabber nonsense analysis of CITIZEN politics that OMITS important details of NATURE's systems requirements ....details that are required for a complete, unbiased analysis of world systems.
A good example, is university and newspaper denial of the existence of the SCIENCE WARS.
Hollywood perceptions by such institutions are not needed for serious matters.
CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER
Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA
The Virginia TECH April 16 ...... Type II superstring theory physics battle - events in modern atomic human life
The book: String Theory and M-theory by Katrin Becker, Melanie Becker, and John Schwartz helps us explain modern Margaret Mead nuclear family...atomic social anthropology events. The concepts of atomic social engineering of atomic humans.....are concepts familiar to those who have read the other BLOGS at this site. The books by Lewis Carroll, George Orwell, Aldous Huxley ...indirectly helped explain the long history of social engineering...and the failure to fix the human atomic brain computer program BUGS.
Mathematical-physics theories and their data are available in many books and research papers. They are a milestone in understanding the structure of existence; but Nature continues to advance ....and its intellectual messages continue to provide us with clues ..clues needed to understand the atomic/astrophysics continuum and its evolution.
The Margaret Mead nuclear family......atomic social antropology conflict .... is best explained by example. Using the parallel processing we can view an events of year 2007 events in the context of the string theory SCIENCE WARS.
Thus we look at the TYPE II superstring theory war and its Virginia TECH.
THE STRING THEORY empirical data description.
Virginia Tech massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Virginia Tech massacre was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia, United States. In two separate attacks, approximately two hours apart, the perpetrator, Seung-Hui Cho, killed 32 people and wounded many others before committing suicide.
The key concepts of this EARTH LAB event that may be of interest to theoretical physicists are:
- Virginia Tech
- April 16,2007
- two separate attacks
- killed 32 people
- Mr.Cho
Thus we look at book for clues ... a correlation of data to theory:
--> Page 203 6.2 D-branes in Type II superstring theory
--> Page 204
of a type II superstring theory, which has ten-dimensional Poincare invariance.
--> Page 204
Recall that both of the type II superstring theories, in the ten-dimensional Minkowski vacuum , have N = 2 supersymmetry.
Since each supercharge corresponds to a Majora-Weyl spinor, with 16 real components, there are a total of 32 conserved supercharges.
--> Page 204
However, the maximum number of unbroken supersymmetries that is possible for vacua containing D-branes is 16. There are several ways of seeing this, A simple one is to note that the massless open strings form a vector supermultiplet.....
--> Page 204
Thus, when D-branes are added to type II superstring vacua, not only is translational invariance in the transverse directions broken, but at least 16 of the original 32 supersymmetries must also be broken.
Then we relate the empirical data to the physics nouns and numbers:
- Virginia Tech --> VT implies vector transformations
- April 16,2007 --> the 16 real components
- two separate attacks --> BOTH of the TYPE II superstring theories ...
- killed 32 people --> the 32 original supersymmetries must be broken
- Mr.Cho --> the Darwinian atomic selection of Margaret Mead nuclear anthroplogy WAR...and the CHOSEN ONE with the sum of probability of organic chemistry CH --> symbolic life CH (0 thru 1)
probabilities for the American Organic Chemsitry humanoid warrior MR.CH ...CHO.
The William Feller probability of awareness ...
the odds ...range --> Zero = O thru 1 = ONE
Thus we have the empirical data...a feedback SIGNAL...a tragic SIGNAL that needs to be understood by society the code of silence by Virginia TECH university suggests they are in a comatose/hypnotized state of MIND. Geroge Orwell and others wrote books warning us ...
of the danger of the CARL JUNG collective unconsciousness problems.
Virginia TECH is a collective of students.
The University of Wisconsin string theory WAR of August 24, 1970 at Sterling Hall physics building: Part 2 --> the electromagnetic coupling constant war SIGNAL
The University of Wisconsin Sterling Hall EVENT has 2 parts.
Part 1 involves the Hall effect
and Proximity with Senator Proxmire
RD-blog-387 (Part 2)
The University of Wisconsin string theory WAR of August 24, 1970 at the Sterling Hall physics building: Part 2
Advanced research techniques allow us to understand the components of the Margaret Mead atomic anthropology WAR message in Madison, Wisconsin. As the SCIENCE WAR continues, a more accurate view of history is needed; specifically the events of year 1970
--> Search Results Sterling Hall bombing
The Sterling Hall Bombing that occurred on the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus on August 24, 1970 was committed by four young people as a protest ...
