The periodic atomic table - nuclear family daily life

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Elementary physics --> Principle quantum number. Elementary school ----> Principal , citizens, and the school board ignore atomic nuclear family messages; hence, the Margaret Mead atomic anthropology shooting lesson.

Permalink 11/24/13 12:47, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized
Quantum Anthroplogy WAR reports The periodic atomic table - nuclear family daily life   RD-blog-366 The periodic atomic table government and its elements have many formats of expression. One such FORMAT are atomic bio-physics humanoids with… more »

Quantum Hall Effects demonstrated at the Cole Hall quantum shooting battle in DeKalb, Illi.nois(e)

Permalink 11/24/13 12:37, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized
RD-blog-360 Books on quantum theory indirectly help explain the modern Margaret Mead nuclear family composed of atomic humanoids and their atomic brain thougths and expressions. The book by Zyun F. Ezawa "Quantum HALL Effects...Field Theoretical Appro… more »

The evolution of the quantum spin message processing SIGNALS. The EARTH LAB Botany atomic quantum geography address of vegetable spinach.

Permalink 11/24/13 12:30, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized
RD-blog-372 We live on EARTH LAB ....and are guests of MOTHER NATURE; nature provides us with food,water, and air. In return, MOTHER NATURE would like our cortex computer to understand the philosophical context which we live within. To understand this… more »

The supersymmetry physics WAR over atomic mass communications ERRORS --> The Margaret Mead atomic nuclear anthropology war in WACO, Texas.

Permalink 11/24/13 11:41, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized
The periodic atomic table - nuclear family daily social and educational life. Nature's advanced LESSON in respect for the Social Contract with Nature's systems.     Rd-blog-1800 Mass communications is composed of television, radio, movies, newspaper… more »

The Virginia TECH April 16 supersymmetry mathematical-physics war --> Dimensional reduction of the university student body with shell-degrees

Permalink 11/24/13 11:34, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized
Quantum Anthropology - the K, L, M atomic social science WAR reports The periodic atomic table - nuclear family daily social and educational life. Nature's advanced LESSON in respect for the Social Contract     RD-blog-423 The book Supersymmetry:… more »

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