Category: Uncategorized
Quantum physics and astrophysics help explain Base 2 even integer space. The theory of the quantum information dimension of electron orbitals.
The electron information orbitals 2, 4, 6 and the even integer WAR
The electron continuum of ODD integer and EVEN integer orbitals
Grand Unified Theory (GUT) includes the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ..... that is atomic… more »
The Physics Standard Model and the EARTH LAB atomic anthropology WAR messages - Status Report of December 2012
Standard Model Physics - Intellectual War - Cause and effect
Elementary Particle Physics Battle report - ASIA and California
Hypothesis about TRISTAN, JAPAN, Asia The TRISTAN physics experiment has a very large number of detectors in… more »
Supersymmetry orbital veneer Experiment in Chicago confirms the Standard Model Problem and Hierarchy Problem
The book Supersymmetry: Theory, Experiment, and Cosmology by Pierre Binetruy has as chapter 1 the title: The problems of the Standard Model. The Standard Model is an intellectual achievement.....and is a milestone in understanding the struc… more »
Atomic English language questions completeness of the STANDARD MODEL physics explanation of the STANDARD OIL Building error event.
The STANDARD Model of physics, while a brilliant achievement.....only explains parts of REALITY of EARTH LAB. Using various techniques and symbolic tools and the astrophysics EVENT HORIZON, one can study error events as atomic feedback syst… more »