Sterling Hall after the bombing.
Army Mathematics Research Center
Overview - Army Mathematics Research Center - The bombers - Victims
The newspaper reports of the tragedy are an accurate description of the surface veneer of the EVENT (date, time, people involved, methods used, investigation process, etc.)
Using their empirical data base, advanced algorithms, modern theories and knowledge tools.....thought structures and analytical approaches not available in 1970; one can understand the deeper levels of the event. But, first lets establish a mental VIEW point.
We must have the philosophical perspective as expressed around year 1600 by the atomic English language department of William Shakespeare,
..................... "The WORLD is a stage and we are the players".
In modern times,...."The WORLD is an atomic stage and we are the symbolic processing layers"
We will look at the modern stage performances of the tragic PLAY with the Margaret Mead nuclear family - atomic social anthropology performance...with puppet STRING theory..applied physics in Madison, Wisconsin 1970 with atomic bio-physics human actors.
We have puppet STRING Theater....with
--> Sterling Hall ...subset word.. ...thus Sterling Hall has partial LINK to string theory
...the 26 protons of ferrous oxide atom have 26 English alphabet letters.....
thus allowing a communications string to exist between IRON atoms in various formats of expression. Thus we have the Iron language STRING bewteen...
- the iron atom of the periodic atomic table government AND
- iron/concrete structure of the Sterling Hall building AND
- the iron Hemoglobin proteins within atomic humans.
The earth's magnetic field helps this ferrous oxide communications string.
...."The WORLD is a stage and we are the player" ...thus the performance of a tragic play in 1970 with the human actors ...4 bombers and Robert Fassnacht.
....with the 4 people involved in the bombing symbolic of the 4 DNA nucleotides which have an atomic origin...thus we think of atomic DNA nucleotides and then the EARTH LAB....Darwinian selection of 4 humans agents (for atomic DNA).....hence, their atomic brain is easliy modified by the periodic atomic table of NATURE....for Nature's mission.
....the physical fertilzer bomb AND the symbolic word Fertilzer SIGNAL which has been ignored.
Fertilzer language --> Fer = ferrous oxide IRON messages waiting in year 2011
Fertilizer WORD and Event Signal...DATA to Fer --> Fer.miLAB nuclear anhtropology WAR analysts
The bombers used a stolen Ford Econoline van filled with close to 2,000 pounds (910 kg) of ANFO (i.e., ammonium nitrate and fuel oil).
Ammonium nitrate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Symbolism - Merriam-Webster Online
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
Thus lets look at deeper levels of the tragic EVENT.
As mentioned above...we can think of the 4 bombers as 4 DNA nucleotides.. Nature's social engineering messengers in human format. Now...we have....
Ammonium nitrate Formula: (NH4)(NO3) ... the Sterling Hall string theory EVENT providing an empirical information string for theoritsts .....
atomic continuum super-symmetry LINK to NH
The 4 nitrogeous bases used the 4 humans as NATURE's system message delivery agents
Ammonium nitrate Formula: (NH4)(NO3) link to human biochemsitry N H
Nature's message was repeated a few times .....
Ammonium nitrate Formula: (NH4)(NO3)
(NH4) --> Nidal Hasan and Fort Hood shooting
(NO3)---> Norway and the Oslo bombing and the U = Uracil battle at U = Utoya
The University of TEXAS and the University of OSLO deny the theory that Nature's MILITARY system expressions may exist.
Humans are composed of atoms and math equations,etc.
Humans have ideas and social behavorial thoughts.
Therefore, atoms and equations are the source of those thoughts.......and the human is just a vehicle/a substrate/ a carrier for those atoms and their atomic social anthropology expressions.
Now physics has concepts (see page 75 of Facts and Mysteries in Elemenatry Particle Physics by Martin Veltman or an equivalent book) ....the concept --> Electromagnetic, Weak, Strong, Higgs, and Gravitational Interactions. Thus we look at EARTH LAB experimental city of Madison and its atomic social, economic anthropology expressions via EARTH LAB research specimens label: Humanoid.
Page 75 --> The best known one is the electromagnetic coupling constant e. The relevant quantity that always occurs in describing electromagnetic process-->
alpha (em) = (e exponent 2)/ 4 pi --> 1/137
Now since the 4 atomic DNA nucleotides are composed of particles and basic atomic social forces (at that level).....then the above factor.... 4 pi...will play a role in the 4 nucleotide DNA messages...such as the message of the 4 bombers. So what is the atomic level of DNA trying to say to the 4 DNA nucleotides that exist in 4-H Club members of Wisconsin?
