The periodic atomic table....Margaret Mead atomic nuclear anthropology ...... atomic social POLICY WARS
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- Quantum physics and astrophysics help explain Base 2 even integer space. The theory of the quantum information dimension of electron orbitals.
- The Physics Standard Model and the EARTH LAB atomic anthropology WAR messages - Status Report of December 2012
- Supersymmetry orbital veneer Experiment in Chicago confirms the Standard Model Problem and Hierarchy Problem
- Atomic English language questions completeness of the STANDARD MODEL physics explanation of the STANDARD OIL Building error event.
- The Standard Model atomic computer of the uranium atom LINK to the CALTECH astrophysics processor VIA SYMBOL MACHINES and COMPUTER EARTH systems architecture
Herb Zinser's atomic English language interpretation of the news. Atomic mass messages are intercepted and distorted by the mass communications media of television and newspapers. New techniques and single threading task control allow the original atomic message from the periodic table government to be accurately reported without SCIENCE WAR news analyst MR.Z.