Now we have the IBM system 370 ...which at some point had to have an atomic origin....since atoms are the origin of thought. Thus the system 370 copper wire computer mainframe an expanded model of an atomic computer...most likely oxygen atomic computer with data processor Base 16 HEX (based on weight 16). Thus atomic number 137 and the IBM external visible 370 like a mirror/supersymmetry/parallel to some activity inside the oxygen atom INTELLECT unit.....a periodic atomic table UNIT of thought expression.
Face some point in ancient primordial existence......the oxygen atom and nitrogen atom formed as construction alliance...their project was to design and build a LUNG ...hence the 1st LUNG ....according to modern CITIZENS was built by STUPID,idiotic, dumb atoms. These are the personnal insults that modern CITIZENS state with air words....because society fails to explain the proper philosophical atomic origin ....perspective.
The physics number 137.0 is important...with the elctromagnetic coupling constant ...used by atomic em = employee life forms.....human electromagntic structures of Nature.
Thus we see the date of August 24,1970.....
.the year can be written as 1 3 7 0 (with 3 exponent 2 = 9).
Thus we see an atomic information DISPLAY in the Sterling Hall message...
and August perceived as Base 2 exponent 4 --> Base 16 hexadecimal.
This LINKs to EARTH LAB geography MAP of Hexadecimal Highway 16 and Highway 19 at Watertown Wisconsin. Thus we have a geography map (Large expanded Map of the small atomic map) of the physics electron coulomb = 1.6 x 10 exponent -19 (from Dr.Robley D. Evans 1955 book "The Atomic Nucleus").
This is within the University of Wisconsin research corridor of 760 mm HG barome.tric(K) press/pressure...with the atomospheric effects on brain cells in region MM = Mad son to Milwaukeee ...with the Madison Hatter of Lewis Carroll evolution...Alice in Wonderland moved from the symbolic book to EARTH LAB human life FORMAT--> Alice in Data Da= Dairy Land with Landau geo-physics.
This Base 16 interpretation correlates to atomic human labeled: Robert Fa (Fassnacht) who was a Base 16 oxygen atomic processor with name HEX'FA' = 250.
Now page 75 mentions the transition probabilty ...which may involve the atomic STATE of MIND..the atomic thoughts when atoms are within a living HUMAN and then the phase change to atoms within a dead HUMAN. This becomes important ...because we see the informational structure provided by the Base 16 information STRING
HEX'FA" --> Fassnacht alive in the regular universe on Madison, then
HEX'AF" --> AFterlife phase of the Fassnacht atoms in the inverse universe
August being the 8th month suggests the 8 data bits (1 byte) of some TIME Computer .....that was involved in the design of this message processing provide empircal atomic anthropology data to theorist on STRING THEORY and other theories...for their Grand Unified Theory project.
The Solar System 370 processor has 9 planets = 9 data bits.
The 8 major planets = 1 data byte of 8 bits AND
the planet Uranus = 1 parity bit = error checking bit for PLAN PLAN(et) Uranus.
Thus we see Madison, Wisconsin and its various atomic human experiments.
The concept --> Electromagnetic, Weak, Strong, Higgs, and Gravitational Interactions was further tested with atomic financial systems experiment with involved the STRONG interactions.....provided by atomic humanoid Richard STRONG and his mutual funds and the State of Wisconsin atomic attorney general ....with the atomic economic experiment data:
NEW YORK, WISCONSIN SETTLE "MARKET TIMING" ALLEGATIONS WITH STRONG ... Richard Strong Barred from Securities Industry for Lifetime. New York Attorney General Spitzer and Wisconsin Attorney General Peg Lautenschlager today.
Sterling Hall also provided the Gravitational Interactions with Landau physics.
Here atomic humans perform murder/bombings to test the equation:
---> Gravitational Interactions with Landau physics in testing is
---> Grave invitations with EARTH LAB land/soil
Physics books and math books are every interesting...and help explain daily life as reported in the newspapers.
Where have I been all my life?
Am I dense?
Oh the mysteries and tricks of secret language societies ..and thanks to Lewis Carroll, Herbert Spencer, Bertrand Russell, Alfred North Whitehead, George Orwell, Aldous Huxley and many others for their important clues about the secrets of atomic mass communications.
The existence of the Galileo Super-string from year 1632 to April 16, 2007 is confirmed -- > The Science Wars with Galileo the DEFENDER (of Earth)
BASE 16 Galileo the DEFENDER (of Planet Earth)
Year 1616 is a milestone in astronomy. The evolution of space/time life components resulted in Base 16 hexadecimal SPACE and Base 16 hexadecimal TIME.
Year 1616 --> BASE 16 HEX space and BASE 16 HEX time.
The BASE 16 project started in year 1600; the astronomy/ astrophysics galactic computer systems project started in year 1610. In year 1616 the galactic computer system project was titled: GALILEO the DEFENDER in honor of his position as an intellectual military general in the MILKY WAY galactic WAR. The BASE 16 ...400 year astronomy war that began around year 1610 continues to this day in year 2011. To help understand and define the Galileo superstring we first consider some concepts from STRING THEORY.
The book: String Theory and M-theory by Katrin Becker, Melanie Becker, and John Schwartz helps us explain modern Margaret Mead nuclear family...atomic anthropology events.
Mathematical-physics theories and their data are available in many books and research papers. They are a milestone in understanding the structure of existence; but Nature continues to advance ....and its intellectual messages continue to provide us with clues ..clues needed to understand the atomic/astrophysics continuum and its evolution.
The EVOLUTION of the Galileo project into a superstring is easiest explained by example. Using parallel processing we can view an events in the context of the string theory SCIENCE WARS.
Thus we look at book for clues ... that may help us later identify an empirical STRING element.
--> Page 203 6.2 D-branes in Type II superstring theory
--> Page 204
of a type II superstring theory, which has ten-dimensional Poincare invariance.
--> Page 204
Recall that both of the type II superstring theories, in the ten-dimensional Minkowski vacuum , have N= 2 supersymmetry.
Since each supercharge corresponds to a Majora-Weyl spinor, with 16 real components, there are a total of 32 conserved supercharges.
--> Page 204
However, the maximum number of unbroken supersymmetries that is possible for vacua containing D-branes is 16. There are several ways of seeing this, A simple one is to note that the massless open strings form a vector supermultiplet.....
--> Page 204
Thus, when D-branes are added to type II superstring vacua, not only is translational invariance in the transverse directions broken, but at least 16 of the original 32 supersymmetries must also be broken.
Lets identify some KEY WORDS in the above theory ...that are of interest.
Key words:
- Type II superstring theory
- 16 real components
- original 32 supersymmetries
Now lets look at the 2 ends of an empirical STRING element.....and outline some key data.
--> The beginning of the Galileo Superstring ...approximate features OR details...
- Year 1600 ...the start of the Base 16 real components project...thinking of year 1600 we think of William Shakespeare and the atomic English language expressions of his atomic brain...and particularly the phrase:
The World is a stage and we are the players"
- Year 1616 and Galileo the DFENDER (of Earth from the.....???)
- Year 1632 and the Galileo information STRING book:
Two Chief World Systems
--> then lets look at a recent GALILEO superstring SIGNAL EVENT..the other end of the STRING element. The empirical data description:
Virginia Tech massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Virginia Tech massacre was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia, United States. In two separate attacks, approximately two hours apart, the perpetrator, Seung-Hui Cho, killed 32 people and wounded many others before committing suicide.
Then we relate the empirical data of the 2 ENDS of the proposed STRING element ....that has transcended thru about 370 to 400 years of EARTH LAB space/time.
Thus we correlate the data to the physics nouns and numbers:
--> TYPE II superstring theory, 16 real components , 32 supersymmetries
1st we have Galileo ...Roman Numeral II = 2
thus 2 = II Chief World Systems book year 16 32--> signal number
2nd Virginia TECH and a shooting star (astronomy warrior)
..2 separate attacks, April 16, killed 32 people --> 16 32 signal
Thus we a brief outline of the Galileo superstring
....Galileo the DEFENDER (of Earth) and the
....Galileo shooting star and astronomy SCIENCE WARS....
and Virginia TECH errors in their denial of the existence of the Galileo WARS.
CALTECH physics theory and Virginia TECH battlefield applications --> Chocolate for String Theory - SCIENCE WARS report
As intensive research continues into the modern Margaret Mead nuclear family...atomic social anthropology WAR; additional clues become available that help explain the various components of the nuclear anthropology tragedy on April 16, 2007 at Virginia TECH university. With the help of the atomic English language translation of the Virginia TECH shooting news reports ..........
a conflict exists between the Margaret Mead nuclear family ....atomic English language
the English language taught and used by students graduating from EAST COAST universities.
The atomic English language is centered around the 26 protons of ferrous oxide iron with its 26 atomic English alphabet letters. Virginia TECH teaches some out-of-date version to their student's Hemoglobin ironic/irony proteins. Virginia TECH and East coast universities have no interest in serious concepts:
--> the human is composed of atoms in bio-physics format
--> the human brain is composed of atoms
--> therefore atoms are the original source of human thought
Most universities believe in the Hollywood version of existence; and their published reports of societal events ...reflect this inventive Hollywood view....a concern of serious authors like George Orwell and Aldous Huxley.
Nature thru Darwinian atomic selection ..using various parameters and conditions....decided upon the atomic anthropology war messengers and atomic signal recognition agents.
Thus the periodic atomic table government and the atomic English language CHOSEN ONE battle plan with atomic human representatives selected:
--> the CHOSEN ONE atomic humanoid fighter .......Mr.CHO and his atomic computer brain programmed with computer instructions on thought and behavior ...such behavior might be able to send an ATTENTION signal ..... to the Office of Science (the more maximize the ATTENTION potential)
--> the CHOSEN ONE atomic humanoid director ..with connections and influence to a worldwide group of atomic analysts.....thus the Darwinian atomic CHOSEN ONE leader --> FermiLAB Director ...Odd.ONE.
Since the Federal government has no interest in the college campus anthropology war and the student casualties.....the CAUSE --> EFFECT tragic signal is ignored. Thus we have the Standard Model HIERARCHY PROBLEM with many ERRORS caused by simple attitude errors by the Washington,DC intellectual elite......who are so inbred with their own omniscent thoughts...they have hypnotized themselves ....and will not adventure out of the B.F.Skinner BOX..... today the Skinner BOX is a house with a bedroom BOX ....the evolution of social psychology experiments in thought.
Many authors have forewarned us about this.....and several years ago ....I was reminded of their messages..and finally woke up. It happens to the best of us; and its a humble learning experience.
Previous BLOG reports have addressed the Virginia TECH tragedy. Some are:
--> Math and Physics BLOG: Quantum physics ...the quantum flavors ... quantum atomic anthropology WAR
--> Biochemistry BLOG: Monticello and Virginia TECH university WAR Reports with quantum flavors
Thus we look at Grand Unified FIELD Theory ...and a particular kind of DATA FIELD...the DATA records of the battle.FIELD....such as the Virginia TECH shooting. What additional clues may be found that will LINK the various components together of the Virginia TECH atomic expression atomic social engineering feedback signal in a tragic FORMAT.
Such a potential CLUE was in the CALTECH quarterly magazine, Engineering and Science article from year 2003. The article "Like Chocolate for String Theory" by Douglas Smith with several professors mentioned....provides a CLUE. Within the article...
paragraph --> Topology, or rubber-sheet geometry, deals with........
words--> equally unsatisfactory - imagine a chocolate-shelled donut from which a bite has been taken and the donut itself scraped out, so that only the chocolate remains.
words--> The intact chocolate shell is the donut's surface, and the bitten-into shell is the drawing on that surafce of the twisted "Do not" symbol.
words--> drenched in quick-hardening chocolate. After the scraping-out, you'd get a hollow shell
my words....(see Ichabod Crane Cranium story..Legend of Sleepy Hollow brain electron shells)
words--> and recast the STANDARD MODEL as a theory of chocolate shells?
Thus we have a theory and data from physics reseach labs about PARTS of atomic existence...and thus we may look at modern Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology...atomic thoughts VIA human agents with an atomic brain.........
hence the human vehicle/the human messenger is just an atomic application with atomic social engineering thoughts and expressions and signals .....
for the alert, aware, and curious thinker.
Thus the parallel processing / super-symmetry example:
--> Theoretical physics .....chocolate shells
--> Darwinian selection......cho..late shells
--> Applied physics...atomic Mr.Cho + Bullet shells
--> interpretation of Nature..........Bulletin ..message processing
--> Theoretical physics .....chocolate shells
--> Darwinian selection......cho..late shells
--> some atomic project plan .... late...
see atomic political agent: TOM Delay
Nature's atomic signal: ...ATOM Delay .........why???
Keep in mind that MASS communications media such as televsion and publishing are really
atomic MASS communications....... broadcasting atomic social engineering messages to atomic receivers in humanoid FORMAT (the atomic audience). It appears that the original atomic INTELLECTUAL messsage is somehow interecepted and distorted some atomic humans in the social /entertainment industry.....humans who assume that their thoughts don't need Margaret Mead atomic anthropology ....quality control standards.
Thus we see Nature's atomic mass communications....SPECIAL SIGNAL process here with the Douglas Smith article. Above I suggested the communications path:
1)atoms are the origin of social engineering thoughts
2)the thought goes to the molecular cell biology LEVEL
....the original pure atomic message may get it intercepted
......... A) it may get improved upon with better ideas
..........b) it may get distorted and biased
3)from there it goes to the human brain for possible implementation in the world of everyday EVENTS (expressions of atomic and/or biochemsitry thoughts via Nature's experimental human VEHICLE)
Thus the important atomic subliminal MIND message of the SMITH article (an atomic word-smith) with the message for the American Organic Chemsitry societies about brain molecule electron shell SOCIAL CHEMISTRY thoughts.
Word CHOCOLATE --> CHO + CO + LATE --> CHO is organic
chemistry symbol --> CHO = CH + Organic
--> with CH= Carbon Hydrogen building block.....
message that some project is LATE and Nature is very annoyed......hence Nature's usage of puppet string physics theory ...using Mr.CHO as a messenger for a tragic SIGNAL to the intellectuals at American Chemistry and British Royal Chemistry societies.
Thus we have the atomic bio-physics MIND of Douglas Smith and the other professors trying to send 2 interpretive messages with one MAJOR the Virginia TECH English department knowns.... that must --> READ Betweem the lines.
Like Chocolate for String Theory - Engineering & Science
Theory of chocolate shells ...and their EXTERNAL display message format with Mr.CHO bullet(in) shells at Norris Hall Engineering at Virginia TECH.
Thus we have the physics message " Chocolate as String Theory" as intented and the Margaret Mead atomic chemistry message. Thus we have Sigmund Freud at an atomic psychology LEVEL,etc.........with Nature's secret agents at CALTECH and their subtle communications STRING ...a subset of STRING THEORY.
Why is the Federal government and its citizens deliberately interfering with Nature's intellect and the periodic atomic table government atomic social engineering policy and plans..thus the HIERARCHY PROBLEM.
Why do many atomic human agents provide incomplete explanations of Nature's project plans? In theory, the tragedies will continue research labs and universities fail to advise the government on the atomic anthropology laws and limits of NATURE....and the SOCIAL CONTRACT with man... philosophy issues addressed by John Locke (around year 1690) and others.
Thus the message repeated:
--> The Tale of Two Cities
--> The Tale of Two Towers (Sept 11,2001 Manhattan Project bio-physics ERROR signal)
--> The Tale of Twin Cities (Minnesota... I-35W communications Bridge collapse with
Minneapolis and the physical(and symbolic) city of St.Paul Dirac
--> The Tale of Two Tech universities (CALTECH and Virginia TECH....and their applied STRING THEORY connection........empirical EVENT data for theorists).
On a separate note -->
This leads to the concept of a LAND BRIDGE. The astrophysics chemistry(EARTH Lab) SALT BRIDGE was discussed in BLOG articles ....using the salt water of the ATLANTIC OCEAN for the 1st SALT BRIDGE and the SALT WATER of the Pacific Ocean for the 2nd SALT BRIDGE....along with the possible role of Hawking and Thorne in these modern constructions update of NATURE's Hawthorne communication bridge titled: The Celestial Railroad. Much work remains ....but...
Now since these SALT BRIDGES exist, then inverse of salt water (Liquid) would suggest the inverse universe would be a land/soil(solid ground).....
the LAND BRIDGE..the Landau atomic geo-physics geography region such as that connecting CALTECH (West Coast) to (East Coast) Virginia TECH ..and other EAST coast universities.
Various EARTH LAB experimental methods were known to Lewis Carroll (year 1865) ....... and in year 1872 Herbert Spencer book: Principle of Biology.......and the secrets revealed about the internal symbolic government within a human....a message extended by many other authors...who didn't like the secret brain manipulation schemes.
This was well known to many intellectuals 100 years ago.
And now....Nature and the eye/optical nerve with symbolic life ...... also knows and is taking action....see the book by S.I.Hayakawa ..." Language in Thought and Action" in English class 101 at Virginia Tech.
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